LG Neon User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
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User reviews

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the neon is not a great phone- it is at first but it wars out easily, drops calls frequently and doesn't sustain battery charge, it is extremely annoying to have to flip the phone since there is not a key pad on the front of the phone. (the dial pad located on the front is only for dialing a number and cannot be used if you have to press a specific number while making a phone call) - overall it's a pricey phone for the amount of time it lasts and with all of the problems it has. It's wonderful for about two months when you first get it.

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yall are all wrong

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i just got a brand new lg neon like two days ago and it wroks great so i dnt kno wat yall are tlkin bout yall must have some used phones or sumthin. sorry but mine works great. and it is an awesome. my music player plays great my bluetooth works great my calling and people callin me is great

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I am just another normal teen who loves to text. within the first week of getting the Lg neon, it started randomly shutting off on me! WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT!!! When i call someone, or they call me, i cant hear anything for like 10 secs. its so stupid and very frustrating, sometimes it even shuts off WHEN I'M TALKING! It randomly connects to the web have had it since October and it has deleted all of my pix before! it takes FOREVER to turn on!! the bottom keys on the keyboard at one point wouldn't work (FOR 2 WEEKS!) eventually these did start working again, but the shift key still wont! UGH! this phone is so stupid! I HATE IT! well last week, the screen started being weird and looking like a painting of the pic that was my wallpaper. then, it randomly started going black! i did the power cycling like at&t people told me to and that worked... for about a half hour. then it went black again! every ten minutes it would do this!!!! then, last night i was sitting in my living room watching house and the screen went black again! the buttons were all lit up and the phone still vibrated when i got a text message but the screen was still pitch black! i thought that maybe it just needed charged, so i plugged it in, that did not work! so, today i took it to radio shack and they looked at it and the guy there took out battery and said that the dot under the battery was orange. he said that this was normal for the neon. there is also 3 more dots on this phone. one is orange(the one under the battery) another is a pinkish red color (up and a little to the right if the trashcan w/ an 'X' over it) [I spoke w/ an AT&T customer service lady over the phone (of course i was using a diff fone for this) and was informed that these two r not the water damage detectors. and yet the lady at the at&t store said that the pinkish red one was and that it voided the warranty! WHAT THE HELL! these people need to know more about there products!] There is a very small dot directly to the left of the pinkish red dot (or directly above the 'X' trashcan sign) this is one of the water damage detectors. there is also another one identical to it a little diagonal to the camera (kinda above it by the screws at the top) by the way, these r all on the back of the phone under the cover. Well, they r sending me a new one in a few days, but until then, I'm screwed!!! i have to use an old flip phone. UGH!!!!! i hope the new one works. NEVER GET THIS PHONE, YOU WILL REGRET IT!!

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The orange dot

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Yes, I ran into this problem with my son.  He has a new LG Neon and it starting acting funny, like turning off at different times (like texting or talking).  The battery has the full indicator. 
Well, we took it back to Sams Club and he opened it up and said the orange dot is water damage.  Ya right.

After I looked at the answers here, I decided to look at my wife's phone (she has the same one) and it had the orange dot.  It's an LG mark for sure.

After calling AT&T a 3rd time, I received a call from Sams Club and they would replace the phone.  I didn't have the Hello problem, but a turning off problem.

Hopefully the new phone will be ok.  My wife's phone is working perfectly.


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Same Complaints :(

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 I too have the infamous orange dot. I bought the LG Neon at a local radio shack to replace a phone I actually damaged all on my own. After about 2 weeks the phone began to freeze when I made outgoing calls. The person on the other end could not hear me for the first 15 seconds. I was able to return it and they replaced it with no issue. I now have my second LG Neon with the same orange dot and Now after having the replacement for a few weeks it too is having similar issues. The person on the other end can hear me but I cannot hear them for approx. 30 sec. They just hear the background noise and either assume it was an accidental call and hang up or start screaming "HELLO?!" and thats the first thing I hear when the phone decides to start working. Wish I had read these reviews before I bought it. If I had known it wasnt just a glitchy individual phone issue but a mass LG Neon issue I would have bought another model.

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Don't buy this phone, brand new and when some one calls or i call some one they cant hear me for about 30 seconds, at first I thought it was just my provider and so it went on and past my 30 day to return it and now im stuck with it and it sucks will have to purchase a different phone now but it wont be an LG.

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Orange Dot Does Not Mean Water Damage!!!

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The orange dot on the LG Neon does not mean water damage.  It is actually the maker's trademark for this particular phone.  I called AT&T warranty number 1-866-391-0749 and verified this today.  If you remove the back cover on the phone - look at the very bottom in the white area (not under the battery) and you will see an X.  Look to the left and a little bit up and you will see a very small dot that should be white and that is the dot that shows if you actually have water damage or not.   White of course means no water damage.   Obviously these AT&T techs in the store are stupid and should know about these phones better!  But, I actually did have problems with the "Hello?" complaint.  I will call someone and they can hear me but I cannot hear them for about 10 or 15 seconds.  Sending this phone back and getting a different one.  Hope this was helpful.

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don't waste your time .

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i had my neon for almost three-four months without difficulty, until my phone started glitching . when we brought it in they had told me it was near water , when it was never .. that was why the water detector had turned orange, so they wouldn't help me .

thank god my dad fixed it, and i used it for another four months after that . i had a the phone a whole seven or eight months until ..

it started glitching out randomly again, this time i couldn't press anything, and the phone ( by itself ) was browsing through my phone, calling people on my contacts list, taking picture after picture, everything you could think of!

so we brought it back to the store. they said " i could send it away to get fixed but it would be a waste of your money they won't do anything because of the water damage orange dot "

the dot, in my opinion, is just a way for the manufacturers to get out of getting returned broken lg neons back to them .

do NOT buy this phone . it's not worth your time, effort of money .

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Hello? HELLLLOOO?!? and orange dot

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We have had the same problem with my daughter's Neon we bought less than a month ago.  When she makes calls, the receiver can hear her, but she can't hear them for 15 seconds.  Thus she gets frustrated friends ("hello? hello?") or they give up and hang up.  After being on the phone for 30 minutes with AT&T, they determined it was the phone itself and recommended returning it to the store we bought it from for an exchange.  When we went to the store, they discovered the water detection button was orange.  But when they brought out a brand new, unissued phone, they discovered that the water detection button on that phone was already orange!  So somehow they had moisture in them when manufactured.  Because we were short on time today, we are going back tomorrow to see how to resolve this. 

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I purchased this phone for my 12 yr old grdaughter, it malfunctioned within 2 weeks,  she stated it was shutting off by itself,  the off button does not even shut it off.   I have had the same problem with A T & T stating that the dot was red/orange and warranty no good due to water damage.   it has never been near water, i informed them that apparently this "DOT" was extremely overlysensitive.   they offered me some phone you can't even hold onto.  I argued with them for 30 min. of course to no avail.  the company needs to stand by this phone or replace as it seems there are a lot of people who are having the same problem.    This phone is now not even useable.

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ITS AWESOME!!!!...............Until you get it!!!!!!!!!!

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I wanted a better phone for once because every phone i got so far Has been breaking!!!!!!!!!!! I decided to take this one cause a couple of my friends had it.... Its horrible!!!!!!!! it turns off by its self!!!!! It freezes plus when i dial it takes like 10 sec. before i hear the other person whose now agrivated because hes been yelling Hello for like 10 secs. now!!!!!!the phone is also slow. When you click the menu button, it takes forever for it to load!!! its so annoying!!!!!!! I cant listen to my music cause wen i turn it on it restarts or turns off.Another bummer is that u cant txt with the touch screen :(I cant send or recieve picture messages either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But wait!!! there is a good thing.......................... the camera takes nice pictues :)............BUT I CANT SEND THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Does anyone know a phone that is good, touch screen and works on t-mobile??? cause if this one lasts for another 8 months (i've had it only for 3 months), that'll be a miricle.

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I too am falling victim to the LG Neon.

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I've had my new phone, LG Neon, for less than a month and it is already malfunctioning. It's delayed when I make a phone calls and most of the time the call doesn't go through. If the call does make it through, the person I'm calling winds up saying hello for a good 10 seconds before I hear them. The software is slow, freezes and best of all... I have coveted this phone like the Holy Grail despite its poor performance and I have spent twenty extra bucks on a plastic case, but the water mark on the INSIDE of the phone UNDERNEATH a battery, cell cover, AND twenty dollar case cover (which all show now signs of dampness) is ORANGE?!?!? That makes no sense! The keyboard is fully functioning which supports there has been no clear water damage to the phone. I had a BlackJack II previously, which went through hell, with a cell phone back as thin as paper without any twenty dollar case covering and not until I literally soaked it in water did the watermark on the inside even partially turn orange. I waited a year for an upgrade to get this? And to find out I'm not the only one? To find out LG and AT&T aren't going to doing anything? It sounds like I need to look for a new provider.

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Texting Issue

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I've had my phone for about 5 months and i just got text message and i couldnt read what the other person said. when i went to the coversation i was having with that person it looked like i was having conversation with myself! all the other persons texts were gone!

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Just open my package and the strip is also bright orange

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For the reviewer who said that the strip is orange. Yes it's true. I just got mine today and looked under the battery and there is a dot under the steel. The dot is bright orange. This is the only orange thing i see. WTF. It's really an LG issue if you ask me. The strip is supposed to be white, if it is exposed to water then it should change to orange. This is how I determine if users at my job are dipping their blackberries in water.

This is obvious fraud.

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Good till now!

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Okay, so I bought this phone about 5 months ago and has worked fine until now! The problem is the screen will now not come on when i slide it. So i cannot see what I am texting or do anything unless i slide it closed, and sometimes that screen won't work!  So occasionally i can't even see the screen at all which cause me to not be able to do anything on it. It is very frustrating, and I have no clue if I can even fix this mess! I also have no clue how this happened cause i am usually careful and don't drop it. I have dropped it before but not recently.

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This Phone Is The Worst ..

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This is the worst phone I've ever had! Its always freezing up, it turns off by itself constantly, and doesn't work period. It was okay for the first month I had it and now it is horrible. If you think you want this phone even the least bit, DO NOT GET IT !

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LG Neon water sensor is orange and ATT tech's are not smart.

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Purchased the Neon 5 weeks ago, up till now phone worked very well, really had no complaints. A gold electrical ribbon must have torn and protruded from the inside in between the top and keyboard portion of the phone, the of course, then stopped working. Hey stuff happens. I thought no problem the phone is under warranty. I contacted AT&T the agreed that it was a malfunction, they then asked me to remove the battery and tell them what color the small round dot under the battery was, I responded with bright orange, then the tech explained that I must have gotten the phone wet and the warranty is null and void. I rebuttedwith there was no way that the phone ever touched water, and it is in perfect condition except for the tour ribbon, he said that perspiration or humidity could have possibly caused the phone to read damaged. 
Well after an hour and a half later and two different supervisors I was directed to the insurance department (lucky I carried ins) and they said it was 50.00. I originally paid 29.00 for the phone.  The phone came the next day and low and behold the dot under the battery WAS BRIGHT ORANGE AS IT IS IN ALL OF THE BLEEPIN' LG NEONS!!!!!!!!!!!ATT put me thru holy heck, and in my opinion, is responsible for insurance fraud.
How many other people have been duped by this insurance wet phone scam!
Don't let AT&T bully you into believing you are responsible for voiding the warrant.

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Ok I am a regular teen that loves to text and talk mostly with my phone, and this phone was perfect for that! I got this phone and I loved it. It was perfect for me I really loved this phone when I got it, but later after I got it every time I called someone I couldn't hear what they were saying, and by having a phone talking is the main thing so if you can't hear them then how can you talk. I was very disapointed and I took it back to get another phone and it was doing the samething LG needs to fix this problem this isn't fair to AT&T and most of all the customers! I really wanted this phone but now I have the Pantech Matrix which was the next best thing in a reasonable price range. I wouldn't buy the LG Neon if I was you not to good at all!!!

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Fantastic Basic Texting Phone

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I have had this phone for a month now and couldn't be more pleased with how it has turned out. I love the keyboard, built with strong, durable keys. The touchscreen is great - the 'keys' are easy to select, and it is not too sensitive. The camera is great, excellent quality for a cell phone. It's great for messaging, and the conversations pop up like IMs. The features and apps work well, although the apps can be a bit slow due to the EDGE network - which doesn't bother me, because I generally only use the phone for calls and texting. 
I have had no freezing, battery, shutting off or glitching problems at all. I do suggest that you drain the battery before charging the phone for the first time, as LG recommends, to maximize the performance. The only real problem I have faced is that the navigation keys are placed slightly low down, to accompany the spacious screen, but I was able to get used to this.
Overall, this phone was a great value for the price, and I am very pleased and satisfied with my purchase.

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It has major defects that will affect phone calls and text messages.  Frequently when you make a call, you will not hear the phone you have called ringing. Then when the other person picks up, you won’t hear them talking for a few seconds. If you don't know this it may cause you to hang up on people or cause them to hang up on you.  Also, the phone will randomly turn itself off when you open it to answer a call or close it when finished.  You will then have to wait to turn it back on.  This can be extremely frustrating.  These are known defects and you will find other complaints about this in web postings.  LG and the various carriers know about this and are not fixing these problems or taking these defective phones back.

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Good.. to begin with :(

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i was extremely excited when i first saw it in the shops, i just had to have it. So i got it... the main thing that had attracted me to in was ofcourse the qwerty keypad! its beautiful and so easy to type on. Unfortunatley thats the only good thing about the phone :( 
the touch screen has got worse and worse until its almost un-useable, and the keys on the main phone are falling apart and most dont function. 
the applications are ALL slow to load.
another disappointing thing is that messages dont show emoticons. also when trying to delete its a very difficult task if you want to save particular ones. the memory is awful.
The multimedia memory is also terrible.
however the sound and camera are pretty standard and good :)
overall, if i could go back, i wouldnt buy this phone :(

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