The HTC Desire 10 Lifestyle features a 1.6 GHz, quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 SoC under its hood, 2 GB or 3 GB of RAM, and 16 GB or 32 GB of storage under the hood, depending on which variant you pick up. The display has a hefty 5.5-inch diagonal, but a not-so-impressive resolution of 720 x 1080 pixels (267 PPI). The selfie camera has a 5 MP sensor with a F2.2 aperture, while the main snapper on the back is a 13 MP one, with the same F2.2 aperture. All of this is powered by a rather modest 2,700 mAh battery, though, it should do well when only powering a Snapdragon 400 and an HD display.
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Officially unveiled less than a week ago, the new HTC Desire 10 lineup is unlikely to hit shelves in the United States or Canada. Although there will be ways to purchase either of the two smartphones in these countries, they won't be available throug...
Yesterday, HTC unveiled two new midrangers from its Desire line — the HTC Desire 10 lifestyle and Desire 10 pro. Visually unique, the two phones feature gold accents, pronounced camera lumps, interestingly shaped speaker and microphone grilles,...
HTC has always been adamant in doing its own thing (OK, almost always), and this notion is further reiterated with today's reveal of the HTC Desire 10 Lifestyle and Desire 10 Pro. The two smartphones are quite unique visually, and make a bold stateme...