Despite our efforts to provide full and correct Asus MeMO 370T specifications, there is always a possibility of admitting a mistake. If you see any wrong or incomplete data, please
"Inexpensive, not cheap," the ad goes. The Amazon Kindle Fire started it for tablets, the Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet followed and for a long, long time, these were the only two affordable Android tablets you could get. Yet, many hesitated. With a...
Remember that 7-inch, Tegra 3 tablet that Asus announced at CES 2012? Of course you do! After all, who would not take notice of a slate with cutting-edge hardware inside it and a tempting $250 price tag.However, U.K. residents who thought that this w...
The first thing we did when we arrived at Asus’ CES 2012 booth at the Trump Hotel was browse around for the MeMO 370T that is supposed to be another quad-core Android tablet for the US market and when we found it we kind of got to go hands-on with it...