HTC Touch Pro User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

HTC Touch Pro, Meaning Pro-BLEM

Phone owned for less than a year

Before I begin my assessment of this design, I bought it used and the person before me did stuff to the device like "flash" the software and other stuff that I didn't like before he "restored" it back to "factory defaults".

At the time, the device was a very beautiful glossy black design. Reception and call quality has always been great to me, never had a dropped call. Internet usage would've been great, IF the device wasn't so D**N slow! Great built-in organizers for photo/video and music. Camera quality was okay, but for being a rather high-end device for back in the day, I was surprised that it wasn't better.

The user interface is MOTHERF**KING horrible. Loads slow, enter/exit applications slow, texts slow, everything slow! The QWERTY keyboard makes the device, hands down. Display were comparable to other basic phones at best, minus the touchscreen capabilty. I just wished that smartphones today had the same battery life as this smartphone.

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I know you are all tired of hearing good and bad reviews on this phone but it's a decent phone in my eyes.  There are some flaws and great stuff about this phone.  I've had it for a little over a year and this is what I think of it.ProsIt's sturdy.  I've dropped my phone over 20x on concrete, wood, tile, you name it and still no broken pieces or scratches.Keyboard.  The keyboard is one of the best I've used.  I'm a heavy texter and it works perfectly.Camera.  Takes outstanding pictures outside. meanwhile inside its pretty decent.Touch sensitive scroll wheel. This comes in handy when surfing the web and looking at pictures by zooming in or out. During music and videos, it fast-fowards it and rewinds it.Exelorameter.  Works fast.Microsoft Office.  Great, comes in handy when you want to get started on a document, essay, presentation, ect.ConsWindows mobile.  I know it's great but on this its pretty slow.Rotating.  When you slide out the keyboard it takes a while to rotate it.Arrow keys.  The left and right arrow keys are hard to press because you might hit the call end, back, home, or call forward button by accident, it gets really annoying.Thickness.  This phone is pretty thick but still pocket-able.  It will fit into a pair of jeans but basicly any other slider phone is thinner than this one.Conclusion In all, I would give this phone a 3 & 1/2 out of 5.  I've had this for a little over a year now and going to replace it.  Not saying that it's bad but I think mine is a defected model because it's randomly connecting to 3G.  But if it didn't I would still be keeping this phone.  It's a great phone for business users or just for a teen. 

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most likely the worst phone I've ever owned

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Although I hate to judge an entire company based on the merits of a hapless device like the fuze, however....They're build quality and ergonomics are simply poor.  Deathly slow response time, touchjoke UI needed tons of work, awkward phone design, and more.I used all kinds of cooked roms, ect with no avail.  I just don't see what the love-affair is with HTC products.  I think they are poorly designed, under-engineered, overly-priced, and way too overhyped by gadget blogs.  Perhaps they've improved, but even the handsets released currently are poor quality plastic nightmares.  I do like the SENSE UI, which I think is a step in the right direction.   

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Great Phone

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I couldn't believe all the negative reviews on this phone.  I have had the phone for about 8 months and have not had any problems.  I had the Tilt before this and this is a better phone.  I have had ZERO problems with this phone.  Everything works, no issues at all.  Battery life is not the greatest but it is not the worst either.  I would call it average.  Plan on recharging nightly if you use the phone regularly during the day. The keyboard is excellent.  The camera is good, but agree the shutter lag is annoying, but then again, I did not buy the phone to take pictures, I have a real camera for taking pictures, but in a pinch, the camera on the phone works fine.  If you want a solid, decent, WinMo 6.1 phone, this is a great one. 

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great phone, but everything has its downsides

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I've been using this phone for about a year now and I have to say I've come to love it, some of its small ticks where annoying at first but within about a week there was a rom update that fixed about 60% of my issues with the phone. Before the update I noticed that sliding the phone caused certain apps to act funny. After words it really only has an affect on the mobile browser iris and sometimes spb mobile shell 3. Regaurdless of its slight faults I've found that I can pretty much do anything I need to on the phone, its just a matter of knowing where to look, and actually following through and trying to use it. This phone is no iphone though, I had an iphone 3g and comparing them I'd say I do prefer the fuze but the iphone was easier and had a lot more fun apps. If you're looking for a detailed data processing phone and something to be used as an omni tool the fuze will function to your expectations if you're patient with it. The problem with ALL DATA PHONES is no one is willing to really sit down and use it. You can customize most any data phone with enough time its just a matter of doing so. I work with phones all day the trick is check for updates and just see if there are similar problems. All in all the fuze is a great phone but so are most data phones, rim, htc, apple, palm, samsung, nokia... they all make great phones its just a question of researching them before you buy them to see if they meet your needs. Hope this helps a bit.

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Balanced Phone. Nice and Sleek!

Phone owned for

So I've been reading reviews on here and many people don't do this phone justice. Yes, sometimes it does lag on programs and does have its quirks, but doesn't every phone?
Let's talk about the good things:
-Though bulky, the HTC Fuze has one of the best designs I have seen on a phone. And once you've had the phone for more than about a month, the size becomes indifferent to the user.
-There are SO many programs on this phone that can be configured and modified to the user's liking.
-The camera is one of the best I have seen. Though not as impressive as Sony Ericsson's, it has a great camera. Many people compain about the shutter speed; however, I believe they are exaggerating a lot since it only takes about 1-2 seconds before it takes the picture, with EXCELLENT quality.
-The touchscreen is VERY responsive. Everytime I touch the screen, it responds to my finger. Unlike on other touchscreen phones, the HTC Fuze does not have the problem where if I touch one area, it registers a different area.
-The keyboard... The keyboard is awesome! A 5-row keyboard with many shortcuts to applications such as Calender, Music, SMS, Instant Messaging, Email, Contacts, Internet, and Cingular Video make this keyboard the best keyboard I have used... Even better than the Motorola Q9H which had a great keyboard (and yes, I can back it up since I do have the Motorola Q9H as well.)
-Windows Mobile 6.1 on this phone allows me to make, edit, and read documents from Word with ease. Though it may not be as intuitive as on a computer, it still allows me to do basic writing.
-The easily accessible task manager. For many Smartphones that have Windows Mobile 6.1 or higher, a task manager is included. However, many phones have it hidden in the application menu or somewhere else that takes some time to get to. The HTC Fuze's task manager is always on any screen you are using as it is in the top right hand corner and it is a drop-down list. This allows the user to exit out of programs in the background that lag up the phone. By exiting out of these programs, the phone's performance becomes enhanced.
Alright, now some of the bad things:
-Fingerprint Magnet. Yes, this phone's back cover WILL have a lot of fingerprints and smudges on it. Expect that when you get this phone (although cleaning it is pretty simple)
-The HTC Fuze is not as fast as some other phones like the Samsung Epix. At times, the phone does take a few seconds to load an application and send a text message.
-Call quality isn't that great. When I talked to my family and friends on the phone, their voices seemed a bit lower than what they were actually speaking.
In the end, I believe that this phone is an excellent phone. At first, I believed that it was too slow for me and I swtiched to the Epix. However, I switched back to the Fuze and realized that this phone was completely underestimated. This phone is sturdy, fashionable, and easy-to-use with great performance. Overall, the pros outweight the cons by a long shot.

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Big step forward for WM

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Having owned the HTC Startrek, Wizard, Hermes, and Kaiser before this, I saw the Fuze as a major leap forward.  The snappy processor and overkill RAM/ROM were more than sufficient to run whatever has been thrown at it.  I've used many ROMs, all adding more and more features to take advantage of it.  I highly recommend this phone.

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HTC Fuze

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The HTC Fuze reminds me of Microsoft putting Vista out before all the bugs were worked out.  My story is like all the ones mentioned - short battery life, screen going blank, everything locking up.  I'm on my second one and will be taking it back today because it stopped working completely. It is aggravating and needs to go back to the drawing board..

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Great... when it works

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I am now on my third HTC Pro.  My first one started giving me some problems after about 5 months.  It was lagging, the buttons weren't responding in a reasonable time, and I was having problems with sms/pic messaging.  Eventually the screen quit working.  Sprint replaced it with a new one no questions asked because what was wrong was covered by manufacturers warranty.  Within a month the second one started giving me major problems.  The biggest problem was the keyboard back lights not coming on at all and the keyboard not working 50 percent of the time.  Sprint replaced it with a refurbished one which I've had less than a month (because they couldn't find anything wrong with the 2nd one to fix).  The 3rd phone keyboard is already not responding half of the time, the keyboard isn't lighting up, it takes a few tries before it takes a pic, the pic zoom works a third of the time, and the various buttons randomly don't respond.  My husband has the same phone and his hasn't been nearly as much trouble as mine, but he constantly tinkers with it and has tried several mods.  The bottom line is it's great when it works.  I love the camera function and the gps, but it's far too high maintenance if your not into diagnosing hardware/software problems and making adjustments.  I can't keep it working long enough to utilize most of the amenities.

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Phone owned for

I Have had two HTC  touch pro phones in the last 6 months they are prone to software problems low battery life
lagging , hard to hear person on the line , and now the phone screen is glitching , screen won't come on have to
remove battery to reset ,
This phone is one of the worst phone I have had , You think a $700.00 phone would be all that , I'm going back
to a $50.00 Phone , todays phones are only worth that, They might  last a year , Phone company suck you into
the Three year plan knowing the phones only last a year . do your self a favour stick to the cheap phones with no
plans .

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Failed High High Hopes

Phone owned for

I had the HTC Touch Pro from Alltel for exactly 29 days (back in April) before i returned it and i cannot tell you how frustrated i was with this phone. I spent tons of time researching the phone online as well as asking Alltel reps about this phone and everything was very positive.
The biggest problem i had with the phone was its horrrrible battery life. From day one it would only last 6 hours on a charge. 6!!! And that was with VERY little to NO use. If i dared turn on the wireless internet, let an app run in the background (such as Google Maps), or use the camera the battery would last 3 hours. I asked Alltel to replace the phone because there obiously was somthing wrong, three (3!!!) representatives said that either 1.) they never had this problem or 2.) thats what they were hearing from all the Touch Pro owners and that getting a new one would not change anything.
I decided to wait to see if maybe it would get better but instead more problems came up. All of the phone's physical buttons (call send/end D-pad, keyboard) would stop working and i needed to remove battery to fix. This happened at least twice a day. The phone froze constantly. The soft reset button would not reset the device most of the time. The touch screen was soo delayed that it was nearly impossible to use. When txting somtimes the time from when you hit a button to when the letter apeared on the screen would take as long as 10 seconds. As well, the phone felt extreamly cheap, constantly creaking and wobbly, front screen buttons always felt like they were going to break. I would hate to see the aftermath after its first drop.
I could not keep a phone that was this faulty (and i can't rely on bring my charger litterally everywhere i went) so i returned it and went back to my Blackberry Curve. My Touch Pro could have been a true lemmon but seeing other user reviews out there, i'm thinking HTC needs to fix this phone.

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Phone owned for

After reading all the reviews on here I decided to get one. This phone is slow when it comes with the preloaded att rom. But me being an htc geek I solved all the slowness including the unresponsive touchscreen. I flashed a custom built rom from xda deveplopers website and I even tried the new wm 6.5 rom which is pretty sweet and fast. This is a great phone once you know how to use. It is ten times better than my kaiser and i love the accelerometer. The att rom really slows the phone with all its useless preloaded trial games and other stuff. When using skyfire I have full flash and can watch movies from and without problems.
Features-10 (after you put a different rom)
Performance-9 (after you put a different rom)
I love this phone.

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Without question, the worst phone I've ever owned!

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I've had this phone for 6 agonizing months!  I can't believe that anyone would give this phone a positive rating.  This phone is slow, unresponsive, freezes, and sometimes changes functions without me even touching it.  It is an embarrassing finger print magnet.  When taking a picture, there is such a lag in shuttter speed you have to make certain what you are photographing doesn't move.  The only thing I like about it is the key board.  I've had cell phones since 1989, the Motorola "brick" being my first.  I would rather have that phone again than this one.  Do yourself a favor, ignore all these positive posts.  I have no idea what their agenda is, but this phone SUCKS!!!!  I'm not do for an upgrade but on the 19th, I'm going to do what I should have done the first time, buy and iPhone.

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not pleased

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i am not going to sugar coat anything in this review.
this phone has a terrible touchscreen. the touchscreen is small, slow, and unresponsive.
the buttons on the outside of it also get mixed up with each other, and i am constantly finding myself using them because of the atrocity of a touchscreen.
the keyboard is big and easy to type on, but the grid design makes it feel cheap.
there is no 3.5mm headphone jack (or whatever its called)
everything on the phone is SLOW. if you slide the phone open and close it again, it takes a good 30 seconds to resize itself.
i would also like to meantion that there is no main site for windows mobile apps. you have to scour the internet for a long time just to find what you are looking for whereas on the iphone, there is a ver neat and organized itunes system.
the battery drains very quickly because of the relatively large, unresponsive touchscreen and the keyboard.
there is also no fm radio on the fuze
every single freaking square centimeter of the exterior of the fuze is a HEAVY fingerprint magnet.
and finally, its a hard phone to talk on
i believe my point is made, this phone is not worth $300
it sports a terrible touchscreen and a basic keyboard. ultimately, the phone is NOT a pleasure to use
P.S. dont find this review to not be helpful just because i didnt make u feel that this is the best phone on earth because this review gives you an unbiased and true viewpoint on this phone!

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Worst phone ever

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This phone is the worst phone I've ever got. It's slow, the touch screen is just as slow or doesn't even work at all, the internet takes 30 years to load, not only that you can't even watch videos online besides youtube. I recommend not to get this phone. You will hate it. I rather get an old block cell phone from the 90's then this piece of crap.

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Phone owned for

After  only about 2 1/2 months, my FUZE started slowing down. A list of my complaints:
-Unresponsive Touch Screen
-Physical buttons get confused with eachother
-Slow, slow, SLOW!! It takes forever to do anything
-This phone freezes!
-The list goes on...
Worst phone I've ever owned! BUY AN iPhone! my Dad got one when i got my Fuze and now I wish i'd gotten the iPhone..
I will never buy an HTC phone again...

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High Hopes

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I have been looking for many different helpful reviews for this phone, I have the BlackBerry 8330 right now, and I found the new HTC Touch Pro and fell in love with the keyboard. I don't think that the heaviness will be a huge problem with me, like many people have said it makes it feel durable. I have a iPod Touch so I'm used to the fingerprint magnet thing. It looks extremely professional, and great for texting and work.

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Amazing phone.

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Ahh what is there to say about the Touch Pro that hasn't been said already. You can't wright a review of something without being biased so first and foremost. I love the weight of the phone. It makes it feel durable. I do hate the finger print magnet portion but it's not a huge deal breaker. This phone can do anything I want it to do plus more. I have not regretted buying this phone since I purchased it. This phone is amazing cause it turns a lot of heads. I work for ATT and so many people have their I Phones, which is a solid phone in itself but I couldn't see myself with one since I got my Fuze. Now this phone has everything I need working for a big corporation. But it has enough stuff to tide me over even if I didn't work for ATT. It's your choice when it comes down to it but. As I said no regrets.

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Phone owned for

ive had the phone for 2 months and i must admit its terrible.
Slow response(extremely slow).
Slow web search. tiny keypad, fat and heavy. poor battery life(wont get me through the day).
the worst thing has to be how slow it is, most frustrating thing ever. It also freezes a couple of times.
not a good buy for the amount u paying.

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It is a very nice phone better than i phone but only bad thig is its big heavy and fat.

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Amazing Phone!☺

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I've had the HTC Fuze for over a month now and it's an awesome phone. It does everything you want and more. If it's not on the phone already, it's easily found on the Internet. This is definitely one of the best phones out there.
Highly recommended...

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Great Phone

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I think that this is a great phone that cannot be beat for a power user.

Great Screen
Full Keyboard
Word and Excell full editing/creating
can customize it anyway you want (you can even get winterface if you have iphone envy)


needs soft reset once a day
Must charge every night

I love the phone. I do not use the Touch flow, I use SPB Mobile Shell. If I had to change anything it would be just a better battery. I don't use the GPS.

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I love it!

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Wow, this phone really is amazing. A huge step up from my Samsung Blackjack. I love the touchscreen! Still trying to figure it out 100%, but it's really easy to get used to. The only things that I'm not happy with are the battery life and the whole fingerprint magnet thing. Other than that, it's an excellent device, I'm very pleased.

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Great Phone

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This really is a cool phone that has something for everyone. It provides entertainment with internet and media player, but it has everything I need to manage my business. The phone itself is beautiful, and i love all the features that no one else probably cares about, like how the screen displays when showing the weather in your area. The picture is brilliant, and although this phone is easy to get prints on, when it is all wiped down, the phone looks flawless.

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Phone owned for

First of all, I would like to start by saying that I did not previously have a preference in manufacturers for PDA devices, but after getting the TILT, and now the FUZE.... I am an HTC fan for life. This phone has it all..... I can talk, text, surf the web, watch You Tube, plan my life, organize my business and store my poetry and music all on one sexy device!! The phone has the WOW factor.. When you are using this phone, people notice it and have a million questions about this phone. The Fuze demands attention and respect!!

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