LG enV2 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

enV2 sucks.

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the keyboard is amazing. but the outside keys screw up. first it started out with my OK button not working anymore, just like it does for everyone else if you use the outside a lot. and now, all my keys don't work. except for the end, clear and music key. those are the only ones. also, I have not dropped my phone. so it should not be doing this. the only way I can get some keys to work is if I push on them hard to push them in place. but it always messes up again. my guess as to why it does this is because all the keys are connected if you look. they could have done a better job on the outside. otherwise, it's a good phone.

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this phone is horrible! it calls random people when its in your pocket. it drops calls out of nowhere. the okay button and the *,0, and # buttons have stopped working. it doesnt charge anymore and regret ever asking my mom for ths stupid phone. i shouldve got the dare. this is ridiculous! and you have to pay for almost every feature on it. everytime i wanna get on the internet or find somewhere to hang with my friends  have to pay for it. annoying!

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great phone

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This phone is super fast. it takes less than 6 seconds to send or receive a pic. message. with a 2.0 mega pixel camera, it takes high quality pictures and videos. the phone sometimes does overload and just shuts down. that gets annoying. overal this is like a 8.5/10

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Not so bad...not so good

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i wrote a review for this phone about 3 months after i got the phone. Now i have had the phone for 5 months and i can honestly say that it is a big dissapointment. 
First of all the entire front part of the phone does not work. and only sometimes it does. it turns off randomly. the camera is ok.
if u want to buy this phone...dont. get the voyager or some other qwerty phone. this is overall a big dissapointment

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buttons on the front have stopped working. i'm pissed.

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Okay phone, if you're not rough on it..

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I got this phone in May and was in love with it. The keyboard is a really good size and I liked the general size of the phone (compared to my enV, this phone was small!) I had to get the phone replaced in November because something happened to my earpiece and I couldn't hear anyone. The only problem with my first phone was that the chrome paint chipped off because it went in and out of my pocket. I only had my 2nd enV2 for a month before the "OK" and "0" button stopped working, which meant I couldn't unlock the phone. I don't know if you've had to dial from the inside but it gets old real quick, and when I want to reply to a text with "ok" I don't wanna have to open the phone. I took the phone back and now the "SEND", 7, 8, and 9 buttons are going out. I never had any of these problems with my first enV2 but now they keep happening even faster than before. I guess I'm gonna get a Voyager.

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I guess everyone has different luck or problems with any phone. But for me on the EnV2 i'm already having tons of problems with it. The front of the key pad has a lock on it, but it freezes & i cannot push the time on the outside of the phone. I have lost text messages, which i have no idea what happened to them. My outbox sent text messages do not show that I ever sent out a message. And the time is acting up on the phone. It is showing Two hours ahead of the normal time. I called Verizon & they told me to take out the battery & put it back in & I also re-programmed my phone with *228. Still the same problems are there. I may have to get a new EnV2 phone tonight which is a pain. If it happens again, I might need a different model phone. Frustrated with this phone. Seems cool, but has lots of problems & it's only been less than a year!

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I have had this phone for about half a year and have already had three. The OK button often freezes on it after using for a while. It is also ugly and bulky. The only good thing about it is texting. Do not get it.

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So far, I like it...

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I hear folks complaining about this phone but I can say my experience has been great.  No freezing, lost texts, weird calls from a "locked" keypad, NOTHING...  When compared to the previous two phones I owned, this one is a gold mine.  The voice dialing is perfect.  It repeats names back properly unlike the Moto RAZR and Samsung R410.  I have yet to have it misidentify a spoken name.  The speaker phone is quite clear.  I haven't noticed any feedback (that repetitious echo when someone talks) from the speaker phone.  The camera is great and the night mode doesn't require a flash.  The camera's resolution is almost as high as my Nikon D60.  The call quality is excellent with no dropped calls or "hazy / fuzzy" sound.  It's only slightly thicker than my RAZR and weighs about the same.  Even though I've read a few reviews saying the chrome flakes off and the plastic discolors, I haven't experienced this.
One thing that makes this phone a joy to own is the bluetooth features.  I use a bluetooth headset with all my phones and have noticed especially with this phone that using a headset extends the phone capabilities quite nicely.  Why dial with the exterior keypad when you can click the headset and dial by voice?  Why attempt to text with the keypad?  If you bought the phone because it has a keyboard and bluetooth, USE THEM!  When coupled with a headsey, this phone is simply unbeatable.

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this is a crappy phone the bottems go out all the time and the battery starts to suck i have had it for a year and i have had 10 of them. the screan goes out and its only good for txting

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Great for texting! ... that's pretty much it.

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I've had this phone for 4 months now. I love the QWERTY keyboard! It makes texting so much more accurate and faster than what I had to put up with on my previous phone, the Motorola Razr. The Razr's predictive text wasn't very predictive, so it took me longer to text people than with using the QWERTY keyboard on this phone. Plus, if I'm left with only one hand, I can text from the outside like normal, and LG's predictive text can pretty much read my mind! The 2.0 megapixel camera is an upgrade from my previous phone's 1.3 megapixel so no complaints there (even though it doesn't have a flash... I don't care about that though because most flash phones don't make a huge difference unless you're taking a picture in dark areas). The external screen isn't very functional. The only menus you can access are: 1) Contacts, 2) Messaging, 3) Recent Calls, 4) My Music (though there is a dedicated music button on the keypad!), 5) Bluetooth Menu, and 6) Keyguard Setting (which offers: Allways Off, 7 Seconds, 15, then 30). Given the QWERTY keyboard on the interior, I hardly ever text on the exterior keypad, but when I do, I find it irritating that there is only an up and down arrow and not a left or right arrow, so if you want to go back in your text, the only way to do so is by pressing the CLR button, which compels me open the phone anyway. Also, you can only text up to 160 characters on the exterior.
I like how big the buttons are on the outside, but they're bigger than needed. I prefer the size and function of the original EnV's exterior screen. Combine that screen with typical buttons of a flip-phone and the phone is almost perfect. My biggest complaint about the EnV2 is the OK button on the outside. I haven't had problems with it not working as other reviewers, but because the phone unlocks after pressing the OK button twice, I've had problems accidentally calling people (either on speed dials or most recent calls) while the phone is in my pocket or even in my belt clip! Because of the frequency of it calling other people while in my pocket or belt clip, I'm looking to get another phone. I won't downgrade my phone from the QWERTY keyboard though so I'll hold onto this until something better comes out. I can live without great functionality of the the exterior keypad and screen, but I wish this phone had a lock switch on the side of it like how the Voyager has. Why didn't they do that with this phone!!?? There are only speakers on the inside of the phone, so when listening to music from those speakers, the phone should be open for better sound, however the screen doesn't go dark! It dims, but it doesn't go dark.
I prefer this phone over my last phone, the Razr, any day of the week. It can hold up to 8 gb mircoSDHC and my USB Card Reader/Writer makes transferring music and pictures to and from my computers (PC and Mac) easy as pie. I also love the battery life! If you want a QWERTY keyboard, I would highly recommend this phone, though it doesn't have the best exterior function. If you're not looking for a QWERTY keyboard, get a flip-phone so that you don't accidentally call other people while the phone is in your pocket.

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Nothing ENV-ious about this phone

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I have had both the Green Env and the Maroon Env2..
First lets discuss that the ENV didnt last a full year without problems needing numerous trips to Verizon then offering me the ENV 2 because they were having so many problems with the Env they stopped selling it. Then you have the numerous problems with them not lasting more then a few months without the chrome flaking off or the gloss over paint wearing off inside and outside.
Qwerty keyboard
Turning itself off/on
Freezing when txting/ then turning off and on again "phone is made to txt and cant even do that"
Less functionality of the env
Bad reception
Having to have the phone open to use speakerphone...but it can be closed to listen to music hmmm
No Flash?
Verizon's BS about having to pay for each and every additional feature on the device
I want to take this thing and jump on it

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It is a good phone but i miss my env

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Verizon gave me this phone because when my env broke they didnt have any in stock. I have had it for 4 month, and now things are starting to go wrong with it. It turns off randomly about 3-4 times a day, my ok and 0 button stopped working on the front (i can't put the phone in my pocket anymore because i cant get the keygaurd on), and the battery doenst last nearly as long as it used to. Overall it is a good phone, but i really miss my env.

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i like LG...

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I've had my enV2 for about 7 or 8 months now & have had beautiful luck with it. the keyboard & camera are great. the phoen is very user friendly & easy to operate. was actually looking for the Samsung Alias when i bought this phone but they had pulled it off the market so they could change colors. this phone has been fantastic for me. the only thing i dont like is the chrom on the sides, because it chips after a while, which isn't that big of a deal since the phone works great. also, i wish there would have been a blue or nice green to choose from. overall, have been very please with LG considering this is my 1st phone by them...

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This phone sucks!!!!

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I have had my env2 for about 2 months now. I have already had 4 of them. The screens have cracked, frozen, my OK SEND 7,8, and 9 keys have gone out and now my sent box drafts and a few other things will not work on the inside. I do not recommend these phones at all. It was a big mistake to get one. If you could recommend a good phone i can get to replace this tell me! 
LG needs to learn how to make a freakin phone thats not a piece of crap!!!!!!!!!!

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Mostly looks, SOME performance.

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I have had the env2 for a little over a month. It wasn't an upgrade; it was a replacement for my env (which I had eight of them.)  I was pretty excited to get it, even though I had heard some lets just say non convincing things about it.  My env stunk. Every one of them shut off on me, froze, and everything jumbled up all over the screen. I only liked the full keyboard on the inside.  My env2, after one month, is already giving me problems.  My OK button on the front of the phone half the time doesn't work, my send button sometimes won't work, along with my 7,8, and 8 buttons! I have hardly dropped this phone, and tons of reviews talk about the OK button.  I love the keyboard on the inside, and the music sound quality...it comes in loud and clear. It as a good camera too. (2 Megapixel.)  I am thankful that I get an upgrade in two months, I've had enough of the "envs" in general. =P. LG and verizon should have waited to put this on the market, and maybe fix the problems?! Another good thing is the battery. It gets me two or three days, it depends on how much I text. Overall, I think this phone is crap.  I do not recomend this phone...espicially for an upgrade!!!

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I totally recommend this phone.

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This is probably the best phone I've had. I've had it for 2 days and so far I've had no problems. I traded in my LG Dare for this as it was somewhat difficult to text on. As I am a heavy texter, I felt I needed a QWERTY keyboard, not a touchscreen QWERTY. Its a great size and it fits in my pocket and is a lot smaller than my mom's Voyager. The camera is pretty decent. A 2.0 isn't that much, but I don't use the camera that often, so thats OK for me. The dialing pad buttons and buttons on the keyboard are perfectly sized and compacted for easy dialing and texting. I LOVE the big speakers inside! Huge thing for me, because I do use my phone for music. So far, I am very happy with it and have none of the problems other people had with it. Maybe I just got a good one. (:

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I like it

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i had this phone for about a month now and nothing happended yeah the lock guard might be dumb at times but you get use to it. i droped this phone so many times i thought it was gonna brake by now and haven't it didnt even freeze up. this phone is not entirly better than the env because the camera dont have a flash which means you have to have the perfect lighting. the front dont have a back key so when ur textn on the front and you mess you yu have to hit clear until you get to ur error but thats ok because i guess the point is to open up the phone and use the keyboard. thats basicaly it. and the front screen dont bother me cause the only time my phone is close is when its charging or when im talkin to somebody on it. um i dont like the fact that you cant listen to music and browse through the phone at the same time but i have a mp3 player for that. everything else is pretty good. love the size and everything. i would choose this phone over the env anyday of the week. i had like 10 envs since march this is my first env2 and nothing is wrong with it yet. so if your complaining about your phone freezing and braking all the time your just being careless cause even though i droped it a billion times it still look brand new. no cratches or nothing and im talking about droping it on the train and outside. so stop being careless and then complaining making the phone look bad when its just you. i would love this phone it i could set ringtones to diffrent people when they text me and not jus when they call

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Not So Envious.

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Okay, so i've had this phone for about a month or so. It was a stated "upgrade" from my original EnV. I miss that phone dearly. The EnV2 is really.. really horrible. I've already had to get this phone 5 times. It's broken 4 times in 1 month. Either the speaker goes out (which isn't good in the first place), the text messages freeze//keypad freezes, the entire front keypad broke and froze aswell. I can't stress not getting this phone enough. The silver siding definatley chips off, as well as the screen scratching easily. The 'keylock' doesn't do it's job. I'm still in highschool, and when my phone is sitting in my pocket during classes either I will call somebody, or it will go to the screen where it says "please say a command" and will repeat until I notice. The front earpiece isn't great either. Long distance phone calls pick up horribly in places where service is supposed to be fantastic. The only positive to this phone is the keypad. It's soo handy! Texts get done in seconds.
If your not already on Verizon, don't switch. You have to pay for everything. Websites like myxer.com where I could once get free ringtones, now Verizon has blocked it's contractees to permit use. I hate having to pay 2.99 for a stinking ringtone!!!!
This phone is overpriced and a bad investment. I'm switching to AT&T and getting an iPhone soon, hopefully it will be a much better expirence than this past month. >.<

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i like this phone alot, its a nice sized phone with a great qwerty keypad, plus it has a nice battery life, i only charge mine every few days. but the unlock style is kinda dumb. and it will occasionaly pocketcall, but that can be fixed, u just need to empty your call log, that way the shortcut on the front of the phone has no numbers to pocket call.

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A well "rounded" phone =)

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The env2 is a new version to the old env on Verizon Wireless' Service. Really, all that has changed is the smallness and the cosmetics of the env2 compared to the env. Yes, the silver will eventually scratch away, as with any phone that is under stress from being in a pocket or purse, etc. The phone internally is SOLID, it's software is fast and responsive (compared to a motorolla RAZR and other Motorolla Phones such as the W755). It may lack the "cool" factor like the Dare and Voyager have to offer, but the Env2 will shock you. The battery last for a long time I have talked on the phone for over the 5 hours time before it finally died. I have to warn you though, I have gone through one already (the ok button on the front failed to respond or did respond once in a blue moon) I did take it in to Verizon and they gave me a new phone. About the size of the screen on the outside? Well, yes it's small compared to some other phones Verizon offers (Voyager, Dare, and others) but on most flip phones you are going to have a smaller screen on the external part of the phone.
On the topic of pocket dialing, yes, it possible to pocket dial with any phone that has a keypad on the outside, my friend has the Voyager and she has pocket dialed on the bus by accident. My other friend has a Dare, she too has pocket dialed. Anything will an outside keypad IS very likely to accident call someone on your contacts or random numbers. I had a Chocolate 2 previous to this phone and it randomly called by accidently opening in my pocket and my contacts. Honestly if you want to fix this problem, get a flip phone such as the Chocolate 3 or the Lg Vx8350 or any other phone with a flip.
The Env2 has MANY shortcuts, the "fn" key is an excellent feature provides fast access to almost all the features of the phone. You can set up this shortcuts even from the "fn" menu! All of this provides fast access to the features.
The Env2 is a flip phone which is very nice! the main part of the phone is it is supposed to be used with the flip open (usually that's how it goes, with exception to Voyager). You can text still on the front and open six menus of the phone on the front: In order: Contacts, Messaging, Recent Calls, My Music, Bluetooth, lastly Keypad lock. These are basic needs for any multimedia phone.
The size of the Env2 is superb. It "fits" into any pocket with ease and no noticeable bump. This was probably the main reason why the Env got it's "upgrade" People complianed about the phone's camera bump. Well that's taken care of now, but at the price of a camera lens cover and a flash. Honestly, the flash isn't all that grand unless you have a phone with a higher mega pixel camera.
Speaking of the Camera, it's simply amazing! Photos come out clearly and crisp with little to none color difference. Sure it lacks a flash, but the night mode makes everything "pop" in low lighting conditions (honestly why would you want to take a photo in pitch black? =P)
Call quality is excellent, speaker phone can become destorted at high levels but that's fine just turn it down one level and you can hear the caller with little to none destortions. As awkward as this sounds you can use the Env2 open and call and still use the earpiece with out shutting the flip (I don't see why you would hold the phone this way cause it looks as awkward as it feels =P)
Overall, the env2 is a top quality phone with very minor flaws as ANY phone (including that grand Iphone) will have. It honestly will make your calls, send your texts, and explore all the possiblities as any other phone can do. Give it a try and you'll find the Env2 maybe for you =) 

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Very Good

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i purchase this phone almost 2 months ago. and i love it. the qwerty keypad is very easy to use and its very easy phone to get use to. like all the other review i wish the front was more attractive and that the front screen was bigger. but going on the internet is very easy and fast. and the battery life is amazing

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enV2 - better than the original!

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I had this phone for about two weeks and it started acting up on text messaging. I would send text messages that wouldn't get delivered for hours or not at all. Then, my friend tried texting me and I never got the messages! She showed me that the messages got sent, but I never got them. I'm not too crazy about the lock on the outside screen - it pocket dialed on me once, and I was just standing still.
It's really not a bad phone, but once you actually use it, you'll notice that there is no special features on it and the only thing that has changed is the appearence and the menu. I took mine back and got the LG Dare.

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horrible phone i had it for two weeks and have already been through two of them. the space button freezes the whole phone and the music button doesn't work half the time. also the silver lining scratces off just by putting it in your pocket. the battery doesn't last very long and if you are a heavy texter as i am don't expect to get your text messages soon, some take up to an hour to recieve.

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had it for a week, then returned it (thank god)

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I was really looking forward to this phone. As I'm frequently texting friends, i was looking forward to saving time with the QWERTY keyboard. However, that was the only thing this phone was good for, and it wasn't worth it. 
I had this phone for a week, and in that time, I noticed these problems with the design:
1. keylock is very ineficient - i accidentally called someone while the phone was in my pocket (after owning the phone only a few days.. can't imagine what 2 years of that would be like)... the way the keylock works is that basically you can press any key, and then press ok, and the phone is unlocked... then, it's just a matter of bumping the send button (which would put you in the recent calls screen) and then it getting pushed again, which is exactly what happened to me.
2. external LCD is fairly useless... too small to see more than a couple lines... also, because it shuts off to save battery life, there's no way to glance at the phone to see your phone status. really annoying for me because temporarily in a low coverage area and need to see if my phone is connected to the network.
3. speaker is VERY distorted.. i mean really, really distorted. You can actually hear clipping if it's above medium setting, and it's not even that loud.
4. i've read (didn't get a chance to test it myself) that the chrome siding scratches off very easily... not good if you plan on having this phone for a while.
The Env2 does have its advantages.. the texting function is very good, very quick, but just not worth it. I exchanged this phone for the samsung alias and i'm glad i did... despite the reviews i had read on it, i found the keys perfectly sized on that phone, plus its external lcd displays your phone info if you hold down one of the outside buttons (doesn't solve the problem, but at least it's an improvement over the env2)... plus, because it's a flip phone, no accidentally calling someone back!
do yourself a favor and get the alias if you want a qwerty phone. the env2 is all image and just one poor design after another.

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