LG G6 Specs
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This is a good phone, I had it for more than 4 years. The 2 main problems were: LG took too much time to update it and gaming after 10 minutes it start to heat up so the phone throttles down.
Despite that I had no problem at all.
I got this phone used around 2 months ago. I'm using it on Lucky Mobile in Canada, but mine is unlocked. The new theme on Android 9 is pretty nice, and the 4K Camera is amazing. The glass back feels amazing compared to the aluminum & plastic backs on older phones. The fingerprint sensor gets dirty easily, you will need to clean it every couple months. Don't use always on display, it causes really really bad battery life. If you have weak internet, the internet may cut out if you cover the top right corner. It runs games quite well. The front camera is pretty bad though.
It was a great phone for a few months, by the year mark where warrenty doesn't cover my phone it started to thermal throttle, over heat and drain super quickly. I was really hoping I could get it fixed for a decent price but at $200
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