Apple iPhone 3G User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Iphone 3g 8gb

Phone owned for more than a year

It was my first phone, I was using it for more than three years. It used to be really great smartphone at the time, fast and quite powerful, but now I cannot recommend it to anybody. Today it is only capable of calling and texting. Just forget about it. Nothing to stare at.

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Phone owned for more than a year

Over 3 years ago when I literally tested all the best smart phones out there including the so called first iPhone killer the "Samsung Instinct" LOL this phones only took 10 minutes to convinced me that it was by far the best..

It may be too late to submit a quick review on it, but figure I take the time and do so.. :)

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Good Phone

Phone owned for more than a year

I loved it. It was a really great phone. I loved the texting on it and it was good with everyday use. One of the things i didn't like was the battery. I would get bored sometimes and i would only use it for a few hours and it would die. You have to charge it whenever you can. Another thing is the internet. It was pretty slow most of the time and it was choppy when you moved it around.

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The best phone ever!

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This is the best phone ever. Design: It just looks amazing, doesn't it?Features:So many apps, for like everything. And so many are free. Performance: Easy to operate, and very quick.I <3 iPhone

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Great Phone

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im 15 and ive had this phone since sept of 08 and its a really good phone but the only bad thing about it is that it will freeze up and i have 2 restart it and sometimes it wont pull up hte webpage and i have 2 restart it or something like that but other then that its a really good phone and it takes great pics!!! and all of the apps on it are really fuin!!!
i would recomend this phone!!!!!!!

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smart move

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I had been with verizon for almost 4 yrs until recently i had some billing issues that couldnt be resolved with them , so i cancelled my service with verizon.I was hesitant to go with AT&T but i thought wht the heck ...i purchased the iphone about 2 weeks ago and am blown away by the features that acompany such an outstanding device, the only thing i dont like is the lack of MMS, which by my understanding, there would be an update for it this month,and it is true what everyone is saying ,having an iphone does cost more ,but only about 5 bucks a month which is a drop in the bucket,i am used to having to pay for the unlimited data plan and unlimited messaging , and the only price dif is the messaging , not a big deal, AT&T service is acually better so not a bad deal ..KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK APPLE/AT&T!!!!!!!!

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Insane junk (in a good way)

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OMG what a phone its so cool it gives me chocolate ice cream and it makes the best grilled cheese EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Iphone is amazing. the keyboard is a little small but they are fixing that. The size is perfect but, if you dont get some type of case for it, you feel like you will drop it. People complain about crashing. But on any other phone you will lose "all" data. So Iphone does not crash, it reboots.

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"I" 'm not to thrilled with this "Phone"

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Was on the fence about renewing my contract w/ the guys in blue but decided to give the IPhone 3G a chance earlier this year.  I initially liked the touchscreen interaction over that of the BBerry Storm and the apps were easier to download rather than going through BBerry's new App World.  However, it only took me a month to break it.  Device started cramping up while in the web and occassionally I'd have to re-boot it just to make the phone hang up.  Heard from a friend some IPhones were exhibiting this characteristic where if you hang up too quick the device wont hang up at all and guess who was the lucky owner of one of these "lucky" few.  Got the device replaced but was thouroughly dissappointed when the replacement starting kicking me off the web and not every once in a while but everytime!  Took it back to the "Fruit" stand for help and the answer I got was that this was a known issue for some devices.  Starting to notice a trend?!  I was told to turn off the Data option a couple times throughout the day to fix the issue which I didn't really understand but I complied anyway.  Finally hit my breaking point when the dropped calls starting happening.  Not one or two but every other and everywhere.  AT&T worked ok on my Curve but service on the IPhone was horrific.  Who knows; maybe I just got served 2 lemons but decided to ditch the IPhone and the network for Verizon.  My time is important to me and so is having good service.  Sold the phone and made enough to help ease the pain of terminating my contract.  Well worth it.  The Curve on Verizon has been solid.

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Terrible device! Better step it up apple!

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I have to say that this device was a complete waste of time, there is nothing great about the iphone.  First off, I'm a blackberry user, so i figured i'd test the iphone against it, and i must say, a BIG disappointment...The iphone freezes when you try to multitask too quickly, not to mention the battery doesnt even last an entire day and i do my personal and business tasks on it, i dont have have time to recharge the phone 2x a day.  The apps are cool, ill give them that, but i absoluetly dont need an app for everything!!! but i have to give apple props for the touch screen, which is amazingly accurate, but when you have to type emails, txts, and search the internet, i like the tactile feel of actual keys because lets be honest, some of us have a knack to txt while driving, and ive had my bb for so long, i dont have to look at the keys anymore, but before you make your decision to buy this device, find a friend who has it, and literally spend a few hours with it doing everything you would normally do, trust me it'll save you time AND money

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great phone, have had mine for 6 months. no problems at all, with the iphone software update this summer it'll be even better!

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disappointed. replaced it with samung impression!

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I used to have an I Phone and I was disoppointed. I didnt do my homework before buying and was sad when i found out no MMS or no bluetooth suppport. The samsung impression is way better. Texting will be much easier on the impression and a lot of these ppl on here who said texting is harder with i phone i agree it is. You can use the full keyboard to text on the impression or you can use the touch screen keyboard your choice. Thats another thing I like i about it. You can do MMS, and bluetooth just perfect on the impression. I would go strongly with the samsung Impression its the best one and the screen and display is awesome too. Also has 3D sound.

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In Response to T-mobile person.

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You have a T-mobile service on your iphone, doesn't mean that you will still get great quality like that of AT&T customers. It doesn't work like that. You are still using T-mobile towers and service, with just a phone.. The iphone, is just a phone made by Apple, and provided through At&t, and has nothing to do with fewer dropped calls, or better reception. You are never ever going to get good service unless you actually have AT&T, because you will then be working off At&t service. For example, you can by a blackberry curve from several different providers, and have them unlocked, and use them with a different provider. But doesn't mean using them through a different provider, will help, you are still using your same old provider. But anyways, I have an Iphone, and will never go to any other phone. I am actually on my second Iphone, because I broke my screen on the first one. Other than that, It's like having a computer in the palm of your hand.

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Using Iphone 3g w/ T-Mobile

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Okay, so I've been using my Iphone 3g on T-mobile for about the past 6 months now.  I have been a loyal T-mobile customer for close to 8 years and have been through atleast 8-10 phones with them in that time period.  After hearing about how many AT&T customers were unhappy with the call reception w/ their Iphone, I thought, great, I can have the best of both worlds with my T-mobile svc. hooked up to my Iphone- Well, over the past 8 years, I had NO problems with dropped calls w/ T-mobile until I got the Iphone, which leads me to believe that the actual radios Apple uses in the phone to draw signals is weaker than the majority of other phones on the market.  I drop many more calls with the Iphone which is a shame, because the actual device itself it great, and fun to use, for me anyways.  I just wish it pulled stonger signals more consistently.  So do I like the device itself enough to keep it until a newer Iphone comes out w/ hopefully a stronger radio? Yes, but I am definitely keeping my eye on the Palm Pre to see how that's going to compete.  Hope this was helpful.

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Love it

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I love the Iphone the screen it amazing. I really enjoy the games and the texting the way it comes up lik msn is really cool. I has been quite tough i have droped it a few time and been a trampoline with it and it still works fine. The one down fall is you have to apple soft ware which can be slow and you cant just plug it in copy and paste and go you have to wait.But the Iphone 3G is a great phone and is slated for minor things. The battery life is good just charge it write over charging dose destroy the life of all batterys. There is to be a new iphone only it will be 32Gb so look forward to that.The iphone dose come in t mobile but its german so. O2 is good the suprise are wicked.

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Iphone... my nightmare.

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I purchased an iphone at the rogers store in the mall that i am closest to.  Everything was set, i had signed lal the papers, and then i was the owner of a iphone. You would think 'cool' right? well it wasnt.  When I got home and turned the phone on i was amazed, the screen, the texting, but then i actually tried to call someone. It's called a iPHONE right, well i tried to call someone and my phone would not hang up.  there was a glitch in it that would not let me hang up and when i put the phone to my ear the screen wouldnt turn off (you know how it does this so that way your face doesnt hit the buttons), so i ened up hanging up on people when i didnt want to.  When I brought it back to the Rogers store to get a new one, they said that they would not give me a phone. I was really mad, because apparently there is a thing in the contract (which they NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT) that says that if you use the phone for over 30 hours, you cannot get a refund.  And since i could not hang up my phone, some of my calls went on for about 20 minutes! I started calling people and at one point it was just a big word battle. I ended up getting a new one, sheesh, my parents have been costomers with rogers for 10 years!! the phone is ok, but trying to type on that thing is a nightmare, and even the new one freezes on me.

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Great phone

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I love this phone.  It has everything that you would need in a basic smartphone.
Set up was easy and fast.  I had an AT&T 8525 before this and it took a little to get it to synch properly.
There are some things that are missing, but I can see the reasoning now as more and more of my coworkers and friends upgrade to better phones.
MMS - older, dying technology that is being phased out slowly.  Email is the way to go with this.
Camera - 2MP is just not good enough anymore and zoom is also missed.  Also I'd like to be able to shoot video.
I've since jailbroke my phone and now can do video recording so that is covered.

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Phone owned for

Dont really like the phone at all. I think it was a huge waste of money plus At&t service is garbage. The phones size might be the best thing. The battery is always dying and when it freezes i have to deal with it because i cant take out the battery. The texting is hard and how can this phone do everything except MMS?? They should have cut back on all the apps and put MMS on this. I think if the phone was on verizon it would be 10x better!! Good try Apple just stick to Computers :)

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iPhone 3G

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Bought my iPhone 3G about 5 months ago.
Last month, i sent it back to apple because the screen failed. They wouldn't fix it because apparently, it has a dent on it. After recieving it back from America (i'm in Australia), i found a 2mm sized dent on the back plastic which wasn't there when i sent it away.
Forgetting for the fact what can happen in the mail, please explain to me how in the hell a 2mm sized dent can possibly damage the screen? the dent would have been bigger if it had been dropped.
Now, aside from the fact that Apples warranty is complete rubbish, the iPhone itself is EXTREMELY useless.
After a few months, you will realise the iPhone IS NOT A PHONE. It is a mobile palm pocket with a useless phone function slapped on for good measure.
The texting is crap, the menus are crap and the reception is CRAP.
If you want a palm pocket that you can use for BASIC phone and text functions, buy an iPhone.
Because - in all seriousness - the Motorola V3X I'm using at the moment (1/6th the price of iphone, years old) is a better PHONE than the $1200 iPhone 3G.

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iphone is the best

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i bought a 16 gig whit iphone yesterday and i am nothing but impressed with it...even if it lacks the feature of video recording and mms but they have apps for those so theres nothing to worry about...there are even apps for video confrenceing so who cares lol...the iphone overall is the best phone i work for at&t customer service so i take calls all day and listen to people complain about there phones and everybody i talk to LOVES there iphone ( with the occasional call of somebody dropping it and not having insurance because you cant with the iphone thats the only downfall) the apps the iphone have make life so much easier and let me have my email myspace facebook chats aim everything togther its sooo convinent considering im balancing work and school i never have time for the computer...its amazing i wou7ld recomend this to anyone also apple has a 1 yr extended warranty

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best phone ever had

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great phone just is missing simple features like copy paste and a simple landscape sms keyboard

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One of the best...

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The 3G iPhone is undenaibly one of the best phones out on the market. And for a number of reasons
1. Visual Voicemail -- I hate having to listen through my voicemail. Seeing it in a list is amazing. Very, very few phones have this one. Apple and RIM, as far as I'm aware, are the only ones to offer it. However where I am, its only Apple.
2. The App Store -- The App Store allows you to customize your iPhone with over 10,000 applications avaliable. Written to use dedicated APIs in the OS X software, these apps appear as if they BELONG on the phone. No other phone has this level of integration, or at least not for this amount of applications. (This barrs apps that are poorly written--because those do exist).
3. Largest Touch Screen Avaliable -- The iPhone has a 3.5" 480 x 320 24-bit display. While there are other phones with 24-bit (16.7 million color) displays, and some even have better white balance, the iPhone has the largest (again as far as I'm aware--and I've done quite a bit of research) and very, very clear display. It also features Apple's patended multi-touch, which handles gestures like no other.
4. SMS Capacity -- I know this is stretching it a bit, but I'm just a person that likes to keep EVERY single txt ever sent. I like to know what I talked about with that person. The iPhone has bascially an unlimited capacity for txts. I think its something like 100,000. Compare that with other phone capacities of 50-250, or the occasional 500. (There are phones with 1000+, but nowhere near 100,000)
5. Design -- No one can deny that Apple has a very good design team. All of their hardware designs are integrated and look beautiful. The iPhone design has its faults, like the curved back not allowing it to sit still even on a flat surface, however, the phone still looks spectacular.
6. Safari -- Almost everyone agrees that mobileSafari is the best web browser avaliable for mobile devices. This is greatly assisted by the presence of multi-touch. However, the browser does work very, very well. And it is relatively stable, however it can crash on some more data-intensive pages.
However, the iPhone does have its faults. The camera is dreadful. Not only is it just 2 megapixels, but it has absolutely no settings. Clearly Apple chose to over-simplify it in order to incorporate it into their design scheme, but this is one thing I would like to have improved in my phone. I mean, come on, the LG Vu has plenty of settings for its 2MP camera, not to mention autofocus and flash. Video recording would also be nice.
Lack of MMS is a pain, however you can send them. All you need to know is the carrier that the recipient is on, then you can send an email-to-mms. However, this adds a step to the process, and that is always very annoying.
Overall, it isn't the best (no phone is), but its one of the top couple of phones out there. I'm just waiting for the next generation.

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Great phone!

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I was on the fence about getting an iPhone 3G. My main concerns were the virtual keyboard and battery life. I've been using my phone for a while now, and I love it! Not only does this phone do everything you could possibly want it to do, but it has no limits! The App Store is one of the best features. Tons of games and apps for free, and tons more that you can pay for. The software sets the standard for mobile UI. Simple and easy to navigate with. Safari is by far the best browser on a phone, period. It renders pages perfectly, and has smooth scrolling, and the multi-touch makes the zoom feature great! Call quality is excellent, along with reception. AT&T has the fastest 3G network, and it shows. I have not had a problem loading pages on 3G. It's more than twice as fast as EDGE.

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iPhone = iFun, iCool, iAnnoying

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I have had the iPhone 3G for about 6 months now. I left Verizon, "my" phone service provider for years in order to get it. I must say, this phone is extremely user friendly, and a joy to play around with. It's endless library of applications make this phone everything from a personal restaurant finder, to a doodle pad. This phone, as we all know, is revolutionary; and although there are so many "competitors" no phone has come even somewhat close to the iPhones brilliant design, and ease of use. It is a complete iPod, and a crazy good mobile internet device. Although the iPhone is a decent PHONE, and somewhat good (yet lacking) messaging system, there are a few issues with it that, if Apple doesn't address with a software update(s), will be replaced with a Blackberry before my two year contract is up. 
Here is what it needs:
1.) Landscape keyboard for text messaging
2.) More personalism (example: replacing the boring and ugly black background screen with an image)
3.) Video Camera- a $19 dollar pay as you go phone most likely has this feature. I can play on a full-fledged piano on my iPhone, yet I can't capture video? What's up with that?!
4.) Copy and Paste- the name says it all.
5.) Camera Enhancing- a flash option would be great, but can't be added through a software update. Instead, lets see some zoom options, image stabling, and color options.
Thats it. Five simple fixes that Apple must be aware of, its just a matter of time before we see them implemented in the phone. Overall, this phone is good, but not great. It is fun to play with while waiting in an airport, sitting at the desk, but it not a phone I see myself using for years. I need a keyboard, and I need basic phone feature to really call this phone AMAZING. Sure its amazing in some areas of technological advancement, but it just seems to be flawed, in areas that are very easy to fix. 
Recommended for short-term use. 

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Great phone over all

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I just got an my Iphone 3g for christmas and I love it! It looks great and fits all my needs, I'm 13 so i don't know if its that great for bussiness people though. An amazing music player, has great app store, and a user friendly interface. There are only like 3 down falls they are no mms, bad camera, and awful battery life. But other wise I love it! 

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FCC OKs Cingular\'s purchase of AT&T Wireless