Apple iPhone 4 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Mine works but it is activation locked and shattered

Phone owned for more than a year

I had it since 2017 and i lost it and i found it. I changed the wallpaper and reset it and it had a activation lock error and i dropped it in the plastic floor and it broke in this floor, even though it is plastic and always had a shattered back

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If you haven't bought this phone yet, (think twice) Here's why

Phone owned for less than a year

This phone was only good during the first week i had it. I like how these phones have above average smoothness of moving from screen to screen but this phone lags so bad!!! For example, i'm watching utube and i wanna move the screen to landscape and it takes about 5 seconds before it could finish. This phone had more problems than combine all the problems i had with my past phones! And those phones were androids. My phone couldn't produce sound unless i plug in my earphones! And it doesn't stop there, it even stops playing even if i had my earphones in it. So i have to reconnect my earphones, play the song again, and again. My apps often keeps crashing, especially when I'm on utube, it starts to lag then boom it closes my app. Right now, my phone can't even open my text message and if it does it doesn't show any of my past text messages. I can't also call anyone (really no idea why). It forces me to sign in to iCloud, when i don't even need it and when i already turned it off! It keeps on popping, and it doesn't stop unless I "sign in" to it. And, it lags so bad. It's very slow and i've only had for around 5 months. While this phone has some nice features, those features are just "iClouded" by problem the phone has. I've seen so many customers complaining about similar problems I encountered and there's very little help i found on google or no solution at all to some problems. I would not recommend this phone at all. If you haven't bought it, and still trying to decide, well here's my experience with this phone. I wish i just made up these problems but no. Won't be long til i switch to a different phone. Maybe these are only found on some people's iphone.

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Very slow phone

Phone owned for more than a year

The phone was nice and fast when i bought it. but it still lags a lot behind all the new models and other android phones for cheaper price. Internet gets disconnected when you are on 3g and have to reset when it goes to 2g.

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Its ok...

Phone owned for more than a year

I've had it for two year and I don't really like it. The camera is so horrible and the screen is so easy to break. It does have it's good sides too but I can't even download tumblr because it's so old that it won't even let me update anymore!!

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Can't wait to be rid of it

Phone owned for more than a year

I've had this phone for a little over two years now, and when I first got it it was great, not much on the market could compete but I preferred the curved body of the iPhone 3gs as it was easier to hold. I cracked the screen my second year of owning it and i believe iphone 4-5 has been synonymous to cracked screens. The phone does not feel to good in my pocket especially with a case. The battery life is abysmal to the point it's crippling, I spend most of my time trying to find a wall outlet "wall hugger" that I am. The camera isn't outstanding but allthings considered it was good for it's time. I hate that Apple introduced Siri for the 4s and not the 4... Apple is infamous for intentionally witholding technology so they can screw buyers out of money. Thats why I switched to Android and PC, they perform better for my needs and cost less. The phone will sometimes crash on Safari and has a long loading time on Tumblr, Facebook, Youtube and most websites for that matter. I liked it at first but I've grown to hate iPhone, they're intentionally dumbed down to only meet market requirements to stay valid, then severely overpriced... forget that I'll get myself a nice HTC One (M8) at Costco for $29.99 at Costco or the Samsung Galaxy S5 for $79.99 two year contract. The iphone 6 is RIDICULOUSLY still at $177.99 at Costco, the 5s is at $77.99. Apple is way too proud of their brand, so it's Auf Wiedersehen Apple, I just picked up the Moto X second gen which just came out September for $.01 at Costco :) Yes, I'm running Android 5.0 Lollipop on it too

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Phone owned for more than a year

It's a basic phone for basic use. Too small and underwhelming for anything more than browsing instagram (which isn't nearly as good as it is on Android devices), and sending some tweets. Very restricting interface. Build quality feels solid, but it's still glass and I've seen too many break. Mine lasted me 2 years with only slowing down a little bit over time. Not a bad free option for the likes of my parents.

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Cool Iphone

Phone owned for less than a year

The iphone 4 is just simply beautiful and i love my iphone i always play with it and take some picture, i realized that people lie about the iphone 4 based on my experience this is a bit good at gaming and a bit on the speaker, and the camera is so beautiful more on the front camera, forget about the "S" on the iphone 4s get the iphone 4 it's worth the money, I really Love it :D BTW i upgrade to ios 7.1

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Average phone

Phone owned for less than a year

*Don't own phone anymore*

This is an average phone. Build quality is fantastic, call reception is poor when you grip the phone, call quality is decent, internet is fairly fast but almost unusable because of the small display although the display is good with accurate colors and fairly bright and 326PPI is good. Music app is good but the speaker is VERY quiet. The camera is good but it's a shame you can't zoom in on video. On iOS 7 the device is very slow and lags a lot, gaming performance is bad too. GTA 3/Vice City is pretty much unplayable and it even lags on games like subway surfers. Text input is okay but you can't change the keyboard so if you don;t like it you have to deal with it but the keyboard is fine for me. The battery life is not the best i've seen but it;s still fairly good. For a phone which is nearly 4 years old it isn't that bad but I wouldn't recommend it as it is almost obsolete. If you are looking at this price range get a Motorola Moto G I couldn't recommended it enough it has much better specs than this! I don't own it but reviews are great! If you are interested I own a HTC One now.

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Aging SoC

Phone owned for more than a year

This is indeed an amazing phone.But it's SoC showed it's age when updated to the lastest iOS. Apple's A4 processor started to show it's age. iPhone 4 is the last device that uses A4 SoC that can support iOS7.

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Gets nasty

Phone owned for more than a year

It was good but now is catastrophe.
The IPhone 4 starts to lag really bad such as games like injustice.
It doesn't have Siri, airplay mirror, and the backlight sensor
While the iPhone 4S and above do. Though iPhone 4 can update to IOS 7, I don't recommend updating. It decreases 30 min of battery.

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Amazing but has aging problem

Phone owned for more than a year

It is a great phone was and still is but now after a year it sucks it freezes every once in a while and I just heard it isn't getting the full iOS 6 treatment and that sucks. I bought when I thought Samsung wasn't good enough but now I have the s 3 and had the s2 and I was wowed by both

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Amazing with minimal (but there) flaws

Phone owned for more than a year

Okay so I've had the iPhone for about two years now since it came out locally. I don't have a data plan but with intensive wifi usage it still gets me through the day and is really easy and fun to use. The keyboard is fast and responsive and even the autocorrect is something I've gotten used to. I have noticed the antenna gate problem but really never had any dropped calls and now with ios 5 while the battery may have reduced the phone is still a blast to use. The 5MP camera, while not top of the range anymore does a pretty good job and my only pain point is iTunes but iCloud has sorted about % of that problem too! Great phone overall and hope the iPhone 5 is as good as I expect it to be.

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Phone owned for less than 3 months

I did a review on the iPhone 4 that I had for just over 3 months and it is not a pretty thing. and to make things worst,, the iPhone 4S is no better? what the heck? why are iPhones surrounded with sooo much HYPE?

I have had iPhones in the past, so I figure that after a couple of years, I would see great improvement, but it didnt took me long to realize that other then some very few visual updates mainly to keep up with Android, there isnt much new or anything good enough to say that this phone is what it used to be for me years ago when there was no competition.. Not to mention is not even a 4G phone so the internet speeds are horrible..

Overall, I'm very disappointed.. I was expecting something better after experiencing the iPhone 4 and once again this new one failed to impress me one bit. Thanks to these last 2 iPhones now I'm convinced I made the wrong move so I went back to Android, but this time I got me Samsung Galaxy phones intead of the the HTC types.. Could not be any happier with my Samsung Infuse 4G and my personal phone the Samsung Skyrocket.

Anyways. Not sure what it is, but way back in the day when there was almost no competition, the iPhone was all that for me,, now,, there are like training toys before you come up to the real thing.. LOL Even my kids decided to get Windows Phones instead when they could had gone for the iPhone.. My Galaxy phones, specially my Galaxy S II Skyrocket, make any iPhone look like a missing link
I'm not even going to bother with the PRO/CONs section.. Overall experience = BORING..

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Incredible Device

Phone owned for less than a month

Not necessarily the best corporate device. However, it works and is USER FRIENDLY. If one would like to increase the usability and freedom, youtube jailbreaking your device and follow the easy, "wizard" steps. Excellent camera and resolution quality and access to all of iTunes fun and exciting applications. Superb processor. No need to jump to 4s unless you want an even faster device with slightly better hardware.

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Great smartphone

Phone owned for less than 3 months

Great phone. Everything runs fluid. There are some great apps and games on the App store for 1$. The screen is really awesome. The ecosystem is nice, integration with iTunes, the Apps, the accessories. Not the best hardware anymore, but still is way better than some dual core phones that are out there. It is very well made. I just think Apple doesn't allow some really good apps on the App store.

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Easy and fast with great App Store, but too limited

Phone owned for less than a year

It's not fair to comparing it with the new Samsung Galaxy S II(note that they are both expensive and Apple releases the new iPhone a year after the old one). So the alternative to me was the Samsung Galaxy S 1 and I prefer Android.
Anyway, the iPhone, alone by itself, is too limited(and I use out-of-the-box phones and don't jailbreak it), and doesn't have many customization options.
Otherwise, it's fast, smooth, has many updates guaranteed, great build quality and the biggest application market. However you have to pay for everything, I also dislike it's display(too small and the colors are twice less beautiful and bright compared to Super AMOLED, but it has great resolution and more real colors, depends on taste). And of course iTunes isn't a pleasure.
People who like stability, who likes phones extremely easy to use, and who like to buy-and-play music, apps, games without limitations, will love it. So I'm giving it a total of 9, because generally you can love it or hate it.

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Amazing Device

Phone owned for less than a year

I love this phone. This is the best phone i have ever had. Although it is not the best to try to customize because Apple is very particular about the sort of thing. I think its just to save us from our own self. I say that because I have jailbroken my phone and it does not work as smoothly if you download the wrong combination of hacks.

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Best smartphone

Phone owned for less than a year

I had an iPhone 3GS and i was very satisfied with it but iPhone 4 has all 3GS advantages plus some things that were missing from 3GS like LED flash. It's design is incredible, very comfortable in your hands, 3.5' screen is perfect, smartphones over 4' are bulky. Battery lasts long enough, more than a day with mid range usage. Gorilla glass in both sides will make sure that iPhone wont get a scratch but you should be careful with the sides of it cause they are vulnerable. Best multimedia player i ever saw and used. Only problem it's reception. Flash player is not so important since many sites have their own application. Generally better build quality than 3GS, faster and pretier. It worths its money.

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Great Phone

Phone owned for less than a year

very firm, made of the same glass as helicopter windshields, and aluminum that's 20x stronger than steel,m yet you can still drop it and have it shatter. -.-without a case, I repeatedly dropped calls, but when they aren't dropping call quality is great!

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best phone

Phone owned for less than 3 months

this is the best guys feel sorry for paying apps and settling unnecessary monthly bill,and your ego makes you think rich by paying it but just look around there are many things which can perform better than that.
I just had it for a month and I juz gave up for its lousy calls and really hate the camera,moreover,I can't check data usage and also video calls are only over wifi(kidding me huh?)

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hasty purchase

Phone owned for less than a year

bought two of these on the recommendation of a friend, that then proceeded to jailbreak his and is now going to the samsung infuse. Wifes phone crashed using a photo organizing app and was not easy to get to come back on. Not a lot of problems but there is some freezing up and stuttering on photo viewing or slide show viewing. Was disappointed right away by the lack of ability to sync with anything but iTunes and lack of a real blutooth transfer method. It is a great phone but keeps wanting money for things that are free on the android phones. I will next try a droid phone, this was an expensive lesson in not getting a complete understanding before purchasing this on the word of a friend and the at&t salesmen.

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apple 1phone 4

Phone owned for more than a year

The iphone is awesome.i like it very much . i have iphone 4. it is very gud .the camera is also very gud. it shape is very gud and its weight is also less. it is slim in body. its picture quality is very high. the iphone supports 1 lakh apps, 40,000 games and much has a wifi facility . It sports a new retina display on the front, which is made of toughened glass.The back of the iPhone 4 is also made from the same toughened glass.

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Phone owned for more than a year

Quite possibly the worst phone I have ever had, its over reliance on Apple's iTunes software is ridiculous in this day and age preventing you from just simply dragging and dropping files over. The worst thing though is the update process where it has to sync everything. WHY?!?!?! You deselect apps and movies so it won't take as long and it removes every single one of them on the device! This is an attricious piece of garbage that I have been stuck with for a year and will continue to have to use for another eight months

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This is a Good phone, very good once jailbroken

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I have always held a grudge against Apple as a company, however, they can make one heck of a phone. It feels well built (just a little paranoid about glass on back), it has a wonderful display, huge app-store and in general a very intuitive device. The one thing I would recommend though is that every user jailbreak as soon as possible to fix the small things (notifications, lockscreen info, etc) and customize for their preference (keyboard, icons, etc).

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superb touch phone

Phone owned for less than a month

nothing to say
Great phone

This is not a camera phone but camera quality and speed of taking pics is awesome. Its ratina highest-resolution screen makes it the best display amongst any phone. Front-facing video call camera is also good feature but doesnt work on 3G for video calling :(

apple is the best

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