For a starter phone or older person who needs general functionality and clear reception this would be fine, however if you are thinking of stepping down from a smart phone re-think it! I didn't use the data much on my smart phone so to save money me and my wife decided to downgrade to this phone and i have never been more irritated, it is consistently flashing ads and doing backups and the lock function is a nightmare! If you are texting the response time is S L O W... if your typing a text and receive one it locks up or goes into a temporary state of shock and normally results into me having to retype it or i have sent off some unfinished text which i then go to retype and while doing so the person who received the half typed one responds and the process repeats and makes you want to scream! I am willing to pay the extra $30 a month not to deal with this POS phone.
I've owned this phone since about feburary 2012 and i gotta say overall im very happy with it :) the texting is nice and easy, call quality is very good, long battery life. no complaints so far with the device
not so great. when theres many txts in ur phone and u try to scroll up and down ur txts, it lags soooo much. and the worst thing about texting is that when u accidently send it and u press cancel, it says its cancelled.BUT ITS NOT. i have tried it many times and many ppl ask y i sent it twice. sound quality isnt great either.
I got this phone a week ago and its great. It's about as close as a smartphone you can get without being a smartphone or a touch screen!.....................................................................................................................