Danger Hiptop Color Specs
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The sidekick color needs a feather for mp3
the side kick color is best for your money but thier are things that its missing but think about it it came out in 2003 so back then this was the cream of the crop
i give it almost a 5 on design because it is possible to break ur screen or push the scrooler into the phone so for a 5 rating it must have to be 100% durable i mean i wouldnt advise letting ur 10year old play with it with out the risk of a broken screen or somthing feature are amazing full html browser and an aol aim client that works more like the real deal. sound quality is almost perfect but if ur holding it wrong u cover the speaker witch can get annoying if u have it aginst the inside of ur pocket blocking the sound MUFFLING it kinda RF performance is best at that and will overall determined by the area u live in or ur service provider rather then the phone in this case vaule of money right now as of dec 14th 2005 i bought a brand ne won with the camera attachment thats right side kick 1 color models cam be used as cameras and there is alot of features in it also aprox 45images can be stored i bought mine for 30$ on ebay yes i got a great deal but finding one that good might be hard untill the sidekick 2's get more popular ive heard people having to replace thier sidekick those are only stupid people and young teenagers who dont kno how to handle a phone they ussaly slam it in thier back pockets sit on it toss it around treat it rough and this phone design just doesnt do 100% on the durability scale but for everyday use by an adult all those problems can be avioded u just cant man handle it 24/7 i also like the way u can use it with out the sim card inside and changing the sim card is very easy it pops in and out from the side under a hidden door...
speaker phone
being able to use a memory card
MP3 ringers
custom ringers
unless ur carrier isnt tmobile then u can email urself ringers and wallpapers
uses midi aac and wav ringers
html browser
scroller wheel thats lights up like 12 colors to beats and tones
its flips open really cool
fast recharg time
tons of options and short cut keys
real time aol aim
full qerty keyboard