HTC Bolt Specs
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HTC has no parts available to repair and I shouldn't have to pay $15 extra a month to Sprint to get good service when I've been their customer since the 90's. No more. Sprint and HTC stink at customer service.
Is Best Phone and best camera Is Best Phone and best camera Is Best Phone and best camera Is Best Phone and best camera Is Best Phone and best camera Is Best Phone and best camera Is Best Phone and best camera
Very important is that first I am lucky to be in a excellent Sprint coverage area for past 2 years plus. Second I do Love HTC and had a hard time giving up my HTC M8 HK but until I reset the phone and set it up the way I wanted it I almost gave it back. By using the transfer utility I must have put some incompatible app(s) on the Bolt because it had performance issues. While my ratings seem unreasonable they are very much spot on for me. I am very technical being in I.T. for a couple of decades and while in semi-retirement I still am the CTO/Co-founder of a IBM Mainframe based Biometric authentication system. You must try this phone. Keep in mind HTC made the new Google phones and not the first time. While using a Mac right now the BOLT blows away the iPhone and at least tied with the S7. Even the fingerprint sensor is really fast and I have a lot (12+ years) experience with this. Whatever you do remove any reference to the processor in ANY review since it the same as we used to do with MIPS on mainframes (Meaningless Indicator of Processor Speed vs,. Millions of Instructions Per Second) and my M8 used an 801 Quad (Fast) the Bolt uses an 810 Octal (8 core) processor. I have not used nearly all of the Camera's features but so far it takes great pictures. Also keep in mind my Condo is on the intra-coastal and is built with re-enforced concrete and the call quality is like a land line. I expect to get a lot of heat for writing this but I just don't like it when people review products and it is obivious to me that they are not qualified to do so. I even considered if a change was to be made it might be the S7. Last but not least Sprint made me an offer that was too good to pass up.