LG Spectrum User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

piece of junk!

Phone owned for more than a year

I have an LG Spectrum I purchased in June, 2012. Today is my upgrade date, and I cannot wait.

This phone has a few good qualities, but as a whole, it is the worst piece of junk smartphone I have ever owned, bar none. While the large display is nice, from day one, it's slow, sometimes unresponsive, takes forever to "think" when you launch an app, etc. The Bluetooth function has never worked right with my car's built-in Bluetooth (A Kia) OR with a portable Bluetooth. Half the time, it drops the call from bluetooth back to the handset mid-call. Other times, it just won't dial, then around the time I give up and forget about it, several minutes later, it just decides to make the call.

It restarts itself constantly. Every app I have will just randomly crash in the middle.

Recently, it has started losing it's signal. At first, it's fine (well, as "fine" as it ever was). Then, the 3G or 4G signal is replaced with a "regular" signal, only it also won't make calls - it just says "dialing" and hangs. If I simply reboot, it sticks on the "4G" startup screen. About the only way I've gotten it to work, temporarily, is to pull the battery, wait at least 30 minutes, and reinsert.

I even did a factory reset, and the piece of garbage is still doing this! NOBODY seems to have an answer as to why it does this, or how to fix it.

I've uttered the phrase "piece of s*** phone!" more times in a week while owning this phone than the entire time I've owned any other Android phone.

After work today, I can finally say "Good Riddance" to this piece of junk.

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I hate making accounts, but this phone really deserves a review

Phone owned for more than a year

I'm never motivated to bother leaving feedback or reviews - I don't benefit from it, so why go through the trouble? But this phone really deserves a review.

First things first - I got a brand new LG Spectrum in September 2012. I formely owned the LG Ally, a QWERTY slider, and I'm a lover of QWERTY sliders. I made the switch because QWERTY sliders just aren't getting the hardware it needs to be useful these days. During my winter break, I was playing two otome games from GREE (not ashamed to admit it!), when suddenly, it shut down. I couldn't get it to boot, and neither could my Verizon guys. So that was a disappointment. I had heard that GREE apps can do that to your phone, but I still don't know what the cause was.

I got a refurbished LG Spectrum as a replacement at no cost to me (make sure you return your defective product in a timely fashion to avoid cost!). I was pretty annoyed about that, because I don't want a phone that someone's essentially used (I'm a bit spoiled). But this phone has done wonders. I have a cheap plastic (no silicone) case for it because I am too parsimonious to buy a decent case (I didn't even buy one for my Ally), but somehow, though I drop it on an almost daily basis, it has still not scratched a bit. My phone case always comes off when I drop it, too. I just dropped it from my desk and it sounded pretty bad. I was pretty sure this was the last straw. But I picked it up, and not a scratch still. I don't know, maybe this is magic. My Ally got pretty beat up over time.

Battery life is pretty good. My Ally lasted over two days, and my current Spectrum now lasts over a day. It used to last longer, but, of course, I have done some bad things to kill the overall battery life. I still charge it every night to make sure I start the day with a full charge. Also, please note, aside from constant fb and texting usage, I am a pretty hardcore Bejeweled Blitz and Candy Crush Saga player. In CCS I just finished episode 13, ~184 levels, that's how hardcore. I play them nonstop, so you can imagine my phone is sucking up a lot of power in a day.

On another note, I rarely turn off my phone - which isn't a good thing, because your phone's cache would have to be pretty huge for it to run well while on for 72+ hours straight. Yet, it still runs pretty well for me. No lag in my Bejeweled or my CCS :P The only issue I had was that my LG keyboard (touch) was lagging, but that's to be expected if you leave your phone on for 2 weeks straight. Also, after comparing with a 5th gen iPod touch, I have to admit that the iPod is faster than my Spectrum. But, it's plenty enough speed for me.

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LG Spectrum Can't Wait Until I Can Dump You!!

Phone owned for more than a year

Sluggish and slow, cannot wait to dump it but have to wait until Feb or pay full retail for a new smartphone. I read multiple reviews before purchasing last May and should have paid more attention to the reviewer who stated the screen was not very responsive, often requiring two attempts to achieve input.

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my god

Phone owned for more than a year

Literally the worst phone I have ever owned. I am writing this review as a warning so that no one else will listen to the jackass salesman and make the same mistake i did. DO NOT BUY THIS PHONE, even if you are being held at gunpoint. I would rather be drug through a field of hot coals and thrown underneath of a moving train, all while being forced to listen to National Public Radio, than have to go one more day with this phone.

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I dont recommend it.

Phone owned for less than a year

For texting it is lousy. As big as the screen is it's keypad is small and too close together. Even using swype on it, you really have to look at your words before you send a text, it changes them on you, even when you think you've corrected them. It SHUTS OFF daily, even when you're in the middle of a call or no matter what you're doing. Like everyone else says lousy battery life. Have to almost have it plugged in all the time. I haven't had any trouble with storage on mine. Takes good pictures, pretty sleek phone. I've always had LG's but this has been the worsed. Comes with all kinds of pre-downloaded apps I don't want and can't get rid of that uses battery life. Trys to update every night for the last month and says it fails and starts in again. I wind up shutting it off to save battery. Could be some of the apps I don't want. At times doesn't ring when someone calls me, but will they me I got a message. Don't know if that's cause the bad area I live in. Speed was good on internet when I got it 9 months ago, but it gets slower all the time.

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Spectrum is the worst I've ever had

Phone owned for less than a year

Dear possible LG purchaser: I was a huge fan of LG phones, until the Spectrum, and will be afraid to buy LG again. I cannot use this phone without a bluetooth to make and receive calls, otherwise the other person can't make out what I'm saying. I'm told it sounds muffled/garbled. I paid $199 for this POS and am stuck for another 18 months. I tried to get it replaced by Verizon, but they said no, "there are no known issues with this phone." I say BS! I bought a BodyGlove case for this thing, and can only use the top part of it; if I use the bottom piece of the cover, then nobody can understand what I'm saying at all. ALSO, my phone's storage (without the SD card) is supposed to be 4GB. I only have 180 MB left of memory and am screwed. This phone came with alot of stuff already loaded on it and those things cannot be moved to my SD card. I've had this phone since April 2012, it's now October 2012 and my memory is used up. I am 51 years old, and have only added Yahoo mail, the Weather channel, and Gas Buddy to my phone. Again, I went to Verizon to see what's up with this, and was told that "that's typical", but the phone's storage can't be increased. So what the hell do I do for the next 18 months?? I already delete all my IMs and emails immediately so I don't use more storage. I sincerely hate this phone. I set out to get the iPhone 4, but got talked into this Spectrum instead, and I am beyond frustrated with that decision.

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One of the best VZW phones!

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Let me start by saying I've had all of VZW's 4 g phones. WIth the exception of the Rezound, they've all fallen by the way side. This phone delivers and does so at a resonable price. It has the biggest and best display, a speedy processor, excellent connectivity, great camera and clear voice calls. I can't believe some of the reviews I've read slamming this device. After having the bionic, razr/razr maxx, gnexus and charge this phone has proven to be the best and least problematic. The design is simple and solid and has the best option for an extended battery. Anyone who's had this device and actually used it for more then 10 minutes would have a lot of postive things to say about it. No, it doesn't have the latest android platform or the most cutting edge design. WHat it does have is the best HD display on the market and lots of high end features that make it work the best out of all the rest. My only real con is the sensativity of the touch screen.

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very nice

Phone owned for less than a month

So what’s nice about these two devices is that they both feature snazzy looking 720p displays. With the LG Spectrum, it’s a 4.5” True HD IPS TFT display that packs the higher pixel density of 329 ppi, whereas the Galaxy Nexus features a larger 4.65” Super AMOLED display with a pixel density of 316 ppi. Obviously, we can argue which of the two has the superior detail, but honestly, it doesn’t matter much because it’s nearly impossible to tell distinctively from a good distance away. However, when it comes to color production, the Spectrum boasts the more realistic looking colors, as opposed to the overly saturated, but eye-catching tones of the Galaxy Nexus. Overall, it’s a hard call because they’re both gorgeous in their own way..

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Lg Spectrum

Phone owned for less than a month

Great job on making a beast and have it for only 199.99. The display on this phone is great. This phone is a steal for the price. Looks big but feels comfortable to hold. The camera takes amazing pictures and HD video. This UI did take sometime to learn but now I love it.

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pass on this one,

Phone owned for less than a month

phone was great driving home from verizon, when i got home it disconnected from 4g every 5 minutes and i had to do a hard reset. wait for the razr maxx.---------------------------------------------​-----------------

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Nice Phone

Phone owned for less than a month

Great phone! The display is gorgeous. The colors are definately realistic looking!! The camera take beautiful pics. I know alot of people dont like the LG's UI but i have had no problems with it so far and have experienced virtually no lag. Web pages load quickly. Phone is very light weight and feels good in the hand for it have such a massive screen. In my opinion th only bad thing about this phone is that it didnt come with Ice Cream Sandwhich(was not a deal breaker for me)!

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Hey Moto, Take Me Back

Phone owned for less than a month

Verizon can have the $35.00 restocking fee on this one and I'll be dam clad to give it. I knew I should have just waited for Droid Maxx; what a waste of time. This phone is all dressed up and going no where. Slow on web connect compared to orthers and really sad with heavy flash content, battery sucks for 1850mAh, and espn is wack as hell. Display and ok camera is all you get here. Hack when you really think about it the Rezound is a better deal at $100.00 when looked at with Dre Beats Headset that come in the deal; they're $120.00 alone. ALOT better then this phone.

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Don't Do It!!

Phone owned for less than a month

scmc0310 I know DJORDAN personally; uneducated about Android, not this guy! Now to this phone. When compared to the latest phones from Verizon like, Galaxy Nexus, Rezound, Razr and soon to release Razr Maxx this new LG is terrible. Looking at the specs, yes wonderful, real life terrible. Espn is a joke, heavy loaded flash site kill this phone. Lag lag lag this phone but it does have a nice display and camera cool too but that's it. Yes, it should be a free phone. Battery life terrible! With these kind of specs, if this was any good - it wouldn't be $199. You have not seen it in the past and you will not in this life. Verizon stands for - SHOW ME THE MONEY!

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Best LG Phone ever!!

Phone owned for less than a month

That last review from DJORDAN must have been an uneducated review. This is one of the best phones I've ever had from Verizon. The camera, video, and screen are all in True AH IPS HD! I dare anyone to compare the screen on the Spectrum to the Nexus or Razr, and if you don't think the Spectrum has the best screen you are blind!! The 1.5 dual core processor with the 220 graphics processor make this phone fly! The UI is fantastic and has no lag in it. After comparing the Nexus and the Razr to the Spectrum, I found out the Spectrum is far superior to both devices. LG has definitely outdone themselves with this phone!

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What the *-++

Phone owned for less than a month

Don't waste your time, move on!! You've been told! This should be a free phone; in fact, I should receive account credit just for trying it. Noting to offer aside from it's display - NOTHING!!! Soon as Fedex delivers the rest of my accessories, this is going back! If this is all LG has to offer dealing with Samsung, Motorola and HTC - Just pack up now and save this money for their TV's!!!!!!!...... Uneducated! Me; I have now or had owned every android Verizon has had. Lets just sit back and watch the sells - scmc0310

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