LG Dare User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews


Phone owned for

This phone is great. I upgraded from my LG VX-9400 and this phone is amazing.
IT has great features and is an amazing phone.
This will definately give the iPhone a run for its money.
Definately buy.

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Phone owned for

man i just got this baby today and played around with it for like
6hours now and i just love it it worth every penny foreal

one thing i didnt like about was the usb cable is kinda short but
who cares phone is great~ just love it man

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Phone owned for

I just got my dare phone today...i called verizon and my voyager exchanged for the dare..and it was shipped to me. I do miss my key pad on my old voyager..but i love the touch screen on the dare! Being able to hand write text or even touch the screen to edit a photo is really coo. Unlike the voyager the touch screen is way better to use...i can scroll through my contacts without touching a name when i didnt mean to!...love it!

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Gnarly phone

Phone owned for

I don't know why people are saying they had trouble ordering the phone...I went on verizonwireless.com at 12:30 am Thursday and ordered the phone with no problem at all - I had the phone by 2pm Friday.

Anyway, the phone is great. The touchscreen is really nice, it does take a little time to get used to it's quirks, though. Good features, nice camera, all around fun so far. I live in a dead spon for VCAST so I can't enjoy that part of this phone, but otherwise I'm definately pleased.

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#35 is an idiot

Phone owned for

Even though the internet release date was June 26th and the stores were not supposed to 'drop the phone' until July 3rd; a number of stores that had the phone in stock(in the back); started bringing them out and selling them as people came in asking for them. From what I understand; the upper level management decided to let the stores use their own judgement on whether they would start busting out the phones and writing up contracts; lol. I got mine on June 26th.... in a store in Torrance California. And I know several people that bought them the same day. And that is just in my area. So I can only imagine how many the brick and mortar stores actually moved a week before the actual tentative Store release date.

Anyway; I have been a Verizon Customer with continuous Service for 14 years. I got waaaaay back to the ole Airtouch Pager days lol.. I am not a gadget freak or a tech wizard. I have never owned a Treo or a Blackberry or an LG Envy; etc. But I have gone through alot of phones in the last 14 years. I have been known to buy phones regardless of whether I am eligible for any kind of upgrade; lol...

I love this phone. I think the name is kinda lame(personal opinion) but I have yet to open up the instruction book. And I have not had any trouble navigating around and doing anything I wanted to do that the phone seems capable of doing so far. Obviously; I will have to refer to the instructions sooner or later; but so far; just a very intuitave interface. Very well thought out layout. Great size. Great call quality. It feels just fine in my hand. Maybe down the line I will have a 'second impression' but as far as first impressions go; I have no reservations saying this is the best phone I have ever owned and a great pleasure to use.

And I agree with one of the other posters; that putting post assuming 'most people don't even own one' and then getting dumber by giving the phone a '1' rating; is simply retarded. Even the worst phones I have ever had; would most likely rate at better than a '1'.

Sorry my review is not very comprehensive; but everything I said I meant. And I seldom ever post any kind of review anywhere; but #35 inspired me simply because there has to be a balance in nature. And since he gave the phone a one; I will offset that by giving the phone a 9+. Like I said I no tech gear kinda guy; but I know what stuff is junk and the LG Dare......................... nothing junky about it. It is a Winner in my book.

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Phone owned for

-able to drag and drop shortcuts onto the main screen
-no crappy GUI
-black theme
-favorites is convenient (touch and call or text)
-3.5 jack
-evdo rev a
-nice accurate touch screen
-good call quality
-nice speakers
-able to store over 196 texts (what i have so far)
-can send yourself high quality ringtones from your 'My Sounds' folder
-long battery life (sent 100 texts and received 100 texts, probably over that amount, in one day and i still had 3 at the end of the day. also listened to music, tested out call quality, and played with it minutes at a time)
-slow motion playback
-record at 640x480!

-no mobile tv but i don't want to spend money on that each month anyways
-can't zoom on higher resolutions

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Phone owned for

I can't believe it's so cheap. Returned my glyde for it. 200$ is a steal, considering retail is 400$ from what I heard. Haven't played with the instinct yet but I don't even feel as if i need to after this phone. Could use more features such as being able to use this as a flashlight and individual text ringers. EVDO could be a bit faster but at least it's still faster than other 3G networks. Awesome phone!

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Phone owned for

Good call quality, very responsive.

Excellent design, 3.5 headset jack!

No lag when listening to music off a 8gb memory card. It can also multitask.

Best phone I've owned from verizon.

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Phone owned for

Best phone Ive ever owned. Camera quality is amaizing I also love the slow motion feature on video playback!! 10 all the way

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LG Dare- Worth every penny!

Phone owned for

The LG Dare has to be one of the nicest phones I have ever gotten the chance to use. It's features are excellent! However, the touch screen tends to lag behind. When scrolling fast through options on a application, the selection your finger was on selects it's self some times. This phone also does not feature WiFi like the iPhone, but does have a better signal through the standard Verizon Mobile Web. Comparing the Web Browser to the iPhone once more, the LG Dare has more features and better responce time. The sound quality on this handset is amazing! The built in bluetooth feature is well thought out! I walked through out my entire neighboor and the signial strength was perfect, it was perfect while on the go in my car, and perfect in a very rural area! The full on screen keyboard works very nice except it tends to skip letter when typing quickly. The Moblie TV is all I could ask for with amazing signal strength. THe camera is one of the nicest I have ever opperated. I could go on the LG Dare's amazing features! However I will end now on a good note by giving this phone a rating of a perfect 10/10 and reccomend this any one who wants a hi- tech, easy to use, amazing cell phone! I do not however reccomend this cell phone for cooperate use!

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Awesome none better

Phone owned for

I upgraded from my verizon lg 6100 to the lg dare, ordered on verizons website with my $100 every two yr credit on Thursday 6/26 12:30pm and received it Fri 6/27 1:30pm via FedEx. Great reception, loud ear mic, great calling sound quality, touch screen very fast responsive. Still can be used on my $39.99 month plan 450 minutes. I ordered the Verzion Vpack for web surfing, video downloads and email $15.00 month first month free and if i dont like it can remove this $15.00 option. Still learning all this phone can do too many features. Oh, and it comes with a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. Thanks.

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Phone owned for

This phone is amazing. I got it overnight shipped and I can not put it down. The only problem so far is learning how to text and drive since there is no physical buttons! This phone will not disappoint. The camera is amazing, opposite of what a few have said earlier in the reviews. I highly recommend this phone.

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Best Phone So Far!

Phone owned for

Everyone's opinion always tends to say that the iPhone is the best phone ever made........ and then the Dare came along.....

This phone beats the CRAP out of the iPhone. Not only is the interface nice and fluid, and moves easily between screens, but the size of the phone is SO much more convenient! It's much shorter then the iPhone (but still just as thin).

The fact that Verizon is rolling out the Rhapsody music store and the ability to play UNPROTECTED music is AWESOME! (This may suck for people in the music business as I'm sure people will turn to illegal downloads once again, but being able to transfer music to your phone, or computer or a CD without being blocked because it's protected is AWESOME! Try doing that with iTunes music/downloads....)

Another nice feature is the fact that it has expandable memory. I can swap out the memory cards if I fill one up. I can also take out the DARN battery!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, I use to be an Apple Nerd, I still LOVE Apple computers and ipods.... but this phone takes the cake. The iPhone now has a true competitor.

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iPhone Killer

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Yes indeed, this phone is an iPhone killer. For those who are BIASED and are APPLE GEEKS, I TOO am an Apple geek, and I set my Apple bias ASIDE when I checked this phone out for the first time..... being that I LOVE apple, this phone rocked the SOCKS off the iPhone.

- MUCH better camera then the iPhone (And pretty much ANY phone)
- Expandable memory up to 8GB (You can switch out memory cards if you fill one up)
- REMOVABLE battery!
- Works on Verizons Rev A network (granted the NEW iPhone will work on 3G)
- Rhapsody Music Player/Store.... which means NON-protected music!!!! unlike the iTunes store!
- MUCH smaller then the iPhone!
- Dedicated Send and End buttons!
- DON'T have to go through APPLE if you have any problems with phone! Can go directly thru Verizon
- Has handwriting recognition
-PRICE is much less then the iPhone!

- Has handwriting recog. but no stylus, kind of a bummer, but it does read your handwriting if you use your finger
- I really can't think of any other cons at this point.... The ONLY thing I was bummed about was the no stylus part. Everything else FAR exceeds my expectations and BLOWS the iPhone out of the water.... and I'm not just talking about the OLD iPhone, I'm talking about the new one too!

Overall I was REALLY impressed by this phone. When I first saw pics of if I didn't think I was going to like it, nor did I think it would compete with the iPhone, but NOW my mind is made up. If I had a choice to get the NEW iPhone or the Dare I would DEFINITELY go with the Dare, not only because of the size, and the abilities and features, but because it's on Verizon which is FAR superior to AT&T. Go LG! They finally made a phone which beats the pants off the iPhone!

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Awesome Phone

Phone owned for

just received the phone via fed-ex delivery. i have been playing with this phone for about 4 hrs already, and i would have to say i love the phone. i never got in to the iphone like everybody else did, but i would have to say give the iphone a run in the wireless phone world. So far i have only found two things i find a little difficult with the phone, and they are talking with the speakerphone on. the microphone makes its difficult for the otherperson to hear you, but i dont know if it is the mic or just me i seem to always have difficulty with people hearing me while on speakerphone. the second thing i find to be somewhat difficult is the scrolling up and down the menus can be a little awkward unless you have a long nail i guess. My overall rating of this is phone is great. i would recommend this phone to everyone.

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Phone owned for

Phone is great! The best that has been released for VZW yet. If your looking for a touch screen, definitely check this one out!

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Love the Phone

Phone owned for

Love this phone just retired my Env2 due to it's quirky glitches and bought this out of contract over the phone. I was a little afraid of the touch screen but FedEx delivered it yesterday morning and I found out it was easier to use than I imagined. The camera is awesome with it's crop, ability to write on the picture, and the lovely little flash so many phones have been missing lately. I love the draw pad it's quite amazing though my doodles are more like an etch a sketch. =) The favorites is a great idea.. almost like a my 5 from T-mobile minus the discounted calling but who needs that with the Nationwide premium anyway. As for the web browswer I love this one! Oh and need I add unlike my Env2 no glitches so far woohoo.... no dropped calls fading in our out of calls, my txts and pictures work, oh I'm in heaven! Just a note my friend does work for Verizon and they often can't have the new phones for a few months after customers get them. Demo yes own no. So all that bull that guy was feeding us is crap as I am an existing customer and as of 6/27/08 I had the LG Dare in my hand. Not so sure about the stores but I looked it up online and called my order in.

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Not available yet???

Phone owned for

To the guy above who "works for Verizon", if the phone isn't available to existing customers yet, why am I holding it my hand after FedEx delivered it yesterday? It wasn't showing up online for existing customers, you are correct, but just like with ANYTHING with verizon, if you call customer service, don't get the answer you want and hang up and call back, you eventually talk to someone who knows what their doing. It took me 5 phone calls, but I got it ordered Thursday and was given the $50 ONLINE discount because I spoke to a supervisor. THe inconstancy of the education of the CSRs at Verizon is scary. The first girl I talked to said it wasn't out yet. By the 5th phone call, it was sent, free overnight, $50 off for ONLINE discount because I complained I couldn't view it online unless I went on as a new customer, and i now have it. Get a clue.

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All of you

Phone owned for

i work for verizon phone has not been shipped, only people that have it are stores, they are not allowed to sell till the channel until jul 3, people who said they ordered it online? Online it was only available for NEW customers, if you were an existing customer you would not be receiving the phone untill tues or wed depending how far your located from verizons main hub. So all of you who are rating this phone by just specs, please dont make actual comment about it untill you have played with the phone. As for myself , yes i have it. And yes its AWESOME!!

coming soon LG VX11000 Yes i said it

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Phone owned for

this is the best phone out. i just got it today.. it does everything you need. way better than the iphone! nothing can beat this phone. verizon did it right!

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Phone owned for

this is the best phone out. i just got it today.. it does everything you need. way better than the iphone! nothing can beat this phone. verizon did it right!

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Phone owned for

Phone is awesome. Much better than I expected. The touch screen is a little hard to get used to at first but it is easy once you get the hang of it. The camera quality is AWESOME. I dont know why some people are saying it is not good. It has the quality of a digital camera. AWESOME PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Pretty cool

Phone owned for

I just opened this thing up and started messing around on it. This phone is actually way cooler than I thought it was gonna be. I had no problem scrolling using my fingers at all. My fingers are kinda big and it was slightly difficult to text on the qwerty keyboard.( Granted I just opened this up) The screen is plenty bright and the touch was just as responsive as pressing a regular button. There are so many gadgets on this phone. It will take a while to get used to but nothing has been difficult on it yet. Also the phone is way lighter than I anticipated but doesn't feel cheap.

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Its ok But Camera is Stinks

Phone owned for

The touch is very good but not when using the browser. The camera quality is HORRIBLE my god my Curve takes better photos by far and has a better flash than the dare.

I think the curve is just better overall. The camera is a huge disapointment.

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Fricken Awesome

Phone owned for

I bought one today and it is truly wonderful! It is the best phone verizon has made so far. It beats the heck out of the Glyde and the Voyager. The screen is HUGE.

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