Coolpad Catalyst Specs
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I have had this phone for a few days now and I like it, it was easy to root as well. It seems to do really well when it comes to speed. I really like the fact when you install a app from your SD Card or another app it asks you where you'd like to install it. I haven't noticed any lag and I'm a icon pack creator so I like to test my phones to see how well they can handle what I'm needing it to handle.
Bad everything, I regret buying this phone in a pinch. Coolpad is a Foolpad period! Slow at everything. Touch screen is unresponsive and clumsy. D- seems fair as a grade. Save money and buy a pencil and paper and you will be happier. Woof , what a dog!
I've had this phone for 5 days!!!! Already it has rebooted WHILE I was on a call. Rebooted while the phone was sitting on the table with a 76% charge (and NOT from updating). Frozen up solid (to the point where I HAVE to remove the battery) 3 times. The colors on the display wash out when the screen is tilted. The camera takes terrible pictures, even for a 5MP camera. I have noticed MAJOR memory slowdowns, while changing recent apps, browsing the internet, and playing a card game. Seriously a CARD game. Imagine what it would do if I was playing a game where a quick response was necessary. Due to the predicament I was in, I had to have a cheap phone immediately and had to get this one. Even if you HAVE to have a cheap phone. FIND SOMETHING ELSE ! Reception gets a 6 only because of being on MetroPCS. Text input gets a 6 only because I was using the 'Google Keyboard'.