The LG Optimus 2 is an Android 2.3 smartphone with a 800 MHz processor, 3.2-megapixel camera, messaging, organizer, microSD card slot and all other features courtesy of the operating system.
This device is also known as
LG L45C, LG AS680
Thick body (0.47 inches)
I want it5 users
I have it1 user
I had it3 users
Popular Comparisons
The LG Optimus 2 is most commonly compared with these phones:
Despite our efforts to provide full and correct LG Optimus 2 specifications, there is always a possibility of admitting a mistake. If you see any wrong or incomplete data, please
Taking a look at LG’s web site, we’re greeted with a new handset that we haven’t seen or heard about that much of late. Specifically, the LG Optimus 2 is sitting very pretty on the manufacturer’s web site where it’s tagged as “Multitasking Made Easy....