Kyocera 7135 Specs
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I have owned this phone for over 3 years and I cannot find one that comes close to it's quality and features. I don't care that it does not have a camera... the PDA is great and sound quality is very good. PLEASE Kyocera make a newer model that retains all of the good features this phone has.
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subs rqstng for td of line due to lost simcard / lost phone 09/25/05
well verified
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subs rqstng for detailed fax copy of bill# 01autofax# 021234567 cp;subs cn#021234567
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subs rqstng for ir reactivation des; dur; cp; cn#
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subs rqstng for upgrading of plan from gtext 500 to gtalk1200 cod;
10th effectivity date; 09/25/05 no overdue bal. well verified cp;subs
forwarded rqst thru ics upgrading of plan w/ ref#
sent configuration settings to hanset model; n3650 for gprs & mms settings thru text
I've used this phone for almost 18 months now, and am extremely pleased with it. While there are a number of things I'd change, most are related to the fact that the design itself must be about 2-3 years old. The phone has very good sound quality; very decent Palm compatibility; and a good marriage between the phone book and the telephone.
While it's large for a phone, it's small for a PDA, and its size makes it feel comfortable when using it as a phone--unlike some of the very small phones that make you feel like you're talking into a domino. Despite newer features, such as Bluetooth--a mixed blessing--I'm going to miss this phone when it finally dies (since I don't see a similar next-gen Palm replacement from Kyocera.)
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