Apple iPhone 3G User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

It's fine, but not all that.

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After standing in line back in July to get this thing,  have to say, I'm dissapointed. We have 3 Iphones in out home, all 3 have had to be exchanged, replaced, or had major defects. My first one ran hot and sucked battery life to death in less than 30 minutes. It was deemed defective, and replaced. 2nd one had a small pressure crack in the bottom, 3rd one had massive hardware defects. The 3G modem was resetting constantly therefore dropping more calls than the average Iphone already did, which was a lot. My partner had one that refused to charge, and my roomie has also exhanged hers twice. The device itself is sexy, smooth, and beautful. But very buggy! The web-browsing and email with mobile me, are really all thats worth anything. The phone drops calls constantly, it's terrible. The 3G only works a fraction of the time somone else with an ATT phones might. I can stand next to 2 Iphones and 2 regular att 3g phones (the shine, or something like that) and both iphones might be with different bars, one on edge, on on 3g, and both regular phones blaring strong 3G. Buggy device. The apps are for the most part worthless. Fun, and cute, but 99.5 % of the apps offered do very little productive or even addictivly entertaining. The photos and graphics are very nice. The camera is awful! Worse than an old Nokia bar style phone. I MEAN TERRIBLE! No flash, no zoom, no nothing. And slow shutter. No MMS is still a drag and the lack of more than one app at a time running really hurts the devices abilities. It's a good Ipod, good for photo browsing, good for webbrowsing. The rest, needs work. It also scratches terribly easy and the battery life is awful.

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Worst Service Ever

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The iPhone is a second rate phone on a third rate network.  The iPhone is just popular because it has apple behind it, and even that fact makes it a terrible phone.  There is nothing about this phone that is better than the Storm, the Omnia, or the Dare. 
I hated the fact that I never had a battery to remove when it starts to act up which was more than often.  AT&T never helped me at all, I had to go straight to Apple for any problems I had, which was like trying to get my three year old niece to figure out my trig homework.  I never had service, and when I had service every other call was either garbbled or dropped.  The phone only works in its extremely limited, slow network.  On my last road-trip to Vegas, my Storm was the only phone in the car out of three different networks that actually worked the entire way there.
The facts are simple, my Storm has the same amount of memory for music, syncs faster to my music, has a better camera, a faster network behind it, and my Storm acutally sends and recieves picture messages!!  The iPhone is the only phone i know of that has a camera, a poor one at that, and doesn't send/recieve picture or video messages!  Plus my Storm recieves e-mails so much faster and more effeciently!  I am an actor and depend on my e-mails for audition times and places from my agent.  On top of it all, the navigation system is simply amazing!
I am a man of facts.  The iPhone is just inferior.  It's no wonder Verizon didn't want this phone.  I give the iPhone a three on a scale of 1 - 10 mearly for the fact if nothing else it is an ok media player.

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Almost Perfect

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I personally think the iPhone is one of the best phones on the market. I know that there are some crucial features missing, none of these are deal breakers. If you notice, nearly every new phone is immediately compared to the iPhone and there must be a reason for that.

My major qualm with the iPhone is that AT&T's service isn't as good as Verizon's. Don't get me wrong, its decent service, its just Verizon's is better. Not really sure why they passed up this opportunity, but they've definitely lost customers because of it.

Battery life could be better on the iPhone. Its pretty good, but if you start using it a lot, it drops significantly. Standby life is crazy, usage not so much. I would recommend turning off some features when not using them, definitely Wi-Fi, 3g in spotty areas, Location services, bluetooth, brightness, push and fetch settings.

Lack of MMS is something that also bothers me. I'm not an avid user of MMS, but I like having the feature for when I do use it.

Copy & Paste is something that others have complained about, but I don't really see the need for it. Others do, so I can see why they would want it. Its a basic feature.

The design on the iPhone is really amazing. It really does set the standard for other phones. I've haven't encountered another phone that catches my eye more than the iPhone 3g. White or Black. It would be nice if it was a little thinner, but considering all that the phone does, it makes sense that its a bit on the thicker side. Nonetheless, it feels great in your hands. This also means it breaks your heart whenever you drop it. :(

The UI compliments the design with its cleanliness and simplicity. Icons look great with the screen's resolution and so does the iPod's interface. Extremely user friendly as well.

The 3g is a definite plus. I don't really know what people expect from this phone, obviously its not going to run as fast as a computer would or with Wi-Fi, but for me 3g is really fast and Edge isn't as painfully slow as people make it out to be. 3g does drain the battery a bit more, so keep that in mind.

The iPhone essentially has an iPod touch built in and it's awesome. I have both so I didn't load all my music and videos and I use the iPod feature sparingly, again to save battery life. Its nonetheless a great feature to have and the speakers are decent for playing music/videos for friends.

The camera is pretty good all things considered. Even though its only 2 megapixels, photos look great on it. It shouldn't be your digital camera, but its great for quick snapshots and contact ID's.

Safari is probably the best feature on the iPhone. It's been labeled as the best mobile browser around and I agree. It really is like having the internet in your pocket.

The application store allows for almost endless possibilities, Only issue is probably Apple's strict process of submitting apps. This is probably the only place where I feel the G1, is better than the iPhone, but only slightly.

There are a ton more pros to the iPhone that I'm not mentioning. There's the Youtube app, Wi-Fi, iTines store, Mail with Exchange Support, Maps, and more.

The iPhone is an all around great phone, not so much for business folk, but great for most. People tend to bash it for a bunch of reasons. I think a lot of people don't like that it has an Apple logo on it. You should keep this in mind when reading reviews. Its tough to find an objective one. I personally think its the phone to beat and thus far no one has done it.

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This has been the best phone I have ever owned. I did first purchase the first iphone when it came out and had to stand in line to get my hands on one. I loved it! As soon as the new 3g came out later, I did switch because it was a faster network. Not going to lie, but the battery is a little weak and it can get scratches but what phone does not? There are products out there that you can protect any device you want. It's just that simple. The app. store is great with soo many features. You can download any app. for any type of need that you have. The games you can download are some of the best I have ever played on a mobile device. The resolution is the best I have ever seen on a cell phone let alone video. Love the storage it comes with so there is no hassle with buying small memory cards that you can lose easily. The touch screen is accurate and the sound quality is great. Love the fact that you can sync music and videos with itunes. Texting is great and easy. Even if you misspelled a word, it corrects it for you. Receiving e-mail with pop3 is another feature I use daily. Also using the web is fast and switching to wifi is great when you are in a hot spot. All in all I am very happy with this phone and will not switch to another device. Unless apple makes a third gen. iphone.

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the shItphone is so slow and the worst buy of my life. worthless phone. apple should just drop it. it makes the competition look awesome. and plus it is easy to scratch.

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It has its problems. But it has some great features.

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iphone 3g

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This phone makes me feel all funny inside but it also horasses me it told me i was fat. and the good thing about it was that it has its own cheez it maker hello hello ola not a olace go vertigo but this phone is an iphone which makes me Self concious And It makes me PEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPINESS HAPPY HOLIDAYS

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It's an improvement.

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I've finally managed to get my hands on the highly anticipated iPhone 3G. I presume most are familiar with the previous iPhone model, so the format of my review will be a comparison of the two phones.First, the form factor does not seem to be that different. The earphone jack and back cover seem to be only exterior features of the phone that have changed. The earphone jack is no longer recessed deeply into the phone, allowing for enhanced compatibility with other earphones. Also noticeable is the plastic back cover of the phone, which was previously aluminum. It makes the phone feel glossier, a bit lighter, and perhaps a bit more prone to smudges.Writing much about iPhone OS 2.0 doesn't seem necessary to me because it is available on both phones. However, I will tell you that the App Store is fantastic, and a much welcomed addition to the device. In addition, Microsoft Exchange appeared to be a significant selling point to many of whom I spoke to on the line. It seems that Apple may have brought a few business customers to its platform today. We'll see.3G is obviously the main selling point of the device. Without a doubt, it is noticeably faster than EDGE. It isn't "quite" as rapid as WiFi, but it is probably more comparable in speed to WiFi than EDGE. Test it out in a store and see for yourself.GPS is also a favorable addition. The new version of the "Maps" application is extraordinarily accurate in pinpointing one's location on the map. Plus, GPS can be used in several location based applications, such as the newly released "Loopt". Very valuable, in my opinion.The most unexpected upgrade to the phone was the improvement in audio quality. I used the previous iPhone model for a year, and after a half a day's worth of usage on the new iPhone, I can say that there is a noticeable difference. The speaker and receiver are clearer.In conclusion, 3G, GPS and better audio quality make this device superior. Otherwise, it seems very similar to its predecessor.

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The best phone I have ever owned

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My 16gb white iPhone is the best phone I have owned hands down. My phone has awesome build quality no sharp edges no dead pixels the phone is very tight. built the 29th week of 2008 its just solid. Coming from the previous iPhone the 3G is much faster then my old phones edge service and the GPS works great pinpoints my exact location in just seconds. I have had no problem with battery life it is similar to my previous iPhone and last me a whole day with medium use. The 2.0 software does have some bugs but nothing that cant be fixed with a quick update from apple. The app store is a very nice feature and there is some pretty cool stuff on there and with alot of new programs in the works it will add some exciting new features in the future. Typing on the keyboard is easy it will take maybe a day of practice but after you get the hang of it there wont be a problem and you will be able to type with ease. Overall it is a great entertainment device.

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Terrific, Truly Outstanding

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Went out and purchased this yesterday. Love it. Truly a great phone, and in some cases, really a step up from the last one.

It feels terrific in the hand. This is slightly due to plastic back, which doesn't feel cheap at all, and it is also due to the slight curvature of the back, which fits perfectly to the contours of your hand.

The screen looks great, again. I believe it is the same screen, but it has a bigger black border surrounding it, bringing out the colours even more.

The speaker quality is also fantastic. Blows the first gens speakers out of the water. Still a mono speaker, but much louder, and much crisper.

3G is fast. Very fast. Great data speeds that make browsing the beautiful safari web browser a wonderful experience.

GPS seems to work great. Tried it out a couple of times. Turn it on in the car, it pinpoints you and even has a little blue dot that follows the movement of the car, just like Jobs showed in the keynote.

The app store is brilliant and there are a ton of wonderful apps. The iPhone is now a gaming system, its got real applications, not just phone apps. Most of the applications are very cheap, and indeed, a lot of them are free.

Overall, a brilliant piece of technology that more and more people should take a look into.

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Awsome computer, and phone works too

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The only reason I didn't give this a perfect 10 is because of the battery life, but other than that its every thing I wanted in a personal device for keeping up my contacts, calendar, to-do-list, notes, searching in white pages, or looking up business in a yellow pages, weather & financial reports, emails, a map in case you need direction to look for a place, a camera for that impromptu shot, listen to your favorite music, games to play while you're waiting for an appointment, surf the Internet, and yes the phone quality is great. Since I got my 3G iPhone when they first came out in July, the apps have double. Some of the free apps have been very useful for me.

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I have been using this device for 3 weeks now and I am ready to write my review.I resisted the iPhone for a very long time because of small things like the lack of voice dialing and limited customization. I was also a little put out by all the iPhone haters that write poor reviews (even though they obviously never owned the phone). I did not want to give up my one touch-hands free- dialing on my built in bluetooth in my truck, nor did I want to lose the custom ringtones and graphics on my blackberry.I finally broke down and decided to try it. I figured I had little to lose since I could just return it and cancel the service plan if I did not like it. I even arranged with the AT&T store that I would pay no restocking fee if I returned the phone.After three weeks I am completely hooked. This is the most amazing cellular device I have ever owned (and I have owned a little of everything). It is not a perfect device but it is the best device out there. I am giving it high ratings for that very reason. Not because it is perfect but because I truly believe it is the best available.Before I go into pros and cons I do have to say that this device is a far cry better than the first iPhones which I played with for hours on end in the AT&T stores. The speakers are better, the features are better, and the hardware in general is better.This phone is truly like having a mini computer/ multimedia communications device in your pocket. Calling it a phone is a true lack of understanding of what it real is...a true marvel of technology. I hope it continues to advance and improve. I cannot imagine how good it will get.

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iPhone 3G review.

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I finally purchased the iPhone, and to my dismay I was fairly disappointed with the battery life, I was under the impression I had an up to date software (2.1). But it was actually the 2.0 software, once it was updated, and fully charged, the battery lasts way longer.
At first I was confused about how it would work when I was using it as an iPod and received calls, or when the head phones were in and not in use, and I recieved a call. Apple managed to find the perfect way to make everything work, that is with the apple ear buds. When listening to music, and receiving a call, there is a microphone on the earbuds, that is small and easy to use. call quality is not compromised. When the iPod is not in use, and the ear buds are in the iPhone, it still rings out loud.
There are only a few very minor things I would like to have that arent available. When txting on most touch screen phones, you turn them sideways to txt on the larger keyboard, I was disappointed and surprised when I realised that wasnt an option.
Other then my minor disappointments, the iPhone still remains my favorite phone to date. The texting system is easy to use, using safari is easy and convenient, the speakers sound very nice. I also enjoy the "silence" switch on the side, very handy. App system is the best found on any phone available, beautiful screen, and the touch interface is light years ahead of any other smart phone available. If the battery not lasting more than a day isnt an issue, I would seriously consider the iPhone 3G as a handset. You will not regret it.

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Fancy Toy

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I've had the phone a week,  It has a lot of nice toys on it and everything is great, UNLESS you want a telephone!  I have yet to get through the day with a battery left that works.  I don't know where they get their figures, but after 2 hours and 15 minutes  the phone is DEAD.  The voice that the party on the other end hears is sometimes squeaky and unclear, as for the receiver part, it's fairly good with moments of distortion.  I am going to get something else!

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Little girls phone

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This phone will completely impress 14 year old girls, btu as far as a useful business tool, forget it. How did apple EVER figure it was OK to sell a phone with 3 hour battery life. this thing is a great toy to show off to your teenage girlfriends, but otherwise useless. I wish i could get out of my contract!!!

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Should do more for $500 price tag

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Ok, so I popped for the iPhone 3G 16GB version and so far, not too bad. I love the touch screen, ability to add more apps, built in ipod and large storage capacity.Things I think apple SHOULD have included with this 2nd generation of phone for the $500+ price tag. ARE YOU LISTENING APPLE????1) Flash for the camera. - Seriously? No LED flash? The camera quality reminds me of my old Olympus 3030 without a flash. Come on guys, it's 2008 and you can't get decent quality from a built in camera??? Or add a $0.50 LED as a flash???2) Bluetooth issues - When you are using a bluetooth device such as an earpiece and you turn OFF said earpiece, why does the phone continue to search for a device OVER and OVER and OVER again eating up all my battery life??? You would think they could be like all the other phones and WAIT for a signal form the BT device to re-activate the PAIR... Back to the drawing board boys...3) WiFi power hog - Wow, just when I thought the phone couldn't draw more power... WRONG. The WiFi connection eats electrical power like Godzilla at a buffet. Unless you are plugged into 3mile island for your power source, forget WiFi and stick to 3G.4) Handsfree dialing - Why can't Apple include voice activated diailing with a $500 phone? Really?? Blackberry has a WONDERFUL voice activated dialing interface that works through the bluetooth device. Press the little button on your BT headset and say "Call (name here)", the voice command interface will call that person in about 3 seconds. VERY handy for those of us who are REQUIRED to use a handsfree device. AND NO, I DON'T WANT TO PAY FOR AN AFTERMARKET APP TO DO THIS. $500 for a phone should be enough to cover this app.5) Picture text messaging - MMS Service. The nice folks at apple will tell you how to send pictures via email to another phone ( phone number @ ) however, ask them how to RECEIVE pictures from people who don't have internet access on their phones. Uh, Err, Ummm.....  Yea, thanks a lot APPLE...6) Video - Although not a necessity, this would be an added bonus for those of us who like to record small snippets of life and send them to friends.Lastly, battery power. Really, the battery should last the entire day, not half a day, not a few hours, ALL DAY long. 16+ hours with NORMAL use.

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A nice toy

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The phone is very pretty, and the touch screen is nifty, of course aimed at teenage girls or even some little boys who need to think they have the coolest gadgets. (great marketting apple!) but when it comes to performance this thing sucks... I hate the battery life, It should last for more than 1 hour of playing around with the touch screen, the thing drops calls all the time, and it freezes or hangs all the time, just stops responding for 5, 10, 30 mins or more. I do like the music player, but if this is all I wanted, i would have bought an iPOD! Now I must admit I do press the phone hard and try to make it do all the things it was made to do, but for crying out loud, it should do what it was made to do. No Media messaging sucks, but at least I can attach a pic and sent it, more of a pain, but it works. I wish I had a flash!!! inside pics suck. My husband has a old HTC Touch and I have Touch envy... I wish my phone could do half the things his can!

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I can't believe I thought I'd get a deal with the iphone.  Sure it's slick and does certain things really well, but cmon! It doesnt even send a picture message. I thought for sure the new one would. I loved most things about this phone, the screen is really big and colorful, and the touchscreen worked really well. But it was AT&T's service that absolutely sucked! If this phone was on any other network it would be a beauty! PLUS, even though they lowered the price of the phone, they upped the price of the monthly package for it. All in all I returned it. I was really dissappointed!

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Not as great as people think

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I must admit that the phone is attractive and thin. However, the phone does have several limitations and I am rather dissapointed with it and I regret getting one:

battery life - runs out rather quickly, need to recharge at least once a day, if not twice. Battery can not be removed by owner and must be sent in to apple to exhcange. A very strong negative in my opinion.

no cut and paste

cannot create word, excel or ppt. Strong limitation for buisness users.

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Phone owned for

i phone is a really good one but AT - T sucks. its says 3G is very fast but only if you have good signals .AT- T most of the time has Edge network which is pretty slow. I used i phone for 3 weeks and returned it because without good signals its not worth it.

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Went through 5 bad iphones. Apple products are not as hype as people make them. Used the phone for 3.5 weeks and paid the restocking fee to take this phone off my hands. Waste of money and a hassle if you end up getting a defective phone.

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I think this phone is not for people with small brains becoz it can be quite confusing, but anyway i think this is the best phone eva!!
The best thing on the iphone is everything abwt it.The games r amazing cnt believe it!omG!!!

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More than I expected

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Overal great phone or better to say great handcomputer. Inimitable music, video and podcast experience. Love Appstore and the fact that I can test and buy songs via itune build-in.
Perfect e-mail from my office via microsoft exchage.
Internet browser really useful and fast.
Best of all the extra applications you can have most of them for free.
Easy of use, fantastic sync with my calendar and contacts from my laptop.
Don't care so mutch about the camera since I prefer to use that as graphic-reminder and take good pictures with my 10 mega camera and then sync as many pics as I want doe to 16 gb storage.

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the best; but did apple cut costs by cutting the durability?

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this phone is really the best, although apple removed the original aluminum backing (which did cut the durability and the price) they made up for it with 3G, GPS, a .1 oz. reduction in weight, and a cool new backing. although it is also a hair thicker (.48 in. compared to .46 in.) i still prefer it over the original and as the best original idea phone on the market. most phones on the top ranked list copied the iphone's original design! cant anyone come up with an original design today?

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soooo much better than the Dare

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the 3g is one of the best phones ive laid my hands on. if you doubt my credible opinion I WORK FOR VERIZON. im a technician for VZW and i can tell you the dare doesnt come close to what the iphone can do. even asthetically, its no where near it. its better on battery life, it runs an AMAZING operating system, and you can easily sync it with your computer through Itunes. no complicated software or warranty process. APPLE BACKS UP THEIR EQUIPMENT!!!! its got a ton of awesome and FREE applications that are just fun to have like: PhoneSaber, CubeRunner, TapTap Revenge, Pandora(free internet radio) and Loopt (gps based location/chat/directions with your fellow iphone carrying friends). Not to mention a ton of applications that you can pay for that are more than worth it. you can download songs from Itunes through any wifi connection too! when it comes to my equipment that i pay top dollar for, i dont mess around with a carrier that buys cheap handsets. i cant go back to a normal phone now!!! there is NO PHONE BETTER THAN THE IPHONE 3G!

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