LG Neon User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
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User reviews

its ok.

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I bought mine about 8 months ago as a replacement for my blackberry. its ok for texting but like many of the reviews I've read on here, mine freezes when making calls and the internet is just pitiful. I would not buy another Neon but I love LG. Until this phone, I'd had nothing but good experiences from LG. I had a chocolate for a while followed by a LG VU. I have no bad comments on either phone but this phone was a disappointment. i didn't really care cuz its a gophone. It was especially a disappointment that the touch screen only works for dialing and finding contacts. very disappointing. i have a LG prime now, another gophone and it is miles better than the neon.

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PROS are good, but CONS are a real drawback

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For texting, this phone is great. Even using the IM application it's a great phone. I've made use of the Yellow Pages App to keep from getting lost. Qwerty Keyboard is easy to use for texting.

HOWEVER, after a few months both Neons I've had have experienced the same problem in connecting to a phone number when dialed., and later, the refurbished replacement began to have trouble when  trying to enter information for automated phone menus. Had to make one call 13 times to be successful. No problem with call quality, and haven't had an issue with dropped calls, but when trying to use the phone as a phone, it fails miserably.

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its a cute little phone, but i ve went thur 3 in less then 6mths, cause of the whole warranty thing they have going on.....which is stupid! but they freezes up, cant hear when callin someone, have to call ur voicemail over and over to finally hear the voicemail, the texting is slow at times, its slow for internet use. not to mention, sometimes it wont store address numbers so u can find them, but will show up when they call u.  would not spend anything on this piece!

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no addys(street)-or numbers in notebook or calendar?!?

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 Yea, it's cute, but...where is the space for addresses in the contact mode?  why can't I write numbers in the contact mode(the space for memo, since there is no address line)  or the notebook mode?   Nor the calendar- I can't write, say June 6th, "buy 10 hula hoops".  I just got this last nite in an emergency coz I lost my phone, found an att store still open and went home with my purchase.  I started programming my info. and when I got to the security part, started inputting my pin and it locked down!   WTF IS A PUK??? So I run back the 10 blocks to the store- closed. Luckily there's a Radio Shack next door, they call att for me and I get it all squared away. I buy the guys a bottle of Hennessy in thanks and go home where i once again start inputting when I discover the above.And the sales person tells me they are going to ask me about her performance, which was just fine :  friendly, informative, patient-  IT IS A ROTTEN SHAME HOW THESE COMPANIES HIDE BEHIND UNDERPAID HARD WORKERS SO THEY CAN FOB OFF INFERIOR PRODUCTS TO  A NEEDFUL PUBLIC.   AND THEN THEY CHARGE YOU 30 BUCKS FOR RETURNING IT?? Because God forbid I expect decent usabiity from a phone that cost 150.Its a real cute phone, until you need to do something.

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i dont no what all these people who think this phone is bad are thinking, but this is the ultimate phone. maybe u all had defective ones or something but the phone that i got was perfect!!! its durable cause ive dropped it down the stairs like twice and it doesnt break and i lovve the keyboard its so easyyyyy

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LG neon

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Phone is amazing!! I got it several months ago, it is incredibly simple but has a lot of features tht are useful. touchscreen for dialing, easy keyboard, and long battery life. i would reccomend this to anyone who wants an easy-to-use phone because it is easy to use

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ok so I've had my phone for about 6 months out of the blue my phone starts to run slowkeys stick and guess what the screen went black!!!!!so I took it to the phone store and the guy finds this MAgical EFFENING DOT!!!and the warranty wont cover it!the phone is only$ 9.99 with service but when you have to replace it its $198.00CLEARLY THE MANUFACTURER DOESNT UNDERSTAND QUALITY FROM PROFIT.

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this is the worst phone i have ever used. im on my THIRD neon they keep getting WORSE and give me more and more problems...

LAG big time, with everything.

90% of the time, I cant call anyone because it wont connect.

basically everything you can think of that sucks, thats what this phone does.


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Phone should be recalled!!!

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Well i am on my second Neon... My first 1 froze all the time, when i would slide it open to text it would shut off, it would also shut off in the middle of a phone call so i would have to wait 10 mins to let it load back up and call the person back and most of the time when i call the person back i can't hear anything and the person ends up hanging up on me, or they sit there screaming my name on their end because they can hear what i am saying but i cannot hear them for at least 20-30 seconds. So i got my second one and it started again with the not being able to hear people when i make a call. I think LG should recall the phones and give us all new 1s!!!!!!

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This phone sucks!!!! :(

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 I got this phone about 2 months ago and i can honestly say...THIS PHONE IS HORRIBLE! Right now i have the problem where i cant see my screen anymore...its COMPLETELY  black. Please people dont waste your money on this phone! :(

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This phone is TERRIBLE.  I have had the pone a little over three months and at first it was nice, worked fine.  But then is started calling numbers in my contacts list when I was even using the phone, it would freeze up while connecting to a dialed call....and you can't hear anything when it does this, so the person you called hangs up.  It started doing that pretty much every time I tried to dial a call.  Next the screen started messing up when I switched to the slide out keyboard, the touchscreen number pad was iffy...sometimes it would come up and sometimes it wouldnt.  Overall this was a waste of my money, but it is a cute little phone if the quality was MUCH better.  It takes excellent pics, but you have to send them 1 at a time...

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Neon? Yeah, It Will Shine You On Alright!

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Well, I tried. I really did. But I can't think of ONE good thing about this phone. I bought two-one for my daughter away at college and one for me. NEITHER of the phones are any good. Shut themselves down for no reason-even mid-call. Mine WILL NOT recognize the memory card that's in it. The texting lags SO badly that I actually have to STOP typing and wait for the stupid thing to catch up!We've had them now for about 3 months, and as soon as my daughter graduates next month, they're BOTH going back with a request for completely different brand of phones!!!  I may have to fight AT&T over it, but I'm ready.Please people-save your money, these phones are worthless!!!!!

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Awful phone

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Horrible problems with this phone right out of the box. The photo editing software that comes with the phone causes the phone to freeze, the phone lags horribly, and the connection with the memory card blinks at least a few times a day meaning that if your ringtones or background are saved on the card they get reset to default. Also the larger speaker would randomly shut itself off no matter what the volume level was, disabling all alarms, ringtones, game, music, and video sound, the only way to fix it was to turn the phone off and back on, too bad i didn't figure that out until after I slept through my alarm. I have several friends with Neons and all of them share these issues. Also on some of them the digital zoom on the camera would not function at all, like it wasn't even there.A couple months into having the phone it started shutting itself off. At times when the slide was opened or closed too hard, or when it vibrated. Or just randomly for no reason at all.Oh, and just fyi for the people talking about the orange dot right out of the box, the orange dot is not the LDI, the LDI is a white dot (red if water damaged) located slightly above and to the right of the symbol that tells you to not throw the phone in the trash. You DO NOT need to remove the battery to see it.

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I have this lg neon phone and when I charge it the battery is very hot .can anyone tell me why this is happening ? besides its junk.I have looked everywhere in the book and on the web and cant find anything at all . plze someone help me if any way possible

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On my second Neon

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Same problems of screen shutting off made me get in touch with AT&T. Got a new phone and after a month the same thing has started happening. Not only that but one of my letters on the keyboard works only part of the time. It's a joke. I'm hoping next time they want to give me a different phone.

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Phone with Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well when i first got this phone i loved it, i was so excited to start using it. It was the perfect phone for like 3 - 4 months. But then it started every once in a while it would shut off and would freeze up. Now it shuts off almost every time i slide it open or try to reply to a text. Then instead of working then after i would turn it back on it would freeze and the screen would not turn. So today my mom called AT&T custom service and they asked for the dot in the back and the orange dot is not the water damaged dot! It is the little dot on the white plastic next to the little trashcan you don't even have to take the battery out to see it. So they approved the phone and now i'm waiting for my new one! So hopefully it will work fine!

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The wrong orange dot.

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ATTENTION EVERYONE WITH ORANGE DOTSince my last post I have found out that there is an orange dot in all of the LG Neon phones but that is NOT the one that is used for water damage, there is another smaller dot down on the white plastic part of the phone at the bottom, it is next to the little trash can with an X through it, it is nowhere close to the larger orange dot that is under the battery, both of mine are white and all this time they have been telling us that they won't replace these defective phones because they have water damage, when in fact that is not the case. How confusing is this, why even put a different orange dot inside the phone?  So if your phone is under a year old and keeps shutting off and does not work properly AT & T will replace it with a refurbished one that works, you just have to make sure that you look at the right dot and don't use the orange one at all.  I hope this helps some of you out.

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Never had a white dot.

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I bought two of the LG Neon phones and right out of the box both of the dots in the back were orange, not long after I had the first one it started shutting off and the screen froze up, neither phone has been in water or had water damage, but from what I understand the company tells you that if the dot is orange it has been in water and that the dot "should" be white, how can it be white when the dot was orange when I got the phone from brand new, I remember seeing it when I put the battery in and saying, I wonder what this orange dot is for.  This almost sounds like a way for the company to get out of standing behind the warranty on their phones.??????

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LG NEON is the worst phone ever

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ok got this phone a few months ago and it drops calls and completely shuts off during calls and texts so I called yesterday and they said it wasnt under warranty cause the indicator was orange,but it was never near any water,well luckly i have insurance and a replacement cost me $50 and I get the new phone and the indicator is already orange ...right out of the box.I will never but any more LG products.....EVER!!!!!

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Terrible Phone and service

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I bought my daughter the phone for her use.  This thing didn't last a full month before it started cutting in and out with the screen. Now the screen is completely black and can't be used.  I got the standard run around when I called the service.  Don't buy this phone. :(

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My phone can turn ITSELF off; can yours do that?

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My phone TURNS OFF completely on it's own, causing me to miss important calls every single day.  AT LEAST once a day!  Rogers wireless gave me the runaround for 3 days until I could finally get a hold of a 'manger'.  He gave me the option to swap the phone for the same model. 

Why would i do that??? So I could be back on the phone with Rogers 2 weeks later with the same problem???  All I wanted was to swap the phone for a different Model of equal OR LESSER value (as long as the new phone works).  The manager at Rogers instead tries to sell me another phone!  lol  Not gonna happen.

Bottom line is -- Rogers sold me an LG phone that was defective.  And they knew it was defective.  How can they do that??  Thats criminal.  I believe it is a crime to sell defective goods, and that exactly what Rogers did with this phone.

PS from reading the other posts ---- The black screen happened to my friend's LG neon 2 days out of the box.

And i have the orange dot too!  My phone has never even been near water!!

Wow, what is the world coming to?

I will never in my life use Rogers as a provider again
or buy LG products ever again

I hope alot of people decide to boycott Rogers and LG in an attempt to hold them accountable for their mistakes.

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Orange Dot on my secong lg neon in 7 weeks...

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I bought the Lg Neon for my kid because that"s what he wanted.. I researched the phone through the phone company and everything was a go! I purchased the phone and it worked great for about 3 weeks .... The screen went black...it would turn on but all black screen. I took thebattery out and sure enough an "orange dot". Luckily it was covered through insurance and only cost fifty dollars copay... So, a few days later I received another brand new ( not refurbished) LG Neon phone. We had this phone for 4 weeks and now the same issue..phone turns, all black screen, and sure enough it has the infamous "orange dot". This phone has not been near water.. it's on the charger every night at 9pm, never taken in the bathroom like they asked for showers, and never even taken outside to play. I would not suggest anyone purchasing this phone!. So, I either pay the fifty dollars for the insurance coverage co pay  again or purchase a different phone all together.. I choose to cut my losses after reading these posts. I am convinced there is a manufacturing problem or shipping problem with this phone causing moisture . they should recall this item.

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Not Happy with this phone after all

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When I first got this phone I liked it.  Within a few weeks everything started to go wrong.  Droping calls was just the beginning.   Then when I would call someone I couldn't hear it ring and when someone would answer they could hear me but I couldn't hear them.  What a pain!  It's a good looking little phone but that is all it is.  Not user friendly at all!  Don't waste your time with it

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DO NOT GET THIS PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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When i saw this phone i liked it alot. One of my friends had it and when i used it it seemed great. But then i bought it. When i got it it was fine. I didnt have the "hello" problem and everything seemed to work great on it. But about a month later everything went wrong with it. When i call someone now i cant even hear it ringing for 20 seconds and then when someone answers you cant hear them for 5-10 seconds. Also when i slide it open 98% of the time it turns off.     AGIAN DO NOT GET THIS PHONE!!!!!!!!!!

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What a scam!

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When i was looking at this phone i thought it would be perfect, keyboard thats easy to tex on, cute, and the perfect price. That was the first time i got it...... 5 months ago. The first day i had it it worked perfectly!!!!Then it decided to turn off i checked the indicator and sure enuf it was orange i tried to get a new one but it was to expensive so i used one of my old ones after it broke. Then when that one broke, i again looked at go phones i only remembered the pros of this phone so i got it. On the way home i checked to make sure it didnt have any water damage. Sadly it did we immediatly went back and told the guy about it and he said just to grab one. Me, knowing not to make the same mistake 3 times took it out and checked it in the middle of the store. it was orange as well. the nice cashier  had someone elso come up and check cause he wasnt positive that was even the indicator dot, a nice man came up and showed me where he THOUGHT it was. I being trusting believed him. Then again on my way home my mom called but i couldnt hear her!!!! i was not quite so trusting anymore. when i got home i searched for what the indicator dot really was. Turned out the orange dots were supposed to be white. So........ 3 lg neons all worthless within 5 days of getting them, peachy. Tomorrow i am going into the att store and gettin a new and hopefully final phone. but i will rip every package open until i find a white dot. Currently i am extremely annoyed and ready to kick some ***!

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