The Cat S62 Pro sports a 5.7-inch 1080+ display and the Snapdragon 660 chipset can be found under the hood with 6GB of memory and 128GB of storage. There is a rear-facing 12MP sensor plus a separate thermal camera that will allow the user to overlay a thermal image over the regular pictures. A 4000mAh battery keeps the lights on. As a rugged device, the Cat S62 Pro is rated IP68 and IP69; the former means that the handset can be submerged to a depth of 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) for up to 30 minutes. The latter means that the device can survive high-pressure water spray. Cat says that the S62 Pro has been tested against even more difficult water conditions but has a warranty that covers getting submerged to the depths of the official IP ratings.
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Cat is known for the heavy duty equipment it sells to construction companies such as backhoe loaders, articulated trucks, asphalt pavers, compactors, excavators, hydraulic mining shovels and more. If there is dirt that needs to be dug up, moved, and ...