The Microsoft Lumia 430 has "low-end" written all over it. The smartphone packs a 4-inch display with 480 by 800 pixels of resolution, a dual-core Snapdragon 200 SoC running at up to 1.2GHz, 1GB of RAM, and 8GB of expandable storage. The main, fixed-focus camera has just 2MP of resolution, while the front-facing cam shoots 640 by 480-pixel images. The dual SIM functionality is welcome as it enables one to use two carriers' services on one device. All in all, a modest hardware configuration, but actually decent given the phone's price point. Windows Phone is known for running well even on low-end devices, and the 1GB of RAM should suffice for all the apps available on the Windows Phone Marketplace.Speaking of software, the Microsoft Lumia 430 ships with Windows Phone 8.1 along with the Denim update.
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According to figures recently released by comScore, Windows Phone lost 21% of its market share in the U.S. between January and April. But thereis one country where Lumia sales are red hot. In this same country, Windows Phone is actually the second mo...