The new ZenFone Selfie comes with 13 MP cameras on the front and back, both with dual LED flashes and laser auto focus (thus, this is the world's first smartphone to have laser auto focus for selfies). Unlike the ZenFone 2 series, which features Intel Atom processors, the ZenFone Selfie is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 processor. That aside, the handset is not too different from the ZenFone 2, featuring a 5.5-inch IPS display with 1080 x 1920 pixels, LTE, 3 GB of RAM, and Android Lollipop.
This device is also known as
Asus ZD551KL
Thick body (0.43 inches)
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Despite our efforts to provide full and correct Asus ZenFone Selfie specifications, there is always a possibility of admitting a mistake. If you see any wrong or incomplete data, please
Selfies have become engrained into our society, how our infatuation of taken photos of ourselves have almost become a socially accepted thing. Phone nowadays have adapted to carry on this trend, so if you’re into that kind of thing, the Asus Zenfone ...
The ZenFone 2 Laser and ZenFone Selfie are two of Asus' latest smartphones, and they have many things in common. For example, both devices come with 5.5-inch 1080p screens that are protected by Gorilla Glass 4. To make sure the world knows how tough ...
With millions and millions of selfies taken each hour around the globe, it was just a matter of time before a well-known smartphone manufacturer would launch a handset with the word selfie included in its name. That's what Asus recently did with the ...
Asus Chairman Jonney Shih will be among those attending Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium in Delhi on August 6th to participate in Asus India's ZenFestival. This will be the executive's first trip to the country, and there is talk that a new Asus handset wil...