LG enV2 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

This fone is flippin sweet!!!!!!!!

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omg just got this new fone and i luv it its signal was very strong
i luv its desighn it looks slim n sexy although at first i thought the external screen was a bit small you get used to it i just luv the full qwerty keyboard switching from a flipshot to this it was a GREAT choice :)

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I was really excited when I saw this phone, but so disappointed. The outside is very easy to unlock while it sits in your pocket. Multiple people were called without me even knowing it. Digits on the screen were saved as contacts. Other than that, for the most part is was good, but I did return it. I am waiting for the centro, which is taking forever to be released to verizon.Come on verizon, get with the program already!!!

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small screen IS good!

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People, stop complaining about the small front screen!!! jeez, it's small b/c all you're s'pose to do with it is dial a number and txt someone either a quick short msg or secretly txt (like in school) other than that use the inside screen..thats why it's there! or music if you have headphones i guess thts why they put it there...

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Very Good

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I really like this phone. Its a shame the pictures look so bad because the phone in person is actually really nice. I don't mind the front screen. If your a person that wants to text a lot from the front, dont buy the phone. its not for you. Also, i feel people get way to caught up with the flash and autofocus nonsense. If your looking for something serious, go buy a digital camera. seriously, this is a phone we're talking about not an 8 mega pixel nikon. Let's get real. Text heavy people, this is your phone. reception is great, it feels good, and despite the online calculator-like pictures, it actually looks like a phone in person

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Voyager's "lil' bro" is better in my opinion

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This phone is amazing. I love LG cells and LG is the company to beat today. But the one thing that I've had a hard time with concerning LG is that each phone is different, and it's taken quite a while to settle on one perfect fit. The enV2 is my fit.

The physical form factor is stunning. The phone works surprisingly well in closed form and the screen makes sense. Rather than be a scaled down version of the underlying OS, the screen provides direct access to features that you need. The button layout is perfect, even if this was a flip phone. Now there is a slight issue of accidental calls in the pocket, but I haven't had this problem whatsoever. And to rebutt the claim that the lack of a d-pad detracts from the phone usage in closed form, when you look at the layout and the screen, it's not missed. Keep in mind while this phone shares the LG Black Label styling cues seen in phones like the Prada, VX8700, and Vu; this is not a Black Label phone. (Read: Affordable style)

Open the phone and you will find the best summary of what LG has been trying to accomplish with this form factor. For your consideration, the original V line has split into three forms, the enV (obviously), the Voyager, and the Rumor/Scoop (essentially a slider revision) The enV2 embodies functions of all three. Arguably, Voyager has the most generous space while the Rumor/Scoop has the best QWERTY keypad of any phone. The enV2 captures both in a smaller version. The buttons are highly accessable without too much space, and includes the symbol keys that Rumor can only access with a menu.

The OS is, well... it's Verizon. But LG does a great job in making it their own as best as they can. Unlike the Voyager, accessing the menu in open mode is extremely quick without any lag. The basic layout features 9 functions that are mapped to the 9 digit keys in case you don't fall in love with the superb d-pad. It honestly feels less tied down to the OS. And it can be customized to how you use your phone. It is in messaging mode by default, and offers links to email and IM. There is also a multimedia mode that links to V-Cast, games, photos, etc., all from the homescreen.

Feature-wise, the enV2 doesn't deviate from the enV by much. It does change up functionality slightly to stray more away from the OS. It lacks full HTML browsing and TV like the Voyager, but it is apparent that LG intends for the enV line to be separate from Voyager. Again, anything you access is done so amazingly fast. Which brings us to mobile web. Part of the design which is now a growing trend is to ditch the Get It Now tag and replace it with Media Center. And what of Mobile Web? It's (finally) labeled as such. Because it doesn't make sense to access a built-in app under a completely unrelated link name. Thank you Verizon for realizing that. And the mobile web experience is incredibly fast. In a nutshell, the enV2 is absolutely perfect for making those quick checks on mobile versions of your favorite HTML sites.

Camera works like it should for a cell. LG ditches the raised camera lens and cover for something flush and within the styling cues that LG is designing.

Music functionality works like it should. Less intuitive than the Chocolate player, (considering that there is no visual advantage taken with the internal screen and is virtually no difference in other phones in Verizon's line) but great sound quality from the stereo speakers.

Now all this is well and good, but does it actually function as a phone? Yes, but with a small amount of odd quirks. Everything that pertains to making a phone call, open or closed, works fine. Here is the first quirk and something that I did find to be somewhat of a negative; there is only speakerphone in the open form. Granted, speakerphone works very well in open form, it would have suited me better to have a closed form option. There's a great chance that you are going to miss a few calls because of the way the enV2 rings. There are no external speakers save for the earpiece. So ringing happens on the internal speakers. In a loud room, you will miss calls in the pocket unless you have the phone set to vibe and ring. Here is odd quirk #2, voice command. Voice command is strong, don't get me wrong. You can even add contacts from voice command. But the action happens on the internal speakers regardless if the phone is open or closed. Granted once you get through commands in closed form the call takes place in the earpiece, the speaker for prompts seems to miss more in closed form. It's a distraction, but again, it's just me.

Battery life is the star attraction. This battery lasts and lasts. I've put it through the gauntlet of heavy use and only needed to charge it twice since I've owned it for the better part of 2 weeks. It's roughly the same battery as the Rumor/Scoop but it lasts twice as long.

So this is a reliable phone that makes the best use of the side-open clamshell form factor and a superior multimedia and messaging phone.

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great size fits in pockets well and hand
bigger font on internal screen
large front keypad.

small front display

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Nice phone, but wish there was a flash

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Had this phone for almost a week now. I like the design of this phone. It was either between this phone or the samsung u740. I went with this one since the standby and usage was a lot better. Plus this phone was newer. Also from what I see the buttons are very tiny on the samsung u740. The verizon customer representative told me that also. I wish there was a speaker on the front of the Lg enV2 though. You have to open the phone to use the speaker. Other then the no flash or no speaker on the front, this phone has been great so far.

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Wonderful Phone

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I've had this phone for a week now, and I can honestly say this is the best phone that I've ever owned.

I love the keyboard, I love the front of the phone because it's very simple, yet stylish. I only use the front if i'm busy, in school, or needing to call someone.

I text a lot and I've always wanted a QWERTY keyboard phone, and i'm so glad i picked this!

I always have service no matter where I go, the battery life is wonderful, (I ordered an extended battery because I text so much and i hate my phone going dead) and this is probably the best phone verizon has come out with.

It is definitely a worthy successor of the original EnV.

I give it a 10/10. :)

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I've had this phone for bout 3 days now, an only charged it once! I currently work for the company also.. I had the voyager, hated the touch screen.. loved the keyboard... I wasnt a big fan when i heard of the ENV2.. but now that i have it, i love it.. i even bought one for my girlfriend... Number 1 phone out right now, an will be for a long time. If you an env user, your definitly gonna love the ENV2
Anyone in the 860 arena code, eastern Connecticut please come to Wireless Zone Putnam, We have tons of them!! $219.99 with case, car charger, bluetooth, 1G Memory card... or $99.99 after rebate... (NEW EVERY 2 isn't factored in)

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amazing (32 w/e)

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ok so this phone works so amazing, its like a perfect device, its slim and sexy, and its got the perfect buttons, i love the front, and i love the fact that you can text, and its not slow the signal is amazing! amazing i tell you, if you dont buy this phone you will miss out hugly. buy it you will love it.

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well I am pretty surprised people are rating this phone so high. this is by far the worst phone i have ever had. I am taking it back and using my old phone till something better comes out. I dont know if I got a bum phone but it has horrible reception. none in my house or work. searches for a signal all day so it kills my battery in about 2 hours. held it up to my girls phone she had full bars I had 1 or none. next this phone magnifies everything in the background. my sister called I turned my radio down to where I could barely hear the words and she asked me to turn it down. I have gotten are you at a bar prolly 10 times.....and lastly if you do not lock out the keyboard completely you are screwed. I have it set on the hit ok twice. and it constant calls people in my pocket. it is a major pain and has almost gotten me in trouble. if the phone rings in your pocket it turns the keyguard off and will answer in your pocket,,,their might be some settings to prevent this but I have not looked into it. but that doesnt solve the other problems. texting is cool and fast on this keyboard but the cons outweigh that. phone is going back in the morning I gave it a couple weeks... i would not buy it

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Come on number 32...

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#32...First off, you have no idea what you are talking about or how to spell anything! You are probably just mad cause you can't have the phone. Grow up and give the phone the ratting it deserves.

I have had this hone for two weeks now and I absolutley love it! The menu system is quick and responsive and easy to navigate through. The key board is very easy to text on and you have tons of shortcuts and other customizable options. The sound quality is excellent and the reception is the best EVER! The phone is perfect in every way except...the lack of flash and auto focus on the camera. I would never trade this phon for an old EnV and I promise if you buy this phone you will not regret it!

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Amazing Phone

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This is a great phone and worth buying. The front screen is small but you dont really use it except for maybe reading messages and calling. The speakers aren't great it you have the phone shut but when open the are great. Menus on the phone are easy to use. All around a great phone.

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Still is an awesome phone

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Oh my gosh, I'm so relieved that i exchanged the yucky Flipshot with this phone!!! it's cheaper and much better than Flipshot. I can actually get connection in my apt with this phone. No other phones can!!!
the speaker is loud and great other than you have to keep the phone open llike a hot dog bun. The navigation of the phone menu is fast and easy. The navigator is excellent. The music thing is great and loud. Downloading is fast. Definitely faster than the Flipshot downloading. I literally really want to kill throw the flipshot phone across the hallway into the wall. That's how much i really hate that phone. Anyway, I had this phone (enV2) for almost a month and i love it despite the fact that it looks like a calculator especially the black one. overall, get this phone folks. I think it's the best phone that Verizon ever had next to my motorolla E815. Dont get the venus, flipshot and glyde. They are all sucks!!! I will wait for a while to get the touch screen phone. It still have a lot of bugs. Anyway.. enjoy the enV2.

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Some better, some worse than enV

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I liked the enV but it was a bit too large. Saw the enV2 and decided to trade my enV in after 28 days for the smaller enV2. I was expecting the same phone as before but in a smaller package. The enV2 is a great phone but i found it lost some of the functionality of the enV which was a disappointment.

The enV2 did gain modem capability though I can't speak to this yet cause I have not used this feature yet. It improved the supported microSD card from 1MB to 8MB. The overall size of the phone and eliminating the camera lens hump is by far the best improvement.

Functionality on the outside is greatly diminished. The exterior buttons are larger but have lost the enV's raised bars which gave it a better feel for typing in the dark. The exterior screen could stand to be larger. The text messaging functionality with the phone closed is greatly diminished from the enV. Can't review sent messages with the phone closed. It won't display long messages and forces you to open the phone to read them. There is no access to tools menu with the phone closed. Locking the phone is now a burden. The shortcut to do so on the enV by holding down the X button is gone. You now have to navigate to the security menu and enter your code in order to lock the phone now. That makes that function almost useless. The camera lost the zoom, the flash, and the ability to use the exterior screen as a viewfinder for taking pictures that include self. The keyguard timer can be set from the outside but using the shortcut (hold the 0 button) to manually turn the keyquard on resets the keyguard timer to 7 seconds everytime. This is an annoying bug. The contact list lost the field for notes which was great for physical addresses, company names, titles, etc.

Overall it is a great phone. Just a few quirks and shortcomings to be aware of. I wanted a full keyboard phone but sometimes I need to just do something quick without opening the phone. I was just spoiled by the full exterior functionality of the enV and was a bit surprised how that was sacrificed in the enV2.

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LG Outperforms Again

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I purchased this phone from a recent return of the Samsung Glyde. I love the phone.

The overall feel of the phone is very sturdy and has many options. It will suit my needs for telephony basics as well as mass texting and multimedia options.

The speaker and sound is superior as well!

The only downfall is a small external screen that does not have as high of a resolution as the internal screen. I rated lower on design because of the external screen.

Highly Recommended.

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I had the enV, great texting phone. If I knew that the enV2 was coming out, I would have waited; nonetheless, I bought it the day it came out, and love it! Texting is superb, call quality is great, love the interior screen, VZNavigator is the bomb! Pocket calls aren't a concern for me, as I use a belt clip, and I recently bought a screen protector, so I'm set!

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One LAST Note

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I was deciding between the Glyde and the Env2 because I had been waiting for the Glyde since March. I was so hyped, then it came to the decision, Glyde or Env2. I read reviews the whole day, and finally made up my mind. The Env2 and Glyde probably have the same features (minus the Glyde's great internet which costs $15 a month), and I'm going to be paying $250 for a phone (Glyde) that has a supposedly non-responsive touch screen (at certain times) and that has a small, plain QWERTY keyboard (I suppose I could've gotten used to it). I was reluctant to give up on buying this phone and reluctant to buy the Env2 because I hated it at first. Then I realized that not only did it look good but it worked excellent and felt great. Plus it was so much cheaper! Anyone that's debating between Glyde and Env2, just realize that the Glyde's rating has declined from 7.3 to 6.5 in about one day. And that the Env2 has not significantly decreased or increased but is steadily going up. So think about it. Would you rather get a touch screen that probably won't work after one and a half years? Or get a great texting phone that's equal in design and will probably last you a long time (read my other review with dropping the phone lmao). Env2 is definately worth the money

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This phone is great. I had the V (first phone like this for VZW from LG...came before the enV). It was revolutionary. Then the enV came out, and I got that. It was a large improvement. And now this? LG has done it again. They really know how to make a quality texting device. It is better than the enV in almost every way. It is also easier to text on! It is smaller and looks better. The only real problem I would have with this phone is the kinda small screen on the front, but you get used to that, and the fact there is no 5 way directional pad on the front, instead it is just up and down and OK. You get used to it, though. It is also exclusive. Not many people have it. If you want an awsome texting phone for Verizon, but don't want to pay as much for th Voyager or the Glyde, and don't want the crappy Alias, this is the perfect phone for you!

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After a few days

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I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS PHONE. Here's my review for teens.

Pros: Sweet full QWERTY
Externals keys are easy to use (Screen is too if you're not blind)
Menus look nice
Chrome trim makes it look amazing
Audio is spectacular and loud

Cons: NO FLASH?? (I didn't think it mattered but I figured that a decent camera should include flash)
Small external screen (You get used to it)
Qwerty can feel a bit cramped at times and the wrong keys might be pressed (but again, you get used to it)

I thought this would be one of those phones that break really easy. But I went ahead and asked a girl in my school that had it if it broke easily. She said no, she dropped it down the stairs one time and nothing happened to it. It's up to you if you trust that or not, but I'd say it would be fine unless of course you like threw it. Also if you're one of those people who want a flashy phone, then this is it. If you're worried about people commenting about the front, well too bad, the design is not perfect, but to me, I love it. MOST people loved the outside and inside, some people thought the calculator look was a tad bit weird. If you think people won't like it because you think it's ugly then a) don't get it or b) bring it on the bus! People love it.
Again, a teen's review for teens. I boosted the ratings for design, features, sound, and signal strength. Lemme just say that the audio is GREAT, very loud and clear. But the ringtone selection is pretty basic, nothing special. Signal strength is pretty good. Sometimes my picture messages didn't go through, but when it came down to texting in school, it sent really quick, even in areas where there was barely any connection. I hope this ain't TOO long of a review but I can't help but say that this is a great phone, you'll love it and so will your enVious friends:D

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if you are thinkin of getting this phone stop thinking and get it. this phone has a sweet compact QWERTY keyboard but not so compact its hard to type with. the screen is crystal clear and the camera has great resolution. the outside screen works perfectly fine you can still text. listen to music. make calls, and take pictures. its got plenty of diplay themes and menu settings so you don't get bored with the style. i dont have any complaints except for it doesnt come with any games programmed on it for free.

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Weighing it against the Glyde n voyager

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Here are my pros n cons:

-speakerphone is loud
-easy to read clock option on external display
-smooth open/close clamshell - not cheap feeling
-Option to end call two ways: when clamshell is closed or only when end is pressed. I prefer the "end" option that way if I am on speaker phone and want to close the phone and talk in private I can do so without ending the call.
-Mobile Web has some free games, no stupid verizon subscription (helps to have unlimited data plan, though! I like to play LIMBO.
-VZ Navigator 4.0 has traffic alerts - saved me 30 minutes yesterday by warning me, it said "accident 6 miles ahead", gave me time to use the detour function on navigator and miss the traffic jam.
-inside screen is nice and big and easy to read type.
-text messaging is effortless.
-qwerty is right size, easy to use.
--MENUS are terrible!!! Click on message - it defaults to NEW message- 99 times out of a 100 when I hit message I want my INBOX, not new messaget!!! What were they thinking! Adds another button push to the process - three button pushes to your inbox! There is a shortcut button on the directional pad that can take you right to inbox, though.
-soft keys are not programable! Stuc with message on the left (see preceding comment) and contacts on the right.
-limited shortcut button settngs: calendar, chat, email, games, inbox media center, mobile im, mobileweb, music & tones, my account, my music, my pictures, my ringtones, my sounds, my videos, picture and video, picture message, settings & tools, txt message, vcast music, backup assistant, espn mvp, loction management, sony music box, vz navigator, calculator, bluetooth menu, alarm clock. They LEFT OUTcommonly used ones like: call settings-answer options, end call options, specific vcast material like news, weather (29 button pushes to get to my local news broadcast! I counted!!! REALLY NEED A SHORTCUT FOR THIS), web favorites and other media.
-Cannot change items on the opening menu, you have two choices - messaging icons or mulimedia icons - I like to use a mixture of both, if I could choose my main menu items I would get rid of the games icon (you have to pay a subscription to use them), and replace it with email icon, but there is no option to do that.
--Hit the OK button on the front to unlock, constantly unlocks itself in purse and pocket. Frustrating, no work around, I tried using the phone security lock function but it only turns on if you turn the phone off then on again.
-keypad locks if you hesitate more than 7 seconds between dialing numbers, have to start dialing all over again. Set it for more than 7 seconds and you have to wait that long before putting phone in pocket, as there is no way to lock keypad manually that I have found.
-TO GET MISSED CALLS from external - hit OK TWICE (unlock) for menu, then scroll down to RECENT CALLS, then click on MISSED - this requires several button pushes and using more than one button (directional buttons needed to scroll through list).

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Better then I Thought!

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I just got this phone tonight, and it truly is an amazing piece of technology from Verizon and LG. Over the last year, I have been through my fair share of phones. I had the LG Venus which I returned after a month in exchange for the enV. The Venus is a beautiful phone, I loved the way it looked but its performance really lacked. I was happy to get an enV, knowing its good history with Verizon costumers. I had the enV for about 5 months, but it was VERY bulky and big. I found myself clutching it as I walked as opposed to keeping it in my pocket. The eternal screen on the enV could have been made MUCH bigger. There are 2 huge black planks that surround the screen, which was frustrating in my opinion. Tonight, I could not be happier with the enV2. It took the great looks of the Venus and combined it with the awesome features and functions of the original enV + more. I really recommend this phone for anyone whose looking for a sleek, classy, and usable device. It was so inexpensive, and it was a great choice!

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Env2 Fabulous!

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I have been keeping tabs on this phone for months. I've never owned a qwerty keypad phone due to their huge size. I'm gonna break down the pros and cons:

Great size, small but not TOO small
Great price... only 129.99
Sexy looks
No annoying touch screen
Great sound quality, music and calls
Camera is great, no flash but majority of camera phones are not coming with flash... go buy a CAMERA for that
Photos can be cropped and rotated!
battery life
txt messages are easy inside and on outside
display themes

Video recorder could be better... quality is a bit grainy and if you record without opening the phone and you record it holding the phone upright... the video is sideways and cannot be rotated
position of camera lens is awkward for fingers
No annoying touch screen(if you like that sort of thing)
Speakerphone can only be used when phone is open and volume when phone is open is difficult to access
Fingerprints on the black is hard to keep clean

OVERALL i would rate this phone a 9.5. it's a truly great design and there is NO perfect phone but this one is the closest i've used!!!!
I tried the voyager, and then the venus and the touch screen drove me bonkers! i couldn't imaging trying to text on an i phone....

but if you are contemplating this phone vs. the voyager.. don't waste the extra 200 on the voyager.. it's bulky and overrated!

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Great Phone

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I got this phone a week ago and since then everyone loved my phone. The phone is way thinner and way better than the original env the spekers could be louder but they have nice bass and clear sound. The keyguard setting is really helpful and the qwerty keyboard composes messages way better than the first one and the screen is amazing. Overall this phone is excellent 11/10 and i reccemend it.

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