LG Dare User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Gr8 Phone ... Verizon's best !!!

Phone owned for

I have this phone in my hands right now and have owned a Voyager in the past and have played plenty with the iphone. I will say this off the bat, the iphone is a better music player but in sound quality and feature set, the LG Dare blows away the iphone. The Camera is just a cherry on top. This will be Verizon's top phone throughout the entire summer, and prob. beyond.

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Phone owned for

great phone, black theme rules. so cheap too and quality overall is great.
everyone should definitely buy this phone!

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Phone owned for

Design: Awesome but I prefer flip.

Features: Much better than any other Verizon phone I used in the past and have played with but could always use improvement

Sound Quality: Calls are all clear, playing music is amazingly loud.

Signal Strength: Full bars at my home so no problem there.

Value for money: Verizon and Sprint lowered the price for 2 year because of the iPhone obviously. Gotta love competition.

I've used this extensively in just 2 days time. Sent and received texts exceed well over 200. QWERTY board works surprisingly well. Touch screen is very responsive. Camera is quite awesome and fun to play with. I love this phone but of course, there is no perfect phone and I'm going to be honest about that so I can't give this a 10. But this is by far the best phone Verizon has had to offer in my opinion. And I've played with alot of Verizon's phones.

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Way ahead of any other Verizon Phones.

Phone owned for

Having played with this phone for over 40 hours now, I can honestly say this phone is A LOT better then any other phone which I have ever used. I have used everything from the Voyager to most Treos, Blackberrys, iPhone wanna-be's, and last but not least, the iPhone. The camera on this phone is a HUGE advantage over any other phone that's in the market in the US. The phone overall comes packed with A LOT of different features and gimmicks.

Design wise, it's really solid and feels that if dropped, it will not break or crack or anything even one bit. It's nice and small and perfect for any sized hands. Everyone from Stuart Little to the Hulk can use this phone.

Feature wise, the phone has a lot of nice applications. The music player is really nice, huge upgrade from any other previous ones. The camera is way ahead of any other phone out in the US Market. A huge plus in my opinion: being able to use the REALLY bright flash while recording videos. Huge prop points on that one. The other really really huge plus for me is being able to transfer all types of files onto and off of the phone using Bluetooth. I can transfer pictures, text files, videos, music, etc, both ways, to and from the phone. There's A LOT of features on here, but too many to list.

Sound quality wise, REALLY REALLY clear calls, completely blows the iPhone away. The speakerphone is also great. While listening to music, it even sounds like there's bass!

Signal strength wise, it blows away all other cell phones which I own. If i put all of them into the same spot, one by one, the Dare wins hands down.

Value wise, for $200 dollars, you CANNOT go wrong. DEFINETALLY get it! You WON'T regret it!

DEFINETALLY recommend the LG VX 9700 (LG Dare) hands down.

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