The LG G4c sports a 5-inch display with 720 x 1280 pixels, runs Android Lollipop, and is powered by a quad-core 1.2 GHz processor (Qualcomm Snapdragon 410). Other features include LTE connectivity, a 5 MP front-facing camera, an 8 MP rear camera, 1 GB of RAM, 8 GB of expandable storage space, and a 2540 mAh battery. The G4c is available in three color versions: Metallic Gray, Ceramic White, and Shiny Gold.
This device is also known as
LG H525N, LG G4 compact
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LG's smartphones have long featured the so-called KnockON function. It's what you would call a "double tap to wake" – when the phone's screen is off, you just tap on it twice, and the device wakes up. Alternatively, if the phone is on, you knoc...
LG this week started selling the G4c, a new handset that was announced last month alongside the G4 Stylus. At the moment, the LG G4c is immediately available only in the Netherlands, where it costs €248 (around $275). Customers in the UK can als...