LG Dare User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

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-battery, camera, EVDO Rev. A, USB Mass Storage

-not loud enough (music), lags a lot, music can't multi-task with all applications, sound quality not as great as RAZR2.

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Let down

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I recently got this phone and promptly returned it. The phoneis not very user friendly. The touch screen is more like a press screes and the scroll capability not that great either. The handwriting feature though a great concept was not fully carried out as it felt like the phone was doing it's own thing. The settings for the phone were not easy to navigate all I wanted was tol add the 24hr clock and that in itself was a task as I have yet to find that option.

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I ordered the phone prior to its release and was hoping for the Verizon answer to the IPHONE. Sadly, I exchanged it today for a Blackberry Curve. The phone is great but has a few flaws which need to be addressed. It is impossible to see the screen in direct sunlight. It needs a stylus or some other device to make scrolling easier. On the positive side, the favorites function is great, the camera is excellent, the short cut option is also a huge plus. If you can get past the negatives, I would say buy it, otherwise, try a different phone.

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lg dare

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I just traded my glyde in for the dare. The dare is sooooo much nicer than the glyde. first of all when you hit buttons on the dare the phone actually responds unlike the glyde. Also the camera on this phone is absolutely amazing. For the dude that said this camera sucked obviously he didnt know how to use it. The quality of pictures on this phone is as good as digital cameras. The one thing i dont like about this phone is very light weight. i would prefer a glass screen on the front too just because it feels more solid when you are touching it. Over all best phone offered by verizon to this day!

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great phone texting is easy, would be perfect if it had wifi. but still amazing phone

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BEST PHONE ... Definately a buyer

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BEST FRICKEN PHONE I HAVE EVER SEEN! i used to pplay in the stores' LG Dares, and i finally got the phone as a graduation present. I was soo happy. I think if your a texter, dont buy, but if your an old fashion caller (like me) definately buy. But make sure you purchase a silicon case for yours, and it does make a huge difference. I dropped my dare like 6 times so far, but thanks to my case, no damage had occured and my lg dare looks good as new. i play with my phone all the time. But its amazing. Everyone of all ages whould have this phonee! love this phone

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first of all, my aunt has the LG DARE. she let me see if for about 30 minutes and when i was done i came to the assumption that this phone was somthing new that other cellular phone makes could base future models off of. When i was ddodlying mindlessly with this phone, it seemed to have a really high quality touch screen, that is very easy to use and i had no hassle using it. the camera on this phone is finominal. i took one ficture and this phone could let you see every pixel of the photo, and video record is pretty decent too. the features on this phone are really cool especially the doodle option in which you use your finger to make pictures and costomization of the pictures you make is top quality. the moving wallpaper is another great feature, which features about 8 or 10 options of moving wallpaper. what i really like about this phone is the format of the main menu, and the way of navigation through the mutiple menus availible. texting is pretty cool too and anyone can see that this phone reflets the VOYAGER, also by LG. in my conlusion, the LG DARE seems to be a really good phone and this is something you should keep your eyes peeled for during the holidays or anytime soon.
graet work LG. KUDOS

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Dont buy

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As a 16 year old, I assumed this phone would be great... well it wasn't as good as I thought. Don't buy if you are a texter because the buttons are unresponsive and hard to push. This is more of a phone for those who talk over the speaker. The design is brilliant except for the fact that is slips out of your hand. There is no grip on the back of the phone. I bought a silicone case for mine and it made it look huge! The screen scrateched very easily and it is hard to read the screen when you are outdoors.

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Phone owned for

i bought this phone for days ago and let me tell u ive had alot of phones; the env2, env, voyager. and this is by far the best, i txt all the time and it did get some getting use to because there were no actual buttons but the next day i got the hang of it. i love scrolling through my contacts because it is so much fun and it is a awesome phone all around i bought some ringtones and at dinner when my phone went off my sister was all like "is that ur phone?!" because it is so loud and clear. the vibrate is quite but strong go figure the envs was terrible i think its vibrate was louder than the ringtone. the signal strength is good nothing that blows my mind away but it is better than alot of phones, but one thing that i was surprised about this phone is that it is very hard to scratch...not impossible but you know what i mean. this phone is still on the expensive side for me but its definitly worth the money and it would probobly alot more if the iphone didnt go down in prices a couple things i dont like about this phone is that it does shut down on me randomly a couple times and when i get a IM the screen freezes but im sure thats just a software problem that they will soon fix. another thing on this is that i wish the buttons on the bottom on the phone were touch sesitive like the instict but thats just me and mabye a little thinner . and the back batter case is extreamily hard to get off i was afraid i was goin to brake the phone...but its still definitly a good phone and thoughs are the only downs of the entire thing and im very glad i purchased it. i hope this helped thx

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Great. . .but

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it has a couple drawbacks. The theme's suck, the menus are confusing at first. The erase button is too easy to hit when viewing numbers, contacts, pictures, videos, etc. . . .I want to have to go to options to erase, not accidentally. The web browser is good, but a little tricky to work with ease. Also it says full html, but there are still some problems on some websites. one of which was that a particular site i frequent didnt word wrap so i had to keep pulling the screen left to read more and more. ALSO i want to be able to zoom out on my websites, so i dont have to drag around so much. This may be possible but not at first glance, I've only had it 1 day. I Do love it so far though. The camera is great.

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awesome phone

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I have had the phone for a week, and so far have been quite impressed with it. Had a few problems with the touch screen not responding well, but then figured out it just needed calibrated, which was very simple to do. Since then it has responded perfectly. For the price, I think it is a great alternative to the I phone. The one thing that I haven't liked on the phone is the volume of the speaker. Toying with the phone at the store I was hesitant on purchasing it, due to the fact that it seemed difficult to use. Now that I have had time to adjust to it, i don't regret the purchase one bit. I would definately recommend this phone!!!

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Experience the Dare

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My old phone was just a simple no name flip phone for VZW which lacked any feature whatsoever. That being said this phone is like a thousand times more awesome!! (i dont use the internet/email on the phone)

-The only thing i didnt like is that after using it extensively for 2 days without charging and listenin to music for an hr and talkin on it for about 4 hrs it died while i was talking on it without giving a warning beep that the battery is gettin low and about to die.
-Also the camera resets to default the face detection, smart pic, n flash after turning off the camera and back on. The face detection and smart pic dont work if u want to take multi/panorama shots.

-The 3.2MP camera with camera/video editting features are fun to play around with.
-No problems with touch sensitivity
-Awesome music player and multi task while listening to it
-like the landscape/portrait thing for txt msg-ing
-You can copy n paste numbers in different fields
-Charge your phone with your computer and put songs on it at the same time
-Long battery life
.... and a lot of other cool features!!
I recommend Buying it and live to Experience the DARE!!!!

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Love my Dare!!!

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This phone is awesome!! I love how responsive the touchscreen is!! I also love the design of the phone!!! In my opinion, this is verizon's best phone!!

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The best

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After another two years w/ Verizon I was looking for new phone.After having several flip ones, I wanted slider- so I thought. I liked the new LG FK 510, but can't have it w/ Verizon. The other option was LG Venus. Until I saw the LG Dare. I just loved the touch screen! Very easy to use and navigate. It is the first phone that is easy to use w/ my long nails. Scrolling is just a breeze. Ton of features. Unless you have stubby fat fingers, I don't see any problem using it. I am very happy w/ it.

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The Best Phone Ive had yet!!

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This phone is amazing! i love everything about it. ive had this phone for about a month now and i have yet 2 come across a problem!

the one thing i didnt like are the ringtones but thats not really a big deal. i love the touch screen on this phone, its very easy 2 use and its small and thin! its a great phone all around!

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best phone ever!!!!

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i got this phone and with the discounts i harly payed anything for it lol i love this phone the camara the sound quality the nav the web full browser and the fact that i have 300 ringtone in it woooooo love this phone sorry but iphone lovers should cry there eyes out cause there phone doesnt have video recording flash or even a voice dial come on voice dial is even on the verizon phones that give out for free i work for verizon and the fact that people love this phone makes me happy every time some see my and ask me if i like the phone or if its better than iphone i love this phone!!!!

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Phone owned for

First of all phone arena needs to eliminate all these pop ups... no i do not want a new checking account Bank of America...

Anyways i went to the verizon store on my lunch break to play with the dare and it is fun phone. it only took me about 5-7 min to get used to the "flick" scrolling as well as the general ui. The virtual key board is really cool, i was shocked that i had no problems with it. one cool feature about that is when you are typing and you skip a letter for example you mean to type HELLO but instead you type HLLO you can easily touch inbetween the H and the L and then insert an E. You can do this very quickly.

I would definatley say give this phone a try. Dont be afraid of the no physical keys aspect.

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Excellent features and solidarity

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Having the phone for about 2 weeks and it's been a joy to use. Had some minor issues with MP3 player and random crashing/phone restarting. Display is crisp, sound quality is superb - granted such a small speaker. 95% of the phone is fairly solid (has decent weight), only issues are with usb charging flap and micro SD flap (with 8GB microSD card - the flap isn't completely flush with the rest of the phone - very minor). Speaker phone has a tendency to accumulate alot of pocket lint. Beautiful glossy/metallic details - ($3-4 screen protectors >

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Buy buy

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I work as a rep in a verizon store, and this is my favorite phone to hit the market in quite some time. The touch screen is very good IF you calibrate it correctly. After you get the phone go back into the settings and recalibrate it with a fine point, the rep might have just hit his thumb on the calibration points to get the phone started up the first time around and that wont give you the best experience.

The fact that it operates on the RevA network makes this phone an instant buy for me once they release it to employees. I've wanted a non PDA style phone with a decent browser and a decently small size for quite some time.

A little side plus is that because the phone has such a large screen compared to a normal phone, the games that are available for purchase are actually fairly fun since you actually have a full screen to view/play the game. Coming from my 2nd gen chocolate phone where i couldnt stand to play a game.
Before you purchase any game head to the store and download/test any game or app you want... all the phones are live and you can save a bunch of money in downloads if you just charge them to our demo phones before you buy them.

Final note regarding the silicone case, if yours doesnt fit right with the charger take it back around the start of august, we got an equipment mailer that the original release of the silicones were slightly mis-cut for the charger and that replacements should be in stores late july, and to honor exchanges for cust that bought the other ones

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Best touch screen phone

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I finally got a chance to play with the new LG Dare. Wow, this is the most responsive touch screen phone I have ever used. Just a light tap and the menu pops up. Was a little tricky to use the virtual keyboard then I calibrated it and it was fine. Still going to take some getting use to though. I've never even used a qwerty before, but I don't think it's going to be a problem. But for those who don't like using the qwerty, you can still use T9 Word. As for what other people have said about not being able to flick up the screen to scroll like the iphone, well there wrong. I had no problem what so ever. I flicked the screen up on the first try to scroll through some music and watched it glide just like the iphone. And as for the phone selecting the last thing my finger is on while scrolling, not a problem didn't happen. And the camera has got to be the best I've ever seen in a cell phone. The internet browser was good but not great. It's a full HTML browser but it still uses the Verizon mobile browser. I mean using the web is definitely better on this phone over your average cell phone because the screen is larger and you have the ability to zoom. The browser was good for looking up email or watching youtube videos or myspace. And no lag in scrolling around pages. The 3G RevA is quite fast too. But the browser could be perfected in future phones of this type, it wouldn't hurt because it doesn't have flash support. But then again neither dose the Apple fanboy's precious iphone. And the speaker on the back was loud, that was a shocker but good. You can also multitask. You can listen to music while texting or browsing the web which is a plus. And the whole time while I'm using the phone I never saw the signal drop below three bars. So overall even with maybe a few flaws this is still a great cell phone. There is no "perfect" cell phone out there. All in all it's gotta be one of Verizon's best cell phones.

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Great Phone, No Complaints

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I don't understand the complaints I've been reading on this forum and many other forums regarding this phone. The UI and menu navigation is so intuitive and easy to figure out, it is just plain simple.

If you know how to touch a button.....than you won't have a problem using the touch screen, it is just that simple. And scrolling up/down in the menus is as simple as sliding your finger along the screen, I mean I don't know how else to say it. I don't use the web browser, but scrolling through the in-phone menus is exactly that. The QWERTY keyboard and T9 keyboard both work as they should. I can also turn on phone's bluetooth and send/receive photos and videos to and from my macbook, this is a great feature.

I have the screen protectors that verizon sells and it does not effect the sensitivity of the touch screen. I think that there are some really stupid people out there leaving negative reviews without warrant. Also, I have the silicon case that verizon sells and it fits great. I've read that you need to take it off to charge the phone, this is not true. You do not need to take it off to charge the phone, the case has an opening on the side for the USB slot. I don't know what people are talking about.

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One word: AMAZING!!!

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As soon as I saw the Dare, I fell in love with it!! I walked into the Verizon store to get a case for my Venus, saw the Dare, started messing with it... I just HAD to have it!! I sold my Venus on Ebay, and with that money went and bought my DARE!!! Yes I paid full retail price and it is worth every single penny!!

For people who say the touch screen sucks... maybe they have big fingers. I am a female who always has her nails done and do not have a problem whatsoever.

The camera on the phone is wonderful! So clear... as for texting, I don't know why people complain!! You can text the old fashioned way with the T-9 or if you flip the phone 90 degrees, the phone automatically senses this and the screen becomes a QWERTY keyboard... sooo cool!! The sound on the phone is amazing, very clear and loud...

I can go on and on but just get the Dare for yourself to see what I'm talking about!! It is a great phone and you will not be disappointed!!!!!!

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Best phone I have used

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I have had these phone sense launch and this is by far the best phone I have ever used. First all my brother has an Iphone and even with the 3g network I still get more bars in my house than he does. The "flick" takes a little while to get used to, at most a one hour learning curve.

I highly recommend doing the calibration for the touch screen and use a pencil to touch the center of the crosshairs, it makes the screen seem so much more responsive and much easier to use.

I really use this phone for navigation, email, texting, phone calls, and email. I love the email program for this phone, I can track all of my gmail accounts, my .mac account and with a little IT help my private work account. It is fast, easy to use and rivals most of the high end smart phones.

Texting is easy, whether or not you use T9word or the key pad it is really up to you. I am not sure how many texts you can save but I got up to 230 something before I had to clear them due to loaning the phone to my girl friend.

Data transfer is just as fast as the iphone, I actually use the bluetooth transfer for everything and it moves at about 100 to 150 kbps.

Verizon's GPS/traffic/local search works very well compared to Sprit's service, although I text google for local search and such the GPS works great.

This phone does everything that I use it for very well, I really can't think of any complaints after I figured out how to calibrate the touch screen, seriously that makes the phone a 8.8 to a 10 so if you are having trouble with it, calibrate and get back to me. You will love this phone for everything it offers and soon take advantage of features you never thought you would use to the point that using another phone makes you pull your hair out.


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Phone owned for

I can't be more happy with this purchase. I had my doubt on the phone when I first saw it. Personally I dont think it has the best look out there(I even liked the shiny decoy better) and I had trouble texting with the qwert board. But I still decided to buy it because my plan ended and I wanted to allow more time for me to get used to the dare. And I am happy that I made the decision. once I get used to the touch screen everything becomes so fantastic. I dont have any more trouble with texting and now I can type messages almost as fast as I chat online in front my desk using full computer keyboard. It's one of the electriconic things you will see lovely features as well as convenient usage. The phone dazzled me but I have to say verizon dissapointed me. The full internet access comes with a $79 data plan plus $40 calling plan. It is RIPPiing of my money. And it only gave me $50 as 2 year discount on the new phone. (They told me it would be 100 when I renewed my plan two years ago) I just wish I had been given more choices with internet browsing. But hey ,it';s not the phone's fault. After all, it's a solid new decade phone.

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Don't Dare buy until you Test Drive

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i also bought a new Dare, thinking Verizon finally caught up to the iphone, i was sadly mistaken and so are the reviews as they seem very high for a phone that has basic navigation issues. the scrolling is horrendous and so is the interface. the base features are great, but getting to them is a pain, i understand the iphone has some serious feature issues, notwithstanding call quality, but navigating a phone is as important as having great features, b/c what's the point if its a pain to use. they might as well not exist. and more importantly you can't select the sensitivity, only location, so pressing down on glass gets a bit annoying after awhile. and the net is nothing to talk about, looks so 90s. seems like lg, packaged a phone with great features on a great network and forgot about the rest of the phone. i'd wait for blackberry's Black Thunder or go back and see if this first batch was just filled with bugs.

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