Good phone with a net 10 plan. Great internet services.Has no audio messaging but is a great option for basic phone needs. The slider feels very sturdy and the phone is very well built overall. .
I bought this phone to use with the straight talk service. phone is great. the keys are different and just take getting used to. Phone is great for making calls and text messages, and if you really need to check something with the browser it works ok.
I'll start off by saying that the best things about this phone are the quality of it's structure, the camera and it's volume. It's a very solid phone. Much better than the other vertical slider available to tracfone by samsung. There's no wiggling of the two parts and it just feels very well put together. The volume is very loud so you shouldn't have any trouble hearing the person on the other end and the camera takes very nice pictures for it's resolution.Downsides: it's been noticed that if you have a call on speakerphone the next call will automatically be put on speakerphone. Sort of annoying depending on what you prefer. I can't really say anything about the internet since we live in the country with hardly any signal and that's more of a provider issue rather than actually having to do with the phone itself. But really all my husband uses it for is texting and phone calls so for him it works just fine. Battery doesn't run low very often and overall it's just a really good match for his cellular needs.
i like the phone but it is a pain as i have to push a button to end the call and noone at straightalk knows anything about the phone and walmart reps know less than they do and i cant find any help online. i cant belive they put out a good phone like this one and dont give you an endcall option of how you stop the call.
I will preface this by stating that I am not much of a phone talker, nor do I care to browse the web on a tiny screen. So when my other TracFone quit working, I went to Target, expecting to take their cheapest to replace my phone that no longer wanted me to hear others speak, or to allow them to hear me. So I planned to get the $10 phone, but saw that the $30 LG290C had double minutes for the life of the phone--so I thought I'd get that. Then I saw it had web browsing, and in my mind the double minutes was enough to sell the phone to me, and this was just frosting on the cake. I didn't expect to use it much, but wanted to be able to download ringtones, etc. So I needed help because after it was activated, it was CHARGING me double the minutes (was that what they meant by "double the minutes the life of the phone"?). Of course, internet directed me to call their "notoriously wonderful" customer service, with people who don't speak English (don't they see that calling their 800 number and doubling or tripling their time on the phone because I have to keep saying, "I don't understand what you are saying" costs them more?). Of course, I also got lucky to get a newbie with almost no English skills. Each question I asked, and she would then state, "Let me put you on hold for only 2 minutes while I ask my supervisor". After about the 4th time, I got the supervisor, who had marginally better English, but was still very hard to understand. After I got to the part about the web browser not working, she stated I needed to click on it and it would work. I explained that I always get the error message that "network connection failed", and then she said, "You have bad reception. Go somewhere with better reception". WHAT? So, to test her theory I drove into a nearby town, into a place with WiFi. NO connection whatsoever. Why do they advertise that it will work then??And of course, prior to this I had tried downloading a ringtone, just to have the experience. It will deduct 17.60 minutes or I can pay $2.99. Guess what--I did both, only to find out it is because the browser won't work that I won't get to listen to the the theme song of "Office" on my phone. Customer service: epic fail. Of course, this is not my first experience with it as I have used various models of TracFones for a few years. If I talked enough to make it worth going with a paid plan, I would throw my TracFone out the window (preferably hitting a TracFone exec!).
Just got the phone last week on the $30 promo and that doubles the minutes so it isnt expensive as that option is normally $20 ............... this is a great working phone. HOWEVER with all that said I got quite a line of BS from Tracfone......... they told me AFTER I got the phone that the web wouldnt work from my home area because of the local tower doesnt support it???? When I had US Cellular 3 years ago on the same tower it did??? Anyway I got a supervisor on the line as the tech from Bolivia couldnt speak English well enough to communicate with him????? I got the supervisor got on and assured me that the moment I got into a city area that it would log onto the web just fine and not to worry............. I just went to town were the internet is available from Tracfone and it WOULD NOT log onto it . So I just called them and the tech blew me off and told me the phone WASNT capable of it so I asked for a supervisor and she claimed she would connect me and I hung there waiting for 20 mins and finally hung up................... there CS sucks and I am not very happy with any of it ............. Lieing to people to get them to buy faulty phones or faulty services is NOT COOL! I would imagine it is also illeagal????? OH well be careful with this phone if you are getting it thru TRACFONE as they numbed me with one ???????
Thanks for all your reviews. I bought this phone because of them. First of all, I was willing to pay $30 for the phone but when I went to Kmart, I had a $10 discount. This is unbelievable since Wmart was still selling it for $48. Secondly, I was told by the CS rep that I won't be able to use the browser in my area so I was given the option to return the phone. This was a major disappointment but could not let go of the phone. It was still a cool phone without the browser. Well, guess my double happiness. The browser worked perfectly. Ha ha! The CS rep did not know this. Kmart had run out the phones the next day but a previous buyer had just returned his or hers. I guess he or she was misled by the CS rep. My luck. I bought it for my wife. She thinks I am the best husband in the whole world. For even $30, this is a great phone.
I love the phone except i cant get on the internet I called tracfone and they are trying to fix the problem but its ben a pain and I want the internet also two weeks after I paid 50.00 for the phone they droped the price to 30.00.
What stood out from the start when I first saw this phone (and it's still very impressive) is the very nice LARGE, clear screen. Good color and contrast makes this phone appear to be in a different class from it's closest price competitors.
The slide is sturdy and the phone feels good - not too heavy but not flimsy either.
It has all the standard features (calendar, calc, bluetooth, etc) you would expect but but navigating the menus are much more intuitive than I've seen with some of the other phone brands.
Although the camera is only 1.3mp it takes very decent photos. I have not moved them from the phone yet but they certainly appear to be good on the screen.
The fact that I got this phone on the Straight Talk plan is a huge plus. ST uses the Verizon network and you would be amazed at the call quality I enjoy when using this phone. Much better than many of my friends with much more expensive (smart)phones. Signal strength is almost always very good and I've not experienced ANY dropped calls yet.
The battery lasts very well.
So, I used to have the T301G slider, which I was pretty happy with. And around the release time of this new slider phone, my samsung had a technical malfunction. At first, I noticed that this phone, had a nice large screen, and the phone itself was a nice charcoal grey color, so overall appearance won me over, next, the sliding mechanism is an improvement from the previous slider, and to top it all off, this phone has an AMAZING high resolution display, the icon's and everything about the menus is a plus, it isn't at all like the pixelish, clunky, cheap looking menus of previous models. Every aspect of this phone's display is an almost identical clone of the LG Banter. As far as features goes, this phone is an amazing buy, that gets signal everywhere. If you need a phone buy it, if your considering buying it, go for it.
Granted, this is my first cellphone. And I'm easily entertained. Regardless, I think this is truly a wonderful phone, and the top-of-the-line CMDA phone at Tracfone. This phone has a 1.3 megapixel camera with zoom, brightness adjustment, night mode, self-timer, and some fun effects. Photos are not great quality, but adequate. Images can be sent to friends' mobile phones through MMA or your computer with the Bluetooth (at least I think so- haven't tried it because I haven't purchased a Bluetooth yet.).It has web browsing capability, though limited, and email capability.It has a Speakerphone, GREAT SOUND QUALITY (I don't hear well, so this is important to me), and it's hearing aid compatible. It also has voice command which I've read will work with a Bluetooth, so it's truly hands-free.Extras include a calculator, calendar, time zone calculator, and tip calculator. I love the pre-installed ringtones (33 for calls, 43 for message alerts, and you can program in a special ringtone and image for the caller ID for one of your 1000 contacts. I have selected a new age-y ringtone that's very pretty, and my voicemail alert sings "You've got mail"- very cool! Nice wallpapers,too- I have a serene one that's a moving lotus with birds, and a row boat.The build quality is very sturdy,feels nice in the hand, and I love the satisfying sliding mechanism which only requires a light flick of the thumb. My hands are quite arthritic, so this is a big plus for me- I've had trouble opening friends' flip phones. And the display is LARGE- you can easily see the numbers you dial, unlike some friends' phones I've used. The font for texting, which I haven't tried, is quite small, but I don't use it. The one and only concern I have is that the screen might shatter if I drop the phone, which is fairly likely. (I guess you can tell from my review that I'm pretty decrepit!)Anyway, I LOVE this pretty phone, and I think you will, too.