Google Nexus S 4G User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Love this phone!!!

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I have had this phone about two months now. It was a difficult decision between it and the Evo, but I am very happy with my choice. Its size and shape make it very comfortable to hold, but it is very slippery and easy to drop if I am not careful. The screen is amazingly bright and crisp, much more than Evo. It is also very responsive. The processor is very fast, and I love that the phone is free of bloatware. It helps to reboot it every day or two, and do a battery pull once a week or so. When I don't do this I notice it bogs down occasionally and freezes up. I get a full day out of the battery with moderate use, but the display tends to suck the life out of it if I watch videos or spend much time online. The stock virtual keyboard is better than some, but not perfect. Since the screen is 4.0" instead of Evo's 4.3", it is easier to hit the wrong keys. Small price to pay, however, since the phone specs out very similar to Evo and comes in at half the price. The camera is probably the biggest disappointment. It is possible that I just haven't figured it out yet, but it seems to be inconsistent. It can take great pics, but often I have to try at least twice. I love the built-in storage; 16GB is way more than enough for anything I will ever need. I have never had any issues with signal, although I have seen that complaint several times. This phone does better than my old phone with fewer bars. I thought the lack of a notification light would be a pain, but I got used to it very quickly. At this point, I am happy enough with it that when I upgrade I may decide to just get another Nexus. This is a SWEET phone.

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Overall well built phone

Phone owned for less than a year

I was satisfied with the phone, didn't absolutely love everything about it but it had it's strengths. I loved the bright colors on the screen, I also think it has a great looking shape to it, something that most smartphones are missing these days. I like that it's not full of bloatware and that it was constantly getting updates!

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Very Happy with Nexus S 4G

Phone owned for less than a month

I switched to this phone from the Palm Pre. Loved the Palm, but with no future in sight, I had to bail. As for the Nexus, I'm extremely happy. My wife has the Evo and I struggled with my decision to get the Evo, Evo 3D or the Nexus. I think I made the right decision. The battery life is much better on the Nexus compared to the Evo. The Evo 3D was way to gimmicky for me. I was extremely surprised to find that utilizing the 4G network during my drives to stream things like podcasts or Pandora did not show significantly more battery drain. In some cases, it used less than #g because the signal strength seems to be lacking on the Nexus. As for the UI, I love that it's clean and that the phone doesn't have all of the bloatware as with the Evo. I have had very good luck finding the widgets that I miss from the Sense UI on HTC.
Really bummed that Facebook integration is disabled on this phone as it was very useful since I am an avid user. But, the Hotspot ability out of the box is a huge plus for use of an iPad or laptop on the go.

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signal & wifi issues, returned for Evo4G

Phone owned for less than a month

Used the Nexus S for about a week... I was experiencing very poor signal strength (I compared another persons phone in the same location they had 3 bars and I had none) so I knew there was a issue, Checked online and read reviews on how customers was complaining of this same issue along with connecting to WiFi & experiencing additional problems. Do not like that there is no visual voice-mail or a way to integrate my Facebook contacts...stock Android is to plain. I returned it and got the Evo 4G... OMG WAY BETTER!!! I know the Evo 4G has been out for a year now but by now all the bugs are worked out and it has Gingerbread. Now have 3 bars to where with the other phone I had hardly 1.The Nexus S may be a better once Sprint Samsung fixes the bugs!

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Went from the Evo to the Nexus..

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I'm a sales consultant at Sprint. I had the Evo, and it was a difficult to decision to switch from my Evo, that has never failed me, to the Nexus. After about 6 weeks with the Nexus, here's what I notice.

I never realized how huge my Evo was until I got my Nexus. I sacrifice a little bit of screen size on with the Nexus, but the Evo is a clunk of a phone compared to the Nexus. Note that I had the extended battery installed on my Evo though, but I'll get into battery life in a second. The Nexus is much more thin, lean and overall more sleek then the Evo.

The Nexus' Super AMOLED is beautiful.

Battery life is much, much better then the Evo. My Nexus gets the same battery life as my Evo did with it's extended battery, which made my Evo huge.

I miss HTC's widgets. HTC has some of the best widgets available for any phone smartphone.. Battery life indicator, google calendar, it's trademark clock/weather widget.. I miss those immensely.

But, the Nexus doesn't have the preloaded bloatware that the Evo did. The Evo came stock with a lot of (IMO) unnecessary apps, like Sprint Football, Nascar, Blockbuster, a game I never played, and some other stuff I never used.

The Nexus is fast. Faster then the Evo? I would say so. Is it because it doesn't come with some of the bloatware the Evo came with? I don't know. But yes, it is faster then the Evo.

Reception: Evo. I would like to elaborate but I'm reaching my charactor limit.

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Nexus S 4g

Phone owned for less than a month

I came from Evo 4g to the Nexus S 4g. This phone was done right, there is no B.S. Sprint bloat-ware, e.g., the dreaded Sprint TV and wiget, Nascar, NFL, Twitter, Facebook, Sprint Navigation, footsteps, Qik, Friend stream and widget. Sprint Zone, and Sprint hot-spot. Most of theses running in the background all the time. Sprint refers to them as ready apps, always ready when you need them. I never needed them. I do miss the hdmi output for Netflix (Evo phone was rooted and app to mimic the screen) to be able to watch on any hmdi TV. This phone doesn't have all the flashy look at me user interfaces, which is perfect. The reception on the phone for me here in phoenix supersedes the Evo in same locations. This phone is fast. I would recommend this phone.

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Overall great phone

Phone owned for less than a month

So far I've only had the phone for about a week and from the short time of owning it I am very pleased. Quicker than the EVO with better battery life. Tough to gage the battery since the phone is new to me and im constantly playing with it but im barley getting a full day with it. The phone is super quick. Have had some weird things happen already that seemed more random then a potential reoccurring problem. For instance I was getting a call and when i went to look at the screen to see who was calling it stayed black not allowing me to see anything until i hit the power button. The gallery for pictures seems inconsistant when trying to access pics. Overall good phone and will update this review again shortly when I play around with it more.

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