Kyocera Hydro Specs
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The first mistake was to own it...I did get a refurbished model thyat bwas fairly oldbut it was interesting to try to use...more and more as the months went by i8 grew very impatrtient with it...I purchased a NEW one through AMAZON...OOPS...bad mistake 4 months it just up and quits...Thats when I THREW the bastard against the pure lath and plaster wall...not harming it at I was LIVID with the quality the speed was slower thyan a snail with arthritus...I JOKE NOT...but then as blesssings have it...God showed up and got me an LG Realm phone...sweetest little phone I have ever held in my hands...aww so responsive and bright not lightening fast but THOUSANDS of times faster than the Hydro...I owned a Kyocera Innuendo by Sanyo...good little phone..I was bummed out when it slipped off my lap onto the floor and i was in a recliner which speared the screen..forcing me to get the HYDRO 18.88 each the very next day it was 14.44 each...I will not give these to an enemy...Im DONE with HYDRO...the ICON...I might try...ok...Big Sparky..g Nite
Other than the fact this phone is water proof there is nothing good about. Can take up to a minute to even answer a phone call because of freezing. Not enough RAM to run the Facebook app. Camera is very poor. All apps crash daily.
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