BlackBerry Curve 8330 Specs
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This was my first BB and I absolutely loved it. This phone made me want to get another BB. I love BlackBerry and they make the best phones ever. Everything about this phone was incredible. However, as with any phone, they get extremely slow and sluggish after "x" amount of months. I had this phone for a year and two months and after a year and one month, it got extremely slow, but other than that, the rest of the time it was amazing. Had to replace the trackball once, but the newer trackpads are better. Thumbs up to RIM for being pioneers in every way possible
I've had this phone for 10 months now, and as it's on its way to getting replaced, I think I'm comfortable enough to give a solid review.In some ways, this phone is nearly perfect. This along with the Bold/Tour series have the absolute best keyboards on the market--independent keys whose combined width is still narrow enough to make typing with one hand feasible...I can type more quickly on this phone than any other. It has an excellent feel to it. It is the perfect width to feel comfortable in any hand, as well as to accommodate a nice landscape screen. The phone looks sleek, and certainly more professional than the current, cheap-looking 8500 series. Blackberry makes, perhaps, the easiest-to-navigate interface I've used. While diving into various folders and technical information can be deep and daunting, flipping between the browser, camera, contacts and other similar tasks is a breeze, it's like the phone knows what I want it to do. Oh, most importantly to many, e-mail is seamless, as with any Blackberry.On to some its shortcomings, however. Remember to take this with a grain of salt, as we're now a good 2.5 years from this phone's release date. The 2.0mp camera is acceptable, but is dismal compared to the 3.2 on most other Blackberrys and the 5.0s seen elsewhere. Internet browsing is pretty good, certainly for an intro-smartphone. But there is a lot in regards to loading webpages that it struggles with or simply cannot load--I often find the 3rd-party Bolt browser to be better in these regards. Also, Blackberry's AppWorld, compared to today's Apple and Android offerings, is abysmal. Last, and perhaps most important, is that after the first 3-4 months, the trackball will become the biggest pain your ass, second to your wife! But seriously, even the slightest grit or sweat/moisture on your fingers will render this absolutely useless. It's a great concept, certainly compared to the simple left-right-up-down clicks of most phones. Its unresponsiveness over time, however, is just too much to bear.Oh, and this phone can take the beating of a lifetime. Between keeping it unprotected, dropping it, and shamelessly throwing it out of anger during video games, I've had no issues. I'm glad I've had this phone for the better part of the last year, but I'm looking forward to moving on. HTC Incredible, here I come!
Ive had the phone for almost a year and despite the size of the screen, its a good starter SmartPhone. i like the camera and the blackberry has become more app friendly with BlackBerry App World. The problem i have with BlackBerry is the call quality. Either its the Sprint coverage in my area (Saint Louis, MO) or the phone itself, but i get dropped calls when im in a certain area within my house. I'd offer this phone to anyone that wants a starter SmartPhone. the texting on this phone is nice, but the phone is 2 small for me to use. The internet is slow and like I said the screen is 2 small for me to use
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