LG enV2 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

ehh kinda sucks

Phone owned for

this phone worked pretty good for the first month but then it started turning off randomly and each button on the front started to stop working one by one

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Get the Env2 Prepaid!!!

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Alright, I went to a Verizon store, and had in mind getting the Blitz. Then, I saw they had an env2 in prepaid. It's really new also. The lady there said the fixed the front keypad and didn't give the phone a silver trim, but a blue trim. (it is a black env2 btw)

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do not get this phone! only 3 months after i got it, the front screen stopped working. Now, my phone randomly turns off, sometimes 30 times a day. the battery lasts long...but it doesnt matter when the phone cant even stay on for 10 minutes.

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Env2 Good Phone

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The Env2 is one of my favorite phones. definatly not one of te most high tech phones, but definatly an nice phone to have.

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button fix

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Alright i have already posted a review buuuut evry1 who is having trouble with the buttons on thhe front here is how to fix them.First open the phone then hold the ok button on the outside off the phone.At the same time hold the left soft key on the inside off the phone then close the phone quickly.Iff it does not work the first time keep on tryin.This is an awsome phone once u figure out how 2 fix the buttons .PS this is only temporary.Every day or so u may have to reapeat the process

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Awsome phone!!!!!!!!!!

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THIS IS THE BEST PHONE EVER!!!!The keyboard is sweet!The canera quakity is great and its super fast!!!Get this phone!IV had it for 3 months now and no big problems.GET THIS PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Awsome phone

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i love this phone!Its awsome!THe battery can go 5 days without a charge the qwerty keyboard is awsome the camera is awsome.THIS IS AN AWSOME PHON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GET IT!

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Horrible Phone.

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Well, Im now about to go on my 4th enV2 phone. My first phone that I had for four months, the ok button on the front broke very slowly. So I went in and got another one. The next day that phone broke and I had to go back to the store to get another new one. Now its been four months and it broke again. It turns off by itself and always freezes on me. If you want to get this phone, I'd tell you dont bother. All you'll do is complain and run to the store. I wouldn't even try the enV3 since they've had so much trouble with the enV2.

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not bad

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Ive had the env2 for a year now. It is a decent phone but nothing to be excited about. Ive gone through 3 of them. ive had all sorts of issues with it. the front buttons stop working, the charger port gets loose, it freezes up on me. I think you get the idea. The env2 does have some good qualities. Its easy to use and ive found the battery life to be alright. It is a great texting phone. The sound quality is good but speaker phone sounds like crap to me. Ive had some pretty nasty phones before and this wayyyyyyy better. Overall i have to say the env2 is a good phone IF your willing to be presented with technical problems. 

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not recommended

Phone owned for

this phone has been horrible. i got mine last july and since have gone through 4 of them. the ok button on the outside always stops working on its own and most recently i dropped the phone at most 12 inches to the ground and the screens both broke. finally i took it into verizon and they were out of env2s so now im waiting on a new env3 to try out. if you are considering this phone or getting this phone be prepared to be disappointed. the phone itself, the design, the keyboard and everything else is great but it just doesnt work. its built really poorly. my 'e' button on the inside of my phone doesnt work right and neither does the down button on the inside. the call quality is average, but you cant use speaker phone without opening the phone. i have way more complaints about this phone than positive things. really not recommended.

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Phone owned for

Ok so I had my env2 for about 9 months and then just recently the front ok button has stopped working and in the middle of a text message when i hit the space button it just freezes...i have to take the battery out and restart it and that still doesn't help. The phone randomly turns off and i have just about had it!

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don't get this phone.

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ok i have the env2. that i first was in love with. this is a BAD BAD BAD phone. the front- the 9, 7, ok, send, buttons stopped working on my first one. then when it was broken i had to open it to answer and then all calls were messed up. the inside key board the keys have to much space and the buttons are harder to use, like for me you have to press down really hard. the battery life is okay it will last me 1.5 days, but i text SOOO much. DONT GET THIS PHONE. cause once you have it, you will want to replace it. and the outside screen is small and you can't really do anything. can also get slow once you have it for a while.

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okay, I have the EnV2 and I like it but it get so annoying sometimes, on the front of my phone my ok 7 8  aand 9 buttons do not work so I dont realoly like my phone

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Phone owned for

this phone has been amazing since i bought it. i'm a huge music fan, so i use the music player in it everyday and it works wonderfully. my husband has the enV, and after the enV2 came out, i knew i had to get it. now he wants an enV2! it holds a charge for days, even with me using the music function. best phone i've had.

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Like it, but needs improvement.

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This is my first phone, got it in April this year.  The first day I was amazed with what I could do with my phone.  I love that I can send text messages, pic, and video easily.  The instant messengers were easy and fast.  I love that I can get my email sent straight to my phone, no having to run home and log on the computer.  I adore my calender, and other built in applications.  I loved the fact I'm able to search the web for basic news and info.  As for calls, I usually get good reception, especially when I'm talking to people on the same network.  When I call my home landline its really great.  When it comes to calling people with different carriers it's not great, but then again neither is the callers.  I can't blame the LG EnV2 for my carriers problems.  Overall it's a great first phone for someone who knows what they want to the phone to do, with a few added surprises.

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I really liked this phone when I first got it and love the keyboard but now the love is gone.  I have had it less then a year and the clear coat is flaking, having trouble with some of the front buttons not working or only working when they feel like it and it turns off whenever it sees fit even when the battery is fully charged.  Also when I am talking on the phone it sounds as if you loss the call but the person is still on the other line, just your ends goes silent.  I have been told that all of these are known problems and I can bring it in for reprogramming or a referb phone but to be honest with these probs I would just rather get a different model all together.

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Great Phone

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I have had this phone for a year now and I love it.  It is grest and it makes texting easy.  The only bad thing is the front screen :(

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I sort of took this phone for granted, when I had it, I constantly complained about the front screen size and crappy picture quality. I now see that the phone was a beast when it came to damage, it held together through many falls/throws/water related incidents. It is also has a long lasting bettery, I've talked on it without charging it for 6 hours straight. The key board is easy to get used to and it's pretty much a great phone overall.

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i loved mine

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i was givin this phone when my went in to replace my 6th choc2 i thought i would hate it but the only major downfall that i had was the out side screen was to small and you could not go to the left and right on the menu other than that it was one of the most durable phone i ever had even worked after trowing it against a metal door dropping it in a bowl of soup and dropping it down 3 flights of stairs in my dorm...this is one of the best phones i ever owned it had a good camara and ok videos and you could actually hear ppl when you call...and once you get used to the full keyboard it is awesome and great to txt on

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When i first got it it was very nice. after awhile the battery started to drain down and only last like 2 days. before that it would last like 4 or 5. The cameras nice. The video is nice wen yu take it but wen yu watch it is blurs. the keyboard is really awesome! i make no mistakes watsoever. i think its better than the voyagers becuz its smaller and compact and the same layout. the front screen is annoying becuz yu can never use it! yu always have to flip it open to do anything. also, yu cant really customize this phone. No fonts, no good dispay themes or as much customization as the dare or voyager.  

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Could Be Better

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This phone is nice compared to what I had before...Nextel.  I have had so many problems with my phone I have had to take it in to get replace four times.  I have had the same problems with all four of the phones I had.  Such as not unlocking on the front, just shutting off, frezing up,and the ok button on the front just stop working all together.  I love my full keyboard but I have never had so many problems with one phone before. I have friends with the same phone and they have the same problems and they have had multiple phones just as me and it hasnt been a year.    

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ENV2 ....[lame ass phone]

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I WAS in love with this phone. I would always watch all the reviews on youtube and just dream about it. The first several months I had it was ok. THEN, my OK stopped working. Then my END, then my SEND, then my 7,8,and 9. etc. Since December, this problem has been going on. I cannot unlock the phone from the front. And when it is unlocked, the OK and the *,0,and # dont work at all. They only work when they want to. The only possible way I can activiate the front is when I END a call. This sucks because it's harder for me to text in class cause I gotta flip open the whole damn phone!
:X piece of shit.
What should I do??

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Great Phone!`

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I have had this phone for a year and half, I think. It was my first cell phone with the Querty key board and I love this phone. I can actually use the key board as I'm a guy with big figers. :) I haven't had one single problem with this phone. I take it everywhere I go, mostly outdoors. I fish, hunt, camp, etc. and use this for my business. I have a computer repair business and use the Verizon Navigator all the time, it's just great. It stays charged all day for me also a plus..
As you can tell, I like the phone and recommeded it to several friends that have purchased the ENV2 and also love it.

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and this is the env2?

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once you get it you will like it but after a month the buttons stop working for me the screen cracked it scratches easily the only thing about it that i liked was the keyboard

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I love my Env2

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I have had my phone now since Feb. of this year and i have noticed a couple of things wrong with it.. When i listen to my music on it. it sometimes restarts itself and when i take pics it freezes on me and i have to take the battery out. All my buttons work good. The picture quaity is good except at night unless u have good lighting which i do most of the time... I put protectors on my phone screens and a snap on cover to keep it in good shape. I had the Silcone cover but i didnt like it..

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