LG eXpo User Reviews

Overall User Rating
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User reviews

just some random guy

Phone owned for

I believe the first reviewer in the first line of paragraph had a bias against the phone.If only they had went to the website http://www.LG-eXpo.com  they might had better luck with some of the issueshere is just one person's opinion and they are not alone ""i love the LG camera so far its like day and night between the eXpo and the HTC .. i was never happy with any HTC cameras, even tho i had over 4 HTC phones, .. eXpo is the best i had so far.so if anyone else wants to research more in deciding what phone to get. This site among others would be of tremendous help

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Considerable dissapointment

Phone owned for

Since this phone appeared on ATT web site, it was hard to get - it's not sold in the stores, it's always out of stock on-line. It sounded great in reviews and in the specs, so I finally one day I was able to order it. I expected great improvement from my Samsung Epix as far as Win 6.5, and loved the idea of big screen and slide out keyboard. I am not a techie, but until now I've been able to navigate all my computer and phone needs without ever calling tech support in my life. This phone got me stuck. It's been three weeks, and I am still struggling.

Windows dissapointed by poor customization optios. Icons in the start menu could be moved to the top, or to the bottom. They can not be removed (or at least I could not figure out how to do it after reading all manuals I could find in the box and on-line).  The standard Windows "Today" page looks attractive, but it's all-or-nothing: if you try to remove "getting started" line - the whole thing dissapears, and you get a lame tiny unattractive menu with less functionality than on Win 6.1. The other thing missing from phone settings is the autoanswer option when using the hands-free device (it's not where it was on 6.1, and I could not find it anywhere else). So, now I have to press button to answer a call - it's not hands-free anymore. The IE works OK, but the zoom function is not as good as on iPhone, or even on HTC Pure, or even on Blackberry.

The other major dissapointment is a touch screen. I understand it's a different technology compared to HTCs, iPhones and Samsungs. This technology just does not work nearly as well as the others. It just causes too many erors to be useful. The phone comes with a stylus, which helps, but there is no place to store it on the phone.  Scrolling with the Finger sensor works horizontally, but it's too short a throw to go vertically, so it takes forever.

Finally, the biggest issue is the battery. Just by using BT for 1 hour and making 5-7 min worth of calls drains 25% of fully charged battery. All my attempts to save the battery also failed: for the unclear reasons the phone spontaneously connects to 3G data without me using internet or e-mail. Also, even when the phone is locked, it somehow unlocks itself (if there is a missed call, for example), and the touch screen activates all kind of things and makes phone calls, opens programs, etc. The battery is being drained like crazy. On top of that, when you use a phone, and you think you closed the window, it remains open on the background, so LG even came up with the "multitasking" hard button, which basically brings you to the task manager, and that's how you need to close the programs you thought you've already closed. So, without any significant data usage, the battery does not last me a day.

Camera is billed as 5 MP, but you don't get to zoom at that resolution. To get a reasonable zoom, you have to go to 2 MP.  I found the focusing quite poor.

Phone reception is worse than on my old phone: loose signal completely where it use to become weak. Had quite a few
interrupted calls when my party can not hear me anymore, but I still hear them well.

On the bright side: the screen is great. Keyboard is good. E-mail was easy to set up. Youtube, Google maps, other apps download and work well. Sync with Outlook is a breeze. Wi-Fi worked well.

So, this phone is going back, even though I really tried to love it.

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