LG enV3 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Lg enV3 is a failure

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I purchased my enV3 in December 09. Within less than two weeks the phone would automatically shut down and power up.  I missed many incoming phone calls as a result. I returned the phone to Verizon within 30 days and in January 2010 was given a used enV3 as a replacement. This replacement enV3 phone began to automatically shut down and many incoming calls were never received.In addition it would not allow me to send pictures with my text messeges.  In June 2010 verizon replaced the second replacement phone with another used enV3. This enV3 lasted less than one month before in would no longer power up after being fully recharged. I was not a battery issue. Now July of 2010 Veriazon wants me to accept another used enV3 phone as a replacement. If I accept this will be my 4th enV3 phone in seven months. In order to solve verizon's and LG's enV3 total failure, Verizon invites me to upgrade to a new phone and incur the financial obligation of a new 2 year cell phone agreement. Nice how Verizon places the burden of their enV3 failure upon the customer. If you are considering purchasing an enV3, DONT!!!!!  The enV3 is a cell phone FAILURE. Verizon keeps selling it and blaming LG for the software problems.  I suspect contacting the BBB and maybe a class action lawsuit may prevent other potential customers from getting burned by Verizon.

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Mine phone loves to turn itself off when it feels like it! It pisses me off to no end especially if im waiting for a call or a text to come in little to behold my phone turned off... :/  When i start my camera it turns off half the time or restarts itself which is also very freaking annoying.  I wouldnt say its the best camera because it isnt, even now my pictures screw up half the time which i dont see how i could possibly do that

The battery life sucks horribly.. my last phone from verizon which is one of the basic phones you get when you first sign up had a battery life of at least 4 days even calling and texting none stop... This phone i have to charge it every night because by the time im done with it it will have one battery bar left... Also on the other phone when it was "dead" the phone could still stay on for hours on end before it offically died... This phone dies with in the hour which I believe would suck if i had to call 911...

The speakers arent the best but thats only because i dont like loud noises... When it comes to recording sounds it sucks.

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This was my first phone and i love it. Others have sed that it has many problems, yet, i have had none whatsoever. I definetely recommend this phone for people that want to just text and call. The phone has to be fairly close to a cell tower. I was at my father's when he had 2 bars, while i only had 1 3g bar >:(. Anyways, also dont leave the phone in ur back pocket. I was reading the other reviews and those people probably did that. Also this phone can have your email on it so you can check your email on the go. The phone also comes with aiirplane mode. You can customize your background with one of your pictures too. The phone comes with a web browser. READ THIS PART: THE MOBILE WEB BROWSER WILL EASILY TAKE UP MB IN YOUR PLAN IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE DATA PLAN!!

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I've read a lot of the reviews on this site for env3. i had an ev2 but upgraded to the 3. My env3 shut its self off alot like other people say. But heres the major part to my phone. I can deal with it cutting itself off but i got fed up when it started texting ppl by itslef. verizon called me one day to see why my texting rate jumped up to over 8000 texts in one week. i only text people in verizon(everyone i know is verizon) so this bill for over 8000 txts was ridiculous so i argued with them and they took the charges off, well less than 3wks later i had a 532$ bill for talking long distance to canada now that is ridiculous so i called verizon and they said apperently my phone has a glitch and apperently i am not alone because the person i talked to says she has handled atleast 20 of these cases this month alone. so if you get this phone be warry if you start getting an outrageous bill!!!!!!!!!!!!

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this phone sucks!

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okay , well heres the story .. i got this phone last christmas and everytime i tryed to charge it it would say that it was a wrwong charger . it shuts off all the time , gets scratched constantly .. and now i have an even bigger problem .. I DONT RECIEVE TEXTS . i've only had this phone for 7 months and its the worst phone ever . i restarted it and that fixed some of the problems but then the problems would pop up again 3 hours later . now even if i restart my whole phone , erasing precious pictures , ringtones , and videos , nothing happens ! its such a peice of crap ! NEVER GET THIS PHONE . i have no idea why verizon would keep selling this . & also it charges me for 411 calls when i done even make 411 calls at all !

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horribleee !!!!

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i got a new env3 for christmas, and in about may it wouldnt charge, and it would say "this cable is not recommended for this phone." it would say that every single time i tried to charge it! and then in about june it started not charging at all! so i took it in to Verizon and got a new phone, and about 2 days later, this new phone i have is working but when i flip the screen up the screen is completely black, but it still lets me text and call from the outer screen. but this is a phone for someone who texts a lot and its a waste of money if you cant use the phone right! i do not recommend this phone at all! its a horrible and useless phone, the camera is horrible, the buttons are slow, and it scratches really easy!

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Awesome phone!

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my brother and my best friend have this phone and it's great! i actually wanted it but i got the Verizon Razzle instead of this one and that was a mistake! my brother is 16 and its a great phone for him because he drops it sometimes. it has a big key pad, unlike other phones, so its good for men with big fingers, women too. the camera and video are great. i highly recommend getting this phone!

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horrible phone

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OMG!! i got this phone last summer after i traded in my motorola rival. i absolutly hate it! it scratches so easily and shuts down constantly. i 'll have my phone in my bag and go to check what the time is or if i have a text. i"ll look down at the phone and itll be shut off. i hate it. if you have an upgrade, dont get this crappy phone.

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Horrible Phone

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I've had this phone for a year.  On the surface it seems to be a good phone with a clear screen and great keyboard.  But it's constantly rebooting and shuts down with no indication of it.  I'll have it in my pocket and go to check the time just to find out that it powered down.  Who knows how many phone calls I've missed.  The Camera is OK if you aren't moving and you're taking a picture of something not moving.  But if there is any movement involved on either end it translates to instant blur.  The internet isn't very functional either.  It's a pain to move around websites and some of the more advanced sites fail to display.

I'm very disappointed with this phone and surprised Verizon would continue to sell it knowing there are so many problems.

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I wouldn't get this phone now.

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Don't get this phone. I only got it because my other phone sucked and they gave me a choice of this or some other bad phone. Verizon really needs to step it up. If you're getting a new phone now get the Reality or a Blackberry because now you gotta pay for internet for pretty much ALL phones, not just smartphones. Way to go Verizon Wireless! This phone really is not a good phone. The keyboard is so so so so so slow. Please, don't get this phone if you have an upgrade now or soon and are considering getting it. It also used to shut off ALL the time by itself. Then, I got a new one. And now it still is doing that, especially when I put my phone on the table or something. The screen either turns white or black. It's like it can't deal with being put down on a hard surface...but shouldn't phones be able to do that? All I know is that with this phone you will NOT get happiness like you would with some other phones.

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Great Phone!

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   As You've Noticed, People Were Dicussing about how the phone shuts off...Well Mostly ALL Verizon Phones Do That.I Just Switched From A Motorola Rivial to this phone and let me tell you...this phone is better. it has a great keyboard,  a decent camera, and long battery life.I Would Recomend this phone to anyone

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Great phone!!

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If you have this phone and you don't like how it speaks when you touch the clear key, you can change that. Go to settings and tools. Go to phone settings. Then voice commands. Go to 5 which is the CLR Key Activation. Problem solved :)I really enjoy this phone. It is easy to understand and the keyboard makes it simple and quick to text. If you text a lot the battery life will last about 2 to 3 days. If you text occasionally it could probably last up to 4 or 5 days. It is simple but it has some great feautures. The exterior screen could be bigger but it's not a problem for me. The interior screen is a great size. It is nice looking and pretty durable. I have had it for a year and it still works..even though it has a few minor problems. If you are looking for your first phone this is a great choice.

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It's a keeper.

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This was my first phone. I really like this phone because it has a qwerty keyboard which is fun and easy to text on. It has good camera quality. I like how you can have the option to view your messages in contact (conversation) mode. This is my eleventh month having it. When I have a call or if I call somebody the sound does not work, so I can only talk to people when I have it on speakerphone. I think this is because I have dropped it too much. But overall it is pretty durable and is a fun phone.

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Love it!!

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I love this phone so very much!! It's very simple and easy to use. The camera takes good pictures and it has good sound. Texting is super easy with the QWERTY keyboard. I have had this phone for 3 months now and have no complaints except for the fact that it scratches very easily when you drop it or when it bumps something. Last night my phone slipped out of my hand and fell on the floor (as it has done a couple times before) it was shut and when I picked it up the front screen was white and not changing and the inside screen was black. It wouldn't do anything so I took out the battery pack and then turned it on again, the front screen worked fine but the inside screen had three large cracks in it and now it no longer works. If it had been a big, hard fall I would understand how this could happen, but it only fell about a foot and a half. So we called the verison company to see what could be done about this, they looked up to see if we had insurance on the phone and we didn't and my contract doesn't end for another 2 years and to buy a new phone it will cost me $281.00 if I want to get the ENV3 again. I love this phone so much and I would recommed you buy it, but when you do buy it you should also buy a warrantee and cover of some sort because it will scratch very easily! But this is a very good phone.

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this is one of the worst phones i have ever had!!!! It turns off and on all by itself and i had to get a replacement the very next day!! and the new one still does it!!  ugh! i would never recommend this to anyone!! WARNING WARNING WARNING - STAY AWAY FROM THIS PHONE, STAY AWAY FROM THIS PHONE!!

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i hate it.

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i absolutley hate this phone! i got it last summer , and it makes me want to snap it in half and throw it down some stairs ! serioulsy one of my friends did that after it randomly tuirned off. that has been happening 20 times in one day for me. this is not a good phone for anyone . not a long term phone ! i do not recommend this phone for anyone. tons of people have it. i will never own an env EVER EVER again!!!!!

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Great Phone

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This is my third phone. I had the Razr and this Samsung phone. It's weird how all these other people say it has a "shuting off isue". It had never shut off with out me telling it 2. i love the flash tho it only works for close pictures. i have only dropped it once and its okay still. music player is great but it only works on mp3s so no itunes. its a big step up from the razr i would reccomond it over some friends env touches. one bad thing is the clr button squeaks and it does when you open it too but thats not a big deal. and beware when buying covers for this phone BUY THE NAME BRAND ONES! because i bought some cheep buy 1 get 1 free brand and and when i took the cover off it took off the entire outer metal plating it snapped right back on though

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Don't buy the LG enV3

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This is the worst phone I've ever had. I previously had the original Alias by Samsung, and I loved it. I only decided to switch to this phone because the sales associate who was helping me said it was the closest and most comparable phone that had a front keypad. Therefore, I could text more discreetly when necessary, rather than having to open up the phone. I've had problems with the phone since day 1. I've exchanged it twice, and I've had to get new downloads and whatnot from the Verizon store several times. The phone will randomly either freeze or the screen will turn white, so I must take out the battery and wait to turn it back on. Other times, the phone shuts off randomly -- mid-text, mid-call, whenever -- which makes everything inconvenient. If a phone turns off like that, it defeats the purpose of having a cell phone. Also, I've had issues with the T9. Not only can you not add words to the T9, but sometimes if I need to go back and change a word, it either disappears or changes to the last word I just typed. I take very good care of my phones, and this phone is still in pristine condition. It has not been dropped or anything of the sort. Despite all of these problems, the layout and ease of use are quite commendable. I would recommend this phone if there were not an overwhelming amount technical difficulties associated with it. I should have gotten the new Alias 2, and I've been regretting my terrible decision for about 6 months now.

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env3 friend or foe

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i am 12 years old and this is my worst fone. first i got a glyde and it was cool hen it got wet so i got my env3 and i hate it. when i txt somone the screen turns white and i have to take the battery out then it never turned on again!!!!!!!! then i got a new one and it did the same thing so i got another and it turns off when i look at my pix or if i click the camera butten. also when it is in your poket it will call and txt ppl!! this fone does look really cool but looks shouldnt judge a good fone but what do i n im only 12. it has many cool features but i cant get to the features without it freezing

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Decent Phone

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I just got this phone two days ago and theres a couple things people should look at when there getting this phone. First, this phone has the best calling quality out of any phone i have had. Also, the texting functionality is AWESOME. Good camera and feels sturdy.

But i hate the lag on this phone. i have had more problems with lag and the phone shutting off more than anything else. I have a feeling that i'm getting a new EnV3 this weekend.

Overall, its not that bad of a phone, just has some software problems that can be fixed.

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Shutting off issue..

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I have had my enV3 since July 2009.  It's the most "advanced" mobile phone I have ever owned.  It took some getting used to, but I really do like the phone and all of it's features.I wanted to address the shutting off issue others have mentioned.  I started to have that same problem myself a few months after getting the phone.  I would open it up and it would reboot, I would look through "my pics" and it would reboot, try to take or view a video, reboot.  I thought I had a defective phone or something.  I know it has the battery protection option and I wasn't sure if that might be causing an issue, but it got to where it did it A LOT and too much for that to be the reason.I stopped by a Verizon store one night and talked to the salesman.  He tried all this different stuff and nothing seemed to be working.  Then I told him how everytime I opened text messages, it would tell me my Inbox was 85% or more full.  He started looking and I had so many pictures, videos and texts, the memory of the phone was nearly full.  I'd planned on putting in a MicroSD, but just hadn't done it yet.  He told me to get all that stuff off the phone memory and put it on a card.  He said the phone memory isn't made to store that much media and what was happening was that the memory was maxed out by all the media stuff.  So he said to put all pictuers, videos, music, etc. on a card and keep the texts cleaned up a bit more.I came home that night and moved all the videos to the card.  Then I put my pics (all but the ones tied to contacts and screens) on the card also.  I always keep the # of texts cleaned up too and I HAVE NOT HAD ONE REBOOT SINCE!  I wasn't too happy with that at first because I thought, dang I paid all this and it can't support a few pictures.  Well, I had way more than a few and as my husband pointed out, "Dear, it isn't a computer, it isn't meant to store THAT much stuff."  =) So in short, if you have a lot of media files stored on the phone and you see that your phone's memory if nealry maxed, clean it up a bit and see if that doesn't make a difference.  That was my experience anyway.  I am still enjoying the phone to date with no rebooting since around October or so.Hope this helps someone out there!

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env nice phone but is unreliable

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i got my first env3 in aug. and like how the txt inbow and sent go together so u can look to remember what u was talking about and the keys make it easy to txt on.  I have gone through three so far because they keep turning off.  My boyfreind also has the same phone and has gone through over 15 of them in least than 7 months and verizon is now thinking about sending him a new type of phone.  also the bluetooth part on the phone doesnt work right

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Great phone, but it turns itself off constantly

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I'm not a fan of touch screen phones, as they make texting much more difficult.  The Env3 is great because it has a keypad, a keyboard, a 3.0 Megapixel camera....basically it's the only non-touch screen phone around right now that isn't dirt cheap and boring.  However, I started having issues with it a few months after buying it.  The phone constantly turns itself off.  If you use your phone's alarm function often, be prepared to oversleep and miss appointments, because the phone will quietly turn off at random.  The other issue is that you have to hold down the 0 key for 3 seconds to lock it, and if you forget to do this and then put it in your pocket, it will probably change the background on your phone, maybe add a new contact or send blank texts to the first few people in your contacts list or the last few people you texted.  With most phones, you can just shut it and then slip it in your pocket, so it's difficult to get used to holding down 0 for 3 seconds every time you put it away.  It's not a major issue, but the constant shutting off is a huge issue.  I'm going to get a new phone very soon.

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I have had my phone for almost 2 weeks. It's been the best phone I have ever had. I previously had an LG Lotus and an LG Rumor with Sprint. I loved both of those as well. I really like the EnV3 because of the easy to use keyboard. I have the red one and It's been the easiest phone to text on, open or closed. I really like how the keypad locks when I'm not using it. One bad thing about the phone is that you really can't do a whole lot with the outside screen. My cousin has the EnV2 and he says that it's an improvment from what he has. All in all I would recommend this phone to anyone.. especially someone who texts alot!!!

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more problems then its worth

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I have had this phone since August and if it didnt turn itself off constantly or have a screent that just freezes up and goes white then it might be a good phone. Sure it has a lot of features but they are all pretty useless when the phone cannot remain on or hold a call. It turns off in my pocketbook most of the time and sometimes in the middle of phone calls. It is too unreliable.

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