LG Dare User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

I Love This Phone!

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I traded in my V3 Razr for a Voyager a week ago. I loved what the Voyager had to offer and figured I'd be set for a while. Then came the Dare. As soon as the stores got it, I was so there to get it. I traded in my Voyager within my 30 day trial. While I really liked the Voyager, the Dare truly blows it away! I like every feature of this phone. Signal strength has been great and the customizations are pretty cool. The only thing I don't like is that when browsing, it's hard to enter text. I have big hands but some of those boxes are REALLY small. (Of course I didn't but it for browsing, so it's not going to be a major bother, just a minor annoyance.) Other than that, this is a truly fantastic phone that will hopefully perform well for a long time.

One more thing... When trading in your new phone for a newer phone, Verizon charges you a $20 restock fee. They don't tell you until you trade it in. (They expect you to read the fine print.) That's pretty lame considering how they push way overpriced accessories on you. My salesperson knocked $10 off accessories I'll never use. The ones I will use are much cheaper elsewhere.

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Both my husband and I love this phone. I was a little leary about him liking the touch screen part, but in 2 days he has adapted VERY well. This phone is by far the greatest. My mpther had the Voyager and she returned it because it was not that great. The both of us had the enV. This is a great improvement; there is no way we would ever go back.

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Love this phone!

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I Bought the Samsung Glide last week. Although I really liked the design and the "Glide" out keyboard, I found the touch screen to be very unresponsive at any sensitivity setting. I returned it for the Dare and couldn't be happier. The touch screen works great, the onscreen keyboard is very easy to use for texting, full web browser works well and you can even view You Tube videos with this phone. Something that was not possible with the Glide. I also love the customizable menu tab. I Highly recommend this phone!

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lg dizzare

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this is by far the best phone on the market because i've used the very slow veryuseless iphone and well the dare puts it to shame hands down!!!!the cam is great toch responses are just great! i have had the glyde, and voyger sucks because i have had both and they don't compare!!!!!!

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This is Great

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I just got this phone today. The phone is extremely improved upon from every other touch screen phone from Verizon including the Voyager and the Glyde.

This phone looks great. The touch screen is easy to work with. The camera is terrific and it has a great new music player as compared to the other phones on verizon.

I would extremely recommend this phone to anyone who is looking for a new phone.

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It is my favorite phone I have ever had! Only a few touch screen responsiveness issues in the browser. Everything else was pristine!

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Excellent phone

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Purchased this phone received FedEx overnight on Monday, have been playing with all features, most importantly, reception, ear piece volume, call quality and use interface and responsiveness are great! It is light, great battery life and "boots up" really fast when you start, the face panel auto locks after 1 min of non use. I would highly recommend this phone. Verizon has the best national coverage and no drop calls.

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lg dare

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the best phone i have ever had! i still haven't figured out all its features but i am looking foward to learning them. i am already comfortable with typing and love the drag favorites calling system. plus all the bluetooth features for my car work including phone book, wich did not work with the lg voyager.

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This phone is awesome, I have had the phone for awhile now, since they released it on the internet anyway, and I love it !! by far the best phone I have used... the camera is for superior to any of the author phones out there. all around I have not found one thing that I don’t like. and believe me I was looking for something. get it you won’t regret it

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Finally Verizon gets a good phone

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I just traded in my Voyager which I got 2 weeks ago for the Dare and I love it. It does everything the Voyager didn't do. It's so easy to move around in and the camera takes great pictures at a resolution that you could actually get prints of. And for all who say it's a copy of the iPhone, well the first generation of the Dare, the Prada came out before the iPhone, so enough said. It may not opperate quite as smoothly in some areas as the iPhone, but its not enough to notice, at you can send/recieve pictures and video, which the iPhone wont do. So I'll take this one!

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email alerts lg dare

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I really like this phone. It it the best phone Verizon has sold to date. The only caveat are the email alerts. When it does alert you, it does so by launching the email app. If your not near your phone the display will never turn off, it will only dim. I guess it is because there is an app running in the back ground. Because of their excellent network it is something I can live with.

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LG Dare, dares to be a let down

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First off, i apologize for comparing a lot of it's features to the iphone...but the fact is the LG Dare is daring to be better then if not at least equal to the iphone.

The LG Dare is the US version of the Prada phone. Even though the Prada phone had it's misses it was a very well presented and well design phone. The LG Dare comes like all phones. In a verizon/lg card board box. Nothing special there. The phone itself is well protected with clear shield all over. The size is compact and the overall design is nice. It feels light and cheap in my hands. The bac was made of a high end rubber and the front is a chrome plastic.

At first, I was very excited to get this phone. I finally had a all in one phone with a reliable service. Well, i notice that a lot of it's features mimic the iphone as well as the icons. (with the black theme selected) The scrolling was not smooth at all. You had to really press on the screen and sometimes which ever link your finger tip was on would be activated.

As far as a full HTML browser...it really doesn't have one. It uses the VCAST browser which is a enhance mobile web version. It worked okay...but not all the time. If the site wasn't mobile web friendly it would come up missing sections or not at all. The camera was the best feature of this phone. I loved it. It worked great and it was nice to have a higher end lens for a change on a US phone. Bluetooth, well it did it's job well like always. i was able to connect to everything. Stereo, Headphones and to my mac which gave me access to the 8gb MicroSD card.

The music player tried to mimic the album flow of Apple, but did a snotty job of it. It wasn;t smooth and for some reason it would recognize some of the album art from my mp3s. It was just frustrating simply because we all seen this type of feature work well and very smoothly on another device.

Beside the camera. V NAV is worth every penny. It was the best thing VCAST has to offer. But you can get v nav on a cheaper phone and it would work just s well. Overall, at the end of the day i was disappointed. The Dare is a phone that does everything the iphone basically does, but it doesn't do it well. I returned mine the next day. I regretted it because it is a cool phone. But a partially good phone is not worth paying $200.00 for, when there is a better phone out there. As far as VCAST...accept for the V NAV all the other feature seem to make the Dare worst.

And here is a something that bugs me about all these companies trying to make the next iphone. If you want to compete...make something that is mac compatible. Apple makes their products windows compatible. Nuff said. I hope this review help giving you a better insight to the LG Dare.

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Awesome, awesome phone

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This is without a doubt the best Verizon phone I've ever used and absolutely blows my LG Chocolate out of the water.

The touch screen is plenty big so even those with bigger fingers can navigate through menus just fine. I personally wish design-wise that they would have made the 3 actual push buttons (Send, End/Power, Clear/Command) different colors and had them light up as green, white, and red instead of all just being white. This however is an extremely small issue and should let you know just how few downsides there are of this phone.

Camera is awesome, I believe my Chocolate had a 1.3MP camera on it and I'm just amazed at how much clearer these pictures/vids I take with the Dare turn out. On top of that it has face recognition available and also has a mini photo-editing feature built in.

Right now one downside is poor planning by LG/Verizon. I'm not sure who's actually at fault here but I feel like this phone probably got pushed out a little early as there are a lot of important -personally- applications (VZW Tones/Pics/Search) that are not even supported yet. The local store employee told me that these should be available shortly so no biggie I suppose. Another would be the sound quality during conversations not being the best but certainly not the worst either. Conversations have sounded better on other phones to me personally but I still rated the sound quality as an 8 so I'm definitely not saying that it is so bad you should consider another phone solely because of it. Besides, anything it lacks in sound quality during phone calls it more then makes up for with great sounding music playback.

Features on this phone are endless, I've been messing around with it for 3 days now and I'm sure there's still more features I have not even used. What I do know is that the light and proximity sensors are probably the most underrated features on this phone, saving battery life and allowing pictures and other things rotate as the phone is turned.

I'm not sure I could write a long enough summary of this phone and list all of the great things about it but in the end the only real important question is would I recommend it to others? The answer is a resounding yes!

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It's About time Verizon Came out with a Bangin Phone Meets All Expectations. I wanted to play with the phone for several days before writting a review, after Several Hours of playing & downloading pictures, Music, & some video I'm happy to say the phone is the best that verizon has to offer. Signal Strength, Pic. Qaulity, Sound Quality, Touch Response all a huge jump from the Glyde & Voyage wich I've also Owned. THANKS AGAIN VERIZON. NEXT YOU ALL NEED THE IPHONE

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I have been stuck with an iphone before and currently i have the dare....being with the twoo here are the things i can tell you:
1. dare is a more solid phone
2. dares features are more useful then iphones
3. it can do anything the iphone can and mmore
4. its great for use on computers
5. verizons service is so much better

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Not Worth the time...Dissapointed

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I bought this and the Sprint Insticnt to test them at the same time under both carriers worry free return policy. The Sprint Instinct has everything the Iphone should have but didn't, everything you want in a phone, and more. The Hotmail access, Gmail, Yahoo, etc. Amazing Touch pad response, sound quality people raved about how well they could hear me. The Sprint netowrk for speed was fantastic, reliability, where it worked, wonderful. All the features of the Sprint phone absolutely amazing. The camera was nice, no complaints at all. I wish you could choose the orientation for texting and typing for all applications instead of the phone choosing for you though, that is a bit irrtating. The spell check is nice, but a bit annoying when texting, so I choose to turn it off as it doesn't recognize any lingo normally used in texting. So onto theLG DARE. I was excited about the Dare mainly because it's Verizon. The Network is so superior I was hoping this would be their closest thing to an Iphone or fully functional, and useable touch device. Unfortunately, they have fell short. The phone feature on this phone is fantastic. The call quality while good, is not as clear or crsip as Sprints people would notice while talking to me. The dialing on the touch pad was easier and a little more responsive than the insticnt, but not enough for me to dislike the instinct or complain. It was a truly good touch pad on this device overall. The dialing and homescreen apps were very sensative to touch and quickly responsive. Texting, was another story. While the phone changes from landscape to portrait just like the iphone, it has a 3-4 second delay in doing so, it's incredibly slow. Then the texting is easy to make errors on the touch pad. I mad multiple mistakes which is very frustrating. This phone being smaller and lighter than the instinct made it feel cheaper and harder to text and type on. The email is a joke. It's not "included" with the phone or plan as is with the instinct or iphone. You have to use Verizon's Mobile Email from their APPS. It's slow, you have to basically click it, and when and email comes, it alerts you like a text message logging you in to your Windows Live or whatever your email is. Whereas the Instinct works more like POP3 or IMAP does on the Iphone, instant and refreshable right from the device without and APP download or another $5.00 monthly fee like Verizon requires without paying for the Premium package in which it's free. All the Features you get with the Instinct are extras on this phone. VZ NAvigator all that work nothing like LIVE SEARCH or anything on the Instinct. You could actually push the side button on the Instinct and say "take me to STARBUCKS" and off you'd go. This phone merely will dial #'s and basic LG features. Nothing new. The Web Browsing is no more HTML advanced than previous Voyager or LG phones. The phone itself is fine, the Network does work in places the Sprint did not. Verizon is by far a better carrier I feel in most places. Their Network in all my travels get's reception everywhere other carriers do not. For instance, I had the Instinct and Dare with me all week. I had multiple locations The Instinct had 0 bars, The Dare full or awfully close. Movie Theatres or elevators, Verizon works, Instinct struggles or simply couldn't. So there's something to be said for a great phone only being as good as the network, and a lousy phone actually being able to work everywhere though. If you're a tech guy, love phones and gadgets, you stay in major metro areas, The Instinct is incredible, does everything the iphone should have and still more than the new one coming out. If you travel, need a more reliable touch device and don't mind paying al'a'carte for Navigator, Email, and extras, the Dare will do the same a little less fashionable, and cool, but certainly as effective overall in the end.

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happy with my switch

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switched from AT&T...couldnt afford the bills. by far the CLOSET thing to the i phone and if the QWERTY had something like T9 for when your fingers slip it would be the best phone out....web works great....the signal is a little shaky in my home but super strong everywhere else.....looks really cool....batter life is untouchable....i havent charged it in almost 2 days....camera is AWESOME im a photographer so i love the features that are offered (ISO adjustments, scene settings, flash, 3.2 MEGAPIXEL YES!!!!)..ive had it for about a week and had 3 people ask me what it was.....highly recommended

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this phone is ont of thee best that i have ever used from verizon. Yes the camera is aweomse especially with all the little features and gizoms u get to edit the pictures with. Another great feature is that u can draw on pictures that u take. Texting is easy on this phone there arer three ways to enter text onto the phone. A+++ great phone for anyone :)

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The Best Phone ive ever owned

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First of all, i never thought i would actually get a new phone, but only b/c i cash in my 401k so i had extra money to spend and get what i want. And i would like to say that this phone is BEYOND my expected belief. DAMN, i have never own a phone that is so cool like this one. I was holding till the iphone comes out on 7/11 but once i got to VErizon page and saw this DAre phone, i was drawn into it and placed the order right then. I told myself that i would not pay for a phone that cost more than 200 dollars again, but couldn't help it with this one. BEside, i wsa going to pay this price for the IPhone anyway so, might as well buy something that will be better. Thanks for you guys leaving an excellent reviews on here had made me thought through and eventually ordered the phone, and i got it the next day so that is the best part. I only had 4 hours of sleep today and had to work also a 11 hours shift, but the phone had kept me company to stay awake. Anywho, i love this phone and i think i might keep it forawhile unless something else comes along that is BETTER than this phone, but i will doubt it. So overall, i REALLY DO RECOMMEND this phone to everyone who needs one. YOu are paying for a great price for the great phone. Im satisfied and hopefully yall wil too. TAKE CARE


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does anyone have this problem as well? each time you turn on the camera the camera settings go back to default? i set my flash to be on auto and face detection and smart pic on YES as well but everytime i close the application and reopen it, it goes back to default...

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BESTT Verizonn ever

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just got it 2day, phone has been awesome..

some1here was talking about having sd card slot problems.. i have 4gb sd card
fits perfectly fine...no problems watso ever.....

does anyone know to customize the ringtones?

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easy phone to use

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This phone is easy to use, I'm glad I went with it. Here's my Pros and Cons:

Good Size - smaller than it looks from pictures
Easy to use, Great Touchscreen (MUCH better than the voyager)
Great Camera, really cool editing tools
Does not take long to get used to
Easy to Sync Music with Rhapsody (included)

VCast - unless you are a fan.

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A Huge Step In The Right Direction

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MICRO-SD slot: Has anyone tried to use this slot? My Dare will not hold the card in place properly. Just was wondering if anyone else had this same problem yet or not?
Besides that I have had the phone since Sat June 28th, and its been great! Touch takes a little getting use to, but once you have it down your good to go.
It would be nice if there was an easier way to get 3rd party applications to work: ie "google maps."
P.S. has anyone got the phone to sync with the rhapsody music service yet?

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Best phone I have owned!

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This is a great phone for the value. You get some cool features that rival the Iphone. The only negative point is I feel like the camera takes too long to load up and take a picture. Which could be a downside if you see a crazed escaped gorilla running through your town that you want to take a picture of and reach for your phone, by the time it is ready to take a picture it is gone. Besides that the phone is great, I cant put it down.

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I have tried several phones over the past few month's. I have owned the pearl ; vx6800 ; vx6900; most recently the curve, this phone is all these phones in one with its many features. I had this phone since yesterday and I must say it is the best phone out for verizon right now. This phone hands down will make all i-phone lovers take a look into owning this phone its awesome.

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