LG VX8700 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Coolest flip phone ever

Phone owned for more than a year

By far this phone really had my cool factor when I bought it, I really think of it as the delorean of cell phones. While everyone else had their Moto Razors, I had a kick *** stainless steal design body. Over all I loved the OS, it was easy to use and understand. Txting and calling were the big things for this phone and it did these things smoothly. The over all phone held up forever and I think this is due to the fact it's an all metal phone. Over all very simple very good phone

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Good Phone (Now discontinued)

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I'll keep this short and sweet since the phone is discontinued.
This phone is basically just that - a "phone". There aren't really any great features for the high tech people.
It's a solid phone, constructed well.
My screen is wearing out after nearly 2 years - when I flip the screen open, I have to wiggle it around in order for the display to come on. But I think that's just "normal" wear & tear. 

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not bad

Phone owned for

just needed a replacement phone. and this phone is doing a great job. definately a step down from a blackberry, but other than that, this phone is awesome!

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In addition to my review, I tried to find as many reviews on the internet as I could. I located 11, one more elaborate than the other.
What struck me was the number of complete opposites with regard to many features. Some say the camera is lousy, others think it's great. Some say calls are not loud and clear, others marvel at the clarity, etc., etc. It shows you that you basically have to buy the phone that answers your needs and seems pleasing to you, hoping that the features are as good as the manufacturer or the provider want you to believe! Reviews of phones are like reviews of movies: the reviewer likes it or not.

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Phone owned for

I've had this phone for over a year and I can only say that it is the best I've ever had. Apart from the fact that it is the best looking phone ever put on the market so far, it does everything I want a phone to do. Mind you, I talk about a CELL PHONE. Not a Smartphone, not a PDA, simply a cell phone. The screen is awesome, the sound great, etc. I've read some reviews about the external memory being awkwardly placed behind the battery: so what? How many times do you have to access the card? The phone has to be turned 90 degrees to read the front screen. So what? The "negatives" are so minute, not even worth mentioning. I use the VX8700 also as a music player. With an 8GB card it holds many of my operas. I also have the Jamdat Mah-Jongg game on it and that's about it. Whenever I pull the phone out of its pouch (I think every manufacturer should supply a pouch like this) in front of people, they say: wow, that's a nice phone. Not that their opinion matters, but it shows that I'm not the only one who can marvel about a simple cell phone!

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Phone owned for

This phone is amazing! You actually feel like you are holding something vs. a plastic phone. It's similar to a RazrV3c, but it's by LG so it's better quality. Get this phone while you can because it's going.....

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Long term use review

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I have had this phone for one year and it is a great phone. It is very, very durable (dropped this phone many, many times, and it still looks good). It has average reception quality, but has the majority of features I need. The poor memory card access is a bit annoying, as is the camera's lack of ability to zoom when it is set to the maximum resolution. The ability to zoom, crop, and edit picture files, and then save to a new file is very cool, and to some degree makes up for the it's lack of ability to zoom (this is how I 'zoom in', i.e. editing an existing picture and saving the result). I am particularly happy with the size of the phone's keypad - I can easily type without hitting two keys at once, something I can't say for too many phones I have used in the past. Overall, I am quite happy with this phone.

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Phone owned for

old one looks wayy better. this one looks a bit weird. i would not get it.
get the gleam or alias. wayyy better!

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Bad News For Me

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Yes, its pretty. Yes it has a lot of good features but my story is a sad one. I had mine for two weeks and it was doing a lot of hanging up. It was in my leather holster and would ring so I'd reach to pull it out and the call would end. No, it wasn't because I hit the call silence button the call would end! So they would call back and ask what happened - I dunno - it just ended... just by touching the phone - I hadn't even slid the phone out yet. Twice I sent it for repairs and they had no idea what to do with it. I even made it do this in the phone store and its a mystery to everyone. I have my theory though - static. The air is real dry here right now and when I get out of the truck I get a shock on the door. Same thing with the steel-cased Shine - I touch it just right "connecting" the front and back panel at the same time or the front panel and the silence button or whatever combination. Its a steel case thats not grounded so when I'm "charged" I zap the phone and it hangs up as soon as I touch it. Happened about 2 dozen times in 2weeks. :( They are finally sending me a new replacement that I will promptly sell.
OTHER ISSUE: This phone dents REAAAAL easy. While it was in my holster I leaned against a counter top and dented the front in quite noticably. If you do that You are stuck with a dented phone the duration of your contract unless you pay to get it fixed. This is one cool looking phone ... until the front is dented in :(

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Phone owned for

I can't say enough about this phone... I just got it 2 days ago and I absolutely love it!! The keyboard is great for texting, and easy to dial with. The screen is amazingly vivid and the external display is so handy! I really like the ringtones. I hope this review is helpful, and I just love this phone!!!!

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LG VX8700

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This is a pretty nice phone. It was a big upgrade from my Kyocera swivel phone. I can't remember the model number. I had high expectations for this phone and it did not totally deliver. I bought the phone on the Verizon site before it hit the local stores, so I could not try it out before hand. The camera is awesome except in low light which effects any cell cam but I have seen better low light pics of the same scene from much lower cost phones that a few friends have. The camera really needs a lens cover. After several months, my pics are blurred due too many scratches. Also, it should have a flash as other lower cost and phones in the same price range have. I expected to be able to use Bluetooth to it's full functionality. I should have researched it more. All I can do is send music to a Bluetooth speaker, thats gay. I don't care about listening to my music on my phone, no phone can compete with the sound quality from a good music player. This was my first Bluetooth phone. File transfers are block by Verizon. I cannot send pics and videos to my computer. A friend of mine that has a Samsung something by AT&T can transfers many formats to and from computers and other phones. It can pair with other phones. This is not at all possible because of Verizon. I was hoping to use the phone also to save my work on the microSD easily but of course I cannot. I use to use my iPod as a external HD to bring files to and from work but I wanted to be able to do the same without the annoyance of mounting and unmounting. I should have waited before resigning with Verizon to get this phone. The speaker could be louder. The signal is great, I do get a few dropped calls. The size is great. The style is nice too. It's great that the interface does not have the standard red bars at the top and bottom as almost all other Verizon phones do. The screen's resolution is superb. The text is very sharp and easy to read. Overall its a pretty good one but for what I expected it failed me in some areas.

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Nice Solid Phone!

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Had some reservations due to ratings given here (6.5 editors/3 high tech junkie) but gave it a try. Wanted a great phone...MP3/camera quality/qwerty not a priority.

Nice feel, stainless steel>plastic every time! Replaced an 8300 which is a very good phone. This 8700 has, imo, better sound quality and better reception. In my TV room, I would often get a new voice message on the 8300, even though the phone never rang. The 8700 will ring and I have 1 full bar of signal there.

Battery life seems on par so far (1X only) and not an issue since it lives on the charger nightly. Little plastic cover over the side mounted charging port looks like its just waiting to break or fall off.

Only knocks are that the speakerphone is not as loud and vibrate not as strong as the 8300. Of course, the size is much better.

Definitely an upgrade...in style and performance for me! Get one. Its a nice solid phone!

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Solid rebound for LG

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I was sold on the En-V, until a friend told me about the 8700. I was weary of it at first because my father had an 8600 and the sound quality was terrible. It sounded "boxy", like you were listening to someone in a tin can. It struck me as though LG had a knee jerk reaction to the Razor and just rushed it. Anyway...

I went to a local verizon store and tried it. If you didn't already know, if a display phone in the store is on, you can usually make calls on it. I called a few friends and everyone said everything sounded fine and they sounded fine to me. I called my father and he thought that I was talking to him on a land line. Sold.

I've read where people complained about the battery life. I don't see it. I've had the phone for over a month, and the battery lasts for 8 to 9 days. Now, I'm not surfing or listening to music all the time either. I make or receive calls about 5 times a day and text maybe twice a day. Obviously, I expect the battery life to decrease as it does with all phones, but for the length of time that this phone has been available, the battery life is just fine. When it dips below 5 days, replacement OEM batteries will be available on ebay for pennies.

The menus are easy to navigate. The keypad is a bit odd at first, but after a day or two it feels perfect. It's a little prone to showing fingerprints on the exterior but a quick brush on your sleeve will eliminate them. I barely notice it when it's in my pocket. Not having an antennae sticking out is a huge plus in terms of comfort. The only problem I've encountered with this phone is that I can't seem to find a way to use Mp3s as customizable ringtones. It isn't a dealbreaker for me, but it does strike me as a step backwards.

Overall, I couldn't be happier with this phone. Unless LG improves/maintains this design, I intend to have this model for a very, very long time.

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Phone owned for

I've used this phone quite a bit for the past 3 weeks and so far I gotta say it hasn't let me down at all. I love the stainless steel build and design, and the matching UI theme inside the phone too. Reception seems to be excellent but mainly because where I live and work VZW has solid reception anyways. Sound quality seems great, the ringer is loud but being picky I wish it were a tad louder. And so far I have yet to have an issue with battery life. Camera seems good but to be honest I haven't taken a whole lot of pictures with it. Overall though it's a good solid phone.

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Best Verizon Phone, Better than the MAXX

Phone owned for

In May I was very excited about the RAZR MAXX VE. I bought this phone and within two days i had to exchange it for another. The new one while having less bugs then the first one still had some issues that i believed i could deal with, however after two months I knew i could not live with this phone for 2 years. This phone does have software issues, and honestly is not all that well made. After only two months of use the inside began peeling.
Now obviously the 30 day gaurentee was over so it would appear i was stuck with this phone, however i found out if The bugs did not go away and i trade it in 3 times then i would be eligable for the LG VX 8700, considering that my third MAXX had some of the same problems as the first two, while a little less minor it still had issues so from there, I said LG I'm coming back home and Good riddins to Crappy Motorola.

LG VX8700
Pros- Beautiful design, Seems to be more durable than other phones i've seen considering it is metal, Interface is much better than Verizon's crappy interface. overall this is a darn good phone, seems like something James Bond would use.

Cons-Too early to list any cons however the only thing i can see is that It appears i have to be somewhat more gentle with this phone. at least when opening and closing. I'm not able to do it fast and slow as can with other phones, but this is really not a big deal at all, unless slamming the phone on people is your thing!
The phone does get hot when talking for long periods of times, and i would like it if i could close the phone while its on speaker phone but on this it just hangs up, however just a minor drawback, Some people say its hard to text, but not for me at all. There are a lot of complaints about battery life, its no worse than any other RAZR type of phone and personally I think its much better than the MAXX, MUCH BETTER!

All in all this is a great phone, I've only had it for a couple days, however after looking at all Verizon's phones this seems the most high tech and is just darn beautiful. Well worth the price, Worth much more than any RAZR esspecially the MAXX. Motorola is never worth the price, EVER!!!! Whether its the RIZR, RAZR, KRAZR, LAZR, wait THEY ACTUALLY have a phone called the LAZR!!!! this is your indication don't go motorola, They say HELLOMOTO I say GET THE HELL OUTTA MY HOUSEMOTO!!!

Sorry for the long review but it was a long one coming, LG has never done me wrong and ive always been very satisfied, and this is by far the nicest phone i've owned, and I know alot about phones, and i take extra good care of them. LGVX8700-My phone of the year!!! So if your trying to decide on which phone to get i highly recommend this phone, and I'll also recommend going LG, and if you choose MOTO, well good luck cause your gonna need it for the next two years ;)

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Phone owned for

I've had this phone for about a month and a half to 2 months now. Up until recently, everything was working fantastic with the phone. I love just about everything on it as it works as it's suppposed to. That was until recently though...Recently the phone's speaker suddendly died on me. Kind of weird considering that it was working right before I charged it the night prior. I take very good care of my phones, rarely drop it, never got it wet, and even got a clear plastic case for it for added protection. Also another thing that recently popped up is the issue with using a wired headset or a bluetooth headset to make calls. It seems like other people are having a hard time hearing my end. I haven't been using either device ever since I got the phone, only within the last few weeks. They both seemed to work fine when I got them so not sure if it's something that is getting worse with time. I did bring my phone into a Verizon corporate store and they said the speaker thing might just be a lemon so I have to return it where I got it and hopefully get it exchanged out or send it to LG for 3-4 weeks to get it fixed.

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Style meets ...

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I cant just post "Pros" and "Cons" about this device, because this is one of those devices where you cant. I mean... you can, but you cant. The design is solid, its pretty and the all stainless steel look is just great. the strip on the front that doubles as a mirror is also pretty nice, but you have to turn the phone sideways to see whose calling and any alerts you may have which is slightly annoying. There is only one speaker universal, its loud on a loud setting so no complaints. the camera? its... good, better than a 1.3 but doesn't fulfill the true "2.0" The phone has a few nice features that seperate it from EVERY OTHER NON-PDA/BLACKBERY DEVICE. the vx8700 offers 1. ICE, In Case of Emergency which allows you to insert 3 emergency numbers and any other personal information that people who find you may need to know, and 2. USB/MASS STORAGE nothing big but you can transfer though the phone which is nicer than having to take off the battery cover take out the battery and then take out the micro card which IS ANNOYING every time. The battery is bad... I dont mean like people who rate the device over react, it is Bad like BAD BAD like you need to charge it at the end of ever 2 days with no use BAD... ok ok not death like but is lower than good. Other than that? the ringtones are good, a few actual ringer like ones and others a 70's funk, Techno Rave one, Fancy Paris one, umm... yea, It attracts fingerprints a lot, which is really bad, and I mean a lot of finger prints. You can change clock format 6 for the front display 6 for main screen which is cool, and the screen is absolutely the best ive ever seen on a phone, in conclusion... you get what you pay for, and also dont. If your getting a 2 year contract, I recommend it for only $150 but if your getting a 1 year $200 isnt going to fly.

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Great Phone

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In the past I've had the LG series of phones dating back to the 4400, but this is best yet. The name call announcement is great. I love the slim design, this phone fit right in my pocket and sometime I have to check to make sure it still there. The voice command takes a little getting use too.

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Designed for designers

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Sometimes you don't want every bell and whistle available, you just want a well designed phone that works well - the VX8700 IS that phone. It doesn't have wifi or GPS or a full querty keyboard but it is a wonderfully elegant and cleanly designed phone.
The ring tones are stylishly bring and unique without sounding foolish. The brushed steel case feels great in your hand. The display is sharp and bright, the 2MB camera is really good, and LG's interface is always excellent (IMHO). The feature I like the most from LG phones is the caller announcement that actually states who is calling (so I know is who's calling from across the room).
I chose this phone over the new BlackBerry CDMA/GSM model for a variety of reasons (namely that Verizon's international roaming rates are ridiculous and the phone is locked). Secondly, I just wanted a phone that works (unlike my Treo that I finally gave up on after 5 replacements) and the LG's typically do - and quite well.
I guess I only wish this was also an unlockable GSM phone, too. It would help with my travels, but I guess I am waiting for the iPhone for that one.


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Nearly Perfect

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I just also recently got this phone. Have been using it like mad to find out any flaws and of course just to use it. So far it has pretty much been wonderful. The battery doesn't last as long as advertised but then again has any phone ever? The design is almost perfect in my eyes. Only if you could see pictures in the front LCD, but then again that's the point of that design so I can't say it's a flaw, just a preference thing. Even after reading the camera review on this phone, I was surprised about the quality of pictures it takes. It's definately decent, just make sure you have a steady hand. I can't complain against this phone considering it's main appeal is the sexy design and the overall slimness and size. It delivers as promised and I'd recommend this phone to anyone who is looking for an upscale and classy design on a phone. Can't say that about too many other phones.

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lg vx8700

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had this phone for a couple weeks but i first bought the new razr maxx and that phone has many little defects but this lg vx8700 is wonderful.
way to much to list but take my word for it..100%

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Phone owned for

I was the first to get this phone over the net on April 6th. Great looking, sturdy stainless steel cover. Speaker phone works great and the display area is large. Everything works great, Battery seems to hold its power. I use the belt clip and it faces inwards so that the front display will not get damaged. Cool phone. A little expensive if you don't have update and instant rebate with yours. retail is $349, but with a 2 year contract it is 229.00. You can't go wrong.

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