LG Dare User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Great phone

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i have had this phone for six months now. it is a really great touch screen phone. people say the texting sucks but i guess i got lucky because i text faster then i did on a button, and im pretty fast if i say so myself. the keyboard isnt much to talk about, but t9 works like a charm. the camera is fantastic, it is 3.0 not to mention the flash it comes with. there are so many features i would say it outdoes all the others. if it had apps like apple it would burry the iphone into the ground. the calling is great, and the memory is amazing. the price without a contract is 490 but with it, it is like 290. expensive, but worth it. (i got mine because my dad works for the government so mine was like 120 xD. anyway, it is great and perfect for teens and adults. (o btw it has a drawing pad!!!!!!!) i use my nintendo ds stylis for it hehe.

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I have had this phone for about 5 or so months. I love it, it is really the only touch screen I would consider getting. (SERIOUSLY) People say the texting is bad but you just have to wait a while because now i can type as fast with T9 as I could with my old button phone. It has tons of memory, a great battery life, tons of features, (including a drawing pad !!!!!! (;) and a 3.0 MEGAPIXEL CAMERA. with flash. I mean people say this phone is crap but wtf it is awesome and it is pretty affordable. El;fkasdfk (:

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absolutely love this phone

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i've never been into touch screen phones but when i tried out the dare, it was meant to be.  i put an 8gig sd card and it can hold tons of mp3s and pics which is great, now i don't have to spend 400 for an itouch lol...the phone is very quick, and i love all the options you can do to change up the screen appearance to fit your personality.  then there's my favorite feature where the screen on the phone will automatically turn off when you put the phone up to your ear during a call to prevent you from accidently pushing any buttons.  the dare also just looks so attractive and so far, i have had no problems. the phone overall is very user-friendly. 

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already wrote a review but now my phone will give me "initialization error" or "initialization program error" when i unlock it or do anything however its random so i cant get a new one with out debating with verizon. i want to get a different phone such as the samsung renown. 

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LG Don't

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I'm not sure what Verizon's love fest with LG is but it really needs to end. All the LG phones are terrible. I recived this phone as a gift from Verizon because my LG Voyager had kicked the bucket so many times, and this phone was worse! The onscrean keyboard function was terrible and even after calabrating it all different ways it still was no use. The speaker phone is completely useless when your in a car (In NY we have a hands free law), I really dislike headsets so I would use the speaker phone constantly and not be heard. My personal favorite was when typing using the numerical keyboard (IE: Normal Phone Style) it would randomly insert characters. I went out and spend the dough and got a Napoleon, best phone I've ever owned.

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Best phone i have had in a long time!!

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When i first got the dare I could hardly text at all.  After about a week or so I was back to normal texting at the same speed as i was with my env. This phone has an awesome camera and videocamera along with some stylish looks. If u need a cheap good phone I would deffinantly reccomend the dare.

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the phone is easy to use but the touch screen will recalibrate often. the accelerometer will activate randomly while texting i would prefer having a real keyboard and the screen is too small to have a good keyboard. when ever i put a picture on the phone it slows it down to where i almost dont want to have pictures from my computer on there. once in a while it wont send a text message or you cant press the menu without getting an error message

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lg dare

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i like it becaucse of the texting the T9 word and getting the 3g and the equalizer and moving the apps to the home screen. i hate not having the clock on stand by. the MP3 player is tight. it fast.

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Great Phone Overall Except for Texting

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I recently purchased this phone about a week ago.  It is so easy to use the touch screen is a little bit laggy in some aspects but overall its is good.  I am 16 and a texting freak.  I find it easier to text then call.  I had the env 1 before this one and i was constantly texting.  I hadn't really tired out the touch screen qwerty on the dare and i wish i had.  I find it very difficult to text fast and to even try to text fast you need to be in a stable environment.  I find myself constanly typing the wrong letters and having to go back and actually type letters.  For me I have to press hard on the touch screen for it to register a letter.  Overall this phone is great the features are good for a touch screen phone however if you are a serious texter the dare is not recommended.  

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Definately a great phone

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  AFter  returning a sumsung, and reading reviews for endless days, I was left deciding between the dare and the voyager . I went with the Dare and it's been  only a week but the phone is simple to use and understand, very stylish, and works great. The kids love the vc videos, I used the navigator with no problem, receive e-mails promptly, easy to store info  and make calls, and  texting no problem. Takes a little bit to get used to the touch screen but not long.
I highly recommend this phone. It's my 4th LG, first touch screen and is faster than my brothers  Storm.

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Lg Dare pro's and con's

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6.3out of 10
I've had this phone for 3 months now. I absolutely loved it for the first month. Now in the third month I've found the flaws. I love how big the screen in and the camera is great, but I find myself having to really hold the phone still to get a clear shot. When I'm talking to people no one can hear me, no matter what my volume level is. I hate repeating myself and I'm doing it constantly on this phone. I'm not quite sure whether I like the touch screen. It's hard to get used to. Having the option of a regular key pad would be a nice addition to this phone. I previously owned the LGENV...great phone. If you're a big texter, I could text with the ENV being able to not look at the phone while feeling the keys to type a message. Frustrating with the Dare, that you have to use both hands to text b'cuz of the touchscreen and minus the addtion of a physical key pad. A problem with text messaging is on the qwerty pad it presses buttons you don't intend to be used. The music player is wonderful, but I don't like how it turns itself off occasionally.  With scrolling up and down you have to be easy and trying to get through your contacts can be annoying.  I like the themes this phone uses. The screen scratches easily and fingerprints constantly. Overall the phone is nice, but there are cons to it as well. maybe I just have to get used to an all touch screen phone, but If I could have designed this phone, I'd put a key pad addition to the phone and think it would really make a difference!

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5th and counting

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stay clear of this phone. i have had it for 5 or 6 months nowand i am on my fifth one. thank god for the warrenty. the first phone i had the software just stopped working and couldent be fixed the second phone the ear piece speaker blew out at normal volume. third the sceen died . the fourth phone the sceen did. the one i am switching out tomorrow  has another blown speaker. the thing that makes it even worse is verizon doesnt swith it out with a new phone they swith it out with a recon. so i bought a new and im given a used phone for the same price.sweet huh. aside from that texting sucks . allways have to repeat myself everyone says there is a bad connection. they key lock is very annoying. it goes on when you dont want and is easily shut of in your pocket.most of the camera editing option are just useless fluff aside from the basics. takes decent pictures put the phone has to be perfectly still or they come out super blurry.lost of cool ideas in this phone that would have been better left as ideas till they could have been perfected. terrible phone. wish i didnt give my last one away so i could swith back

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Balanced Review

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To start out I have a little bit of a phone fettish.  I get a new phone at least once a year.  That being said, I have had the Dare since it first came out.  I am also very hard to please when it comes to phones, so this review may be harsh, but read all the way through to get my bottom line.  I think it is only fair to point out that I do have iPhone envy, and am not afraid to admit it.  Many of my friends have the iPhone, and I like what it offers.  I will not switch to AT&T, so no iPhone for me.
First, I really do like this phone.  It has had some quirks as the software is upgraded, but getting the latest software from a Verizon store will fix a lot of those problems.  Until I just got my phone updated it was restarting randomly and did not always connect when on the internet.  Since the upgrade this has not been a problem.
Second, the camera on this phone is really good.  It is not as good as having a digital camera with you, but it is a phone after all.  I actually went on vacation to Chicago last year and forgot my camera at home.  I thought I might as well use my phone to try and capture some of the time there.  When I got back I was really impressed with the picture quality!  Like I said, not like I had a stand-alone camera, but they were good pictures.
Third, I really do not like how there are not any free apps for this phone.  You pretty much have to pay Verizon for everything.  This really stinks, and I wish it was not this way.  I am forced to use the VZ Navigator, which pisses me off because there is a GPS on the phone.  I wish Google Maps, or something like that, would work with the built in GPS.
Fourth, the music player is actually pretty good.  You can use Windows Media Player to put the songs on your phone and it works great.  I use it in my truck if I forget my iPod.  It is a good back-up.  Unfortunately you cannot put any iTunes on there, but you can't put them on any other mp3 player that I can think of either.  It is really easy to sync with WMP.
Fifth, the call quality is pretty good.  I can say that it is not the best in the world, but not the worst either.  I really do not get many dropped calls.  That being said, I am in the middle of a city, so I wouldn't expect any phone to have a lot of dropped calls.
Sixth, the internet actually works pretty well.  It is decently fast.  I wish that it had a flash player so I could view normal YouTube, but I guess mobile is alright.  Maybe this will come in an update.  I can get to most pages that I want to view and they render pretty well.
Seventh, the touch screen is pretty responsive.  It does take a little getting used to.  It would be nice to be able to use more than one finger at once.  You really do need to calibrate it with a stylus to get it working well, but after that it is not bad.
Bottom Line:  I think this is a good all around phone.  The camera is really nice and a good back-up.  This is not a smart phone, so don't expect it to sync with your home computer.  I think you can pay Verizon some more money a month if you want to do this, but I don't.  It works pretty well to get emails with their mobile email service, but can be annoying when you get a message because it interrupts whatever else you were doing.  I am overall happy about this phone and plan to keep it.  For a basic multimedia phone I would recommend it.

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not a txting phone!

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i must say i hate my dare! ive had it for a while now and i just want a new phone. i have the evn before the dare and loved it but it broke after two years of having it so i thought the dare would be a great new phone for me. well i was wrong. two days after having it and i hated i couldnt txt on the dare to save my life and i still cant till this day. i am always hitting the wrong key when txting. it takes me 3x long to txt then it used to on my old evn. but there are a few things about the phone are are pretty my like the pic on the phone come out pretty good, not the best but better then some other phones. besides that thoi hate my phone and wish i would have never got it! so WARNTING TO ALL TXTERS... DONT GET THE DARE ....  unless you are sure you will love your phone.

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New User

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I'm a new user and I recently got the Dare, yesterday in fact. I did alot of research before getting it. I had the LG En V (first one) before I got it. I was skeptical because I didn't know if I'd enjoy touch screen because my finger tips are stubby. Texting can be a pain sometimes. Mostly with the qwerty board, using regular T9 works the best for me. Vibrate sucks. My En V used to vibrate so loud it sounded like a ringtone. But over all I'm pretty happy with the design and the features. The mobile email won't let me use Gmail though. The camera works great, love the "favorites", music player works awesome, dunno about battery power but I do play with it alot hardly ever give it a rest. I'm sure once I'm used to it and quit playing with the phone as much the battery will last a lot longer.

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gets old after a while especially cuz the qwerty is impossible so texting sucks... and the t9 u have to look at the screen cuz its near impossible to memorize the letter locations on this... not a good texting phone but besides that its great.

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lg dare first week/big handed user

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first of all i know the phone has been out for almost a year and there is over 200 reviews but i thought i would add my opinion from a guy with big hands. also there really has been a real in depth break down of the phone on these reviews i found. so i hope this will help out. i have had the phone for a week now and have really used it ALOT!!!!# DESIGN: I found the overall design to be good not to big but not too small i would have preferred a better battery cover then what it has a little thin. also there is  some space they could have used for the screen instead of having a big lg symbol on the bottom and the Verizon emblem on the top. they could have had it smaller then that it would have given it about 1/2 inch more screen (top to bottom). battery: battery holds up very well. i was suprised!!!!# texting:well having big hands i thought it would be a issue for me but it was not. now i can't texting as fast i could on a computer keyboard but i did rather well.(note: it does take some time to get use to it..about a 5 days for me)# camera/video: best phone camera hands down it is better then the samsung optima which has a 5.0 megapixel. the pictures are clear and Sharp and it has a multiple shot feature which means you push the button and it takes 3,6or9 shots in a row.the video player is good not anything that stands out.# call quility:no problems at all very clear.# music player: basic nothing special.note(when downloading music to your phone make sure you click out of the syn music screen on your phone or on the computer before removing the usb connection because it will causes your phone to lock up.)# web browser: its not a iPhone or a smart phone its a cell phone OK. the web access is good does have its issues nothing major. YouTube,my space, google works really well, yahoo is OK.# speaker: loud... real loud....# favorite:this allows you to put 6 contacts on this screen to either call or text fast. just click and drag to the call or message icon..      overall all the phone is excellent i would recommend it to a friend......

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I really do like this phone.  It is easy to use, small, many features, and has a great camera.  The Internet wasn't as fast as an iPhone or Storm, but I didn't expect it to be.  But the Internet was easy to use and navigate.  The only problem I have  encountered in my two months of ownership is it occasionally turns off for no reason, it doesn't happen often, but does happen and can be annoying.  The screen seems to be fairly resistant to scratches but a screen protector would be a nice thing to buy.  Talking on this phone is great and better than most because it gets great service.  Speaker phone is not great, but much better than my last phone, LG vx8600.  I would recommend this phone, but warn the touch screen does take a while to get used to and I miss having hard keys from time to time.  Great battery life too!

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Love/Hate on a daily basis

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I've had this phone for 3 months now. I absolutely loved it for the first 2 months. Now in the third month I've found the flaws. I think I was absolutely enamored with it. So I love how big the screen in and the camera is great. But when I'm talking to people no one can hear me, no matter what my volume level is. I hate repeating myself and I'm doing it constantly on this phone. I'm not quite sure whether I like the touch screen. It's hard to get used to. I would like to have a regular keypad just so I have the option of using it. The music player is wonderful, better than the chocolate (i've had all three). The internet was slower, and not all sites worked, even mobile ones. But for the most part the internet was extremely useful. I find it easier to use than the iphone, it's less complicated. It works on a nice platform, but I don't like how it turns itself off occasionally, looks like this might be something LG needs to work on, or verizon needs to change their software. I have had this problem with many LG phones. A problem with text messaging is on the qwerty pad it presses buttons you don't intend to be used and on t9 you have to look at it to make sure you got the word right. When scrolling up and down you have to be easy and trying to get through your contacts can be annoying. I like the themes this phone uses. The screen scratches easily and fingerprints constantly. Overall the phone is nice, but there are cons to it as well. For me it's a love/hate relationship.

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Amazing phone!(Stop comparing it to i-phone)

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I personally could NOT be happier with my LG Dare. The touch screen is phenomenal and I love editing pictures! However, i really wish that the jerks out there would stop comparing this phone to the i-phone! This phone was not created to contend with the i-phone, if anything, this phones design and concept have been hijacked by the makers of the samsung eternity.But this phone itself is one of the best multimedia phones on the market! If your looking for a great phone experience thats actually nearly con-free then look no further!

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wow :)

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i love this phone so muchhhhhhh
this phonr is the best verizon phone i love the drawing pad, picture edditor, touch screen, style, the favorites option.my biggest problem is texting. i wish this had a slide out keyboard. that wouldve been cool. my fingers are toooo small for the virtual keyboard. and t9 texting is easy for me but some times if im in a hurry i have trouble spelling the word i want, like tomorrow. vibration isnt strong either

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important Internet applications does not work

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I return Dare becouse some important web applications do not work. It is critical bug. It is bad practice to issue gedanken device. Threrefore my rate is worst despite many advantages.

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1 of the best touchscreen phones that isn't an iPhone

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good small nice looking phone. touchscreen is amazing. speakers. multi-tasking. qwerty advance keyboard. the 3 buttons on the bottom is a great asset to the phone because it's mainly touching. camera. music. battery life, they are all great on the phone. LG DARE IS A VERY GOOD RATED PHONE.

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I love the Dare. (:

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I'm in love with the LG Dare! I got this phone as an early Christmas gift. This is a phone you MUST buy a case for! Get the screen protector, the case... go all out! This is a phone you have to baby. The music player is very good if I want to play my favorite songs with my friends. Texting is easy, with one exception. I had to calibrate it to make it actually recongize what you type. It sometimes is a pain in the butt to text, but that's just me. The 3.2 megapixel camera is AWESOME! It takes amazing pictures. I upgraded from an LG VX8300 (it's really old), so this is a huge improvement. One thing I'd like to complain about is the Mobile IM. I was so excited for it, knowing I'd have a full keyboard to IM all my friends. Sometimes while I was getting a lot of texts while I was on Mobile IM, my phone would completely freeze up. Like, nothing worked. I would either have to take the battery out, restart the phone, or wait it out. That's only happened twice though.
Besides all that, this phone is absolutely amazing! It was worth waiting for. (:

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One of the greatest phones I have ever used...

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This phone is great, cheap, and it does almost everything the iPhone can do! (Except the whole smartphone thing.)

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