Apple iPhone 4 Verizon User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Good phone for everyday use but down the road and a few apps later gets slowed down.

Phone owned for more than a year

This phone is great for anything you would encounter on a daily basis...except drops this phone gets wrecked when you drop it due to the glass front and back of the phone so a case is a must have. the call quality is great the camera is average if that. the battery life is not very good overall this is a great first apple product.

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I wish that I haven't every got this phone

Phone owned for less than a year

My frist Iphone 4, the screen didnt shut off when on calls...My second one the volume buttons stop working...third one the power button stop working..forth one stop charging...fifth one had dead pixels in the display...

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If you have to have an iPhone...get the 5s

Phone owned for more than a year

My dad owns this phone but I use it quite a bit. This phone is relatively easy to use but I would prefer Android for multiple reasons. This phone is easily scratched. This always has an below average internet connection and using the app store lags SO MUCH. The call quality is pretty good and the camera was great for its time and good for beginners. The battery lasts about 2 days with moderate usage and the speed is ok. Finally, the display really is too small.

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Had a lot of phones and this was by far the worst

Phone owned for more than a year

So I have gone through a lot of phones in my life time, already. I had the LG enV2 then the enV3(as a replacement phone by insurance) then I got this thing. I would bring my phone to school starting out with 100% use maybe 10 minutes worth of us throughout the day and by the end it would end up with maybe 4% on a good day,so to say the least the battery life is crap. The apps can work really well, and that's one of the 2 things I acutally liked about this phone. The other being having an app store, so you don't get monthly charger to your account like you do on other phones. Though after a few months of having the phone the apps began to crash I even kept updating the software thinking maybe that was the problem,but nope. The internet was slow about 85% of the time and crashed a lot. Bottom line; DO. NOT. BUY.

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Nice apple product

Phone owned for less than 3 months

From all the divices I have owned, counting tablets and gadgets: this device is by far a great piece of technology with an equaly controlled envieroment that allows you to do whatever the phone wants ... yes, whatever the phone wants. Not waht you want.
I rather stay wit a device that I can contro :)

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Impressive quality, but constricting interface

Phone owned for more than a year

I purchased an iPhone 4 for my wife, and she absolutely loves it, with literally no complaints at all. If she were writing this review, the phone would get a perfect 10. I acknowledge the phone build quality is amazing, the camera is great, its easy to use, just a great device.

For me, this phone is frustrating when compared to Android. I love being able to tweak things exactly the way I want like choosing a launcher, custom icons, sounds, effects, emulators, unlocking capabilities life tethering, etc... iOS will give you none of this unless you jailbreak, or just say no and go with Android. I also HATE iTunes because it forces you to use it for syncing MP3's, but on my Android I just copy and paste files like a USB flash drive. I noticed apps are typically more expensive for iPhone vs Android as well.

So again, this is a great phone, but it's not for everyone if you're picky like me. I prefer Android, but in the iPhone's defense it is more stable than my Android phone, better battery life, and it has been easier to use on trips than my phone was.

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Phone owned for less than 3 months

I have had iPhones in the past, so I figure that after a couple of years, I would see great improvement, but it didnt took me long to realize that other then some very few visual updates mainly to keep up with Android, there isnt much new or anything good enough to say that this phone is what it used to be for me years ago when there was no competition.. Not to mention is not even a 4G phone so the internet speeds are horrible.. Overall,, I'm very disappointed.. I'm not even going to bother with the PRO/CONs section.. Overall experience = BORING..

My phones on ATT now: (Samsung Skyrocket and Samsung Infuse 4G) make any iphone look like a missing link..

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Best Phone

Phone owned for more than a year

This an amazing device. No one should be with out it. i just cant wait for the 5. This the best phone i have ever had to date.


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Phone owned for less than a year

I always switch my phone every month or two. It's only because I want the latest greatest Smartphone. I've had about 8 phones since 2007 and once the iPhone4 came to Verizon, i decided to switch and this is the longest I've ever had a phone. It is amazing, its clear, it has everything right. Escpecially since my battery life lasts around 7-9 hours! I love my iPhone4! I'm only 15 and all i want is Apple!

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best smartphone ive ever had!!!!!

Phone owned for less than a month

i just got this phone last week and it is awesome love the internet, apps, camera. i had a droid incredible and it sucked i went thru 3 in 6 months because of glitches and bad batterys worse phone i ever owned!!!!! so glad i was able to finally get the white iphone4!!!!! highly recommend it!!!!!! apple never disapoints!!!!!

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No competition

Phone owned for less than 3 months

If your looking for a smartphone that is reliable easy to use and has excellent multimedia then look no further. I am planing on buying the Iphone 6 when it comes out but till then I am not disappointed. The droids are good but in my experience don't buy an lte phone yet it isn't worth it and prepare to be very careful with droids as they tend to get viruses. As for blackberry and palm don't bother you will be happier with this.

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Meh, why all the hype?

Phone owned for less than a month

Activated one to see why all the hype. Everything is so expensive on the app store, not to mention the accessories. Adding multiple recipients in text messages is a nightmare. Can you make the calling application harder to use? I really though having it on Verizon would mean no dropped calls, that is a hoax. The user interface is very boring. I don't like a bunch of squares. Couldn't we have some personality. Internet is really limited. Do I really have to hook it up to iTunes for everything? Seriously?

Okay, now to the good. Love the screen, love the screen. The phone feels great in my hand. The app store has everything! Tons of cool games. I like that you can synchronize iPod, iPad, and Apple TV. People think I am cooler carrying one. I could probably hang out with movie stars now that I have one.

I am going back to my Droid X2.

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Phone owned for less than a month

Very good phone. Wanted it for a while. Got it before Verizon got rid of unlimited data. One thing that I don't like is that you can not set the phone to vibrate when screen is being used like many other phones. I liked this because I new if I pushed the screen or not. battery has been good so far and it can always be replaced if it ever goes bad. (Verizon store guy said it couldn't but really it can). Sure the new iPhone will be coming out soon but this will do just fine for the next 2 years.

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Beats all other Android devices out there

Phone owned for less than a month

Best phone I have ever owned - no doubt. And trust me, I go through a lot of phones. I have owned the Devour, original Droid, Droid Incredible, Droid X, Droid Pro, and the Droid Charge - as you can see, I go through phones a lot - and this beats them all.

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Teenage trolls

Phone owned for less than a year

First of all, don't trust a review when they can't even spell some of the most common english words. Maybe they were typing on an android keyboard, I don't know.

I had the Droid x, Droid incredible, and the Droid 2. I liked them. However I went through 4 x phones. Incredible had battery issues and the D2 I just didn't care for.

The iPhone is solid. It's reliable. The Internet is fine with no flash. You will find most sites have adapted. Sites such as espn. Big time sites have made iPhone specific sites. Full sites not wap. The flash argument is dead.

It is true a lot of apps cost money. But if paying 99 cents bothers you I'm not sure what to say.

I miss androids free google navigation a lot, but the positives (batt life, stability, still more apps) far outweighed the negatives.

If you are an MLB fan the Droids struggle with the live video. iPhones work perfectly. Google it, I am not making it up.

Also still no movie or tv rentals on android phones. iTunes is a huge advantage especially if you have kids and need them entertained for a half hour.

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Great Phone, just not for me

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I have had many phones over the past few years from several android phones, to symbian s60, to palm web os devices, but I had never had the iphone so when Verizon picked it up I bought it that same week. The build quality is a notch above basically every other phone out there and IOS is fluid, easy to use, and nice to look at, the keyboard really is the best and the camera took amazing photos and video. I really had not complaints. In the end the what brought me back to android was the lack of cusomizability and the lack of options as far as hardware (I personally like a 4" or 4.3" screen).

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Great phone on a better network!

Phone owned for less than a month

I know I haven't had the Verizon iPhone 4 very long but I've had the iPhone 4 in general for a while. The iPhone 4 is a great device, simply put! It may not have the "wow factor" and shine of Android but I found that some of the features that Android claims to have doesn't work that great. The hardware and software (both iOS and apps) on the iPhone 4 equally work very good. Some are afraid of the antenna issues. I noticed it more on the AT&T version but on the Verizon version its not as bad, actually haven't seen any signal drops. I have a thin silicone case on mine and I have full service all the time. The iPhone is good for any user and I highly recommend it! In short the iPhone is a reliable phone and even better on the Verizon network.

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This phone is absolutely amazing.

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I've had this phone for almost 3 months now and I absolutely loved it. I've had a Droid incredible and driod x. Along with on T-Mobile a flashed HD2. I couldn't stand android, for the one reason of battery. Yeah, it's cool to have a widget that shows updates on your facebook, but I'd rather not have that and have a phone that last all day. The texting is perfect, it's hard to mess up on a word. It has the best touch I've ever seen. Along with the retina display. I've never seen it so good on a phone. And when you compare the droid incredible 8mp to the iPhone 5MP, the iPhone kills the phones quality. iPhone 4 has the best quality for a camera I've ever seen, better then most digitals. It's fast, it's really fast. I'm almost positive the majority of the people giving this phone bad ratings has never even seen an iPhone 4. The phone is not slightly slow, and it doesn't freeze until you jailbreak and load it with tons of jailbroken apps. I love my iPhone, and i'm around 65% around 8 hour of heavy use.

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Way Better than ATT Iphone

Phone owned for less than 3 months

This phone is AMAZING! I had the 3gs with ATT and let me tell you Verizons service is way faster in my opinion! I have had the Evo with Sprint also and I honestly think the Iphone 4 on verizon is faster than the 3g service on the Evo. I dont work in the cellphone industry but i have had almost any phone you could think of from the optimus to the evo and the iphones. I love love the Iphone by far. It has never locked up or disapointed me!!

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Fair opinion

Phone owned for less than a month

The iphone has a superior build quality, as most droid phones use plastic, including for the screens (not Googles fault, it's the phone maker). The ui on the iphone4 is superior in every aspect, from text messaging, email, phone book navigation, to photo editing/viewing. It's a cleaner and much smoother navigation experience. The iphone 4 has been flawless, with not one software problem. When I was with att, I couldn't talk on the 3gs for more than 10 minutes with a dropped call, regardless if I had reception or not. I would have anywhere from 2-4 dropped calls daily. Once I went back to Verizon (although they nickle and dime their customers) the reception is great. I have not had a dropped call (not a single one) with either my incredable, or my iphone4, which I've had for a month now.

I would like to see a faster processor, and a 4" screen (no larger). I could comment on a better camera, video experience, and louder volume. But really... it's a fantastic phone/camera/music player/video player/photo viewer/internet device/gps unit/gaming device..... what more do you want from a "phone"? I'm just glad it I can make a call on it...
Android/Google have come a long way in a short peroid of time, and have a fantastic ui; however at this time in the game, I'm partial to ios... Plus I hate the skins, and the time it takes for the phone manufacturers to update their verision, keep it clean guys, stock Android!!!

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It's ok but I can wait

Phone owned for less than a month

I work in the cell phone industry and I have to say, the Iphone is nice.
I have owned every smartphone from blackberry to android.
I owned a droid x before purchasing the Iphone.

The Iphone interface is very polish. The transition to different screens is very smooth.
There are many free applications in the App store.
I have to say that I do appreciate not having to worry about running apps like you do on the android.
The call quality is very good. Yes better than my droid x.

Here is what I don't like:
- no customization (you can't change the home screen unless you jailbreak it)
- notifications aren't bold enough (notifications can be set for each item such as email, text, etc..)
- no widgets (if you have a droid and know how to use it you will miss not having certain items right on the screen)

Overall, I feel if you have to keep a phone for 20 months, you should wait for the 4g phones. However, this phone is good for the basic smartphone user. I will be getting the phone for my mother because the android is too much of a phone for her, but she needs more than a blackberry.

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End User

Phone owned for less than 3 months

I find that the Verizon Iphone to be a very reliable phone. Good connection, better than ATT iphone. I also own an Ipad with ATT 3g, it is less reliable than the Verizon Iphone 3g. In some areas, the 3g between ATT and Verizon are the same, in other, ATT does not work, while Verizon has strong 3g signal.
I looked at the EVO Shift, but he android apps seemed buggy relative to the Iphone apps. I am satisfied with the overall performance of the Iphone 4, and definitely happier than with my previous smartphone (Omnia).

I don't think many of the criticism about the Iphone 4 seems to be deserved, but there is one critique which is true. You cannot use the internet while making a telephone call. Other than that one issue, the Verizon Iphone 4 is superior in connection to the ATT Iphone 4.

As for Andriod phones, I think they still need to work the bugs out of the apps. Also, I notice many of the android phones lack the front facing camera for video conferencing.

Using Tango app for 3g video conferencing worked well with the Verizon Iphone 4. Hundreds of frees apps, as compared to a few dozen andriod apps. I would choose an Iphone over an android phone for now, including the HTC Evo shift (complicated, and not as user friendly. Also lacks video conference camera.).

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Stop Trolling

Phone owned for less than a month

It is pretty obvious that there are some people on here just trolling, and have possibly never even used the phone, to actually give an honest opinion about something you have to use it for more than just a couple of days, unless its absolutely unusable, which i know for a fact, this does not describe the iPhone, although it may not be perfect. The build quality is fantastic, it suffers from some problems, but the actual quality of the materials is top notch, the browser is amongst the best, android's is the same, its all based on the same webkit engine. The camera is great, there is no need for an 8 megapixel camera on a phone, if your basing your phone purchase on the camera then your doing it wrong, you will not see a difference in a 5 megapixel to an 8 megapixel phone camera, do a little research and you will see why, people just automatically think bigger is better, but its not. The battery life is amongst the best. Much better than any android phones, but this is not androids fault, it is the phones, hardware, Apple just has this down to a better science. The display is very crisp and clean. There is a lot of hype built around the screen, but you will not notice a difference in picture quality unless you compare it with another phone side by side. The death grip is much overplayed, but still a problem, i never squeeze my phone as a hard as i can when i am talking on it, that is the only way i have noticed an issue, that being said, it is still not the best.

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Yawn... Boring!

Phone owned for less than a month

After using Android this phone is just so uninteresting. Boring user interface, no customazation, apps are almost all paid, no good free apps. The whole experience was just like GOING BACK instead of progressing. I also don't like how the sides feel in your palm, they are too sharp.

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Phone owned for less than a month

I pre-ordered it on verizon and had it in my hands on 2/7. Since then, I can't stop playing with it! I haven't had any antenna issues and calls are crystal clear! It had a MUCH better battery than my prior phone- the DroidX. Also, the speed is unmatched- no matter how many apps I have, it hasn't slowed down the phone at all! FINALLY the Iphone!!!

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