I like StraightTalk's Verizon service, but wish I had bought a flipphone with camera when I started 2 years ago. Now, trying to find one from ST that would keep me on the Verizon network has been virtually impossible. I would be content with this 220C if it would at least accept picture messages.
I had this phone on Straight Talk and it served me very well. I enjoyed the responsiveness of the keys and it's simplistic nature. The user interface rarely ever hiccuped and it did what I needed to do.
Many people would address call quality which is reasonable considering it's a lower budget phone. I never really did any roaming so I can't vouch for the battery life in that segment ... but it kept up with me throughout the day.
I wish I wasn't forced to rate it based on camera 'cause these basic flip phones don't come with cameras ... so I compensate lacking camera score by bringing up overall score up.
This phone has been discontinued for a while, but if I find one for sale I'm gonna buy it. It's a simply simplistic phone that does what I need it to do without any unnecessary bells and whistles.
I think the review from JOHN MICHAEL posted on 28 May 2010, 09:27 is very insightful about battery life relating to poor reception areas. Mine has a roaming feature, but still, it will always favor an unusable home signal. At home it often switches back and forth between towers, so I wait until I see it on Roam and then I place my call. Maybe that is why my battery lasts about 6 to 10 hours sometimes, and three days other times. More impressive than this awful flaw, is that someone figured out why. Thanks John! Net 10 gave me this phone when mine broke and it's much nicer than my last one. I like the voice recognition feature, because you don't have to look at or touch the keypad, to do numerous phone activities. I think Net 10 is a great company to deal with and well rated by the BBB, rare among cell phone companies. If not for lousy battery life I would have no complaints.
My phone gets hot in my pocket. If I fully charge it and leave it on but closed on my desk for 2 days it requires a new charge. I have bought a replacement battery but got no improvement.
Generally I like the phone. The rugged clamshell is very nice.
I hate how it costs you for incoming texts to it sucks if any of you know any cheats for this phone like how you can be able to get free minutes or any way that you could get free minutes let me know by posting a message or thing on this page thanks.
Sara Krueger
The 220C is a great "phone" - but, that's all it is.
If you're an adult and just need a "phone" with the usual features, and not a "toy" to play with (text, games, internet, etc.), you will find nothing better! Great size, features, sound, reception, battery life, screen, visibility, etc., etc.... you will be delighted with the 220C! I've had mutliple "phones" and the 220C is the best I've had.
ST is a great "carrier," at a great price - but, that's all it is. If you need CS you should look elsewhere. It's great if you're tech savy and can find your own solutions. It's terrible if you're not / can't!
Be sure to buy your phone at Walmart - so, if you have any issues, you can just take it back and get another, or get a refund. My first 220C had a defective "right soft key." I simply and quickly returned it and replaced it at Walmart in less than 2 hours - rather than days, if I'd purchased it online. It's worth the $20 premium for the warranty support from a reliable, local vendor!
But... for inexpensive, basic service... the LG 220C and ST are... GREAT!
This filled my need for an inexpensive, simple phone. I only use it for minimal talking, so any other features are wasted on me. I am not seeing any of the issues posted by other users. Battery life is good, the UI is solid, and calls are clear as could be expected in a rural location. I haven't bothered with the browser function. (What's the point on a tiny screen over a slow connection?)
I have two of these, and would look no further for a CDMA type phone.
I purchased this phone yesterday and I must say it is a good phone. I initially purchased it to save money on cell phone service in the long run (I had a G1 with another service provider). The ring tones on this phone are cute and have great quality. The factory installed images are also cool. The starfish one is my favorite. Set up was quick and easy, but I still don't get why I had to charge it for five hours. I find this phone to be very user friendly. You can see your phone number and sim number in two pushes of a button. This comes in handy when telling all your contacts about your new number. Texting is a snap with the t9word feature. It's great, since this phone has no qwerty keyboard. Internet browsing is just a tad bit sluggish, but not poor. And I'm still having trouble receiving picture messages. I'm not sure if that is even possible. Overall, I am very satisfied with this phone. I was only looking for very basic features with a new phone, and got more at a good price.
this is my review on the lg220c straight talk phone i have only had this phone now for a few days and so far it has worked really well for me the only thing i don't like about this phone is the back button is under the down cursor and im always hitting that button by accident lol and the ringtones suck but those are minor issues i have not had a battery problem yet and i go through straight talk and when i make a call i do not get a recorded message saying how many minutes i have left not sure if this is cause i have the unlimited plan with unlimited calls text and web for 45 bucks a month but yeah other than those two lil things i like this phone and i like how it works i give it a 9 out of 10 rating
The ringer volume on my phone starts very low and slowly increases in loudness. Takes so long to do so that
I constantly miss calls. I have set the volume controls on the side of the phone to max, have set all volume
controls I can find to max...no change. I can set it to vibrate and ring but that does not solve problem when
I don't have phone in pocket.
Also, I notice that when a call comes in, the word "quiet" is displayed on the lower left of the screen...I cannot
access any item to change it. I called Tech Support...contact spoke poor english...and after several attempts
they said that the problem could not be corrected and I would have to buy another kind of phone.
By the way, my hearing is fine...no one else can hear the ringer either.
Very nice little tracfone. This phone is very good on battery life and overall quality. The buttons are very easy to use. I never have any problems with dropped calls. Best of all I dont even have to pay much for the service as tracfone offers the best rates.
This little phone is exactly what I have been looking for. I tend to be hard on my cell phones and this one has held up to the test of time. Most of my phones would break from a small drop or the screen would crack from the drop. Its cheap so its not a big deal if I have to replace it. And it has great battery life. And a strong signal. Over all I would recommend this phone to anyone.
The battery life sucks on this phone I have to charge it every night or it will die. Im glad someone else is expericeing the call log issues. THat so gets on me nevers. I mean my friends call me and I might not have there number but 90 percent of the time it won't save to the call log. And they b like how come you didn't call back and i be like because the phone won't save da num.
I have had this phone for about 4 months. It is an ok phone for the price. It does lack features of most modern phones but I have dropped it a lot of times and it still has held up. The only issue I have with it is sometimes if someone calls or I call someon it will not show up in the call log. My friend has had the same issue. But her has gotten so bad that it hardly ever saves the number in the call log.
After reading the reviews about the poor battery life I purchase this phone with some worry. Battery life is great with signal or without. I have not had the muting problem as of yet. I do agree that this is not the most advanced phone on the market and that I was somewhat dissapointed with the web browser, all other features are great. Great phone for the price..
I've had the LG 220C and a Straight Talk plan from WalMart for a couple of months. Overall, it is a good value for such a low monthly fee. If you need the latest & most complex phone, shop elsewhere and pay 3-4 times as much monthly. This is a basic clamshell, without a camera, so it's intended primarily for talking, texting, and checking briefly on the Internet for specific information. It does that well.Battery life for me depends on the available signal, and that is probably why the reviews are so mixed. When I'm working in Chicago, the phone stands by for days and no matter how much I talk, the battery is good at the end of a long day. When I'm home in Indiana, if I leave the phone in the front half of the house, the battery runs down within less than a day. In the back half, I get the same battery life as in Chicago. Sprint signal where I live in Indiana was so bad a few years ago that I had to switch to another carrier, so it has improved in recent years, but is still spotty.I experience the same inexplicable 'seconds of muting' reported by others. I'm guessing that too is when the signal drops out and then reappears. Also, the computer generated voice is annoying compared to others. The pitiful "instruction booklet" provide with the phone is almost useless, so plan to do the online tutorials if you cannot figure something out on your own.My summary: decent phone + cheap service = very low cost for nationwide coverage.
I recently purchased a straighttalk LG220C. Battery is much better than my previous touch-pad phone which I had to charge daily. The phone works very well. If you want to a phone to be a phone and not a mini-computer with a bunch of bells and whistles, I recommend this phone.
The phone was purchased at a local walmart in mar 2010. advertised battery talk time up to 2.5,but it only lasts 1.5 with full charge.Advertised standby time up to 10 days, again only last 9 hours with full charge on standby with zero calls or texts.This is a straight talk model and i have contacted the company and are willing to mail me out a pre paid envelope to replace. Also while on the subject of straight talk the phones do come with that annoying msg of how much time you have before your calls. Customer care can also turn that off as well, they just have a legal contract to have it turned on initially until you request to have it shut off. You can then later check your available time from online. Overall it is terrible to have this kind of issue, but at least straight talk is willing to fix the problem for you.
i have this phone and i must say the battery life is very good, i get almost 3 days without plugging in it and talking throughout the 3 days on and off. the mic is not a problem and the speakerphone works great. if your battery is as bad as the last person's then get a new battery.
No I would have to disagree regarding the battery life, its horrible, even after a full complete charge the battery bar creeps down rather quickly, and it by the way is a brand new battery and phone, only a little over 2 hours of talk time. Yes it comes with a wall charger, but if you are on the road a lot like myself you had better get a mobile car charger. The extended life battery is a whole 20.00 and the phone with the wall charger was only 39.99 so me personally I don't think its worh it.
This phone is good, it has good reception and good call volume. it has an excellent battery life and decent browser. it does this weird thing where randomly, and rarely, it will mute me for about a second... so every now and then i have to repeat myself but its not bad enough or often enough to where i'm frustrated or want a new phone badly. these kinds of things come along with $40 dollar phones...
I love straight talk, they have great service everywhere. if your wanting to switch than defanitly do it, i just switched from cricket after being a loyal costumer to them for 4 years! these guys rock and despite all the bad reviews, their costumer service has gotten much better and they've stepped up their game alot. It's still hard to understand them sometimes but they get the job done.
i reccomend this company and the phone, however if you want a better phone then go with their keyboard or touch screen phone!!