BlackBerry Storm2 9550 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Just OK

Phone owned for more than a year

The phone has developed a long lang switching between landscape and portrait mode and the screen often freezes when being rotated while a call is coming in.
For texting- it doesn't pick up on the keys being hit that well and just guesses what you want to type which is annoying.

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Great phone i've ever had

Phone owned for less than a year

It is great phone. It works extremely fast, great call quality, user interface. multimedia except below par speaker and camera. Camera quality is too bad compare to other 3.2 mp camera phone. Can say it has only vga resolution. In my opinion, is great phone and worth to buy it.

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Just The right Tool!

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A great business tool when fully utilised, this is just all its required nothing more! multitasking friendly and responsive.
i've used quite a number of phones and this is just it. i got one initially for 5months it got lost and i wasnt myself until i got this one, my old back up made it look like nothing was missing! great phone.
people complain about the lag, but dont understand that they run many apps at a time because of its multitasking, and before one command is through they have chaged to several screens to run others, the phone smartly stops you from going further, execute your previous commands and allows you to continue. thats cool i guess it suits me. it never hanged on me at least. 

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Buy if you're a BB fan, If not, buy something else

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I had a Nokia 5800 which is a good phone regardless of its crappy OS, then I changed to the storm 2. which is not a bad phone, but it doesn't stand a fight with today's generation phones out there. In my personal experience with this phone, sometimes is unresponsive, lags a lot, and the battery only last the day. the worst part is that RIM WILL NOT update the OS of this phone to the most recent OS released... I feel really disappointed from RIM, they just keep updating the phones like a quarter the speed of their competitors and don't care about their customers, seriously, I have to wait 2-3 minutes to reset the phone?, with my old Nokia I just wait a couple secs. and that's it... I think I made a really bad choice when purchasing this "smart", when the Nokia C6-01 or C7 comes out, I'll surely buy one and sell the storm 2...

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What is with all the dust under the screen!!!!!!!

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I had the first Storm; first one had problem with one of the corners of the screen not clicking/registering, the next one had dust fill underneath the screen, the next one was a "fat fingered" duplicate ESN number that couldn't fully be registered to my name, the next one was dead upon arrival, the next round was the "fat fingered" phone that they somehow were able to register,  that one eventually died also randomly on vacation, and the next one started to fill up with dust in the camera lens. 

So...after the last call into support on the first model Storm, I was upgraded to the Storm 2.  Now after only a couple months, the flash cover is filled with dust and the screen is starting to get some under it.  I thought that they fixed this with the stationary screen, but apparently not.  Why in the world don't they just put a rubber sealant along the edges of the bloody screen????  If I have to do it over again, I may consider going to the hardware store and getting some flixible black cauk and doing just that myself.

Besides that though, I love the phone and features.  Seems a bit better than the first one, but the upgraded firmware on the first one really helped it out a lot.  The only thing that drives me crazy is that you can't hang up quickly.  Since the call buttons are now touch activated, you have to sit there with you finger on the end button for a couple of seconds before it registers and you can push down.

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I have had a cell phone for about 6 years now i just got the new storm 2...AND I LOVE IT!! ITS AMAZING AND SO USER FRIENDLY! it kicks all my previous phones butts! GET ONE! i thought this phone would be hard to use and difficult to understand how to use, but in less than a day the screen was amazingly easyier than an all touch screen and than a plain QWERT keyboard also! )although it did feel weird at first) I love how you can customize the theme of the phone which makes it so i will not get bored of it as quick as i usually do with phones... which is a huge +! 

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wow..glad waited.....

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This is my first black berry and love it. Nice big bright screen.easy to use features and great call quality.I have had the phone for 2 weeks now and have to admit it takes some time to get use to.. Battery sucks have to charge it daily but I do ise it a lot and I never let the battery get below 20%. Camera is ok why they did not go for 5 mega pixel. App memory could be more..overall the phone is excelled and glad I waited for it...

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The Best Smartphone On The Market!!!!!!

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This is by far the best smartphone I've ever had. It's my first Blackberry. Had a Verizon XV6800 with Windows it was OK.
This Blackberry does everything I need it too do and then some. Highly recommended!!! Very sharp looking. It works beautifully

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The Storm2 is the best phone I've ever had. I use the hell ot of it everyday. I've used this thing so much that the screen is fading.


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Excellent Phone

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Each time I upgrade a phone, it is better than the last one. The Storm 2 is no exception. This is my best phone yet and my first touch screen model.

PROS (listed in no particular order):
1.) Fast (applications and switching from portrait to landscape view)
2.) Responsive
3.) Fun to use (and addictive)
4.) Good size and weight (I hate light phones.  The S2 feels solid and good build quality.)
5.) Nice loud, clear speaker (calls, music, ringtones all sound really good)
6.) Camera (excellent quality for a cell phone camera)
7.) Call quality

1.) Browser is slow (hope to be improved in '10)
2.) Software needs an option/indicator so that it is easier to see the letter you are touching while typing.

Hopefully, RIM keeps working on tweaking the software because this phone is worth keeping around for a long time. The active click action is easy to do (similar to pressing a physical keyboard) and offers a very nice selection feedback response.

When I have tried other brands of touch phones I always accidentally press when I want to touch and touch when I want to press. There is no confusion when using the Storm.

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I'm a BB fanatic! I've owned several over the past 3 years.  I had the Storm for about 2 days before I couldn't stand anymore.  I went back to my trusty Curve 8330.  I ordered the Storm2 when it was available and I loved it.  Thought that they finally got it right. Well after about 2 weeks of use now I've had dozens of complete freezes and several reboots.  Also the lower left corner and upper right corner seem to stick in? I know that with the new tecnology there are four sensors but whatever acknowledges the screen press isn't working.  I have to tap the phone on my hand to get it to work.  This is right over the send button.  I am pretty forgiving of issues and hope that they can work this out.  Until then, I've jumped ship and gone to the Tour.  Wish I could wait for the Tour2 (trackpad, wifi, ect) Oh well, you can't keep up with the times, as they are a changing!

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Phone owned for

I love this phone!   I was a bit hesitant to get the S2 because of the problems with the S1 but I haven't had any regrets.  I really like the Sure-Press screen.  I can type just as fast (if not faster) on the S2 than I could on my Curve and I like the click sound.  The response time is good, although I have to admit I haven't gotten it loaded down with too many apps yet.  The reception and sound quality is good.  The email is lightning fast!  The design and appearance of the phone is absolutely beautiful, unlike VZs other recent release (which shall remain nameless but you know which one I'm talking about) which is rather fugly.  No need to hide this bad boy in a case! Of course, there is always room for improvement.  Here would be my suggestions to RIM for the Storm 3:  1) More app memory.  As App World becomes more popular and has more selection, we will need more room for apps.  2) Better camera.  3.2 MP is in the ballpark, but a lot of new phones are rocking 5.0 MP.  3) Needs a better browser, which I think is in the works.

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Storm 1 vs Storm 2

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I am also an indirect Verizon agent and agree that the software is a big key to the differences
in these two phones. Except for the doubling of the memory and adding wi-fi, the biggest difference
is Blackberry's new OS 5.0. Add the new software to the Blackberry Storm 1 and it's a whole new animal.
If wi-fi isn't a huge need and you're not pusing your memory limits, there's certainly no big reason to
rush out and grab a Storm2. Upgrade your software first ( it's free ) and experience your new phone.

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OS not the phone

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I am a Verizon Agent and one thing people need to keep in mind is that Blackberry also just updated the OS.  The Storm 2 and 1 both have a new OS 5 now.  With the OS update Storm 1 runs just as good as Storm 2 just without WiFi.  I've had a Storm 1 for about a year and as soon as I updated to OS 5 it was like a brand new phone (A storm 2 basically). I've even had enough issues with my storm that verizon offered me a new phone.  Customer service offered me a  number of other phones but said a Storm 2 wouldn't make a difference seeing as they run the same OS.All I'm saying is don't junk Storm 1 and run for a Storm 2 until you run the OS update on your Storm 1. 

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Phone owned for

I've waited a long to get the storm 2 and that I finally have it I found that there is anything wrong with it. It has a great battery life then the first storm did and its faster too. I very happy with the improvement with this phone I haven't found a let down in this phone.

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Let the party begin!

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 Honestly, i was a little hesitant to get this phone do to the first gen storm with all those bugs.  One thing i can tell all you blackberry lovers out there who are skeptical about this phone, feel good about grabbing this one because this one is a winner!  Very responsive and the typing on it is just a joy.  To many good things to say about but it's only up to you to see it and experience it in person.    

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storm 2 rocks

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I've only many phones. I have owned the iPhone 3G and 3GS. I recently switched over from ATT to Verizon because of the service and i get better reception with Verizon (WAY BETTER). The storm 2 is not a iphone and in my opinion there will be no phone that can compete with the iphone. Iphone is a totally different phone. I'm tired of people comparing the storm 1 or storm 2 to the iphone. THE TWO PHONE ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT PHONES!! iphone is more for web browsing and having some fun with it. BB Storm is for business.

I love the clicking of the screen. It feels really good when i text people and i text alot.

-Reception is awesome
-the OS is alot faster and smoother
-battery life is okay
-the camera is nice and smooth. takes very good pictures

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Phone owned for

This phone sucks. I am an ideirect agent for Verizon Wireless and was really looking forward to the Storm 2. Wo was it a let down when we recieved them in the store. I was looking for it to be a normal touch screen phone like the iPhone but that is not the case. Yous still have to click in on the screen. What a bummer and if your are looking for something comparable to the iPhone the closest thing is going to be the HTC Imagio, HTC Desire, or the DROID. What a let down BlackBerry.

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Phone owned for

 I did have the Storm and it did have it problems.  I have found nothing but good with the Storm 2.  All is better including; battery life, reception, ease of use, just works the way it should.  the e-mail function is flawless and works like a charm.  Voice quality is very good.  this is the one, it does what it is advertised to do and does it well.

You should give it a try, it is a whole new phone, not just a reworked Storm. 

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To the person gave it a 5 star.

Phone owned for

shouldn't your review be for storm 1 and not storm 2? your review has nothing to do with storm 2 and you don't even only own one.

I just bought the storm 2. I switched over from sprint. i had the HTC Hero. It lagged alot. Anyways, the storm 2 is so much better then the storm 1. I use to own a storm 1. The typing on this is WAY better. The browser has improved, its alot faster then the old one. so far i am enjoying the phone and great to be back with the best carrier (Verizon)

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Returned Storm 1 Love Storm2

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Hated first Storm.  Moved to Tour but screen was too small for internet browsing, and no wifi.  Love Storm2.  It is perfect.  Maps had problem but now fixed.  Use wifi all the time for faster downloading.  Phone automatically grabs wifi and everything moves instantly.  Have used windows mobile based phones, Blackberrys, and Voyager.  Couldn't be happier. 

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