LG enV2 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Backup Phone

Phone owned for less than a year

I went in June to my local thrift store and saw this phone, but since i am in Canada, it is called the Keybo. I bought it for a reasonable 15$, and it works perfectly! I now use this phone as a backup.

The features, there are plenty! Like the 2.0 Megapixels camera that takes Okay photos as well as low resolution videos, that are sized at 176 by 144, but what do you expect? The keyboard is excellent to take notes and send texts. The speakers sound great, but you can't put your own music on your phone, if you had Telus or Verizon, you would have to use their music network that is maybe no longer supported. It has a Micro SD Card Slot, that takes up to 8 GB, and it has plenty of more features!

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My first phone

Phone owned for more than a year

This was my first cell phone I got when I believe I was around nine years old. I put that phone through a lot and it still works! I dropped it many many times, it still works perfectly,it's built really well. The camera is good for a basic phone,keeping in mind this isn't the latest and greatest smartphone. The keyboard is really nice and great for texting. The speakers work perfectly and there are a ton of bite marks on mine (don't ask how they got them). Though I have moved on and bought a few new phone since,this has to be my favorite. I don't remember the call quality that well, I do believe it was nice. I only used the internet on it a handful of times I believe it worked decently,not great. For everyday use, hell yes it's good. :)

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Loved it at first then hated it

Phone owned for more than a year

So i have had this phone for alittle over a year now off and on. i loved it at first then it started to tweak out.
the clr button on the front stopped working and so when you mess up on texts you have to flip it up to the inside.
the buttons inside like to repeat letters even though you click it once "iiiittttt loooookkkkkksssss liiikkkee thisss"
the metal and paint on the phone scratches and chips was easily
the outside screen is small,
the camera sucks, NO ZOOM.
the speakers like to fade once in awhile. and the battery life used to be amazing now its not.
its real durable, the outside buttons push smoothly, the inside key board is nicely spaced,

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Env2 - Favorite phone I've owned

Phone owned for more than a year

There seem to be a mix of good and bad reviews, so I thought I'd throw out why this is the best phone I've ever owned (not that it matters much at this point :P). I prefer dumb phones (never wanted a smart phone), and I prefer texting to calling. This phone has suited my needs perfectly.

I've had this phone since they came out about three or four years ago, and I have not been kind to it. It's been dropped many times, it's been scratched, knocked around in the bottom of my purse, and abused in various other ways. As a result, the outside of the phone is no longer pretty. The outside buttons have stopped working; the inside keyboard has developed a few quirks; but despite all of this, the inside screen and interface is still pristine thanks to the clamshell design. And, despite all of this, it still calls, texts, and (with my usage) has a battery life of an entire week. It has also entirely outlasted another brand spanking new phone, and was still perfectly functional after a year in a drawer to return to service when it broke down.

I like this phone's design a lot. The clamshell design means that the inside screen is and keyboard is protected from wear and tear, even if the outside is unavoidably beat up. It also means that there is room for a nice, large screen on the inside. The lack of touch screen makes it more durable (in my opinion). replying to a text is lightning fast because all you need to do is flip it open and start typing. The extended life battery lasts forever. It is an older phone, so it lacks many features that people seem to expect; but I have never had these features and thus do not miss them.

features: the camera is low quality, but a camera nonetheless. It can take and SD card, and with a 2 gig card I've never run out of room. I don't use the internet or anything that requires data with this phone, but with an ipod touch it doesn't really matter!

I've known people that were less fortunate with the lifetime of their enV2, but somehow, perhaps I got lucky, mine has survived!

Bottom line: This phone lasted forever and still does everything I need/want it to do. Basic phone, but durable, good design.

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EnV2 Begin Great, End TERRIBLY!

Phone owned for more than a year

At first, the phone was great! i have had this phone about 3 years. I take great care of my phones because if i dont, im not sure what ill do! In the first months, it was great. All keys worked, did what i asked, etc etc! Then it started...."messing up". At first it just slowed down a bit... and brightness got a little dull.
Then (mainly within the past year), it started really irritating me. First i noticed that when i put my phone on vibrate... you didnt notice it as much. (Example: one time i put it on vibrate. after half an hour i checked the time on my phone, 20 messages were sent!!! I would have noticed the vibrate if it worked properly!)
Then, i realized that when i typed, it was like a few seconds behind. I would type 'Yea i went to see that movie last weekend.' And when i got to end in weekend, it was still on wee. I guessed that im a fast typer, so i didnt really care, not too irritating.
Then ( this was about 4 months ago when i noticed), i realized it was turning off on its own! At first i thought it was low battery or that i had turned it off. but as time passed, i realized it wasnt any of those reasons. I would fully charge it during the night. I would receive a text. When i reply, i closed it, and there, it turned off right in front of my eyes. and once i noticed it, thats all i saw. AT least once every other day (usually more than that) it turns off on its own. That is the most annoying part! My front pad still works but, you never know it could stop tomorrow. Oh and it chips really easily! i have a skin it on mine, but you can still see metal siding, and its really chipped but i only dropped it a few times about 12 inches away............Cute and great at first, but slowly crumbles down.
(p.s. i dont go on the internet at all with this phone because it has been turned off, so i am not sure if it works or not.)

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Phone owned for more than a year

Okay so I have had this phone for 2 years now, and I have had to get it replaced 5 times!!! About a month after I would get the replacment the phone would either break in half(litterly i'm not kidding) or crack!! But mostly break in half and then when I would be in the middle of texting someone it would turn off and NOT turn back on!! And don't get me started on the battery, I had charged the whole intire night and the next day I turned it on and the battery died in less than 3 hours max. Then I would call someone(using the front of the phone, not the keyboard part) and the front buttons would not work anymore. This happend to me every time I got a replacement. Also the camera on here sucks! And I know this is probably my fault for putting the phone in my back pocket, but when I did I would accidently but dial random people. So save yourself the trouble and DO NOT get this phone. It is the worst phone I have ever had and everyone person I knew who had the LG env2 had the SAME EXACT PROBLEMS. So I recomened you to not buy this phone, if you do you will regret it. I do.

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Reallyy The greatest cellular device ever!*

Phone owned for more than a year

I've had my enV 2 every since they came out. I have all of the enV's I use the old ones just in case there's a problem with mt current one (which has never happened). My enV 2 has been dropped torn & worn! I have had water damage and everything you can think of & all my enV's are up to par! the key is to take good care of your cell phones and they will take care of you, but the enV is just a great phone. if you expect your phone to act as a smartphone then that's exactly what you Should buy!

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Bad Phone

Phone owned for more than a year

I've had many problems with this phone. It constantly shuts off whenever i try to send messages. And just yesterday i dropped the Env2 and the inside screen is black. Also the send button, and OK button freezes alot. NOT IMPRESSED. This phone has many prombles. i wouldn't recommend it. No wonder why they came out with the Env3 so fast.

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Phone owned for more than a year

Overall a good phone. I have great call reception and quality. Camera is normal for a feature phone. The build quality seems decent except for the chipping and easy scratching. Internet is slow of course. Don't get a feature phone if you want the internet. Battery life is amazing. If you need a good battery this is a great phone.

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Wish I picked a different phone

Phone owned for more than a year

It waited about 90 days before my 2 year contract is up to start crapping out. It had already been dropped once (3-4 foot drop). It looks like my dog tried to chew it up. Started to turn itself off whenever it wants. When texting, the keyboard thinks I want a dozen of the same letter when I only press once. "Theee textssssss loook like thiiiiss" This includes symbols, shift, and caps being difficult to use now. I could go on forever! I have many friends who are in the same boat!

I'M NOT BUYING AN LG PHONE AGAIN!!!!!!!! Rather try out other brands than risk this crap again!

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Ok phone if it would stay working...

Phone owned for

I will have to agree with previous reviews. I like the full keyboard, other than the speaker button is right next to the Clear button so I keep turning it off and on while texting. The camera takes pleasant pictures but no zoom.

Downsides- easily scuffed and marked; shuts off whenever it chooses; shuts off instead of sending a text; does lock up or freeze in Mobile Web mode. I've had mine a year and now the front keypad is useless due to loss of the OK button function.
I guess I miss one-handed texting, and a larger outside screen would be nice too. Can't wait to get a different phone. In a year.

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would not recommend this phone

Phone owned for

I bought my first env2 last winter (2009) and was pleased at first. The camera seems decent compared to other 2.0 megapixel cams I've played with. The full keyboard is AWESOME, and makes texting a breeze. Call quality is decent, I have never had the phone drop a call on me. The battery life is also okay, although calls do drain it fairly quickly.


They are not good quality phones! I am on my second env2, which compared to some people, is good!

For my first env2, the front keyboard stopped working (the OK button quit. And since that unlocks the front, all other buttons were then useless on the front.) That made taking pics, answering calls, and quick texting a mega pain.
There was a trick I discovered from the net where when this happens you: 1.) open the phone, turn on camera. 2.) close phone 3.) repeatedly press the "OK" button until it starts working again
^ If that doesn't work, repeat till it does. Unfortunately, while this did work for a few months, the OK button stopped responding at all after a bit, and was once again dead.

Also, the phone's paint and metal sides chip and scratch VERY easily. Not cool.

The battery later stopped charging, so I was stuck with a dead phone.

My 2nd env2 still has a working OK button and front keyboard after being used for 3+ months, so I'm crossing my fingers there!

This phone does have a bad habit of randomly turning off a few times a day (5-8 times), which is insanely annoying!

It is also VERY easy to butt dial somebody, and this happpens a few times a week. Usually it dials a random number (like 45, or 2) but sometimes has the nasty habit of actually dialing a contact! Not good.

Lastly, and it has been doing this for about 1.5 months now, after texting somebody with the phone open, if I close the phone without waiting for it to tell me the message has been sent, the darn thing just turns off altogether! It doesn't happen every time, but does it often enough that it has become an extreme annoyance.

All in all I'd give this phone a 2/10.
Sure it looks cute and is cheap, but these env2's are well known to have multiple defects (just google env2 problems if you want to check it out!) so I would highly NOT recommend this phone to anyone!

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Phone owned for

I got my enV2 in november 2009, (should have gotten the voyager) loved the phone for 2 months until january 2009 when i had it replaced. in all i have had 5 enV2 replacments, and i have heard that if you have had 3 or more they will send you a refurbished enV3, But NOOOO! not for me. this phone is a piece of ***. plus my friends have this phone and they have had the same issue. 4 times the whole front keypad has gone out.1 time it would just shut off and would not charge. all in all.

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soooo many problems

Phone owned for

mobile IM freezes the phone and you half to wait 10 minutes for the phone to just shutoff
alarms don't turn off when you clearly set it to on
there's not much you can do with the camera because it doesn't have zoom or flash
the whole front part completely stopsworking after a short period of time, and ive gone through 3 of these phones already
turns off frequently, which is very unhelpful

hate this phone

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i agree with the reviewer who said "this phone sucks hard"

Phone owned for

WORST PHONE EVER  ... just look at how many people are giving it bad reviews. the people who give good reviews are just the lucky ones because studies have shown, that there is a 75% chance that you get the crappy phone, n the other 25% get the good phones. so don't get this phone it's a waste of time and money.

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Phone owned for

okay so like after a month th ok button on the front stopped working, when i use aim it freezes my phone, the alarms on this phone have also been failing on me, and it turns off randomly a lot !! this fone sucks hard this is like the 3rd one ive gotten cus they wont give me an upgrade. i heard wen you take it in to show em n they give you a new one, they jus take another old fone that they fixed before n give it to us-__- its a ripoff. so i say DO NOT GET THIS PHONE. btw  a lotta ppl i know who had this fone had the same exact problems n switched to another network. this is a horrible horrible phone.

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Phone owned for

i really liked this phone the first couple of weeks but after a while it SUCKED!!!! ive had 2 get about 4 replacement phones of the EnV2.. and it still doesnt work.. like on the front the OK doesnt work.. and neither does 789 or *#0 and it randomly shuts off!...

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Best Phone I've ever had!

Phone owned for

I don' t know why everyone is giving this phone a bad review, I've gone through dozens of cell phones and had issues with all of them. This is the best phone I've ever owned period. It's a tank, it's taken such a beating over the year and a half I've owned it and no problems what so ever. The keyboard is solid, I've never seen a phone with a better keyboard. the keys are nicely spaced and have nice tactile response and are backlit for dim situations. My only complaints with the phone are that the battery life is beyond terrible if you do any kind of data activity like WAP browsing or mobile email and the power/usb connection is some kind of strange proprietary connector that I haven't been able to find easily or for cheap. Overall I love this phone though. If I didn't want to upgrade to a smart phone I would have no reason to get rid of it ever! 

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what a piece of crap

Phone owned for

I lost my old phone, they do not make the Hint anymore, so they sent this as the replacement.  I seriously had this phone for a day, and the external keypad quit working.  1 day!!!!  I did not drop it or anything like that.
Its going back, and will never get another LG phone. 

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Phone owned for

Liked it at first. It was an awesome basic phone for users looking for good calling and texting, but then one by one, it became the worst phone ever. First came the constant pocket dialing. Camera quality began to get worse. Buttons stopped making click sound and started feeling like they werent being pressed. My front screen broke when i dropped it (my fault on this con) and so i have to open it for EVERYTHING. and worst of all, it turns off when i shut it too fast (and remember that i have to constantly open and close it which makes this very annoying). Wish i had another phone.

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If I could get rid of it, I would

Phone owned for

Someone else reviewed this phone by saying how much they liked their NV but hate the NV2. I would like to second that.

This thing is so irritating. It calls people for no reason. It locks and unlocks at random.

I didn't get the insurance on the thing, so I've been trying to baby it at all times, to keep it out of harm's way. It's the nicest I've ever had to be to something I hate.

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Loved it at first. Hated it at last.

Phone owned for

I got this phone last July and had it a few months. I dropped it once and the buttons stopped working in sets. A few months later, the ok button went out. Even when first purchased, it would cut off occasionally and I'd end up calling people with it locked in my pocket. I liked the keypad on the front [when it worked] and the fact you could read text messages on the front. It fit well in your pocket and it had an amazing battery life. I think I completely ran the battery down a few times the entire time I used it and I use the phone a ton each day.I think the phone is great for a temporary phone but I wouldn't suggest it as a permanent phone.

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Pretty Good Phone

Phone owned for

I've owned this phone for over a year and I must say it is a great overall phone. The display on the front is ok, does what it needs to do. The inside display is pretty good for the size. QWERTY keypad is great! not as spaced out as the Voyager but still big enough. Size of the phone I think is good. Battery life of this phone is UNBELEIVEABLE! The best battert of any phone I've ever owned. I make a enough calls and texts every day just like everyone else, and I still inly have to charge this thing like 2 times a week. Not to shabby. I'm going to get a new phone soon with a touchscreen so this env2 will be a great backup phone in the even I need one. The music player is something that Verizon needs to work on. Navigating through and loading time of the menus for the music is not that great. Plus the music tagging down right is aweful. For some reason it catagorizes artists "too indepth" when u goto search. Ohwell, maybe Verizon will get tht fixed in the future. Other than that this phone is rock solid!

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Not recommended

Phone owned for

Turns itself off for no apparent reason.
The "OK" button stopped working.
Locks up when trying to send text messages.

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my lgnv2 had probloms!

Phone owned for

Hello i am a 13 year old girl, i purchesed my phone last year. And really liked it. But abotu 4 months after buying it my * # ok 0 and 1 button on the outside buttons on the phone randomly stopped working one day. I had never dropped it spilt water on it or aything it simply just stopped working. Alot of my friends also got the lgnv2 around the same time aas i did and also said there same buttons broke as well. So a couple months later we took it into verizon and they were happy to give me a new free one. And its been about 5 months now and iv had no mroe probloms with any of the buttons. because im preety sure they came out with new software and so now the buttons dont break anymore. But yes the lgnv2 is a great phone for txters and people looking for a phone with great internet! I really like this phone but am really hopign to get a new one being that iv had it  so long and it isnt exactly"exiting" anymore. haha.

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