LG enV3 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Love It

Phone owned for more than a year

I love this phone so much. I can't believe so many people are having problems with it. Yeah it randomly turns off sometimes and that's really annoying. However, I have had the same charger for more than a year and a half and it's still working great. I'm eligible for an upgrade next month and even though I really don't want to stop using my enV3, I'm just ready for something new. I would really recommend this phone to anyone.

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Phone owned for more than a year

It is actually a really good phone! I tend to drop my phone all the time which includes drop kicking, stepping on my phone, etc. I have flushed my enV3 and it still works good! It doesnt shut off, delete pictures, or anything! the only thing is i have had to use it on speaker even before i even flushed it! i do not use internet so dont bother that review!

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Phone owned for more than a year

Let me just say i have only had 3 phones ever, and this is by far the worst phone EVER ! This phone shuts off at least 12 times a day. I have a memory car with all of my pictures on it and when i go to look at my pictures sometimes it will not pull them up instead it basically says that they're not there. Before i do this my phone always changes my background to a weird background that was already on my phone, and it claims that my picture can not be found. VERY annoying. Sometimes my front screen will turn completely white and won't let me see the screen at all unless i take the whole battery out. On the inside of the screen i will be texting and a black screen will slowly go across my screen and shut the whole phone off. My phone also while i text, i will be texting not that quickly(not as fast as i can) and my words will slowly appear on the screen...VERYYYYYY slowly! I Have nothing good to say about this phone AT ALL!

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Worst LG phone I've had

Phone owned for more than a year

LG has always been pretty reliable for me and I've stuck to LG phones for years, BUT.... this one sucks. I'm on my 3RD REPLACEMENT phone! All 3 have the same problem.... they keep shutting off randomly (a battery charge is still present).. The becomes a royal pain in the butt. AND the camera feature freezes A LOT! Overall, I'd pass on this phone and wouldn't recommend it.

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Average phone

Phone owned for less than a year

It's okay.. very very basic. Mine has quite a few glitches, such as shutting off randomly, the front keypad constantly locking up, the inside texting is VERY VERY VERY slow, the pictures save to random places and it won't let me edit them and sometimes they're randomly blurry, and sometimes it's really slow. But it also has it's good qualities.. like super fast texting and the battery stays charged. Takes decent but kinda dark pics.. i barely stepped on it while it was open and the inside screen is now broken. But overall it's been a decent phone, i guess.

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LG env3 phones ... not that great of an update.

Phone owned for less than a year

I purchased an env2 years back, and long story short, the charger will give out on you. One time i unplugged it out of the charger, and the dang charger piece came out with it. The dang thing was GLUED in!
So, i purchased an env3 and I've had it for a year. I didn't like that it DID NOT like the camera's functions.. for instance it once had zoom. I would trade zoom panoramic for zoom back, any time.
Not only that, but it saves videos in a format that most software cannot read with out a converter.
The key board is confusing if you use a computer when it comes to the "shift" and "sym" keys.
They made quick-dialing more difficult to use. (and also no smiley options!)
The speakers only last (with heavy use) for about 3 -4 months depending on your type of music.
VERY susceptible to water damage!
Not that great button lay-out if you want to use all of the functions with ease. (camera, calls, videos, music, internet)
Not very customizable.)
Horrible text center.I.E. not enough memory for that many texts (400-411)
Front button lay-out is not that great because most phone systems you ar calling do not recognize the pound symbol from the front panel.
Front buttons are also NOT very customizable.
Locking options are not that great.
Video quality is poor if you try recording rivers or puddles.
The charger will give-out near a year's worth of use, or shortly after a year's worth.
You shouldn't even take this thing out of the house and away from a charger at any moment, or very often.

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Env3 could be better

Phone owned for more than a year

This phone has a ton of great qualities. It has a great battery life. A good design. The screens are decent sizes. It isnt super complicated. Texting and calling is easy. In fact i would say it is the best phone in vzw history if.....it didnt shut off all the frickin time! i say a third of the time i access my pictures it just restarts. The charger port is always having problems too. and sometimes it says charger is not made for this phone or something like that. This phone has so much potential if it didnt glitch up. It is still usable but can be a pain at times.

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Phone owned for more than a year

best phone ever !!! havent had one problem with it !!!! and i drop it all the time!!! really really good phone !!! never shuts off nothing !!! has the best camer and everything and hasnt done anything like you people are saying must of got lucky lol!!! i love it though really goood for texting :D

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Lg Env3-Poor Quality

Phone owned for less than a year

My husband and I both got the slate Lg Env3 in June 2010. This is our 3rd phones..The first time we had to send our phones in was because the phone would turn on and off, then the 2nd time my husband couldn't hear me when he would call nor when I would call him. Now we are having very poor quality reception and our phones are freezing up/turning off automatically.

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LG EnV3...apparently got rid of just in time!

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I got this phone a few months ago, but its novelty wore off a bit too quick. The following sums up the good and bad I experienced with this model:

Crisp screen, camera has flash, compact design, call quality not terrible, color of phone (honestly, I am out of good things)

Ringtone too loud even on Low, call quality could/should be better, keyboard buttons flush with plastic outside of it...makes for mis-types, camera images not as great as I would expect for 3 megapixel camera, and lastly: HATE REQUIRED DATA PLAN. Seriously, mobile web on a non-smartphone is POINTLESS...data transmission slow (but what do you expect with Rev.0??), takes too long to access web browser, etc.

I kept this phone for two months before switching to an LG Voyager (which has its share of problems, but not as many...), which I am happy using. Judging by other reviews, I was right in getting rid of it before I really saw this phone's share of problems.

Bottom line: AVOID.

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Verizon LG enV3's Infamously Defective Phone - - Randomly Shuts Off!

Phone owned for more than a year

I will keep this review short and verify the negative comments that you have been reading concerning Verizon's LG enV3 to include suffering from a multitude of manufacturing defects such as:
* Battery phone connection defects.
* Software problems.
* Echo sound feedback problem.
* Verizon pushes "Certified Like New enV3 Phones" off to customers that have the same manufacturing defects as the broken phones returned to store by customer.
* EXTREMELY POOR VERIZON CUSTOMER SERVICE. For example, a couple weeks after a year of going through this mess with the Verizon Wireless and the Verizon LG enV3, I entered the Verizon Wireless store and they offered to sell me a new phone for $299.99! to resolve the problem because I am stuck in a 2 year contract with Verizon Wireless! I HAVE SINCE SWITCHED TO ANOTHER COMPANY AND IT'S LESS EXPENSIVE AND THE SERVICE IS HONEST!

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This Phone Sucks

Phone owned for less than a year

I got my env3 December 12 of 09. I was really excited and it worked good at the begining. About September of 10 it started acting up. It fist started when i plugged it into the charger and it said "This charger not reccomended for this phone." It was the charger I got with the phone so I have no clue why it wouldn't be "Reccomended." Then, it started to shut off randomly. When I say randomly, I really mean it. I could be in the middle of a call or creating a text and it would just shut off. It very annoying. It shuts off if I close it too hard (which isn't hard at all), or if i tap it on the couch very lightly. It scratches VERY easily. I deffinetly DO NOT reccomend this phone to other people.

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crap phone

Phone owned for less than a year

i've had this phone for less than a year and it's already dying. it's been turning off on its own ever since i got it and the battery life is just deteriorating . plus the charger sucks. two weeks ago i was texting my friend and i put it away and i checked 20 minutes later to see if i got a response and the phone was off which it does a lot so i thought it was just that. but the battery was completely dead and when i tried to turn it on the flash would go off every time. i charged it when i got home and now the flash has been going off non-stop since. the plastic part of the flash melted and now the area around the camera is starting to melt. there is no water damage or anything.

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This. Phone. Sucks.

Phone owned for less than a year

This phone SUCKS. Beyond belief. When I first got it, it was fine. I loved it. It's not even a year old, and its already a piece of crap. It likes to turn on and off by itself, the screen likes to go white, freezing up, and if I move my phone to fast, it turns off. Stupid charger doesn't work all that great, and it has a horrible battery life. Drops calls all the time. Don't get it. Save your money.

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i hate this phone

Phone owned for more than a year

this phone keeps turning off and on.the battery keeps dying.the calls keep on dropping. i would't bye this phone agin its that bad.it cuts off when i go 2 me pic the phone is always freezing ITS JUST NOT A GOOD PHONE

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freight train

Phone owned for more than a year

Verizon is giant pain in the ***. My daughter has gone through three of these phones in a year the keep doing the same thing as every one describes (turning off randomly, screen going white, going black) not working at all until I charge her battery in my phone then switching it to hers. turning it on and on and on after it keeps recycling itself to off. Sometimes after 20 try's it will stay on. My phone works fine, with occasional turn off's and an occasional white screen. I do charge it properly to a full charge and never let the batteries run down to nothing. I suspect that is part of the reason I have good luck. My beef is with the phone companies and their billing practices. Making sure you are stuck with their service and stuck with their ridiculously priced old technology phones because you are stuck with their locked in operating systems. Sprint, ATT, and Verizon are all doing this as an industry practice. These companies can get away with this because they are in it together, maybe they don't talk about it but they are aware as long as they all do it they can get away with it. Politicians (mostly republicans) fight to keep regulations in place that allow companies to do this. The companies are presenting their wonderful valid case of being best for the consumers (through lawyers and other politicians turned lobbyist).

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Phone owned for less than a year

This phone has a great quality with a nice rubber-like back that is almost IMPOSSIBLE to fall out of hands. The outer screen does get kind of scratchy but you can really get used to it. The camera quality is good with lots of options like negative and aqua. It also comes with flash. Calling and texting is easy with big inside speakers and good call quality because it is on Bid Red's line.

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Horrible, horrible, horrible phone!

Phone owned for more than a year

I got this phone in November of last year, and I regret choosing this phone every single day.
When I go to charge it, the cable says "This cable is not recommended with this phone." I got the freaking charger with the phone.
The phone shuts off randomly, and when I say randomly, I really do mean it. This phone hasn't been dropped, no water damage, nothing. But it turns off when its in my purse, out of my pocket, when I flip it shut too hard (and its not even like I slam it close...), when I drop it on my bed. The screen turns off, battery pull, wait forever to turn back on. Just plain annoying. And the phone's outer screen randomly turns white and stays there, no matter how many times I do a battery pull. So I have to plug it in and charge it, even if the phone is charged.
I've taken it to Verizon a number of times, and they update it, they put a foam pad in the battery compartment and sent me off...issues still happened.
I don't like either of the keyboards, the outer one is just a pain in the ass to text on since it doesn't remember words/names. And the inner one is really not great to text on, the buttons literally hurt your hands after a while!

Seriously though, this phone sucks. There are no pros for it, just con, con, con & another con.

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A great phone plan for all.....

Phone owned for

First of all the amount of your phone bill has nothing to do with the phone.  Maybe you should go to PAGEPLUS. Pageplus cellular uses verizon towers and they have awesome plans and no taxes on the bill.  I had PAGEPLUS for about 6 months now and I have saved so much money on my cellphone because of PAGEPLUS.  I am not a pageplus dealer, just a loyal and happy customer.PAGEPLUS CELLULAR website check it out...http://www.pagepluscellular.com/Plans.aspx

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Basic, but solid

Phone owned for

For those of us who are less technologically-inclined, the enV3 provides many basic functions (calling, texting, calendar, alarm clock, and a handy tip calculator) with a user-friendly layout. I didn't even need my wife to show my how to change the background! Earlier versions of the phone had a manufacturing defect: the battery was slightly smaller that it should have been, and subsequently would get jarred loose occasionally, causing the phone to turn off inconveniently. That defect has been worked out of the current enV3 models, and I never had problems with it. Sound quality is fine, although not stellar. The display is extremely difficult to read in sunlight, but otherwise is very clear and sharp.

One feature I particularly appreciated was the music player. My iPod bit the dust recently, so I decided I'd at least limp along with a 2 gigabyte SD card of music until I figured out what I wanted to do about replacing it. The enV3 had a very easy-to-use media player, the SC card slot is very accessible (I have seen phones that require one to remove the battery casing to get to the card slot), and with a cheap converter from Walmart I was able to listen to music using my regular headphones with perfectly adequate sound quality.

I was very sad to give up this phone a few days ago. My wife and I decided to switch carriers in order to save a fair chunk of change every month, and our new carrier lacks any interesting phones, at least for those of us who are uninterested in web capabilities. My new phone is far worse the my enV3. I miss my blue slate.

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Worst Phone EVER

Phone owned for

I have had my env3 for a year now. I am already on my second one. I had to get a new one because the first one kept turning off and  on by itself. i couldn't do anything with it. Then I went to get it fixed and the guy couldnt get any of my contacts or pictures transferred to my  new phone. With my second one a few weeks ago the charger wouldnt charge my phone. It charger my friends phone but not mine. Well I had to go back to the verizon store AGAIN!The guy gave me and new charger.But now when ever  I charge my phone it says this charger is not recommended for this phone. And now when I turn it on a few seconds after I turn it  on it goes use genuine battery and starts counting down and turns off. Now I have to go back to the verizon store and have some one look at it. My advice is after my experience with this phone dont buy it.

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Too Average

Phone owned for

I think the Env3 is sort of a good phone, in my opinion. It has nice big numbers and a good qwerty keyboard. Good megapixel camera too. I've had it since christmas and im not very amused by it anymore.It has some memory loss which really annoys me and im getting sick of it. Its annoying yet its weird that i could actually handle it for some reason. Its like a very basic 2003 phone except that it has a keyboard and good camera. Hard to say if I should suggest it.

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Keyboard Completely Locks and Disfunctional

Phone owned for

I contacted Verizon to report my phone keyboard when you open it is completely locked up and unuseable.  I just got another LG-VX9200 because the last two had charging and shutdown problems and of course the speaker phone gets disfunctional as well (constant problem with prior speaker phone options) when it starts heating up and then you can't hear the caller on the other end and they start telling you they can't understand you because you sound garbled so then you have to close the phone and you can hear them and they vice versa because you are no longer using the speaker phone option. But anyways, yeah the phone was sitting on my counter and I had just texted and when I went to go pick up the phone while doing house cleanup the phone was completely difunctional when trying to text someone none of the keypad buttions worked. I immediatly called Verizon, very upset and advised I had just gotten off the phone with one of their reps and he had made some changes to my account options/plan and now my phone isn't working.  I know it had to be something on their end software wise because now the phone has slowly been coming back to me and now working again so I was out a keypad and couldn't access much had to use the old number texting which was extremely painful.  Though according to Verizon they did nothing on there end, I advised they had to have and now it's working and obviously I had nothing to do with it. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks.

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Average phone at best

Phone owned for

I got this phone July '09 and just after the 1 year warrant ran out, the front screen won't work.  It just shows bright white.  It has also begun to shut down regularly (it used to happen occasionally, maybe one day out of a month).  It's a nice phone for texting and it's light and not too large, but I would not recommend it.   

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my env3

Phone owned for

ok so i got my env3 on black friday at best buy ok its now july and the only problems i have with it is sumtimes it shuts off but it does tht cuz i didnt let it charge 24 hours before i was like out running about and using it all the time. another bad thing about it is no thts pretty much it i love my env3. so if u have a choice to get i think u should go for it but charge it for 24 hours and make sure u take good care of it, cuz it will diff last longer

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