HTC Desire S User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

My first andoid phone

Phone owned for more than a year

Desire S is my first smartphone. My previous phone was SE K790i, so camera experience with Desire S has disappointed me.
Still it's a really nice and solid device. The aluminium body makes it feel elegant and expensive. Now it's 2+ year since I bought it and it still does it's job.

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My Dream Phone of the year

Phone owned for less than a month

A phone with nice build quality,it feels solid in hands,Build quality and reception are the best features,how ever i feel that ui is little bit lag, and for camera results are good only for a steady satuation.

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First HTC ... Awsome

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Its better than HTC Desire HD. Better than any samsung android. Its comparable with Iphone. Back is metal shading.... its looks pretty cool. Wants to update in ICS asap. any one can go for this phone. sexy phone !!!!!!!! :p

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My first HTC ... What a superb device!!!

Phone owned for less than a month

Eyes closed highest value for money device at present with so may dual-core phones out there. The device is so beautiful that I chose Chose it over LG Optimus 2X (Hate plastic body), LG Optimus Black (plastic again plus heating issue), HTC Incredible S (8MP cam but one of the ugliest bulging-out back), Sammy Galaxy S Plus & SLCD (hate the design the most!!!) and Motorola Defy+ (All's well here but it's noway near to HTC Desire S). I am glad that I selected this sexy stunner.

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