LG Volt User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Lg Volt Rooted & TWRP recovery

Phone owned for less than a month

Just got one of these, and Love it..I rooted the device,installed TWRP recover,and using Obb on SD (Xposed)..Game play is fantastic, and haven't experienced any lag or crashes....All of my devices are rooted.You get so much more out of your devices that way

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Definitely worth the money

Phone owned for more than a year

I've had this phone for about 15 months and it's still working pretty well. The video quality might not be the very best but it's something you can overlook in exchange for everything else (video player, camera, battery, etc.) it has to offer.

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For the money, Cant complain..except for the misleading information given when I bought the phone right when it came out.

Phone owned for more than a year

So, I bought this phone over others mostly due to the fact that it was way cheaper than the Samsung I was looking at and that it would be one of the first phones to upgrade to the new OS.(more on that later).
The phone isn't the fastest nor does it yield the best performance of any phone I've used before, but what it does provide is indestructibility. I am notorious for being rough on my phones. I have dropped my phone into the bathtub four times now, and dropped it from varying heights to many times to count.
To put this in context , the phone I had previous to this was an iPhone. I knocked that phone off of the coffee table and the glass shattered, and there I was with a useless phone.
the LG Volt, four full depth bathtub experiences. quickly pulling it out and taking out the battery and letting things airdry returned a fully operational phone with no damage to the screen.
The Lg volt has been dropped of desks, coffee tables, and while I was walking and accidentally let it go flying. It breaks apart usually but finding the battery after its gone bouncing somewhere is the worst of the problems. There is no damage at all to the screens.
If you need a really hi functioning phone to do most of your daily work from, this is not the phone for you, but if you're buying this for a teenager or college student, Its a good option.
Now on to the promise they made about this being one of the first phones to upgrade to the new operating system. I can't stand it when a service provider and a company lie to me like that, and because of that , I won't be purchasing another of their products since they have as of yet, not upgraded us.

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Not bad but try better next time

Phone owned for less than a month

This phone would be much faster with a better cpu processor (maybe at least a 1.4 instead of 1.2 GHz processor) and an actual GB of ram. This phone actually has 863 MB of ram. This phone would also be more enjoyable with more space available to user. I love the build quality but the internal specs aren't the best. Multitasking isn't good on this device because every time I press the home button and then open my recent applications to go back, this app restarts instead of going back.

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Excellent budget phone on Virgin Mobile

Phone owned for less than 3 months

This is a serious upgrade for me (I had the Kyocera Event before the Volt, and I hated that phone). Oh, and this review is for the Virgin Mobile model.

The battery life is amazing. It is fluid. Call quality is excellent. Its build quality is excellent (it has survived a few drops on the pavement screen-first with no cracks). The screen is good for being sub-HD. It could be worse. I would say that the reception is pretty good for where I live (40 miles outside of a major city). The camera is good, but I would not recommend this phone to an avid photographer. The only real knocks I have on the LG Volt are that I often have a problem with unlocking the pattern on the lock screen (it often will only allow you to hit one or two dots of the pattern) and you have to restart the phone to make it work again, problems with the keyboard not popping up (My dad, who also has an LG Volt, has this problem. I have never had a problem with it, and we both use the default keyboard), and a lack of RAM. Overall, I would say this phone is a great deal for $80 (I got it on sale), and even if it isn't on sale ($180), it is still worth looking at if you are on Virgin Mobile. It's far from perfect (KitKat, 1GB RAM, sub-HD display), but what phone for $180 off contract is?

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Great phone for the price

Phone owned for less than a month

My wife got this phone before me and I was immediately impressed with the battery life. After charging overnight and unplugging it at 6am, it still had over 90% battery at 5pm. My DROID RAZR HD would be below 50% by that time.

When I switched from the DROID Razr HD the first thing I noticed is that there was no ambient light sensor. I used that on my DROID to automatically set the brightness, Never-the-less the Volt does have a q-slide app to switch the brightness from daytime to nighttime viewing with a single touch and thats acceptable to me.

Now that I've mentioned q-slide you may be wondering what that is. It's basically group of buttons on the notification bar that let you do many of the most common things youd want to do from anywhere. I had a custom ROM (CM11) on my old phone that enabled something similar and I was pleasantly surprised to find something on the Volt right out of the box. Other q-slide apps include a note taking app, IR TV remote, and one-click access to many settings such as wi-fi, bluetooth, etc.

For those who want to root their phone, a simple google search turns up at least 2 easy root methods but I wont go into details here. If you want to root it, it can be done.

As to speed, I dont know what other reviewers experienced but I find this phone very fast. I have 60+ apps installed already and the quad core processor never seems to slow down.

Another nice feature is the Gorilla glass 2. My old phone had this and survived many drops onto the asphalt and concrete and never damaged the screen.

Overall I'd have to say this is a very good phone for the price. And when you consider the cheap unlimited data plans with Boost it cant be beat.

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Tons of Potential, but....

Phone owned for less than a year

My first impressions of the phone were great, but as I began to use it more and more, I noticed that performance was a huge issue for this phone. Simple tasks such as playing music and browsing the internet will lead to apps crashing repeatedly, which is very frustrating. "
I spent about 10 hours optimizing the phone, uninstalling bloat-ware, testing ROMs, etc. Not a single thing improved performance in the slightest. I would avoid this phone.

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Phone owned for less than 3 months

I need to tell you how much I love your phones, right now. So here's my story. When I turned sixteen and could afford a phone from my first job I bought an LG Optimus F3 and it worked amazingly for two years. When I turned 18 I treated myself to a new LG brand phone. I chose the LG Volt. I bought the phone in December and had not one problem with it. On March first I got home from work. With my phone it the back pocket of my pants I unknowingly put both into the dirty clothes hamper. I went about my business not needing my phone. I decided to put in a load of laundry and so I dumped the basket into the wash and started it up without a second thought. 20 minutes later I can't find my phone and I'm worried. I look around for a bit and don't find it. When I begin to retrace my steps my stomach drops. I run downstairs and turn the washer to spin to drain the water out. After I can't wait anymore, I throw i open the lid and reach into the back of the washer. Sure as anything I pull out my phone. The notification button is glowing red as icy cold water drips from the phone. I begin to cry hysterically as I run up the stairs. My sister, hearing my sobs, gets up from the couch and I run into her arms. She see's what happened and immediately leaves to buy a bag of rice. Five minutes later she's back and the phone is in a bowl of rice. I can only think that my phone will never work again and I'll have to use all the money I have left to get a new one. I went to school with the LG Optimus F3, the old phone, to use as an mp3 player. I went through half of my school day before I ask to borrow a friends phone to check facebook. When I open my account, the first thing I see is a post from my sister about how she came to school and brought me flowers, soda, chocolate, and my working phone. I ran to the office in the middle of class and sure as heck my phone worked. There were a few areas of water under the screen which have dried since then. Long story short, You are my number one phone manufacturer. I would not buy a phone from anyone else. I don't care that they don't make lifeproof cases for your phones, they don't need them. This is my story of how my LG Volt lasted almost 20 minutes in the washer and still works perfectly fine. Thank you, LG.

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Decent for the price

Phone owned for less than a year

I am going to try and make this as in depth as I can, so sorry if it seems either long winded or bad.

I'm not a professional whatsoever, so I won't make this part too long, especially since I've yet to use an Android with even a 1080p screen. Anyways, for not being HD it's a pretty good screen. Nothing really seemed blurry, though you may want to find a good wallpaper for it. Whites seem a bit off if you're looking, but it should serve well for all but the biggest display buff.

The speaker is decently loud, though sounds get warped at high volumes. Headphones worked fine enough through it, and LGs built in equalizers for the music app make it all the better. You're going to want a pair of headphones if you want to use this for music playback or gaming however, because the speaker was really, really, really poorly placed. It's impossible to hold the phone in landscape without covering the speaker, which can affect media consumption if you aren't properly prepared.

The phone is a mixed bag, to say the least. For its price point, it performs well. However, at times I'm not sure if that's saying much. When it wants to perform well, it certainly will, and once it has started a task, it is going to do that task. The issue is it can take it a long time for things to load, and web browsing is almost impossible to do on it if you like to listen to music, or have apps running in the background. This can be blamed on the really low RAM and awful RAM management, and I honestly think it wouldn't be so bad if it had even 1.5 GB RAM. Gaming mostly was feasible on it, minus a few lags here and there.

The storage is the only other issue with the phone. Download a large game onto it and you're pretty much done, regardless of if you have a microSD or not. Roughly 3.93 GB is available out of the box, and if you aren't really good with management, it fills up quick. Luckily, it does have an SD card slot, so make sure to keep music, pictures, etc. on there as soon as you get one inside the phone. I would like to point out that due to KitKat's SD card restrictions, you'll have to be really clever in workarounds to get some things onto the SD.

This is honestly the literal best selling point of the phone, by a long shot. Is that a bad thing? No. Even if you use LTE really heavily, so long as you keep the screen brightness down, you are going to get a lot of screen on time. By a lot, I mean a lot. I normally really heavily use Kik all day, and it normally gets down to 30% after maybe 5-6 hours of SOT (on 4G mind you, with heavy usage).

Due to message length constrictions, I'm going to wrap it up now. If you don't web browse much, or don't need a lot of space for apps, this is the phone for you. I cannot dote on the battery enough, and the price to value ratio is pretty amazing. It does have its flaws, but if you can overcome them, it's a decent device.

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Started great but now it is a piece of junk

Phone owned for less than 3 months

It worked great for amonth and then started acting up. It stopped updating, would not allow me to access e-mails and keeps clearing the screen when I try to respond or send texts, and its latest thiin is it is not taking voicemails. I expect better for my money.

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Great phone bad service providers in my area

Phone owned for less than a year

I LOVE this phone but am having to shop for a new service provider and since it is only through Boost and Virgin mobile other carriers in my area will not allow me to transfer it. I have recently tried the Samsung SIII, The LG Transpyer, Motorola Luge, Nokia, Iphones, and nothing that besides the Samsung S5 has compaired to this phone and definantly nothing within the price range of this phone. Only thing that I have noticed is a little bit of Lagging but that has only been after I installed a McAfee AntiVirus on it due to my high use of WiFi and a friends Android getting hit by a virus, which I had not even heard of until then. I usually have about 7 different apps running in the background and absoulutly love the task manager. Great pics/HD video and sound. Would def keep this phone if I could take it to a different carrier. Straight Talk says they will, but when you go to set it up wont.

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Life's GREAT!!

Phone owned for less than a month

Previously I had an S3 and was damaged. I couldnt see myself spending $300 to buy another and thought that this would be a great alternative. I found it on sale at Best Buy for only $79.99 and it definitely was the Best purchase I have made in quite some time. 8MP rear facing camera - very clear pics and video. Quad core processor - do not notice much lag at all - i usually have about 8-9 apps running at once. Resolution is not quite as clear as the S3 but very close - and for the price - it definitely is worth every penny. Lots of Value - definitely the best Bang for the Buck!!

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A phone Should Be A Phone, But This Is A SmartPhone!

Phone owned for less than a month

I like my Phones to be Portable.

Ill start with that, and i will say that the Volt isnt very portable to start with.
Its a great phone to watch movies and videos.
texting and browsing become a bit difficult.
but i think they have a fix for that by just sliding the keyboard left or right.
which helps just a bit.
Same size as a galaxy S3, Great camera and i love the quad core processing.
i used to have the prevail then the captivate. so this is a major upgrade in my opinion.
the phone alone feels weak and light. so i would recommend getting a case with your purchase.

overall though i feel like my purchase of $129.99 was a steal.
this phone has features i do not need in a phone but are so very useful.
the screen looks beautiful and crisp (which was one of my fears when i was thinking of purchasing it.)

i definetly recommend if you are looking for something new to upgrade to.
wouldnt recommend as a first smartphone.

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LG Volt....Great phone

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Hi. At first I was hesitant about getting this phone, although it was at a great price ($180 VM) because I was focused on the phone arena review saying the phone lacked auto focus, and I said to myself excuse me what good is a camera and phone if it doesn't have auto focus (Apparently phone arena eventually took this off their website cause I don't see it anymore before I wrote this) and it wasn't auto focus that was missing it was auto brightness (cause it does have AF). But then I said ya know what I can deal cause of a good price and needed to upgrade from my evo 3d which I sunk more money into fixing the severely cracked screen after I got a replacement a few weeks prior cause the sides were opening up, geesh.

Anyways, I could not be happier. I have has this phone for about a month and a half. It def is an upgrade for me personally, too bad it didn't have 2gb RAM :( but 1GB will do, and 4GB avail ROM is sufficient enough, I have a 16gb sdcard in it. I am sure in a couple of years I will upgrade again. The battery is great! It lasts all day and sometimes another half day but I use it alot and have dnlaoded more apps over time. Initially there was no lag with the phone but I think I see some cause I have over 100 apps and when I press the home button it takes a couple of seconds for the home screen to pop up when it didn't the first month. The LTE 4g can be a big choppy but that is the connection not the phone. Calls are ok.

Camera is better megapixel (8mgp) than the evo 3d (5 mgp) but I thought my old one took a sharper picture.

Display is sufficient for me but as mentioned videos are not that sharp. Texting is good but getting used to the LG keyboard, I switched to use the stock or google one but run back to the LG keyboard. Screen size is very good 4.7" vs my evo 3d 4.3".

I bought a hybrid case cause I was so used to having a better grip, the phone is too skinny for my hands to handle. I like substance and added protection.

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Best phone for it's price range

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Hello! I've had The LG Volt for around a month now and I would like to first start out saying that it is a phenomenal phone for it's price at $180 from virgin mobile or $150 from best buy. The IR Blaster is really neat being able use your phone as a remote to control the tv and cable box. The battery life is absolutely a insane! You can easily get a full days use or even 2 days with just one charge. The knockOn code is also neat because you can just double tap your phones screen to turn it on rather pushing the power button at the side (I wish more phones had this feature these days). The volt is also very light weight, however the back is made of plastic so it may feel like a cheap build, but it's still has a good grip and doesn't feel slippery. Gorilla glass 2 also makes it harder for the screen to scratch (nice especially if you tend to put the phone in the same pocket as your keys as the screen won't scratch easily, however always use a screen protector just incase!). It comes with kit kat 4.4.2 which is nice. The back camera is pretty good, as it can take good shots if you want to use the pics for Facebook or Instagram or something, but it definitely isn't top notch such as a the camera on the LG G2/G3, HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S3/4/5 or a Windows Phone. The Volt also is really fast, you will barely ever notice any lag opening apps or switching between them unless you are running like 6 or 7+ apps at once. And the last good thing about the phone is that the LED notification light surrounding the home button looks pleasing and neat, rather than most phones these days having a little small circle at the top of the phone or bottom for the LED.

As for the bad, the LG Volt only comes with about 3.9 GBs of internal storage which is very low. Good thing you can use an SD Memory Card up to 32 GB to store things at. The front camera is atrocious and is very grainy and laggy, just not the phone for selfies or something similar! Another bad is the Low RAM available, usually around 300 mbs when all apps are closed. That's pretty low especially if you want to run many apps at once!!! When having the speakers on max volume it doesn't sound very good in quality, there's distortion with the speakers on max volume but it's not that bad to the point where it's annoying. The speakers could probably be better but it's definitely not terrible by any means, just average. And the final bad thing about the phone is the display resolution. I wish it was higher on quality (720x1080 would of been nice with 300+ PPI). Watching videos on youtube or playing a top graphic game is a bleh factor in that it's not HD quality.

Overall the LG Volt is still a great phone for it's price range. I would totally recommend this phone over others out their like the S3 in which Virgin and Boost Mobile also sells. Great great phone overall! :)

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Great Phone, best I ever owned.

Phone owned for less than a month

This is the best phone I ever purchased. It has so much in a phone for under $180.00 (got for $150), Surpasses my Warp 4G and Evo Design 4G by lengths. I live in Central NJ and the Enhanced LTE (Spark) yields me over 30Mbps DL. I do nor see parting with this phone. I am quite pleased.

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Phone owned for less than a month

This phone meets my needs perfectly I have all of my apps and everything I want with plenty more space. I love the knock code features and the ability to have a remote on me just like that. Calls and speed have improved since im coming from the F3. The screen is great and don't mind it at all. The camera in an 8mp camera and is simple and easy to USS with great pics. And I love having the latest android and LG software always a big plus. You get so many great features for a low price. The feel is a little cheap but I use a case so you should be fine. And is built very durable if dropped it a couple times with no case and its fine.

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