HTC Aria User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Good for someone new to smartphones

Phone owned for more than a year

The phone isnt very fast, it has an extremely slow processor, the volume rockers wear and tear, not to mention you willl have to replace the back of it a few times, and the text input can't keep up with average texting speed very easily, it also has trouble running any live wallpapers because they often majorly slow everthing down quite a bit, HOWEVER, if you are new to a smart phone and you have the basic android 2.1 platform and/or 2.2 froyo download then it is a great way to get used to the basic android experiance \.

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htc aria

Phone owned for less than a year

actually what you need is a flash, a flash player a second camera and a 1850 mah battery so if they make a second edition that is what it takes additional specific att he needs more variety of android not discontinued this phone because you did not get as fast a year when he came on the market to compete with Apple.

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Love it!

Phone owned for less than a year

I have had the aria since release date on att. I love the phone and everything about it. The size is great for me, the screen is sharp and clear, the touch sensitivity is amazing, yes you have to charge it basically every day to every 36 hours as long as you install the "advanced task killer". Hands down this is the best phone i've ever had! I would deffinately reccomend it to anyone looking for an andriod on att!

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Phone owned for less than 3 months

i had it, bought it in summer of 2010. i shattered the screen on it in november. but i loved it untill then. only thing i didnt like was that that it would freeze when i went to delete messages. but besides that loved it. battery life isnt best either.

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excellent phone but..

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I'm really loving this phone. The size is perfect, not too big and very comfortable in the hand. The hardware in general is pretty well designed too, I find this more aesthetically pleasing than the iPhone 4. Android, hands down, is the best smartphone OS in my opinion. Runs pretty fast in general. Camera is amazing. Zooms, color effects, and 5 mp etc.  The only thing I can complain about is the battery life. My mother got the same phone and it also having problems. We need to charge the phone every night! I don't mind it too much because I really like the phone but I'm sure it'll get annoying.

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HTC Aria ... my thoughts....

Phone owned for

Background on myself....

I have been an active cell phone guy for several years... I have owned....
Motorola C331
Motorola T720
Samsung SGH-P107
Samsung SGH-D415
Samsung SGH-P777
Motorola Razr
Sony Ericsson W600i
Motorola Slvr
Motorola Krzr
Sony Ericsson W580i
Sony Ericsson W760i
Samsung Eternity

I have never had a smart phone, but i have knowledge on them..

My first thoughts were that it was good size if you don't like bulky phones but still want the features, learning curve was kind of steep (for technologically inclined crowd), and too much crap was on it (personal preference). 

Crappy...  My Samsung Eternity & W760i both had way better speakers...

Very sharp and crisp, good even in direct sunlight, very vibrant!  Liked it besides the fact it can't be used with a stylus (thats ok tho)

Very good camera.  5 MP, crisp pictures, but need a fairly steady hand to take clear pictures.  Best camera out of the phones i've had then followed closely by the W580i

Good design, not to light, feels sturdy in hand,rubberized back, fits well in pocket. 
I would choose this over the EVO 4G because of its size.... If I wanted a big screen, I would have bought an iPad....

Call Quality
Good call quality, from what i've seen, pretty good reception (about the same as other phones)


Its what I would expect from a phone as hyped up as Droid has been.  I wish i would have had more hands on with some blackberries and the iPhone to have better comparisons.  I give this an 6 because of the horrible speaker.

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EXCELLENT ANDROID entry-level phone for AT&T

Phone owned for

The size of the phone means nothing as to what it can do. This phone has a 600 Mhz processor and it acts like one of the big boys on VERIZON or SPRINT.Resolution looks fanastic as a result of its size and the camera is excellent for picture taking. Love the ability to customize and I really have nothing to compare it to, except my modded HTC AT&T TILT. That phone was great in its own time, but was improved with an XDA Developers ROM (PHOENIX). The ARIA does not need any modding, except the ability to download third party apps. The sound quality is excellent when using headphones for music and the ringtones/alerts on its highest setting will surely get a rise from you when are deep in a slumber. Yeqah, it has a small screen, copared to DROID or EVO, but compared to my TILT, the phone is lighter, thinner, a tad shorter, and yet, the screen viewable size is actually bigger. Love the app store, second only  to IPHONE (they did have a head start). Being a 2.1 model was smart on AT&T's part, and we all know FROYO is bound for it soon. The internet still beats out the iphone and if you are able to download third party apps on the ARIA, then you must get SWYPE and SKYFIRE BETA 2.0. This phone is handily better than AT&T first ANDROID 1.6 offering. Anyone with a thought about getting the IPHONE, DON'T!!! Get the HTC ARIA and you will not regret it, as you are receiving a quality product from a company who has more years of experience than APPLE at making smartphones.

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Phone owned for

The phone is great.  It's pretty fast (for everything I need to do at least). The battery life is great, and it looks sharp!  The one thing I dislike is the speaker. It's bad.  Even at full volume I have a hard time hearing anymore more then a meter away.

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Awesome Phone

Phone owned for

I got this phone the day it came out. I've been waiting for AT&T to drop a good Android device and I'm very impressed with the Aria. It operates very quickly. The only downside is the smaller sized screen. Its nice because it doesnt take up my entire pocket but at the same time I have pretty big hands and its a little tougher to type on. The camera is very impressive as usual from HTC. I've also had great luck with the battery life which is probably thanks to no 4.3" touchscreen.

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