LG enV3 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

LG ENV3 always powering down/shutting off

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I've owned this phone for 3 weeks and it has started the same shut down issue that I've been reading about. I took it to Verizon and they said it was old software and did the update. Then 2 days later it started again. The phone was really nice. But no it it is really becoming a pain. I find it off sometimes 4 times a day.  There isn't a mark on it it's never been dropped or left in the sun. I think this design is just faulty.  If it didn't have the power problem this would be the nicest phone I've owned>

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I got the nv3 10 days ago. I got it as an upgrade for my last lg phone. The phone has all the features I want, but it keeps giving me a big problem! I like to set my friends/family in my contact list with a separate ringtone. I had my last phone set like this and loved being able to know who was calling without having to check the phone to see who was calling me. When I set the nv3 up to do this, it worked for a few hours and then went back to the defaut ringtone. I reset it, and later that day it went to the default ringtone again. I took it back to verizon and they gave me a new phone in it's place. I set this phone up and it did the exact same thing as my first phone. I went by the verizon store again, they did a software update and the phone seemed to work great. 12 hrs later, the phone has went back to the defalt ring once more! I called verizon, they said if I would like to try the same phone again, I could. But she also said that if the next one gave me anymore problems that they would suggest that I go with a totally different phone (not another nv3.) They said they haven't had anyone else to have this same problem, so I hope maybe I'm the only one who lost out on this phone.

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I love this phone, but have had issues with it shutting itself off up to 5 times a day. I'm currently on my third one, I had this issue with the enV2 also. It's not a huge deal just a pain in the butt when you realize your phone has been off and someone was supposed to have called or you had a calendar event you missed.

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good phone but bad voice recognition

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 i like most of the phone features.   the camera takes good pix but the lens is in an awkward position.   the only thing that i REALLY DONT LIKE IS THE VOICE RECOGNITION SYSTEM.   i have taught this phone my voice commands at least a half dozen times and it still doesnt understand my commands when i am driving.   (i have a very quiet car,   and i have even tried changing to a fancy Plantronics noise cancelling headset........and its still not much better.)   it seems to work best with an old cheap wired headset.this is very disappointing because its one of those features that i DEPEND on.   my old phones had better voice recognition than this new one.

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I hate this fone

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I got this phone for my upgrade, I realized that this phone sucks! If your texting and someone calls it answers it immediatly. Not even giving you the chance to see if you want to talk to the caller. And the camera is the worst!!!! Its so blurry! If i want to take a good pic, i turn on my old Env1 and transfer the pics i took onto my micro sd card to out them on my other fone.

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I just got this phone today and I like it.  The only thing is that the camera is in a horrible spot.  When you want to take a picture while it's open, you have to move your hands into an uncomfortable spot to avoid getting your fingers in the photo.
Other than that, I like it.  I don't have texting yet, but I hope to eventually!

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very nice phone

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I've had this phone for about 2 or 3 weeks now. I like the design a lot, and the fact that it's a lot lighter, slips into my pocket or fits into my hand easily. The buttons on the outside click louder than the env2, and the battery life isn't as good. It lasts, but I do find myself in danger of a dying battery now, when the env2 never gave me that worry. If you text a lot, I'd recommend getting the extended battery just in case. Sometimes when you're texting quickly on the front, a button won't respond to you at first, but be patient, it doesn't happen too often. And T9word doesn't learn from your texting. Words it doesn't know, you have to type the hard way. (Why this is, I have no idea.)
The new features are really nice. The mobile web is easy to use, more real-looking. I love being able to view my sent messages and other features from the front screen! And it's nice having a contacts button instead of a music button on the front, I was always afraid of accidentally sitting on the music button and having it play out in a quiet place. The space bar position is easy to get used to. The pictures are brighter on the phone than they are in reality, but you can adjust that by editing the picture. Quick Reply to messages is great, very fast. I've only had it shut off twice, and it's quick to turn back on. Not too annoying, unless your temper is oddly short. I've already dropped it twice, pretty hard by accident, and nothing's gone wrong! i really like it!

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This phone is great overall:)

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I love this phone. It has great texting and features. It has a wider screen and it is very sleek.(i have slate blue!_it is very cute)  the qwerty keys are a little close bu you get used to that easily. i have had this phone for about a month now and i dont really have problems with it. some people say it randomly shuts down but that has never once happened to me. although, some things that i didnt like was this awkward speaker phone when you open the flap, and a weak vibration-sometimes i dont even know if i have a text or call. Although, i love the messaging features like the threaded messaging and the just text to reply:) im in love with this phone!

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Six Weeks: So far, so Good!

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First of all, I should say I upgraded to this phone for texting and calls. So I know nothing about it's internet capabilities, mobile TV or any of that stuff. So far, the phone has performed impecably; I don't think it's dropped a call yet. It's even works well in my house, which contrary to Verizon's commercials, is kinda a dead zone. The battery life has been superb so far. I haven't had any problem with it mysteriously shutting off, as others have reported (though I've had that problem intermittently with my last two LG phones.) The digital camera features impressed me. Yes, the Slate Blue is a bit subdued and conservative, but there's bright, shiny colorful snap on cases on the market already! So far, I'm quite happy with my purchase.

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I got this phone about a month ago. Everything seems to be working fine except for the fact that the phone randomly turns off for no reason and re-starts itself. It gets annoying when I am in the middle of a text or in the middle of taking a pic and it does that.
Other than that its a great phone!

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enV3 - better than I expected..

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I went from an enV2 to a Dare to a Blackberry Pearl and now the enV3. Honestly, the phone is better than I thought! This is a MAJOR improvement from the enV2. I hated that phone - too many problems with it. I've had this one for a few hours and my first impressions are good. Gotta test the battery life but I've been texting non stop since I got it and the battery hasn't gone down at all :) ... I got the maroon one; a little more girly. I like that you can set your 'favorites' on the contacts menu & that the text messages are threaded. Haven't tested out the camera too much.. but 3.0 megapixels is nice. I think I'll enoy this phone. Definetly don't rule it out when you're picking out your new phone!

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Got this phone last week, battery life has been super so far.  Was torn between the Env touch and the Env3.  The volume of the ringer and low vibrate killed the deal with the Touch.  Volume of the ringer on the Env3 is good to great, vibrate  is only so-so.  Texting is fast and easy.  The camera is good but the placement of the camera is a bit off.  If you take pictures with the phone open, you have to watch how you hold it or you will cover up the lens. Takes some getting used to.  The camera also takes great videos, used it to record the fireworks show on the 4th and it came out great.
Call sound levels are good, have not had any drops or break ups yet.

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okay, i guess.

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when i first got this phone about a month ago, it worked great and had zero problems. after about a week, this all changed. my okay button would randomly not work, and it would only allow me to press "ok", not to scroll. also, the "press ok to unlock keypad" banner would not go away. since this annoyed me, i went to get a new phone under my 30 day return period. i am not on my second env3, and the exact same problem is happening. this phone would be great if this stopped happening. i really like the design, and the keypad is cool, but i find it lags when texting. this phone could be better, but for now it's just okay.

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LG and Verizon are the Perfect Combo!

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I am going to be be getting my first phone next week. I have done alot of research between the LG enV Touch and the LG enV 3. The enV 3 seems like a perfect phone for anyone who needs a messaging phone but does not want a touch screen. I find this phone one of the best phones LG has ever made. LG and Verizon is the perfect combo.

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Love it!

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I just upgraded to the EnV3 from the EnV2. The 3 is soo much nicer. You get all the functions you had on the 2, as well as a few more. Internet browsing is alot easier, plus the mobile IM actually works... like really well.
The only thing i dont like about this phone is that it feels so much lighter then the 2. I constantly feel like i'm going to break it. But i'm sure that will pass in time.

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Cool phone

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this phone is cool. man im glad i upgrade to this phone from my suckkyy ass juke. i was gonna pick the enV touch, but when i seen it in person it was too big,heavy, and bulky fer me. the enV 3 is perfect. its light, small, and pocketable. but the only issue i have is that it randomly restarted on me 2 times, but it not not happening anymore(knock on woood)

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LOVED it at first, but having some problems ...

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At first the LG enV3 was AMAZING, but recently I've been having some weird issues with it.
1) When I go to do something - for example like when i go to edit a picture, the screen sometimes goes black & like it takes a little while to turn back on again. and once its on it goes back to the home screen. & if i go to edit the picture again, it does the same thingg.
2) When i'm looking back at my messages to see what i said to a specific person & suddenly i recieve a texxt, i cant view the rest of the messages that i was trying to read from that specific person.
3) The phone also automatically erased only some of my texts that i sent out to people, so when i look backk to see if i replied to their laast message, i remain clueless because all of the texts i already sent are gone.
4) The phone itself is sometimes REEAAALLY slow even if i'm doing something simple likee trying to go to the home screen or trying to go to the games option to play one of my games. 
Otherwise i really love the phonee, i'm just upset sincee i've only had the phone for less thaan a month and i'm already having a bunch of problems.

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ENV3 much better than the ENV2

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I went through 8 ENV2's in 12 months. The ok buttons stopped working, charger ports fell out, they randomly shut off, etc. Verizon recently upgraded me to the ENV3 and i love it. The spacew bar took some getting used to but it has amazing featured such as when you text you can veiw the original message in your inbox while replying on the same screen. it also has left and right arrows on the front and a better camera.

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Alright... i had this phone for a week but decided to change it to LG EnvTouch thinking that it might be better (i'm still waiting).  Anyway, compare to the LG Evy2, i still love the Env2 for the simple fact that it has better connection, better and longer battery life, and keyboard qwerty is easier bcoz the space bar isnt in the middle of b and v.  Also, i can get better connection w/ the env2 than i do w/ the env3.  i was rather dissappointed.  If it's not because env2 will be soon out of its age, i will buy upgrade to another env2.  So, now i'm crossing my fingers on EnvTouch but the battery life on that phone is even more sucks!  Anyway, i hope i can find the right phone for me. 
Any suggestions, folks?

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Very Nice

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This phone is definitely an upgrade from a 3-year old Moto Krazr.  There are many ways to personalize this phone, and there is an easy set-up feature that is very user friendly and allows you to personalize the phone all at one go.  The camera has more features than my digital camera and also has video.  The zoom does not work on mine, but is just a manufacturing error which can be easily fixed, and should not discourage anyone from purchasing the phone.  The keyboard is great and the spacebar is placed in between B and V, rather than off to the side, which makes typing more similar to a computer.  The battery life is nice, but obviously this perspective is relative depending on which phone the user previously had.  Also, the enV3 is less bulky than the enV touch and the voyager.  The voice quality during calls is quite nice.  The buttons on the front are very soft which makes texting during class very easy : ) Overall, the phone is very user friendly, sleek, and easily personalized.  

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This phone sounds and looks amazing!!!!

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i have had only 1 phone and it the fucking jitterbug.u know the 1 seen in bestbuy and seen on tv(u and order from tv. it fat and im lucky if it fits into my jeans pockets) but, u know wat sucks even mor my mom and dad said im not getting a new phone until i graduate middle school in 8th grade which will be next year.but, so far i am either going 2 pick the samsung gravity gray/lime or the env3. it sounds like it is going 2 be the env3.it sounds amazing!!!!

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Good Solid Phone

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I have had this phone for a few days now, seens to be a really good phone. The Qwerty Keyboard is great for texting and very easy to adapt to. It takes awesome pics. I like the way you can put the digital clock in different sizes on the front and view your text messages without opening the phone. The battery life appears to be excellent as well...I played with this phone all day yesterday, sent several pics messages, took at least 25 pics with the flash and still have 3 bars this moring. It is very loud, don't have any trouble hearing callers voices and ringtones are loud also. Reception is good with no dropped calls so far. The only drawback I have found is the Voice Command feature. I have trained it, adjusted it and I still have problems with it recognizing names...seems to be an LG flaw because every LG I have owned have had this problem, while the Samsung phones I've had do not. You'd think LG would have perfected this feature by now! Over all this is a good solid phone, would recommend it to anyone, expecially those who like to text and take pics.

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very nice

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coming from the old chocolate, this phone is very nice! would have liked the ability to customize external shortcuts. since i use them almost all the time.

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Not too crazy about many things on this phone

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Although I do love the new software that this one has compared to the env 1 & 2 I am not impressed by many things.  I cannot leave the front view for the camera on permanently or if I want to use another option on that list.  The pictures in my "My Pics" section have more saturation, brightness and clarity than what it looks like in my outbox.  Also when I am txting in T9word and type in someones name or something the T9word doesn't know it does not save it for next time.  My biggest issue is the camera problems.  Does anyone know how to fix these things?
P.S. for the ppl having problems with their message they are typing going to drafts when they get a new message... go to your message settings and select txt auto view off... this solved my problem.

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Bluetooth and reception spotty

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Upgraded last week to Env 3 from the original Env.  I have noticed that my signal is not as strong on this phone as it was on the first env.  I have updated my roaming so anyone have any other suggestions, please post.
Also, my car handsfree kit used to immediately and automatically grab the first env as soon as I started the car.  This one, I have to originate the connecvtion from the phone and sometimes 2-3 times before it will connect.  Once connected, it stays that way and doesn't drop the connection.
Love the new design and features.  Hope the above can be resolved.

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