LG enV2 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

best phone

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I got this phone after my old got broke so it took a little while to get used to it , butr after using it for a couple of weeks i love this phone the sound is amazing and the keypads are great just i dont like the idea of not having a flash but other then that this phone was worth the money

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Env2.. A Pretty Great Phone!

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I've had this phone for almost a month now, and I've got to say, it's pretty awesome. In my opinion, it beats my old Env just because it feels less like a brick, and more like a phone. Some people say the outside screen is too small, and pointless, but the external display is actually very useful! Im soo happy with all the features this had. If you're questioning getting it, don't question. Just get it!!! you'll be glad you did.

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nice follow-up to the enV

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This unit is a nice follow-up to last years enV. One thing that i was very happy to see was the large keypad on the front! Finally, my customers can see the numbers when they are dialing! :D

the only con (which is not really a con) is the keyboard on the inside. Its slightly too small for my liking (im a guy with big hands) and i find it somewhat hard to type. Its not too bad, and if i owned this phone as a daily phone i think i would be able to live with hitting a extra key or two here and there.

Overall, this unit is a good buy for the price. If you dont want all the bells and stuff that the voyager has to offer, check this unit out!

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69, lol

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this is a great phone i got for my birthday i bought it at cheap and does not dissapoint, its my favourite phone ever!

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Awesome texting phone

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Those of you who use your phone for texting, phone calls and maybe music/videos occasionally, don't listen to the whiners on this site. You will dig this solid, high quality, easy to use, easy to type, customizable text machine. The keypad is amazing and very precise feeling, and the battery life is unbelievable even if you use the interior screen semi frequently. I will take typing on a qwerty keypad over a touch screen any day. Yeah it's not cutting edge tech but it doesn't pretend to be, especially since I got mine for $20 in store after all the discounts and rebate. Many of the people who have posted complaints (like they can't read multi-line texts on the front screen, or that the camera isn't auto focus) are morons who don't know what they're talking about. If you read the env (1) reviews you will find endless complaints about camera lag. Ditching the auto focus gets rid of that, so which would you rather have, a camera that takes pics quickly or a weak useless flash that you have to go thru menus to enable? There are also some "hidden" features that aren't mentioned often. I guarantee that the first time you have the phone read a text message aloud to your friends (press the "space" button in the interior keypad to do it on speakerphone) your friends will laugh their a$$es off and want the phone. I do hate the keyguard (especially the 7 second reset which is a big bug) and hope they fix it. If they gave it a full html browser it would be perfect. As it is, 9/10.

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returning this crap

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phone is cheaply made and lg should not make another env. so many people are getting this phone because it cheap(price) there are NO upgrades from the vx9900, NO html browser, it's not a muti media phone, it a basic messaging phone, so if you want to text a lot and nothing else, forget phones, terrible sound, speaker phone u have to get the phone open, pain in the ars. this is my review and my opinion, this phone stinks!!! i'd rather get a Motorola.

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#52, Fred, you're a tool

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Seriously, who gives a squirt that the phone *only* has a 2MP camera, and no flash? Um... it's a PHONE. What kind of clown actually uses a phone for PHOTOGRAPHY? I have a 10MP DSLR which I use for photography. I couldn't care less if my phone includes a camera or not. This is an absolutely ridiculous complaint.

Just cause you've got chubby, fumbling fingers that's the phones fault?

And you can get to voice-mail without opening the phone... it's #1 on the speed-dial. Der.

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vzw does have unl txt plans

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great phone, i tried it out for a few days and loved it, front screen is small like people say but with a phone that has a qwerty and a huge screen inside, the outside really is just for making calls. oh and #62, verizon does have unlimited txt plans, its called the Select plan, check it out cuz its def available

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I don't know if it's the fact that my last phone was a RAZR, but I recently got the LG EnV2, and I couldn't be more blown away by all the stuff this thing can do! It came down to a fight between the LG Chocolate 2 or this phone, and I'm glad I went for the EnV. The size is great, and I can fit my EnV into my hip holster that was designed for a RAZR! Texting is fantastic and really makes me wish that Verizon had an unlimited texting plan, just so I could keep on texting all day! Even the predictive text on the front display is fantastic! There are several features that make texting even more fun, like when you open the phone, you just have to start typing your message, and the phone will auto-launch the new text message panel, which out-speeds even the Rumor's instant link to the messaging menu. Overall, I love this phone and there are barely any things wrong with this wonder of modern technology! I would have preferred more features to be accessed when the phone is closed, but that's the only problem I have with this phone. The EnV2 is a solid buy!

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best phone out there!

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I got the samsung glyde about a week ago, and after a few days could NOT stand it. Not worth the money AT ALL. The gyde sucks. I went back to the verizon store to return it and i went with the phone every single person there reccomended. the enV 2. I LOVE IT.

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Great little ( heavy) phone

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This has been the best phone i have ever reviewed. i have had this phone for 5 days now and it has been great.

-easy to use front screen for reading txts, answering calls and checking phone logs
-great feeling keyboard
-beautiful front screen
- BEST every sound quality and microphone
-great stereo speakers
-2mp camera
- blazing fast UI
-solid hinge
-excellent reception
-5+ hours of battery life ( best battery life of 99% cdma phones)
-solid construction
-takes okay photos
-able to take photos while closed
-can use external screen as view screen
-able to make calls in fringe area
- OTA firmware upgradeable ( no other verizon phone can do it )

- camera lacks autofocus and takes okay/not so great photos
- typical verizon UI
-uses microusb ( very hard to find quality chargers and usb cables)
-2.5mm headset jack. Prefer 3.5mm
-stereo speakers could be louder

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Drops Calls, No Flash, limits to what you can do wothout opening it. Pocket dials and turns on random functions without '0' being pressed to unlock. Considering returning .... curious to see how many more people post about the dropped calls. Long time verizon customer - never have had dropped calls before this phone. Big bummer

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im returning the env2

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sound quality is terrible, way to many drop calls, made a few calls while in my pocket. front screen is dumb, cant do nothing. will return, this phone needs firmware upgrades right away!!

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Pros: Smaller and looks better compare to the eV and V (this is the only positive).
Cons: Drops calls. Sound quality is terrible on the High and Med-High setting. I tried several enV2’s and all of them do the same – cut words from the conversations. This phone often had no service in the good reception areas (compare to the older LG vx9800).

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not bad, could be better

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this phone is not that bad, the keyboard took a little while to get use to. ringtones and features are ok. changing the Verizon ui is very cool. nice size, buttons are big, my one complaint is and i see a few people post, drop calls!! i have had a few and never had them since i got the env2. so if this keeps up i will return the phone no matter how cool it looks. it has to be a cell phone first and i think people are not looking at that. will post final review after 30 days, i may return.

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Cool phone!

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I really enjoy this phone alot all ready. One b/c of the free month of v cast and two the full keyboard. I would like to see flash for the pics though. I like the fact that it is a 2.0 megapixel camera and that it is an LG. I am a little owrryed about when people say they are getting dropped calls. I had a moto w490 from t mobile, then i switched to verizion b/c of the dropped call problem and the fact that t mobile do not really like to help you at all. They always say call customer care or their people will tell you 10 differnet sides of their story. other than that I really love it so far! Even my cat loves it! lol

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I love it!!

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awesome phone! lot of features to it. for the people who say they do not like the phone because when it is in your front or back pocket, it dials numbers...well dummies do not get a phone that has buttons on the front!!! Also yall say it is to small on the front..well that can be a good thing because it will be a less worry about it getting scratched up! Lg rocks!!

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worst phone ever!!

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The env2 is not a good phone. The front screen is useless you cant do anything with it you must almost always open it to read long Txt messages. When its in your pocket or back pocket it calls people if you bend down it dials numbers and calls or sends messages. This is my first phone and my first review and to say i am very dissapointed in this phone. I am 12 years old and to me this phone is not very good. The only good thing about the phone is that its small. Hopefully my dad will return it for me. THANKS FOR READING MY FIRST REVIEW.

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returning this basic phone

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there are NO upgrades from the env 9900. break it down. 2.0 mp camera, NO flash, NO auto focus. 1.2 bluetooth. NO html browser. this is a step DOWN from the 9900 if u look at all spec. they should of added a better browser. the look, less features. way to small. you need kid fingers to operate the keyboard. they should of put the space key in the middle. smaller buttons on front and more of a useful screen. bluetooth is terrible on the env2. shut it down from the phone and it will not pair back up. you have to leave the bluetooth on all the time, you can only shut it down from the headset, if you want it to pair up again. NO shortcuts on the front. front screen only offers, Contacts, messaging, keep this in mind, you can only view in box or send new message, you cannot view sent, draft voicemail, you have to open the phone. recent calls, my music, bluetoothmenu and keyguard settings. THATS IT!! picture id on front screen is so freaking small you cant see it, thats a joke. if you get a new message and it's 6 words or more you cant read it from from screen, you have to OPEN the phone AGAIN!! A lot of mistakes when into this phone. one more very important thing, call sound is garbage, drop calls, echo, dont use the Voice Clarity option, it dose not work. the person on the other end wont hear you as well. I still have the vx9900 and i have been using that until i get to Verizon to get a different phone. NO complaints from anyone when im using the vx9900. LG makes very good and sleek phones, dont know what happen with the NEW env2. please understand that this is just my opinion with the phone. other have had a better time with it. But it will wear off and they will be stuck with a phone that will be out dated in a few more months. every phone coming out NOW has a 3.2 mp camera. this is just a basic phone with basic features and nothing else. good luck!!

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revised ....not a good phone

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also forgot to mention, I am on my third env2. i wanted to like this phone so much, i didn't want to give up on it. i share my plan with my brother and my mother and they have not had any drop calls with there phones but , they dont own the env2. we will see what happens with the lg Decoy. the 9900 env was better in my opinion, at least you were able to do more on the front screen!! and i never had a drop call. hopefully Verizon will give this phone a firmware update but i doubt that will happen. Verizon has no plans right now for any firmware updates for the phone. this phone will sit on the shelf as is. Verizon is selling the phones like crazy because of the price. the env 9900 was never this low in price until a year and a half later. something is wrong here and only Verizon knows. So be very careful and dont forget you have 30 days to decide. goodluck and i hope u dont have as many problems like me and many other customers.

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not a good phone

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i have tried to like this phone from the first day i got it. this has drop so many calls in the last month, i have never had a drop call until this phone, im telling the truth here. im waiting for the decoy. had the phone in my pocket and it has called a few people, not smart, need a lock button on the side when not using it. the keyboard is small and not to bad to use but after a month a still hit wrong keys. this is no doubt in my mind that this phone was meant for kids only, i mean little kids. youtube has so many little kids reviewing this phone, give me a break. the outside screen is useless, u cant do nothing on it text message is a pain the the outside screen, i have to open the phone to do everything, and that takes 2 hands to do. i will be looking for a new phone this monday, june 16 the Decoy. called verizon and even though im way past my 30 days they are returning the phone. b cuz of all the drop calls, Verizon them selfs even seen all the drop calls and cant understand why. so dont get this phone, unless ur 12 years old

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ok..let me start out with the fact that I am very glad i switched over to verizion, from t mobile. T mobile's nation wide coverage suckes! That is why I chose verizion. I kept getting dropped calls like crazy!! I got the envy 2 because I am a big texter which it has a great keyboard system, also cause of the stylish look. stick, small, pocket size and durable. Like the big screen in the iinteral side. Also the 2.0 megapixel camera. The screen up front is better cause that way you do not have to worry about scratching up the screen if it were bigger. the only thing I would like to see changed it the flash, which it does not have one and the fact when you take a picture it does not show it full screen addimadicly, you have to do some ajustments which is not a big deal at all. Other than that I am very saticified and I encourage other people to get it! Enjoy!!!!!

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Great phone. Had it for a month, no problems..... battery life is best I've ever seen! Simple to use and texting works great. Perfect sound quality.

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Stay away from this phone!

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This phone is awful! I was so excited and loved it at first, but then I started using it. It constantly cuts out or drops calls, very hard to hear on and the person you're talking to can hear all sorts of background noise of anything you're doing, ex. putting away groceries. The vibrate is so pathetic you can't feel or hear it when it goes off. Hard to text on the from, I'm always hitting clear on accident!

The keyboard is nice, but thats about this phones only positive side. Good camera, but worthless with out a flash. I'm going to return it tomorrow and praying Verizon will take it back with out the upc code!

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Keyguard Fix!

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IF you own this phone and you want LG to create a software fix for the keyguard in the front - we all have to tell them about the problem! I love everything else about this phone except the easily removed keyguard, which causes accidental calls.

Please call LG customer service at 1-800-793-8896. Tell them you want to fill out a "voice of customer" form which gets passed on to their corporate office. If they get enough of these then they'll work on a software update! Don't bother telling Verizon, they're worthless. Please have your MEID number ready (can be found on the phone, underneath the battery).

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