LG Neon User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Not Best Phone for Texting.

Phone owned for more than a year

It was a good phone for texting only.The call quality not that good.
Overall it was a fragile phone,expensive phone for what it is.
AT&T's Reception with this Phone was great.Although the phone's life is extremely short even with handle care.

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Bad Phone not worth $80

Phone owned for more than a year

I have had this phone for a little than over a year. At first I really liked it because I had just switched from a TracFone. What I liked was the slide out keyboard and how simple the menus were. The call quality is alright, but it takes FOREVER to connect! I also don't like that it is only a touchscreen when you are dialing. I do love AT&T's connection though. The camera's alright but the pictures look like they are so far away. I can only have about 25 pictures because of the phones low memory. ONLY 14 MEGABYTES!!!
Over all, this phones pretty bad. And for EIGHTY DOLLARS!?!?!?!?!?! You gotta be kidding me.

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Black screen

Phone owned for less than a year

i have had this fone less than a year nd it shuts off nd it freezes and i cant download anything. AND get this the phone screen turns black. So when i called the company they said that there wuz nothing for them to do unless u have insurance nd if u do then u can gt the same fone back for free jst a whole new one so i had insureance nd i gt it bt people who dont got insurance u will gt a whole new phone for less!

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Screen is black

Phone owned for more than a year

I have this phone for a year now. when i had first got it i liked it was small and i got use to it. Bt a couple pf months later i couldnt download anything(NO song,pictures,games) Then it wld shut off all the time. When i made my calls the i cldnt hear the other person or the other person cldnt hear me!Then one day i was walking to the libary nd i tried to see what time it wuz and there was no screen all there was,was a black screen but i can still make calls but i jst wldnt be able to see who called. So i called the AT&T and they said well we will let u choose a any phone you want for a discount. So i choose the phone and the fone that wanted was 150 nd they let me have it for 50. So if u having a problem with the LG Neon i suggest that you call AT&T tell them your problem and they should give you a choice of a phone!

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Not much good to say

Phone owned for less than a year

The phone could be better. The battery life sucks I can make 5 calls and it goes from 3 bars of battery to 2. The voice quality sucks as well. I hav 2 put it in speaker to even hear properly even with the volume up to 7. The camera is good although, the photos come out very good and its pretty sturdy but thts about it.

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Phone owned for less than a month

Ughh!!! i have had a neon for three monthes and it broke randomly one day. The screen would not show nothing it went black but at the same time the stupid buttons would light up so i knew it was working. i brought it back to the store and they just gave me a new one then less then a month after it did it again only this time i couldnt get another free one so i had no choice but to get it fixed. I was soo mad!! then when brought it to the gayy At&t store they told me that that DUMMM orange dot ment water damage!! my phone has never been by water... so know im phoneless!! urghhh!!! angrey bird!! i bought that gay phone with that dot orange!! GET OVER YOUR SELF AT&T!!!!!!

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Phone owned for more than a year

i have had this fone for almost a year and it SUCKS!!!!!! its not ok even for a first phone!!!!! it sucks i droped my phone once and like the battery gose flying!!! THIS IS A PICE OF CRAP!!!!!! DONT BUY IT!!!! i need to get a new one but we dont no when ill b able to!!!!! dont buy this fone even if ur kid is 5 it sucks eggs!!1

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terrible phone!!!!!!!!!!!

Phone owned for more than a year

dont get this phone. plain and simple. turns off when u slide out the keyboard to text. calling isn't good sometimes you cant hear people. not durable battery falls out when u drop it. when ur inactive sometimes it goes on the internet costing you money or it turns off.

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This lg neon is okay i guess.........................

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Well........ dont get this phone is all i can say.. it freezes when u text and call people but the pros are that it sometimes goes on the internet when u have no money in ur account usaully at night time its strange, it has a touch screen dialing thingy and its big and durable, the cons are the freezing and i couldnt see my voicle mail and its kinda bad but i like it otherwise, its good and econonmical or whatever, there is a website you can go onto ur phone called www.zedge.com its epically great use it btw u get free ringtones and wallpaers i aint joking dawg lmfao byeeeeeeeee ps. hello!!!!!

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Phone owned for more than a year

Afew months ago i would have given it a good rateing because i hardly had any problems with it. Unfortunatly it is not a few months ago and as soon as i was out of the 1 year warrenty it went to crap!! I would not get this phone unless you know that you are going to replace it before a year has passed. My screen wont come on i cant call i cant txt and the phone itself wont do anything except for light up the buttons and vibrate. Do not get this phone if you can help it.

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Phone owned for less than a year

No phone is perfect. However, more effort could have went into making this phone and into the software. The phone freezes frequently and sometimes requires for you to take out the battery and put it back in, in order for it to work again. The buttons are small on the keyboard which is only 3 rows. I did not choose this phone it was given to me. I would have chosen something else had the choice been mine. I would not recommend getting this phone. Some people may like it. But for me and apparently most other people on here, it is not worth buying.

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i got it for free and its still a rip off

Phone owned for less than a month

i got it for free because i renewed my contract or whatevr and i didnt even have it for a day before the screen started to freeze and the back was so thin that when i dropped my phone the back just popped right and made my battery fly out. i charged it all day before a football game and accidentaly left it in my marching uniform over night. when i got it the next morning it was completely dead ! and when ever i tryed to make a call it wouldnt ring or anything and when other people tried to call me even if it was fully charged and everything it would go strait to voicemail.and not even 2 weeks after i got the phone the screen completely stopped working ! its a horrible phone do not get it !

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dnt qett Diz Piece of junk

Phone owned for less than a year

Diz is a horrible phone..ihad it for a year it S U C K S.. Im a Teen && Diz Phone droped calls..wouldt charqe Correctly also yu couldt hear the other person on the other line for 20 sec nd they could hear you perfectly fine. Also Eht Shut off by its self..ichanged d phone for a pantech pursuit icouldt handle the lg neon anymore..Lg need to make Better phones


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this phone has been good to me!

Phone owned for

ive had this phone for 10 months now and im getting a new one tommorow but its been great! im getting a new one only cause the design is outdated to me. but ive dropped this phone about 300 times, ive gotten it wet numerous times in the shower, and i even broke the power button and had to fix it, but it still works and runs great! ive never really had it freeze up on me or act slow at all. the touch screen is kinda useless but its not a big deal to me. i just use the front screen buttons to browse and it works fine. the camera takes fine pictures. i get my texts right away and it sends them right away, and it loads as fast as you could want. i dont get what everyone is bitching and moaning about. if your not too picky about the way it looks then go out and buy one! its been great to me

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Phone owned for

i have an LG Neon and it worked fine for a year and a half. it would sometimes shut off if i slid the keyboard to hard. the other day it worked fine in the morning then when i turned it back on at lunch the screen was messed up. the top had 3 parts that were the same and the bottom was all fuzzy and the colour was gone. its pay as you go so i dont have any warenty so i have to get a new one. LG phones are still good phones they have just been having tons of problems with the LG Neon.

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the lg neon and its problems

Phone owned for

i am just a teen and i might know a lot about fones but lg neon is my fisrt and last lg fone.it started off fine. and for 4 montha it was awesome and my only complint was the bateery life but i got over that . the fone has scath marks on the sides for a colasiale droppings . well all of the sudden it started turing its self off for no reason and when i shut the keyborad bam it was off. did this for 2 months thought nothin off it well then i started havein issues with the battery/ charger i got that all fixed up and sure eough when i opened up the fone to put in the new battery thiers a orange dot and i never if got it wet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well a month later i drop it in a toliet and me and my cat reflexes have it out in 15 secs flat no questions asked did all these stuipd remies and still nothing iam using a very old motrola flip fone now and i have issues with the battery life and pic reciving and recording and saving pics to sim cards i guess fones just donr like me im selling my broken fone 2 see if i can get any money for it at all i hope soooo cuz i need a new fone bad does anyone know if u can use no att fones with att sim cards?

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eh yea

Phone owned for

I think this phone is unique and pretty awesome. I had this phone for bout over 3 months. Yes, It does the freezing and auto shut off. Now, it hasn't really done that. I really like this phone. I guess the other people who gave this phone a bad review doesn't really know how to work this phone. Overall, this phone is great and yes I would recommend it to someone. Just buy the micro sd card for the phone. I think that by giving the phone extra would help it go faster.

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Crappy Phone

Phone owned for

I am going to have to buy another 1! This is my 4th 1 and it will not go to my txt message or my contacts or anything it goes back to the home page everytime! Im really fed up with LG. I think they suck and I wish they would make better phones!

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It can barely even be called a phone.

Phone owned for

This is an awful piece of junk. I was eligible for an upgrade about six months ago, and this was one of the phones that they were giving away for free with a two-year contract. I got it, it worked well for a few months, other than shutting off every now and then in my pocket at school. Then the phone itself started freezing whenever I tried to make a call, and I couldn't hear anything but the people on the other end could hear me perfectly fine.
Phones are supposed to call people, right?
So then there's the texting issue. Sometimes when I'm in the middle of sentences it'll jump up a line or two and start inserting the letters there. When you hold down the arrow button, it doesn't glide over the letters until you're done deleting, no, you have to press the stupid button every single time you want to erase a letter.
Also, the thing just goes really slowly. It's like a computer from the nineties. It takes a long time to process whatever you put into it, and when I open my phone it takes forever just to switch from vertical view to horizontal view.
I thought that it was my phone, so we got a new (refurbished, actually) phone sent to our house, we sent the other one back. It worked for about a day or two, but it's like having the exact same phone. I thought it was my SIM card so I got a new card. Nope, still sucks just as much.
Do NOT get this phone. If you have to pay some money for a phone that you can actually use, do it, because now I'm stuck in a contract without an upgrade anytime soon and I'm going to have to spend a lot of money for a new phone anyhow.

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This Phone is GARBAGE !

Phone owned for

At frst i really like it , but i droped it a couple time and it started sucking , it freezes , it drops calls , my back button broke , and black lines are all over my screen now . . this phone is HORRIBLE !  DO NOT BUY IT . . It's SOOOOOOOO fragile . . And the screen scratches EXTREMLY EASILY . . DONT BUY THIS PHONE ! EVERRRR ! 

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piece of crapppp

Phone owned for

i have had this phone for about 7 months now and i hate it... it was a great phone at first but then it went to crap. it turns off at its own will. it freezes when changing menus, <the one that irritates me the most> it either drops your call or the stupid thing wont let you hear the other person, and finally the stupid thing cant keep up. when i text i press send then close the phone it shows half the screen when its closed and half the screen when its open. if you are thinking about getting this phone for your sake think again.... im thinking about getting the lg prime..

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TERRIBLE PHONE. But quick question...

Phone owned for

Hey guys. I AGREE WITH EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE REVIEWS ABOVE! But i have a question about the dots. I read the reviews about the dots on the phone, and thank you guys so much for figuring that out. However, I water damaged my phone, and was worried about the store not accepting the phone back for a refurbished one or something. The dot next to the trash can is white, but the one on the inside of the phone behind the battery is orange. But its' been orange before the water damage. A friend's exact phone has this same orange color too. I read a review and that person said that their phone has both white dots. So after all this, my question is, WHAT DO BOTH DOTS ACTUALLY MEAN, AND HOW ARE THEY DIFFERENT FROM EACH OTHER?

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Phone owned for

bought this phone Jan of 2010 - started having problems about 2 months in. Shuts off randomly, especially over night when im sleeping (sux cuz im on call 24/7 and my employment gets pissed when I dont answer) also shuts down after a long conversation and I end call, or after i've txt'd and shut it really fast. Same problems as others with it not ringing and people yelling hello on the other end, or they call me and it takes a couple seconds to hear them. Sent it in to LG because of the 1 yr warrenty and after fixing flex cord still does same problems.... because of the warrenty I have to send it in a second time to get fixed before they'll consider giving me a new one and my phone company does NOTHING for me...

I refuse to buy ANY LG product EVER AGAIN. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE... HORRIBLE PHONE. HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE. In the end I ended up signing a second contract with my phone company so I can get a free new phone. Bought Samsung ... same type as LG but I hope a better product/make.


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Phone owned for

I really liked this phone for the first couple of months, but then when I would call someone I couldn't hear anything, not even the phone ringing. The person on the other line would be yelling hello, hello, and eventually hang up on me, or after 10-20 seconds it would finally connect. Then, it started dropping calls for no reason. I would have good service, and it would just hang up. Half the time when I would call the person back it wouldn't go through.  I thought I had just gotten a bad phone, but from the other reviews sounds like this is just a bad product.  However, I have loved all my other LG's and just purchased an LG Prime. Hope I have better luck with it.

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LG Neon

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Alright so i have had my LG Neon for about one year now and i loved it until about 3 or 4 months ago when it started turning off at random points in the day when i had 3 bars of battery (full) and i dont know why it does this, because it has no water damage what so ever. this is the only down fall of the LG neon , besides that i love the phone it is durable and reliable. The phone slipped out of my hand and it got thrown against a wall and bounced back under a bed and it still worked fine! but anyways it is a great phone and with some contracts the phone is even free!

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