Apple iPhone User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

The Most Fun You'll Ever Have with A Phone!

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This phone has exceeded my expectations in every way. For the American market, it's truly a blessing.

I am disappointed that user reviews on this site are from people who don't actually own this device or have used it extensively.

As an owner and user myself since launch, I have had nothing but a blissful experience with this phone. It's internet may not be 3G but I assure you it renders webpages quicker than many phones that do have 3G. I myself am a mobile game tester and have extensively tested and used nearly all the devices out there on the market. This phone by far is still the most fun and efficient to use.

Many people complain about it lacking video functionality but the phones that do have video functionality have such bad video quality that it's not even worth using. The Nokia N95 is the iPhone's most worthy challenger because of its jampacked feature set but even that phone I found to be big, clumsy, and the OS was sluggish at times. The battery also doesn't last very long and what good is a phone with all these features if you can't use it for long?

In US, the phones that we have available to us aren't nearly as good as the ones availble in other countries so our choices are severly limited. In addition, if we were to use an unlocked phone 3G is not available everywhere yet so that is another limitation. However, what's great about the iPhone is it's endless ability to upgrade. Despite its already feature packed applications right out of the box, I've seen it acquire some great updates since I purchased it that added more functionality. That's really the best part because many complaints about the phone are only a software upgrade away! And how often does anyone upgrade their Sony Ericsson W810?

The sound quality is great and the video is beautiful. The web browsing is fun and I actually use it. I know that many phones out their CAN browse the web but many people don't use it extensively because the user interface of it is very inefficient. With the iPhone, YOU WILL browse the internet more often and trust me, the supposed "sluggish" EDGE network is still more efficient than a 3G phone with a crappy web browser.

If you're looking for the most fun you've ever had with a phone, this is it. If you're looking to utilize your phone extensively for business, well this phone wasn't optimized for that. It's optimized for the casual user who loves music, movies, and more!

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Love It

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I've had my iphone for five months. I've never had a problem with it, and I still use and adore it just as much as I did when I bought it. The edge is, most of the time, speedy, and I love how easy it was to get used to. Plus, to make it 3G all they have to do is put out a update. The phone is capable, the features just need to be unlocked. The best, and most surprising part to me was how clear the call quality. I go through phones like underwear, and I've had just about everything on the market, the iphone is at the top of its game. 400 is a lot to spend, but it is well worth it, and I would pay twice that much if I had to.

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not a winner...

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ok...about features...the best UI...well it is an iPod with a Cell Phone inside...nice looking design...multitouchscreen taht feels superb.

Disadvantages...poor battery life...EDGE??? c'mon!!! this phone is $600!!! need a better camera...2 Mpx? thats a sucky camera this needs flash and autofocus...i dont care about video this one doesnt bother feels SLOOOOOW...

Overall...its looking forward for an improved version like iPhone 2.0

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I love it!

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I spent several weeks looking at all the phones that are out there, after I accidental washed my trusty RAZR phone 2 days before the contract ran out. Feature-for-feature the iPhone is an absolute incredible piece of technology. I was able to snag a refurbed 4 gb unit from the Apple Store for $299 and it has worked flawlessly right out of the box. Is it "thee perfect phone?" No, it has it's issues which have all been documented by others here, but overall this thing is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Other manufacturers are trying to come up with the iPhone Killer, but after looking at them all, none has come close. They all seem like cheap, plastic, wanna-be's. The iPhone is very user intuitive...I didn't have to read any manual to figure out the features. Switching my AT&T account from the my RAZR to the iPhone was painless and only took a few long lines at some store waiting for a pimple-faced geek to figure out how to use their in-store computer. I hope that more apps, widgets etc. are soon available. While it is a bit more expensive than the other phones out there, once again the phrase "you get what you pay for" comes into play. I can highly recommend this phone!

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In my opinion this phone can not be compared to other phones because it is a lot different than the usual keyboard based phones.

Top five things why i would buy this phone:
1. Nice & Big multi touch screen.
2. iPod included (you have both phone and iPod in one device).
3. Small dimensions.
4. Cool design.
5. 8GB of space which is lot more than with normal non smart phone handsets.

Top five things why i don't like the iPhone:
1. AT&T, T-Mobile Germany, O2 UK, Orange FR ONLY!!!!.
2. 400$ price + the 2 year contract costs.
3. NO 3G or HSDPA.
4. the battery can't be replaced (at least not like in normal phones).
5. 8 GB yes i know i had this one in the top 5 things i like and it's more than in normal phones but still it's not enough for "the best iPod ever".

Actually for me it was easier to find the things i don't like than the things i like.

I would definitely buy it but thanks to the missing 3G (or HSDPA), the 400$ + the AT&T (or T-Mobile Germany or O2 UK or Orange FR) contract costs and the availability only from these operators I'm not even remotely thinking about buying an iPhone. I've got my iPod 80 GB iPod classic and my SE w910i and thats all what i need.

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I'm not gonna lie this is a really clean nice phone. But there are a couple things wrong with it.
1. It running on EDGE and not 3G or EV-DO.
2. For its price-tag it doesnt have a lot of features when u get down to it.
3. Can't take videos and has no flash or zoom.
4. Tiny compared to other phones but still thick.
Just if your switching to get this, think about it one more time. And if your planning to get this, think or the N95 or other phones that you could buy that are, most of the time, better. Just letting you know before you spend $400 + tax.

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C'mon, it's not _that_ bad..

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sinulfa, you mention a whole host of things that the iPhone does not do - and mostly you are correct (though the terms you use are very much "Verizon" branded, such as "OTA downloading" - clearly, the iPhone is capable of downloading stuff (music, pictures, web content, etc) from the Internet). The one mistake you made is saying that the only way to read mail is in the web browser - this is incorrect; the iPhone as one of the nicer e-mail clients out there (based on Apple Mail for the Mac OS X desktop).

The biggest disadvantages I see (the combination of these is why I decided to get one of the new U.S. tailored Nokia N95s (N95-3) instead):
- Very limited set of bluetooth profiles; for instance, no "tethering" of its internet connection with a bluetooth enabled laptop (DUN), no stereo headset profile (A2DP), no file transfer (FTP, OBEX...). In particular, I consider the DUN profile a "must" for a phone these days.
- EDGE. These days, I would not even consider basic 3G (UMTS) speeds (about 300k/s). A phone with this price tag MUST have 3.5G (HSDPA, or equivalent EV-DO class) to be worthy of consideration.
- No (official) 3rd party application support (although this will change soon with the forthcoming SDK, it still does not support industry-standard J2ME applications, so it will take a while for useful application to become available).
- Compared with other devices of this size, like the Nokia N800/810 internet tablets, its web-browser is sub-par (e.g. no Flash support...)
- Less important: No speed dial (1-touch or 2-touch dialing).
- No GPS
- No 802.1x authentication for WiFi (used in many workplaces)
- Practically useless camera (these days the norm is rapidly becoming 5MP, 1/2.5" lens, F2.8 aperture, and optical zoom camera phones are also coming out..)
- Not available unlocked, REQUIRES a new 2-year contract. (Maybe with the release in France, some official unlocked devices may make their way onto eBay..)
- Quite expensive for a carrier-subsidized (yes, carrier-subsidized) phone. Consider that AT&T pays Apple 10% of revenues (not profits, revenues) for its iPhone subscribers. Even worse in England - O2 is rumored to be paying 40% (due to competitive bidding..).

Now, where it is way ahead of the competion:
- Screen size/resolution (480x320, and utililized to its fullest in Safari). My N95 looks like a brick in comparison.
- The UI is much more goodlooking, intuitive and straightforward than any other existing mobile platform (e.g. Symbian, WM, and proprietary Moto/SE/Samsung, etc). Cases in point: Intertial scrolling, multi-touch input. Apple is excellent at thinking about all the small details and thinking things through in this regard.
- Even though the phone is locked to AT&T / O2 / Orange / T-Mobile, there is little if any branding (a.k.a. crippling) by these carriers.

For what it is, namely a "shock and awe" device for the ignorant masses not too conserned about features, it does its job in style... :)

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The iPhone is simply amazing. I have read so many reviews, handled and experienced the phone many times, and have a full understanding on what can and cannot be done on the device. iPhone is definitely nothing short of revolutionary in the cell phone industry. I work for Verizon Wireless, which I prefer over AT&T's network 100% based off of experience with both networks through several states in the U.S., though I will admit AT&T is still a good network. I will still be keeping my VZW service on a separate line, even if I had to pay full price for my plan each month because I simply need my phone to work in more places. Of course I've been weighing options of purchasing iPhone or waiting for the LG Voyager, which is a very similar phone but different in a lot of ways. Even if I purchase the LG Voyager for my other line with VZW, it will be worth it to me to have purchased both devices. That's just how much I really love the device, and believe me I was skeptical about it and have been apathetic about Apple. The iPhone touch screen is remarkable, and texting on the device is much better than texting with a full QWERTY keyboard. It's fast, easy to use and a lot of fun watching all of the features that this phone can do. Though it doesn't have MMS, there are ways around it that take a bit more time and may not be as convenient, but it's not a big deal compared to everything else the phone offers. Not to mention, the phone's design is beautiful.. everyone knows that. As further generations of this device come out, I will most likely purchase them also.

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I am an owner of the iPhone and do not like it at all. It has a very nice look but does not live up to all the hype. I find mine freezes all the time, does not have a to-do list, and i cannot recieve MMS messages. This phone, I believe is not worth all the money I paid for it. I think I am going to buy the LG Voyager from Verizon when it comes out. It is supposed to be simmilar to an iPhone but much better features, and we all know Verizon has better reception.

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Iphone not the greatest thing...

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To the last response. Verizon is not wishing it took the Iphone. Iphone true has a great Mac OS X, and is beautiful and very easy to use entertainment device. It limitations is what makes it not worth the money. Email is only available through it's browser, there is no over the air downloading(OTA), there is no GPS navigation, no removeable battery, no insurance available, warranty that charges for a rental if you do have problems, no 3G service data connection, cannot be tethered to a laptop for internet connection, no flash/mirror on reverse side to take self portaits, No MMS, Very limited touch screen keyboard, No hard reset function without connecting back/syncing up to reformat, no to-do-list that's not syncable with ical (which is really suprising), can not use your own ringtones. And let's remember it's on the ATT network people! True each provider works for each person for the own reasons, but majority Verizon Rules for coverage and this phone was offered to them first because of there coverage, network speeds, outstanding and growing customer base and service. If Tmobile had as large of a network as ATT, Apple would of went to them next. A phone is only as good as the network. LG Voyager is a great competitor to this phone offering everything apple has, plus alot more, without a "Pretty" operating system. But a phone that works, with a crap load of features (many more than Iphone), and it will be on one of the best networks in the industry. Oh, lets not forget minus the pretty OS for all the Vein people who choose the phone for that only reason.

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iPhone is the best cell phone out period!

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This is the best cell phone out period. And to the guy who worked for apple, of course you are going to get defective units, especially when you sell over 2 million units of something you are going to have some defective. Just cause you worked for them and saw all the defective ones doesnt mean its a bad phone, in fact there was probably less than 5% that were defective. I have had my iphone from the first day it launched and had no problems. And i know about 10 other people who got theres on launch day and had no problems with it. Why are you bashing apple if you worked for them? I have a feeling you work for Microsoft or Verizon, hating on apple. And if you work for Microsoft they had the largest number of any gaming system ever sold to have defective units the xbox 360, they lost huge amounts of money, something like 10 million in defective units. Apple has not reported on losing anything close to that on defective units.

Well the main thing is, this is the best phone out period, nothing comes close. Ipod music player, camera, web browser, email, and video player all in one unit. And its TOUCH SCREEN. Verizon must be wishing they took the iphone.

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Used to work for Apple

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The problems with this phone are numerous from a technical standpoint. I know none of the consumers want to hear this but this phone is a troubleshooting nightmare. There is no hard reset no way to reboot no way to troubleshoot without taking it into a store and having it docked. The abilities as far as a phone go are pretty cool but still are very very limited. A 600 dollare phone that cant send a text message doesnt really qualify as a good deal. Take a step back and look at what it can do rather then the hype about being the newest and the best and you will find its a good first step but by far not a total package yet. Apple continues to try to be the first but you find that other manufacturers come out with similar and better counterparts. Again no disrespect to Apple but if you have fixed as many ipods as I have you would know just daily use will make this phone a big mistake until the next version where they address the issues that are already coming up with this model.

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not as it seems

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sorry to whoeva posted the 1st messege you can not send mms messeges with your ipone(i work for at&t trust me its not possiable) you also can not make any of your music a ring tune you must purchase themand to the last messge the iphone is not a PDA it doesnt have feat that PDAs you cant even edit a word document you also must go online to check emails both are must haves to be considered a PDA the iphone is simply an entertainment phone not saying thats a bad thing its just not what its hyped up to be pretty much Stev Jobs prolly has an HTC 8525 to check his emails not an iphone

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Apple does it again...

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This is a superb phone. It is easily the best phone/portable device I have ever owned. The design is top notch, which is no surprise coming from Apple. The only feature I think it needs is a to-do list which syncs with iCal.

The signal strength is on par with any phone I have ever owned and better than most. I just came from Verizon using an e815, which is considered to be one of the best phones for holding a signal. So far, the iPhone is proving to be its equal.

Sound quality is excellent. I could do for a little more volume, but I am a bit hard of hearing. I actually think the iPhone was worth $600, but for $400 it's a very good value. I was going to purchase a new phone and a PDA separately, and this will fill both roles for me.

I think the UI is the best on the market and the multitouch interface is very good. I have huge hands (size 14 ring) and I have very little trouble typing.

Overall, the best phone I have ever seen or used.

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best phone on the market

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This phone is five years ahead of anything else. Its interface makes Windows and Symbian look like "speak and spell". Truly revolutionary phone in design and UI. Best phone on the market. Period. End of story.

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i-phone best cell-phone ever

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just bought the i-phone the most revolutionary cell-phone ever with so many features. I just have to figure out the following:
1) how to send group sms
2)how to send/recieve MMS
3)how to zoom the camera
4)how to accept bluetooth from my friends phone or computer
5)how to set up personalized ringtone
6)how to capture video

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Not Bad for First Phone

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After reading the review on this site, it seems like Apple has done a good job on their first ever phone. Unfortunately the phone functions pretty much sucks, confirmed by Phone Arena, and that's something that should have been a major concern considering that it's supposed to be combining an Ipod and a cellular phone. The bulk of the price for this phone would have to be going towards the other 50% of it's main intended use. Luckily that part works incredibly well, so far. I'm glad that a lot of people just jumped on the ship to get this phone as soon as it came out. There should be a lot of great feedback on any possible problems that only time will tell. After a revision or two, I will most definately pick this phone up, unless some other company comes out with something comparable.

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iThink This Device Is Great

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Well as you all knoww apple make wonderfull products, but this, this is AMAZING this phone can be your ipod , your internet browser and and at the same time your phone and it is fuly multi-taskink so you can hear music while you sen and email and browse the web or anywhere!! WOW

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A Step Forward to the Future

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Well, i think apple has made a revolutionary phone not just on how it look but on how it works its the best ipod ever with coverflow, the bestPhone ever made and the best internet browser ever on Friday I got mine on iDay and believe me IT WAS WORTH IT.

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iphone thanks mr jobs

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i think the iphonr is agreat mobile device and is the best ipod or internet device ever made i am very satisfied with this iphone no getting stucked parts everything runs fluidly thanks mr jobs

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Iphone rocks

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I well i think the Ihone is the best mobile phone ever i just got one and its great!!! when i bought it i was kind of disapointed because of the activation proceses but suprisingly it only took 3 minutes i am very VERY HAPPY AND VERY SATISFIED

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Only apple

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In my opinion the commotion over this phone is only the touch screen interface, strip away that feature and you have a less advanced phone than many of the other current phones. This phone reminds me of the iPod (also from Apple) that is so overated and yet still people keep buying it jus so they can say "I have an iPod too" while there are still oter better mp3 players out here like the Zune. This is Apple's first gen phone, I await future generations with better technology (mailnly the camera)

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I was looking for an ipod but when I heard about the iphone I liked the fitures,
big bright screen,phone is extra realy don't need it but even the phone is good
the bad so far is the vertual key board is not the best miss fire the wrong letter too often.
I wish it had more memory for this price,
the wifi and the edge is fast enugh don't realy care of the3G missing,
overall I very pleased

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wow, funny to write a review with out messing with the device.

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Thats really an unbiased opinion about a cell phone company and there new phone they launched when you also use the same cell phone provider. But since you have not messed with it, you can't say for sure they thought about everything, so how will i get the battery replaced? Same way i did on my ipod? fork out 100 bucks for something that I cant buy from best buy or even the Apple store for that matter. It has potential, but Edge does not cut it for me, no pun intended. when you put CMDA and GSM sided by side for data, GSM does not even come close to the speeds of CDMA. I use both, T-mobile, and Verizon. Verizon's Data speeds are un-matched and yes that's including sprint. EDGE speeds are comparable to the 1XRTT network for CDMA, wich they launched way before EDGE. And now with EVDO Rev. A data speeds peak out over 3 Mbs. I even clocked over 5 Mbs on my laptop at 2 in the afternoon in Houston. After messing witht he Iphone, the interface is a little slow, the web browser is alot slower then My motorola Q. There is a reason why larger corporations stick with verizon and/or sprint for data, CDMA is alot faster.

The Iphone hopefully does change the cell pone industry, it's a very techy device, for all the ipod users out there who want to combine everything into one device, they now have the option to. But as far as a business point of view, No thanks.

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i got one & its perfect..... & i love it... its fun easy, & very bright & colrful

everyone who said it sux, go to hell cuz this is the best product ever!

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FCC OKs Cingular\'s purchase of AT&T Wireless