Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Nice phone, sometimes slow.

Phone owned for less than 3 months

This phone is amazing. I got this phone in my only phone lot, along with 7 other phones, which is cool. When I first got it, it was untested, but when I got a charger for it, I charged it and it worked. I didn't know that you can fit a RAZR charger into the charging port.

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Works well but battery issues

Phone owned for more than a year

I've had my phone for quite a while. The features are pretty good. The memory has begun to wear down though but thats to be expected if you don't use a good uninstaller. However, the battery life sucks, and god forbid you have something that updates on a regular basis, cuz our battery won't last more than 4 or 5 hours. Even then it won't last more than 6 if you turn the updates off. I've loved this phone but the battery life is horrid.

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Droid Eris is so nice. Better than any phone out there!

Phone owned for more than a year

The HTC Droid Eris is AMAZING!!! its the best phone ever created and I will never get rid of it. It's so much faster than ANY phone out there, even now! It reads my mind and even freezes up when I can't think of anything to type. Pull the battery and im good to go! I love pulling my battery!!!!!! I never get 3G service but thats okay cause im a 2G fan!!!!!!!

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Droid Eris

Phone owned for less than a year

The droid eris, not as good as most Android Phones. it does have a decent 5 MP camera. the phone is really glitchy and slow thanks to the HTC Sense UI. This is one of the Android phones that really requires root, without it the phone would be too laggy to do really anything on it. i really wish i would have spent an extra few dollars to get a better phone but, it does get the job done though im not completely satisfied with it. i know the phone would run faster if it had the original android os on it without sense. I would not buy another HTC phone again or do I Recommend this phone.

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Good but not great

Phone owned for less than a year

When i first got this phone it was incredible. The customization was endless and the internet was wicked fast. But over time it slowly got worse. It would freeze up and sometimes not work for a couple hours. The virtual keyboard was good but a little to sensitive. Overall it was a great phone but i wouldn't want it again.

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alright, i bought this phone because it was cheep and i wasnt rly a heavy user of the internet or anything on my previous phone, probably because it was a voyager and the thing went rly slow when it came to the internet or stuff like that. However this phone was awesome the first 3 days i had it becuse of the shock factor but at that wore off i realized that it lagged alot and wasnt the best for texting quickly. so i rooted it, ran 2.2 and installed a nice rom. i also installed a text input called swype. it breaks texting records about every moth or so. but this is alot more effective on the soft keyboard and small screen. runs very well now and i have written apps for it that are now making it run even faster(over clocking... awesome).

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even better with Android 2.1

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This phone was a phenom with android 1.5, once 2.1 finally got released, THANK YOU VERIZON. The phone is much better, a hint for all users, if your not using the Internet constantly, turn off the Wi-FI & Mobile internet & down load 3 free apps from the droid market, I have found these help with the battery life and responsiveness of the phone. 1. Advanced Task Killer2. Advanced Task Cleaner3. Memory Booster Lite, this app lets you regain system memory.another couple I found useful is the Android System Info App & Android Manager App, also FREE, both of them. I have no complaints about the phone and look forward to keeping it running as long as it will be supported.

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i love my droid eris :]by far one of the best phones that suits my lifestyle.very handy appsprocessor is pretty nice&&runs smoothlymedia player is wonderful,sound quality is great.battery life is a issue, im going to have to buy a spare battery because the battery life is poor.but i have gone 3 days, no charge, and consistent use the camera is great 5 megapixels :]too bad theres no flash :[&&mr.anonymous on feb. 25.. could it be possible that, phone would freeze and not work on your way home from the store,because the phone needs to charge (100%)..before you begin to use it?

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I am a sales rep through verizonwireless and out of all the phones i have ever had during my time this one as been my favorite the 3g avaliabillity is wonderfull and the applications you can use make your life so much easier with things like Mobile Banking and Weather. I do wish the battery life was a little longer but with all the different apps and Web Browser. A flash on the camera would have been nice and i do wish they would go ahead and have Skype Mobile available on the ERIS.

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The best phone i have had yet!

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I was kind of skeptical about diving into the whole android craze considering it is still fairly new on the market in the usa but i decided to take a chance on this phone and i absolutely love it. i have had windows mobile and a few blackberries and also various other phones including the instinct and this one tops everyone of them. i own an itouch so i have the basic understandings of an iphone and i have to say that this phone imho is better. then only thing i like more about the iphone is the amount of apps i had access to that i would actually use. the only thing the iphone does better for me is load media faster and truthfully if i want a media player i would carry around an actual ipod for when i do need my cell it is not dead from being used as a multipedia device.

overall i am very satisfied with my purchase. i think the only other phone i would purchase over this is the nexus one for the full flash support in the web browser.

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Not a Good Phone...... Would try a different phone

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I recently was up for my upgrade and being an average Joe like most people in the US, I decided I would look at the Droid Eris.  I wish Verizon had an iphone but sadly that day is not coming anytime soon from what i can see.  Anywho, the droid is years behind the iphone, but the key feature that sold me on it was the ability to link it to my Gmail account.  Then I could update my calendar from any computer and have it synced with my phone in seconds.... pretty nice when all I wanted was a better way to keep track of things. 

However, the glamor of this phone quickly faded in just the short time I made it from the verizon store to home.  I found myself having the darn thing freeze up on me.  I had to pull the battery to get it to unfreeze.  The battery life is pathetic and I wasn't even using the phone (no calls, no internet, etc.) and it still dies in less than 24 hours.  The android applications are few and pointless.  Moreover, you pay for internet service but the thing is sooo sluggish that you might as well walk to a nearby computer and just get it done that much quicker.  I talked to a verizon store and they kept saying that you need to turn this off and this off in order to make it work better.... SERIOUSLY... why make a phone in which you need to remove stuff to get it to work better.  I finally went back to my basic flip phone less than two weeks after purchasing it. 

1) Sluggish, slow processor-  better go with the motorola droid or wait for the nexus one in spring 2010.
2)  Freezes a lot- be prepared to be doing something and have it freeze.... you learn how to remove the battery quickly though, but I had to do that 3 times in less than 4 hours.... so good bye phone.
3)  Slow internet browsing and you are paying for much more than you can actually accomplish with it.
4)  Don't think this is anywhere near the iphone.
5)  Only plus to this phone is the gmail intergration and ability to recieve notification of emails when they come in and being able to update you schedule by any computer able to access your gmail account.
6)  Would seriously avoid this phone unless you want to twittle your thumbs and be overly patient as you are spending money.

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ANDROID is a yes

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I have the Eris for 4 days now, and I love everything about it. The only con I have is battery life, but I charge it every night just like my Blackberry so it's really not a big deal. The phone's capabilities more than make up for the battery, I keep a car charger with me always. The 7 screens are awesome, the widgets, the call quality, the vibrant screens, the camera (though no flash) is adequate enough for a phone, the Android market is phenomenal. I would like to see an upgrade to 2.0 or even 1.6 if it now has the turn-by-turn directions simply for that feature and that alone. I love the soft touch feel, it doesn't slip out of your hands, it's thin and small and looks attractive.  I love the Moto Droid, but this is smaller, sleeker, and the Sense UI just made it the choice for me. The ability to customize this at will is wonderful, I've made it do exactly what I need it to and it's just plain fun to play with.  

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Keyboard issue

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I love everything about this phone except that the screen will turn sideways on of programs except for the keyboard.  I have really large fingers and this really slows me down.  I hope they will be able to change this in a future update.  But Android is the only way to go.

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Best Smartphone on the Market

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This phone is absolutely AMAZING.  I can’t say enough good things about this device.  The design of this phone and the awesome Android operating system paired with the HTC Sense overlay and HTC widgets and apps just plain blow everything else away that I’ve seen in a Smartphone…including the iPhone.  I’m a very hard to impress techno guy when it comes to phones, and I have to say, this phone is the bomb…and for the price it’s the best value out there.  Droid Eris is the best phone on market right now.  The Droid by Motorola is a bit faster, and has a slightly better screen resolution, but its ugly boxy design and lack of refinement (no HTC Sense) drove me to the Eris.  The Nexus and Hero are similar to this phone, but the design of the Eris still the best.I’ve had the phone a month now so I’ve been able give it a decent test drive.   I’m a business smartphone user, so I was kind of leery of going away from Windows Mobile, to a touch screen Android, but I’m ecstatic I did.  HTC ActiveSync, syncs all my mail, calendar and contacts perfectly over the air (works great) and the Android predictive text keyboards work great.  I’m very happy from a business perspective.  But the other features on this phone just continue to impress me… such as…. the perfect size and ergonomic zenstone feel of the phone, the beautiful “multi-touch/iphone-like” capacitive screen, the seven customizable home screens (didn’t think I’d need it, but I do), great photo viewer with pinch to zoom,  HTC’s upgraded contact app that integrates and unifies all communications to your contacts including facebook,  full/fast internet browser WITH flash support, nice camera which takes good pictures and videos (but still not quite as good as a standalone camera), great music player (I throw away my ipod), google maps with GPS, WIFI, youtube, stock market apps, weather apps and more apps at the Anroid app store for practically anything you want…and for free.The firmware upgrade seemed to fix the battery life issue, but it’s still not great (but what smartphone battery life is good?).  It’ll last a day, but you’ll have to charge it every night.Get this phone.  You’ll be very happy you did.

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THIS IS a couple of helpfull hits on how 2save ur droid erises battery here r the steps!!!

Turn wifi off when not using it (settings>wireless controls>wifi on or off)

 Turn GPS off when not using it (settings>location>turn gps on or off)

Turn Bluetooth off when not using it (settings>wireless controls>turn bluetooth on or off)

 Turn Mobile Network off when not using it (settings>wireless controls>turn mobile network on or off) (if both this and wifi are disabled you will not be connected at all to the internet. the only thing you will be able to do is make/recieve phone calls and send/recieve sms mesages, this will give you tremendous battery savings though)

Turn off audible touchtones (settings>sounds and display> audible selection)

 Turn off haptic feedback for typing and touchscreen inputs (with keyboard up press the gear for settings>sound feedback and vib when typing OFF)

also turn off screen animations.(settings>sounds and display> animations)

Turn screen brightness down to a moderate level.

Turn on disable auto backlight. (settings>sounds and display> disable auto backlight)

 You can set screen time out to 30 second, i leave mine at a minute, thing is just to remember to hit your red call end button when putting the phone down.

 Turn off auto-sync for your google account features (setting>data synchronization>Google) 

Conditioning the battery by letting it run all the way down and then charging it up seems to help alot. For best results, do this three days in a row.

 It is reported that using wifi rather then 3g service from verizon uses less if you are in a area for a extended period of time with wifi avaialbe use it and see.

This phone i mean its everything i need its perfect size fits in to ur hand 2ware it doesnt slip out. The sense UI is the best thing iv evre used the web is the best iv ever used on a phone is so fast once u turn off the java support in web settings its wayy faster and go 2 market placce and download dophlin browser its lot faster then stock and also if ur bored of old stock messaging app go to martet place and download chompsms its great and nd also it also runs on android 1.5 cupcake will b updating in feburary to 2.0.1 or 2.1 there not sure yet. hope u enjoy my review this isnt my 1rst review i have 5more just like this!!!!:-)

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Love the phone, not happy with verizon

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love the phone,  it is very fast and browser is excellent and touchscreen is very responsive. trackball is kind of useless as most functions are easier to use by touching. widgets are very handy especially with 7 home screens to set them up on compared to the 3 on the droid. battery life is ok, but I am a heavy data/txt user. camera is well...... lets just say I didnt buy the phone because it had a great camera. It does take a good picture but I always seem to have lines in the picture no matter which setting i have it on. My only issue with this phone is not so much a phone issue as it is a carrier issue. The phone is running the outdated (in my opinion) android 1.5. and according to my local vzw rep there are no plans to upgrade anytime soon which really bothers me seeing as the droid is expected to get 2.1 sometime in the near future.

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HTC Droid Eris is all I expected

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Its decent, I have to say.  As far as smartphones go this one is a good balance between user-friendly and more advance use accessable.  I love the different home screens, it keeps my apps and shortcuts neat and organized.  I love the ability to delete market apps very simply.  Being that its under verizon means I have superior coverage and excellent customer service so thats awesome.I'm not a pro reviewer but from the average joe's perspective this phone is the shit.My only issues, honestly are short battery life (to be expected as I use the phone all day for multiple uses) and the inability to delete factory apps like Twitter (I dont use it) and the footprints app.  However, they don't take up space so I dont see much of a problem with them staying.  I just dont like that they're there and not being used at all, it bothers my OCD.

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The Smartphone to beat

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 I seriously love my Eris to death. I had the Droid  for 2 weeks (got it on release day) and switched to the Eris. its not that i hated the Droid, it was that it was boring. Seriously. Customizing is limited, and you get bored of stock Android after a while. Although I probably could port over something, I'm too lazy and don't like  having to manually "make" my phone work better. The Eris has everything I need, 7 screens (beats 3), awesome widgets from HTC (love eye-candy) and a whole lot more polished and easier UI. I'm only 15 os I don't really need the Microsoft Exchange and all that other stuff so it doesn't bother me much. The Eris is pretty much like an iPhone in most ways, so I'm overjoyed. Plus the $99 price tag cant be beat. Battery is fine since I don't talk much, and The ATK really helps too. In the end, the Eris (to me) is probably the best phone Verizon has.

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I never thought i would love this phone when i first saw, i was  a tad being scared on how the smartphones works well i never own one till now, it is easy to work on, a phone with ability to guide you through learning on how its being use all together in your palm, being well organized that is, not to mention just enough size to put in my pocket without looking bulky. I love this phone!

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HTC Does It Again

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First and foremost, I am becoming a HTC fan. I own the HTC Tilt 2 "aka Touch Pro 2", the HTC Touch Diamond 2, and now the HTC Eris. I love all of them. They all have their advantages and disadvatages. The HTC Eris is sleek in design and sports a wonderful, clear display. It feels well constructed in the hands as well. I live the interface and the ease of use. Most users like to pick on the battery life and lag time. I have noticed with almost all these types of phones some sort of lag time. I also have a Apple I Phone 3G and it lags from time to time. I believe it depends on where you are and what kind of signal you are getting from the network. This can change from step to step within a room. As for the battery, it does okay on the HTC Eris. Again, it is a case of the particular user. Settings are everything when it comes to battery life. Overall, I am very impressed with this phone. It is easy to navigate and has plenty of features to keep you busy. I would 100% recommend this phone to anyone.

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Close but no cigar

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This phone has a lot of feature for the money. Verizon did well to have this phone in their lineup. It is a great starter phone for people who don't need a business smart phone. It is basically a modified version of the HTC Hero. Overall I like the idea behind the phone but it does have some annoying problems. The largest problem is the pathetic battery life . Even if I turn off WiFi, GPS,and  bluetooth I only get 8 hours of moderate use. With those all turned on I can barely get 3hrs. Basically one has to be mindful of battery and have a charger on hand. Also I found the touch screen a bit too sensitive. I found it near impossible to text or email. I have gotten better at it but still texting can be very frustrating. I also the phone had sent many phantom blank texts to people for not apparent reason. I do not know how this happening since I can not duplicate it. Another aspect that make texting difficult is the small screen size which make the virtual keypad condensed. Overall the performace of this phone is hindered by the slow processor, their is noticeable lag when opening and switching between programs.  On top of that, the  bright but low resolution screen, does not help the phone. ,Also the phone takes nearly 2 mins to warm up when turned on.
This is a great phone for people who don't need a high performance phone like the Moto Droid, but want customization with excellent connectivity with their different email, and Facebook type site, should look at this phone. Another nice feature is the intergration of google into the phones OS. I love using Google maps to get directions to places. Hopefully with the Android 2.o update their will be turn by turn navigation with Google maps.

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A well-priced user friendly phone that underperforms

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I read about 300 reviews for the HTC Eris prior to purchasing one; bought it, and this is what I have come up with. On the EXTERIOR, the phone is svelt in design, attractive, fits snuggly into my mitts and concealable in my pocket. I found it to be moderately user-friendly. I am a person who takes a new phone with him everywhere in order to familiarize myself. I took it to the shitter, to bed, played with it at work when I shouldnt of, etc. It takes some getting use to; I feel like 
I barely grazed the surface on the phones true capability before I returned it earlier today. Here's why: The Eris couldnt not perform the easiest of tasks. Big one being, the battery life truly is dogshit. I made 10 calls, checked some text messages, wrote a handful of emails, surfed the net for maybe 10min and I was already half dead. I downloaded the Task Killer(kills unwanted/used apps to promote longer battery life). There is no way I could pull a full days use out of this product. Secondly, I work inside of a metal building and this phone (Curve had little trouble with this) couldnt register enough bars. Voicemails were popping up and the phone never rang, nor were there missed calls. If a phone cannot provide me with average battery life and a strong signal that there is no sense of me keeping it around. Other than that....I happened to enjoy it just not for me.

ps all of the reviews stated how weak the battery was and I just thought, they must of been running lots of apps and constantly browsing...when I did very little of the above the phone still died very unexpectedly. 

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Best Phone from Verizon So Far

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I have had this phone since the day it was released and the HTC Eris is the best smartphone I have had.  I have been through them all from the HTC XV6900, BB Storm 1, BB Storm 2, BB Curve, BB Pearl, BB World Edition, HTC Touch Pro, HTC Touch Diamond all in the past year.  The ease of use with this phone is amazing.  From out of the box to syncing email, calendar and contacts from my exchange server within 10 minutes.  The 7 front screens allow you to customize the phone to put all of the programs or contacts you use the most just a touch away.  It is very easy to install and delete these shortcuts.There are a lot of applications that help out with things like battery life.  Be sure to get the free apps 1. Advanced Task Killer - this allows you to turn off all of the things that are running and draining the battery.  2. Power Manager - This monitors the battery and makes changes to things like the screen brightness, wi-fi and bluetooth to help get more time from your battery.  Before I installed these I would be at 20% battery at the end of the day, now I rarely get below 60% unless I have heavy usage during the day.  Bottom line is, for the $99 price tag on this phone, it can't be beat.  Yet!

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Best Verizon Phone I've Ever Used

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Holding a Motorola Droid and an HTC Eris in your hand is a good way to be swayed toward the sleeker, rounded overall better aesthetics of the HTC. I have used Verizon's offerings of Palm Treos, Blackberries, Windows Mobile and the Android is the best for my usage. It is an easy integration of all things Google put into the palm of your hand.

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First smart phone experience.  Absolutely love this phone.  Easy to use and does everything I want.  Programs are easy to set up (email, etc.) and you can find just about anything you need on the adroid market.  I also like the size....all the features and not a lot of bulk.  Can still be in your pocket without feeling like your shorts will fall off.

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FCC OKs Cingular\'s purchase of AT&T Wireless