LG enV2 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

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i never used to like this phone, i thought it was ugly, but the more i saw it the more it grew on me, and i absolutly love my new phone. i have had it now for a while, and the sound quality is great. my batt life also rocks, it has lasted about 3 days without charging and i am always playing music and texting on it.

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this phone

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it has a lot of really food features, but it runs out of battery without even having the screen on, i'll have it on at night next to my bed with 3 bars, wake up and find that my alarm didnt ring along with missing texts and calls, also, i have to take out the battery or put some paper in there so that it doesnt run out or turn on during school, if you have anything in your pocket with the phone it will pocket dial, i hope it doesnt call 911 anytime, also, i do have the keylock on, it presses ok then dials, bbut you can dial 911 without having to bypass the lock.
but those are the negatives, read the other reviews to see all the positives, i dont think i can add anything more to it, but tthis phone is by far my favorite on the market

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a good texting, non-smart phone

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I picked this up with my 'new every 2' America's Choice plan.  Despite the policy that you can't get a Dare, or Chocolate 3 while keeping your AC plan, if you find a laid back store rep, he'll get your Dare on the plan, etc.  It's just ridiculously useless on such a basic plan.
Anyways, I picked up an env2 because of my horrendous track record with capacitive touch phones.  If any of you have had a lg vx8500 (chocolate 1), you know my pain.  My Lord did that phone stink.  Random menu scrolling, ghost button pushes that sent out premature texts, pocket dialing up the yin yang.  So I went with this since it was as thin and had tactile buttons: something I was massively craving.  I also went with it becuase you can still text with one hand using the outside keypad and t9 texting.
Despite what people may say, you can change the default texting mode on the outside to t9.  You just have to open up the phone, go into texting, and options, to do so :)
A great phone, in my opinion.  I have only had it pocket dial on me once, and it was when I was carrying a heavy couch, moving my girlfriend from her apartment.  I wear pretty tight express jeans all the time, and I still don't get pocket dials, and I've had it for 2 months. 
I can't emphasize how good of a phone it has been to me.  I've already opened it up with bitpim, added my own wallpapers, ringtones, and added a 8gb sdhc card to it full of music.  The music player isn't that flashy on the internal screen (VZW red boringness) but the player on the outside screen is nice.  A great all around phone! (if you don't care about the internet in your pocket).

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i LOVE LOVE LOVE this phone. i came from a basic flip phone, so i'm amazed by all the cool things this phone can do. i've only had it one day but i'm pretty sure i've found a perf match! :)

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LG VX9100 E X C E L L E N T P H O N E

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I don't get it.  I've had many phones(Voyager,Dare, etc), and none has topped this one.  So what if the outside screen is small.  The inside screen is great.  Messaging is simple. Music is easy and the thing you're suppose to buy a phone for, call quality is excellent.  The price isn't bad either.  Back to the outside sceen.  You get all of the information you need and here is the good thing.  You can shut off the BT without opening the phone.  As I said, I have had many other phones from every maker and NONE of them topped this one.

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stop nagging about cons

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The cons everyone keeps nagging about are things that are found on most other phones on the market.

-Small screen, most phones have a much smaller screen on the outside which is good for only telling time. The outer screen on this phone is made for doing things such as checking calls and replying to texts 'on the go'

as for using the phone, OPEN the damn thing up and stop complaning!

-No flash, most verizon phones have no flash! Razr, Chocolate, Voyager ect. Also, the flash on the Env was terrible, and in my opinion no flash is better than a crappy one.

-Lack of shortcuts- This phone has more shortcut options than any other non-touch screen phone available. There is an FN menu with up to 10 shortcuts, 4 shortcut arrows (one of which being a menu with 4 more options) and a qwerty shortcut so all you have to do is open the phone and start typing to create a new message.

This is a great phone, so actually test it out before you write reviews

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Phone owned for

I have had the phone for a month now.
- Easy to use QWERTY keyboard
- Good call reception
- Outstanding battery life (lasts me atleast 6 days, turned off at night)
- I text alot and also have games on my phone
- Great sound quality
- Decent dimensions
- Good camera
- Good video

- Annoying external lock (makes pocket calls sometimes)
- Needs to have a shortcut to your actual phone lock to prevent this (4 digit code)
- Ugly outside
- Weak vibrate mode (never realize you have a text)
- External gloss finish gets dirty easily

Overall a great phone and I would easily recommend it.

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Don't understand some of the negatives this phone gets

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I just got my Env2 today in the mail, so I don't have too much experience with it yet. But my question goes out to all the people who reviewed it negatively. Here are some things people have said about the phone that just aren't true.

1. Going into the messages screen automatically takes you into a new message.
-I just tried it and when I press message I am given the option of new message and inbox. This is similar to all my old phones.

2. Have to make multiple button presses to access recent/missed calls.
-1 press of the green send key on both the internal and external display does the trick.

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i love my phone

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i recently got the env2 and originally i felt as evveryon2 else did that this is the most hideous thing and i would never ever buy it, its a calculator. well, it grew on me. i put the front appearance aside and focused on the phone. all the features and things you can do with it that i couldnt do on my old phone. i really love this phone now. sure its a small screen but i could care less because i usually open the phone to type a message or see the menu anyway. i love my phone!

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mmm this phone..

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its good. but ugly. its true the env is a big chunky, but its better looking than the env2 anyway. and the colors are much better in the env.
the exterior of the env 2 is UGLY!
but its still not the WORST phone. . . .

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This phone is great! The front screen is small but it still does the job. you can even get your music from v cast on it.yes, the qwerty keyboard is amazing to text on and you can go on verizon wireless mobile web but one surprising feature of this phone is its amazing sound quality. I have had 2 other phones before this one and this phones beats them by a mile! no regrets for this phone

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the small screen

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ok.... for those who are complaining about the small screen in the front, STOP!!! IT'S SMALL!!! WE KNOW!!! Do you want to know something? IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SMALL. It is not a design flaw, it's not a bad thing. It's called how it's supposed to be. Why on earth would you want a giant screen in the front when you have a giant screen inside? if you had a giant one on the outside that performed all the features...what would be the point of opening the phone? The front screen is ONLY for what LG designed it to be capable of. The original enV had, in my opinion a small screen that did too much for it's size...it made my eyes hurt. I'm not trying to get mad at anyone.... Im saying this because I don't think that people researching should be turned away because everyone hates the phone due to the stupid screen. It is a GREAT phone, with a SMALL screen in the front.

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Best Phone Ever!!

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It such an awesome phone that is great for texting. The enV2 has a nice inside screen and spacious keyboard but the front screen is a bit too small.Otherwise it's awesome!

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Overall its a great phone and i see that some of you are complaining about how the phone's front screen locks. To turn this off you have to open up the menu on your front screen then go down to 6 (keygaurd settings) you can take it from there

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Phone owned for

this phone is ok.
the calls are good.
very easy to text with.
has all the features.

it is very odd shaped.
once you get it, you get
tired of it. i recommend it
for texting but i don't know.
i am sort of want a new one.

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Phone owned for

The camera has no flash and if I'd had not been rushed by the verizon lady on the phone for me to choose an upgrade i wouldn't have chose this phone.
They no longer make my favorite verizon LG flip phone and all other flip phones are too skinny at the hinges and snap in half. The one I had had thick sides (for speakers) but it prevented the phone from breaking like all previous ones had. And i had it under warranty and called for a new one cause mine fell in the pool, but the lady said I was due for an upgrade and they no longer made mine. Lame.
But back to the env2. The small screen on the front is terrible and hard to navigate through things and has little options. Also there are no right or left buttons on the front, so if I mess up in a text I have to clear back to that point or open the phone and use the keyboard.
The keys on the front are large and could have been made smaller in exchange for a bigger screen.
My friend had an env and I loved it so I got the env2, but they are completely different!!
The front screen locks up too fast and unlocks when you don't want it too.
Night mode was supposed to make up for the lack of flash, but it doesn't at all.
The right arrow is a shortcut button but all the arrows are shortcuts as well, so it just makes everything more complicated.
I keep pressing the enter key when trying to press the letter P and it messes up my texts.
When you press contacts on the front screen it takes you to two options instead of straight to the list of contacts.
Talking on it sounds distant and not like a regular cell phone.

PROS- yes I have a few, the VZ navigator is cool because I am constantly getting lost. And the speakerphone is nice and loud. The camera takes nice pictures for a cell phone and it's easy to enter contact info. Oh, and supposedly it holds a lot of texts. I need a phone that can do that.

I've only had this phone for 24 hours and I hate it. Anyone know if I can return it for a different one so quickly with little cost??
I'm certainly going to try.
If not I'll trade my little sister, she's 12 and will be thrilled with a fancy phone and I'll enjoy her basic flip phone.
I REALLY JUST WANT AN ORANGE ENV AND I'M SAD THEY STOPPED MAKING THEM. Ebay might help with that, but I trust like none of the sellers that the phones aren't stolen and locked so i don't know about that route.

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A Good Texting Phone

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If you're looking for a good reliable phone that isn't going to put you out $400 bucks, I would definitely recommend the enV2. I text a lot and replacing an amazing texting phone in the LG vx8300, i wasn't sure what i was going to get that could replace it. The big front buttons on this phone make it easy to text on, however the down arrow does sometimes get in the way of the #2 button. I am getting more and more used to the full keyboard as i use it. The sound quality is superb and the speakers produce very loud sound. The 2.0 MP camera produces very good pictures and has great options.

Some cons to the phone. however, are as follows. The front screen is very tiny and the fact that you can only see one line of typed text and have no way of scrolling through typed text gets very annoying. Also being able to only type one 160 word text on the front gets very annoying. Another con is there is no flash to the camera and the "night mode" just doesn't cut it. Also the lowest loudness setting is pretty darn loud.

Overall i would recommend the phone as a good texting phone with a little better than average features. I have had no problems with it the past two months and I believe it would be a good phone for someone not looking for anything too special

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It's ok...

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My freind and my freinds mother's freind have the ENV2 by LG. when i first doodoled with this muchkin texter, i realized that this phone had more then i thought. the front of the phone is pretty cool, but the one thing i have a problem with is the front screen. its just too small and puny. that really is the only problem with the design of the phone. the camera works pretty well, and the keyboard on the inside is almost exactly the same as the original ENV, but this is kust a little smaller. the inside is really good looking and the chrome accents here and there are pretty cool. i really dont have much to say about this phone, just that this one is the ultimate phone for the 24/7 texter.

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I got this phone a week ago and all i can say is GREAT. I had a env but it broke 3 times. I had one for about 8 months broke they sent me 2 more in the mail and they were both broken so they gave me this! It is 10x better at every thing it does. I just dont think the Duribilty is as good as the orginal. It also has a little look of a calculator. But if i had to rate this it would deffinetly be a 91/2.

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excellent phone

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I've had this phone for a few months now. It's still really good. However the chrome paint on this phone chips reaaally easy. And the front keypad scratches really easily too. I'm kind of disappointed at the fact that it scratched so easily, because now it's kinda ugly. But I will say this: dropping it doesn't really have an effect.. well for me it didn't. But watch where you put your phone because if it's mixed with other objects it will get scratched easily

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no problemos so far...

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ok so i bought this phone last week. I was going to get the Samsung Glyde or LG Dare but i figured why pay $250 for a touch screen phone? (ive had issues with touch screens in the past) so i was looking around and saw this. I thought it was a good price, i liked the idea of there being a numpad on the external and internal of the phone, and ive been wanting a phone with a qwerty keyboard because ive become kind of hooked to texting =P. So anyway iva had it for a week and so far no issues with signal strength, internet, speed, in & out messaging, sound quality, phone alerts (vibrate, ring, ect.) calls, ect. EXCEPT for tonight when i was on the phone with my friend. It dropped my call and when i tried to call back it went to roaming and said that my phone was "currently unregistered and could only make collect or credit card calls"
scared the hell out of me, but after about 25 minutes everything went back to normal. But ive been reading these reviews and theyve got me kind of worried, is there something i should be aware of? should i take it back and get something else? (so far its a really good phone though so...)

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Best of LG

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It is better than the first env. I had this phone about a week and i love it.It has good battrie life. It is good for txt.

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got it from this local franchise store

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got dis fone from a local store

i like the look of it...

dats all i liked... i was told dis fon could get my work email... i was told dis fon was tv capable... i was told this fone did so many things that it just doesn't... i tried to return it but this franchise store i bought it from doesn't really have a return policy... it's something retailers.. it's in my neighborhood...

i should have got the blackberry curve now im stuck with dis for like 17 more months...

i should have gotten it 4rm a corporate store.. oh well.. at least i got VZ navagator... that's a cool feature...

all in all... this is a cool phone... but it's more like a fone 4 beginners or teeny boppers not 4 people who need work email and REAL internet...

i give dis fone a strong 4!

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Nice phone -- decent features

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I recently upgraded my phone to the Env2. Overall I very much like the phone. The call quality is good, appearance is nice, long battery life, and having the full keyboard is wonderful for texting. The small external screen is not a major issue for me although it would be nice if it were slightly larger and the clock did not cover up the background. The internal screen is clear and bright for texting, pictures, etc. I like having the large external keypad. The phone is well sized for carrying in one's pocket and conveniently smaller than I had expected. The gripe I have with the phone has to do with the volume level and control. There seems to be no easy way to adjust the volume when playing music with the phone open. One has to close the phone slightly to access the volume button on the side of the phone in order to adjust the volume unless I am missing some way to adjust the volume from the keyboard. In addition the lowest ring volume level is not low enough. I would have liked a slightly lower ring volume level than the lowest setting before it gets set to vibrate. My only outstanding concern is being able to get or create some decent ringtones and being able to load them into the phone. Otherwise I am pleased with this phone and would recommend it to those looking for a phone primarily for calls and texting.

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Faithful to Verizon and LG

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I have had my maroon enV2 for a month now and love it! I went through and read all the other reviews and am pleased to see alot of positive comments! I have been a Verizon customer from the start and have had several phones. My favorite was the LG 8300. When it was time for my new every 2 I tried the ENV and gave it to my sister. Liked it but thought it was to bulky. So from there I went to the Samsung SCH-U620. I went through 3 of these phones and had many problems when I finally had enough and asked to change to the enV2! I am very happy I made this choice, it's everything I needed!

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