The Coolpad Rogue comes with a 4-inch display with a resolution of 480 by 800 pixels at a PPI of 233. Under the hood, the smartphone features a 1.1GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset and 1GB of RAM. The Coolpad Rogue comes with just 4GB of internal storage space, but you can expand it by up to 32GB via the microSD card slot. The handset also comes with LTE compatibility, which is a very nice thing to have on such a cheap smartphone. The biggest cuts were made in the camera department, one where the Rogue comes with a lackluster 2MP primary camera and a 0.3MP selfie shooter on the front. On the software side, the Coolpad Rogue runs Android 5.1.1 Lollipop.
Thick body (0.49 inches)
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